A simple lean & clean generic repository pattern for .NET abstraction layer Entity Framework Core.
Originally inspired by writing my blog post Generic Repository Pattern for .NET, however the project has moved on to develop a reusable unit of work package with dependency injection functionality.
If you have found this project helpful, either as a library that you use or as a learning tool, please consider buying the team a coffee:
The simplest method to install Threenine.Data into your solution/project is to use NuGet:
nuget Install-Package Threenine.Data
Or via the .NET CLI
dotnet add package Threenine.Data
Check out Nuget package page for more details.
If you want to raise a bug or request a feature, please do so via a Github issue and we will attempt to address it as soon as resources are available to do so.
All the documentation of how to use and implement the Threenine.Data : Generic Unit of Work and Repository is available on Read the Docs
The source code for the project is free to use.
Although this product is free to use and the source code is provided free of charge to learn from, the product itself does not come with free support or warranties of any kind.
If you would like an issue fixed or a feature implemented, then you have two options:
Clone the repository, create an issue completing all the details defined in Issue Template. Implement the code, then submit a Pull Request.