A command line interface for communicating with FinTS servers.
- Load list of accounts.
- Load list of transactions in specified range.
List the accounts available for the specified user.
fints list-accounts --url <url> --name <name> --pin <pin> --blz <blz> [...options]
-u, --url <url> - Endpoint URL.
-n, --name <name> - Username used for connecting.
-p, --pin <pin> - Pin used for connecting.
-b, --blz <blz> - BLZ of the bank to connect to.
-d, --debug
-v, --verbose
-j, --json
fint-cli list-accounts --url https://example.com/fints -n username -p 12345 -b 12345678
Fetch the statements for a specified account.
fints fetch-transactions --url <url> --name <name> --pin <pin> --blz <blz> --iban <iban> [...options]
-u, --url <url> - Endpoint URL.
-n, --name <name> - Username used for connecting.
-p, --pin <pin> - Pin used for connecting.
-b, --blz <blz> - BLZ of the bank to connect to.
-d, --debug
-v, --verbose
-j, --json
-i, --iban <iban> - IBAN of the account to fetch.
-s, --start <start> - Date of earliest transaction to fetch.
-e, --end <end> - Date of latest transaction to fetch.
./fints-cli fetch-transactions --url http://example.com/fints -n username -p 12345 -b 12345678 -i DE111234567800000001 -s 2018-01-01 -e 2018-10-01