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File metadata and controls

91 lines (71 loc) · 2.61 KB


Bring laravel package view loading to inertia


Laravel comes with a view loading mechanism for packages, which looks into multiple places. This becomes handy when you develop packages where you can define which views are publishable. That gives the consumer an easy way to customize views for a package. Because InertiaJS uses JS as a rendering engine the laravel build in functionality didnt work.


We want to build the same mechanism laravel provide for views:

when we load public.welcome, we look for resources/views/public/welcome.inertia.vue when we load courier::public.welcome, we look in two different places:

  • resources/views/vendor/courier/public/welcome.inertia.vue
  • vendor/organization/package/resource/views/public/welcome.inertia.vue

When we want to ship our own components, we register a package @courier for example:

Given we have a Layout Component:

  • vendor/organization/package/resource/js/Layout.vue

we will reference this in our vue files as follows:

import { Layout } from '@courier`;

When we make this components publishable, we copy this files into:

  • resources/js/vendor/courier/Layout.vue

and use webpack to make an alias to overwrite the package.


We have to introduce a place to gather information to map the composer package name to itsalias, for example courier. The alias is used to publish files to the application, example from the laravel docs:

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()
    $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/path/to/views', 'courier');

        __DIR__.'/path/to/views' => resource_path('views/vendor/courier'),

Laravel uses the extra field in the composer.json file for auto discovery. We make use of the same pattern an introduce the extra field to the package.json file, for example:

"extra": {
    "inertia": {
      "namespace": "courier",
      "vendor": "organization/package"

To archieve the component loading, we rely on yarn workspaces ( and interpret our app as an monorepository.

    "private": true,
    "workspaces": [


To install the laravel-mix-extension, run:

yarn add --save

Add the following to the webpack.mix.js:



Package Development