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+# Ember's `This Fallback` Behavior
+Prior to Ember 4.0, Ember's template syntax included a feature called "This Fallback."
+This meant that Ember would interpret a bare variable name like `hello` as `this.hello` under certain circumstances.
+ - this fallback
+ - The feature described in this document, which causes Ember to interpret
as this.variableName
under certain circumstances. This feature was removed in Ember 4.0.
+ - variable reference
+ - A valid Handlebars variable name (such as
, varName
, or hello-world
+ - local variable reference
+ -
+ A variable reference that refers to a Handlebars local variable binding (created using
as |varName|
+ this
+ - A variable reference that refers to the current
context of the template.
+ - Named Argument Reference ("at-name")
+ - A variable reference that refers to a named argument using
+ - Ambiguous variable reference
+ - A variable reference that is not a local variable reference, a
reference, or a named argument reference.
+ - Property Path
+ -
+ A dot-separated path that begins with a variable reference.
+ This variable reference segment is a candidate for this fallback behavior under the circumstances described in this document.
+> **Only** _ambiguous variable references_ are candidates for _this fallback_ behavior.
+> This excludes:
+> 1. _local variable reference_
+> 2. _this reference_
+> 3. _named argument reference_
+## Lexical Scope Intuition
+The lexical scope of a _classic_ Handlebars template has:
+1. Local variables, bound with `as |var-name|` and referenced via path expressions (`var-name` or `var-name.property...`). These variables are in the `local` namespace.
+2. Global variable references, in one of the following namespaces:
+ 1. `html`
+ 2. `component`
+ 3. `helper`
+ 4. `modifier`
+ 5. `value`
+ 6. `ambiguous::content`
+ 7. `ambiguous::attr-value`
+ 8. `keyword` (such as `yield`, `if`, etc.)
+> The namespaces are determined **by the parser** and are purely syntactic. For the most part, they map onto straight-forward user intuitions about what the syntax means. The `ambiguous` namespaces are an exception: they are ambiguous from a human understanding perspective, and _this fallback_ behjavior makes them worse.
+> Global variables in the _value_ namespaces have _this fallback_ behavior (in Ember 3.28), as do global variables in the _ambiguous_ namespaces.
+> **No other namespaces have _this fallback_ behavior.**
+Global variable references in the `value` and `ambiguous` namespaces have _this fallback_ behavior in Ember 3.28, **but it was removed in Ember 4.0**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> _Variable references_ with _this fallback_ behavior are annotated with `^^^`.
+{{! ^^^^^^^^}}
+{{#let (hash component=@some.component value=12) as |t|}}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^}}
+ {{yield}}
+ {{very-ambiguous}}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}}
+{{#let (fields-for @model) as |f|}}
+ {{!-- since f _is_ in scope, f is a normal local variable and
+ there is no _this fallback_ behavior --}}
+{{! since some is not in local scope, this is a ❗️syntax error❗️}}
+These examples are equivalent to this template, with namespaces made explicit (and prefixed with `%`):
+> [!NOTE]
+> These resolution rules exist in the parser, in largely this form. The elaborated **syntax** was created for this explanation and doesn't exist elsewhere (yet?).
+> In this example, _variable references_ with _this fallback_ behavior are annotated with `^^^` and their associated namespace is annotated with `~~~`.
+<%component@SomeComponent @arg={%value@some-var} />
+{{%keyword@let (%keyword@hash component=@some.component value=12) as |%local@t|}}
+ <%local@t.component
+ @arg1={{%value@some-var}}
+ {{! ~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^ some-var has _this fallback_ behavior}}
+ @arg2={{(%helper@some-helper %local@t.value %value@some-value)}}
+ {{!-- ~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^
+ some-value has _this fallback_ behavior
+ --}}
+ />
+ {{%keyword@yield}}
+ {{%ambiguous::content@very-ambiguous}}
+{{!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ very-ambiguous has _this fallback_ behavior, but only if very-ambiguous does
+ not resolve to a component or helper
+{{#%keyword@let (%helper@fields-for @model) as |%local:f|}}
+ <%local:f.input @field="user" />
+## High-Level Intuition
+The basic intuition of _this fallback_ behavior is:
+> When a piece of syntax that could be a _path expression_ is used _as a value_, and the variable at the front of the path is not in local Handlebars scope, it falls back to `this.var-name` if necessary.
+_This fallback_ behavior happens far less frequently than you might expect, and when it happens, the consequences are fairly constrained.
+This is because:
+1. It doesn't apply to unambiguous syntax like ``, `{{modifier-name}}` or `(helper-name with args)`.
+2. When it applies to [arguments](#argument-position), _this fallback_ behavior is the **only option** after ruling out local variables.
+3. When it applies to ambiguous syntax, it only applies *after* determining that there is no component or helper with that name.
+This means that it applies to only these scenarios, and only if `var-name` is not in local scope:
+1. In content position (`{{var-name}}`), if there is no component or helper named `var-name`, and only if there are zero arguments.
+2. In attribute value position (`attr={{var-name}}`), if there is no helper named `var-name`, and only if there are zero arguments.
+3. In any _argument_ position (`(some-helper this or.this or=even.this)`). But since this only applies if the _variable reference_ is not in scope, it's possible to determine, completely statically, when the rule applies. TL;DR it only applies if the variable is not in local scope, and the only possible fix is to prefix `this.`.
+## Syntax Positions
+The behavior of _this fallback_ is different depending on the syntactic position. This section describes the relevant differences.
