This microservice needs library assets and configuration file. Please see README for this information.
yarn install # Install dependencies for the microservice
yarn syntax # Analyze code for errors and style issues
yarn format #format .ts[x] and .js[x] files with prettier
yarn graph # Generate dependency graphs in the code
yarn build # Compile ES6 to ES5 and copy JS files to build/ directory
yarn test:unit # Run unit tests
yarn test:int # Run integration tests
yarn test:e2e # Run end-to-end tests
yarn test:http # Run tests for HTTP file service provided by cloudcmd
yarn test:all # Run all tests except http tests
yarn start -h # List of all the CLI commands
yarn start # Start the application
yarn start:pm2 # Start the application with process manager 2
yarn stop:pm2 # Stop the application managed by process manager 2
yarn clean # Deletes "build", "coverage", "dist" and other temp files
NOTE: The integration, end-to-end and http tests require a valid
file. Here is a sample file.
LOCAL_PATH ='/Users/<Username>/DTaaS/files'
The Github actions workflow of lib microservice publishes the libms into packages.
Use the instructions in publish npm package for help with publishing libms npm package in local computer.
Application of the advice given on that page for libms will require running the following commands.
yarn install
yarn build #the dist/ directory is needed for publishing step
yarn publish --no-git-tag-version #increments version and publishes to registry
yarn publish #increments version, publishes to registry and adds a git tag
npm unpublish --registry http://localhost:4873/ @into-cps-association/libms@0.2.0
The URL endpoint for this microservice is located at: localhost:PORT/lib
The API page shows sample queries and responses.