persisting stock info on localstorage
persisting stock info on localstorage
finished implementing chart js
finished implementing chart js
Finshed basic structure for detail page
Finshed basic structure for detail page
Finshed basic structure for detail page
Finshed basic structure for detail page
Finished implmenting contextAPI and search fixes
Finished implmenting contextAPI and search fixes
Finished implmenting contextAPI and search fixes
Finished implmenting contextAPI and search fixes
finished dropdown fetch for stocks
finished dropdown fetch for stocks
Added autocomplete api search
Added autocomplete api search
added color validation on stock change
added color validation on stock change
added color validation on stock change
added color validation on stock change
added table with stock state
added table with stock state
extracted data and symbol from api call
extracted data and symbol from api call
Added the axios to fetch quotes
Added the axios to fetch quotes
Initial structure and axios setup
Initial structure and axios setup