Glyph uses Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to understand commit messages. This knowledge can be used for classifying commits into categories such as Bug-fixes, Feature additions, Improvements etc.
- Using Glyph with Kebechet, smart CHANGELOG entries out of commit messages can be generated.
- Glyph can also be used as a standlone library for analyzing commits from a locally stored repository (see usage below)
git clone # or use https
cd glyph
pipenv install --dev
PYTHONPATH=. pipenv run ./thoth-glyph --help
This project is available on PyPI, to install it:
pip install thoth-glyph
Commit Classification: Singular commits can be classified using the following command:
thoth-glyph classify -m "COMMIT MESSAGE TO BE ANALYZED"
Classifying Multiple Commits: Mulitple commit can be classified together using the classify-repo command. By default, this action classifies all the commits in the repository. Optionally, a date-range (YYYY-MM-DD) can be provided:
thoth-glyph classify-repo --path /path/to/git/repo --start 2020-05-01 --end 2020-05-10
Classifying Using Tags: Commits can also be picked using git tags. The following command will pick commits between the tags v3.7.1 and v3.7.2
thoth-glyph classify-repo-by-tag --path /path/to/git/repo --start_tag v3.7.1 --end_tag v3.7.2
$ thoth-glyph classify -m "Fixed server bug that impacted performance"
2020-08-12 19:45:47,798 4594 WARNING thoth.common:346: Logging to a Sentry instance is turned off
2020-08-12 19:45:47,799 4594 INFO thoth.common:368: Logging to rsyslog endpoint is turned off
2020-08-12 19:45:47,799 4594 INFO glyph:68: Version: 0.0.0
2020-08-12 19:45:47,800 4594 INFO glyph:83: Classifying commit
2020-08-12 19:45:47,800 4594 INFO thoth.glyph.models:33: Model Path : /home/tussharm/.local/lib/python3.6/site- packages/thoth/glyph/data/model_commits_v2_quant.bin
Label : corrective
$ thoth-glyph classify-repo --path /home/tussharm/fork/glyph/ --start 2020-08-08 --end 2020-08-12
2020-08-12 19:51:26,743 4873 WARNING thoth.common:346: Logging to a Sentry instance is turned off
2020-08-12 19:51:26,743 4873 INFO thoth.common:368: Logging to rsyslog endpoint is turned off
2020-08-12 19:51:26,744 4873 INFO glyph:68: Version: 0.0.0
2020-08-12 19:51:26,744 4873 INFO glyph:100: Classifying commits in the given date-range
2020-08-12 19:51:26,749 4873 INFO thoth.glyph.models:44: Model Path : /home/tussharm/.local/lib/python3.6/site-p packages/thoth/glyph/data/model_commits_v2_quant.bin
2020-08-12 19:51:26,768 4873 INFO thoth.glyph.models:52: 6 commits classified
message labels_predicted
0 readme updated #27 perfective
1 merge pull request #1 from tushar7sharma/commi... nonfunctional
2 merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'... features
3 grouping user-defined commit phrases (#28)* co... features
4 commits can be collected inside user-defined g... features
5 merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'... features
Kebechet can use Glyph by reading the project's configuration from .thoth.yaml file. Glyph's supported formatters and ML classifers can be specified in this configuration file.
Currently Glyph ships with a model trained using Facebook's fasttext library over a dataset of ~5000 commits collected from multiple large-scale open source projects (see referred publications for more details). The library can be easily extended to accomodate more models. Developers are welcome to contribute and improve the classification accuracy.