+### Angle-Bracket Callee (``)
+| | |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------ |
+| Namespace | `component` |
+| _This fallback_ behavior | Never |
+An HTML tag name that **syntactically** meets one of these criteria is a Glimmer _Property Path_.
+1. begins with a capital letter
+2. is a path that begins with _local variable reference_
+3. is a path with at least two segments (i.e. contains a dot)
+> None of these variable references are candidates for _this fallback_ behavior.
+ ⛔️ None of these examples are candidates for this fallback behavior ⛔️
+{{! the path is `ComponentName`}}
+{{! the path is `f.input` and the variable reference is `f`}}
+{{! the path is @arg}}
+<@arg />
+{{! the path is @arg.property and the variable reference is `@arg`}}
+<@arg.property />
+{{#let @arg.property as |comp|}}
+ {{! the path is comp}}
+ {{! the path is comp.child and the variable reference is `comp`}}
+### Modifier Callee (``)
+| | |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------ |
+| Namespace | `modifier` |
+| _This fallback_ behavior | Never |
+The callee of a modifier invocation is **always** a Glimmer _Property Path_.
+> None of these variable references are candidates for _this fallback_ behavior.
+> **It doesn't matter whether the modifier has any arguments.**
+ ⛔️ None of these examples are candidates for this fallback behavior ⛔️
+{{! the path is `modifier-name`}}
+{{! the path is `name.modifier` and the variable reference is `name`}}
+{{! the path is @arg}}
+<@arg />
+{{! the path is @arg.property and the variable reference is `@arg`}}
+<@arg.property />
+{{#let @arg.property as |comp|}}
+ {{! the path is comp}}
+ {{! the path is comp.child and the variable reference is `comp`}}
+### Helper Callee
+| | |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------ |
+| Namespace | `helper` |
+| _This fallback_ behavior | Never |
+When a syntax is unambiguously a _helper invocation_, its callee is **always** a Glimmer _Property Path_.
+A syntax is unambiguously a _helper invocation_ if it meets one of the following criteria:
+1. It is the callee in a subexpression (i.e. `(helper-name)` or `(helper-name arg)`, regardless of whether the subexpression has any arguments.
+2. It is the callee in `{{curly syntax}}` **and** it has at least one positional or named argument. This includes attribute values.
+> [!TIP]
+> The intuition is: "it looks like a call expression and isn't an [ambiguous invocation][#ambiguous-invocation].
+### Ambiguous Content
+| | |
+| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Namespace | `ambiguous:content` |
+| _This fallback_ behavior | If the variable name is not a global helper or component |
+_Ambiguous content_:
+1. appears in _content position_
+2. consistents of only a single _ambiguous variable reference_ (the _ambiguous name_), and has no arguments of any kind.
+3. is not an Ember *content* keyword such as `{{yield}}`.
+If the _ambiguous name_ is `var-name`, this syntax (`{{var-name}}` in content position) could mean any of the following:
+1. Invoke a helper named `var-name`
+2. Invoke a component named `var-name`
+3. ~(_this fallback_) Look up `this.var-name`~ (removed in Ember 4.0)
+### Ambiguous Attribute Value
+| | |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------- |
+| Namespace | `ambiguous:attr` |
+| _This fallback_ behavior | If the variable name is not a global helper |
+An _ambiguous attribute value_:
+1. appears in _attribute value position_
+2. consistents of only a single _ambiguous variable reference_ (the _ambiguous name_), and has no arguments of any kind.
+3. is not an Ember *helper* keyword (such as `if`).
+If the _ambiguous name_ is `var-name`, this syntax (`attr={{var-name}}` in content position) could mean:
+1. Invoke a helper named `var-name`
+2. ~(_this fallback_) Look up `this.var-name`~ (removed in Ember 4.0)
+> [!NOTE] In Ember 4.0, this syntax is unambiguous.
+### Argument Position
+| | |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------ |
+| Namespace | `value` |
+| _This fallback_ behavior | Always |
+> [!TIP]
+> Intuitively, an _argument position_ is an argument passed to any kind of invocation.
+The _argument position_ syntax is any of these:
+1. Positional arguments in all curly syntaxes (components, helpers, modifiers, content, etc.) and subexpressions.
+2. Argument values passed as named arguments in all curly syntaxes and subexpressions.
+3. Argument values passed as named arguments via angle-bracket component invocations.
+#### 1. Positional Arguments in Curly Syntaxes and Subexpressions
+{{any-curly positional bare or.path}}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^~~~~~}}
+{{any-curly (some-helper bare or.path (also nested or.path))}}
+{{! ^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~ ~}}
+{{! examples of any-curly }}
+{{component-name positional bare or.path}}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^~~~~~}}
+{{component-name (some-helper positional bare or.path (also nested or.path))}}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^~~~~~}}
+{{! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+> [!INFO]
+> The variable reference is annotated via `^^^` and the rest of the path expression is annotated via `~~~`.
+#### 2. Named Arguments in Curly Syntaxes
+{{any-curly a=value b=or.path c=(any-helper a=nested b=or.path) }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! examples of any-curly }}
+{{component-name a=value b=or.path}}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~}}
+{{component-name (some-helper a=value b=or.path) c=(any-helper a=nested b=or.path)}}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ ^^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+#### 3. Named Arguments in Angle-Bracket Syntaxes
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
+{{! ^^^^^ ^^~~~~~ }}
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