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Arithmetic Expressions Parser - PoC

A hand-written recursive-descent parser that parses simple arithmetic expressions which are usually used by scientific calculator. This is a PoC(proof of concept) codebase. Not ready for production usage.

Build AEP


Before starting to build the code base, it's required to make sure your dev-environment has vcpkg installed and below listed package(s) is(are) ready as well.

Note the default triplet that make.ps1 is using is x64-windows.

  • gtest

Steps to build source code

  1. Clone this repository into a local directory. Let's say it's C:\users\happy\aep.
  2. cd to the local directory. In this example: C: && cd C:\users\happy\aep.
  3. Run make.ps1to generate a build folder for development works.
    1. Note that the first run requires a path to vcpkg's root folder. For example: make.ps1 -VcpkgRoot='C:\users\happy\vcpkg'
  4. cd to the build folder. In this example: cd .\build.
  5. Run cmake --build . -j8 to build the source code into native binaries.
  6. Run ctest . -j16 to test the code base.

AEP Expression Specification

AEP Expression is a context-free language (CFL).


Operator Type Description
+ Prefix-unary Plus sign, which leaves its operand unchanged (+x means the same as x)
- Prefix-unary Minus sign, in contrast with Plus-sign, which changes the operand to negative number if it's positive, and vice versa.
% Postfix-unary Percent sign, which changes operand x into (x/100)100%
! Postfix-unary Factorial sign. n! = n • (n-1) • (n-2) ... 3 • 2 • 1
( ) Unary Parenthesis signs, which declares its inner expression to be evaluated with a higher precedence. ( expression )
+ Binary Addition sign. term + term = sum
- Binary Subtraction sign. term - term = difference
* Binary Multiplication sign. factor * factor = product
/ Binary Division sign. dividend / divisor = quotient
^ Binary Exponentiation sign. base ^ exponent = power
mod Binary Modulo sign. dividend mod divisor = modulus (remainder)

Operator precedence

Precedence Operators Associativity Description
1 ( ) Left-to-right
2 + (unary), - (unary) Left-to-right
3 ^ Left-to-right
4 !, % Left-to-right
5 *, / Left-to-right
6 + (binary), - (binary) Left-to-right

AEP Grammar (in BNF)

<expression> ::= <addition>
               | <subtraction>
               | <term>
<addition> ::= <term> "+" <term> <continued_addition_or_subtraction>

<subtraction> ::= <term> "-" <term> <continued_addition_or_subtraction>

<continued_addition_or_subtraction> ::=
      "+" <term> <continued_addition_or_subtraction>
    | "-" <term> <continued_addition_or_subtraction>
    | <empty>
<term> ::= <multiplication>
         | <division>
         | <factor>
<multiplication> ::= <factor> "*" <factor> <continued_multiplication_or_division>
                   | <multiplication_sign_omitted>
multiplication_sign_omitted ::=
      <factor> <parenthesized> <continued_multiplication_or_division>
   	| <factor> <function> <continued_multiplication_or_division>

<division> ::= <dividend> "/" <divisor> <continued_multiplication_or_division>

<continued_multiplication_or_division> ::=
	  "*" <factor> <continued_multiplication_or_division>
	| "/" <divisor> <continued_multiplication_or_division>
	| <continued_multiplication_sign_omitted>
	| <empty>
<continued_multiplication_sign_omitted> ::=
	| <parenthesized> <continued_multiplication_or_division>
	| <function> <continued_multiplication_or_division>
<dividend> ::= <factor>

<divisor> ::= <factor>

<factor> ::= <postfix_unary_expression>
		   | <exponentiation>
           | <atom>
<postfix_unary_expression> ::= <exponentiation> <postfix_unary_operator>
                             | <atom> <postfix_unary_operator>
<exponentiation> ::= <atom> "^" <atom> <continued_exponentiation>

<continued_exponentiation> ::= "^" <atom>
                             | <empty>

<postfix_unary_operator> ::= "!"
                           | "%"
<atom> ::= <parenthesized>
         | <prefix_unary_expression>
         | <function>
         | <number>
<parenthesized> ::= "(" expression ")"

<prefix_unary_expression> ::= "+" <atom>
                            | "-" <atom>
<function> ::= <Identifier> "(" <parameter_list> ")"

<parameter_list> ::= <expression> <continued_parameter_list>
			       | <empty>
<continued_parameter_list> ::= "," <expression> <continued_parameter_list>
                             | <empty>

Codebase paths

  1. Primary Codebase: ./aep

  2. Unit Tests and Integration Tests: ./tests

  3. Demo console application: ./console

  4. Experimental tests and feature explorations: /experimental