Sunshine is an Android app for the Udacity course Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals.
- Android Studio, Gradle, and debugging tools
- User Interface and Layout managers
- ListViews and Adapters
- Threading and ASyncTask
- HTTP requests on web APIs
- Android Permission System
- App navigation with Explicit Intents
- Implicit Intents to incorporate 3rd-party apps
- Share Intent and the Android sharing framework
- Broadcast Intents and Broadcast Receivers
- Activity lifecycle and background activity termination
- SQLite databases and JUnit tests
- Creating and using a Content Provider as an abstraction layer
- Using Loaders to asynchronously load data
- Creating Adapters to bind UI components to Content Providers
- Fundamental Android design principles
- Supporting localization and variable screen sizes
- Optimizing tablet UIs using Fragments
- Accessibility Features
- Custom views
- Background services and alarms to schedule background tasks
- Efficient background data transfers with SyncAdapters
- Rich notifications to interact with users