This project is about solving the Lego Rovers challenge designing a better Graphical User Interface.
Nosso objetivo inicial foi criar alguns conceitos para serem utilizado na interface atual.
Os problemas que foram demontrados no site.
1 Allowing rules to be chained together (basic inference),
2 Allowing more than one rule to be active at once (illustrating potential side effects of combinations of rules),
3 Allowing rules to be modified by the child in some way,
4 Allowing the meanings of terms in the rules (e.g., what does “detect an obstacle” mean in terms of sensor input) to be changed by the child,
5 More extensive use of sensors (in the existing demonstrator each robot only has one sensor),
6 Goal-based planning (e.g., explore an area, locate an item)
Acreditamos que atendemos todos estes requisitos na proposição da interface que estamos sugerindo.