');\n rootTarget.append(calendarTarget);\n\n calendarTarget.fullCalendar(args);\n rootTarget.addClass('show');\n\n utils.doCallback('fullCalendarInitialized', config);\n\n };\n\n // Fires when window is resized and calendar must adhere\n var decideCalendarSize = function() {\n\n var view = 'agendaWeek';\n var height = 420;\n var rootWidth = rootTarget.width();\n\n if (rootWidth < 480) {\n view = 'basicDay';\n height = 335;\n rootTarget.addClass('is-small');\n } else {\n rootTarget.removeClass('is-small');\n }\n\n if (config.bookingFields.comment.enabled) { height += 84; }\n if ( { height += 48; }\n if (config.bookingFields.voip.enabled) { height += 48; }\n if (config.bookingFields.location.enabled) { height += 48; }\n\n return {\n height: height,\n view: view\n };\n\n };\n\n // Render the supplied calendar events in FullCalendar\n var renderCalendarEvents = function(eventData) {\n\n calendarTarget.fullCalendar('addEventSource', {\n events: eventData\n });\n\n calendarTarget.removeClass('empty-calendar');\n\n };\n\n // Render the avatar image\n var renderAvatarImage = function() {\n\n var template = require('./templates/user-avatar.html');\n var avatarTarget = $(template.render({\n image: config.avatar\n }));\n\n rootTarget.addClass('has-avatar');\n rootTarget.append(avatarTarget);\n\n };\n\n // Render the avatar image\n var renderDisplayName = function() {\n\n var template = require('./templates/user-displayname.html');\n var displayNameTarget = $(template.render({\n name:\n }));\n\n rootTarget.addClass('has-displayname');\n rootTarget.append(displayNameTarget);\n\n };\n\n // Event handler when a timeslot is clicked in FullCalendar\n var showBookingPage = function(eventData) {\n\n utils.doCallback('showBookingPage', config, eventData);\n\n var fieldsTemplate = require('./templates/booking-fields.html');\n var template = require('./templates/booking-page.html');\n\n var dateFormat = config.localization.bookingDateFormat || moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LL');\n var timeFormat = config.localization.bookingTimeFormat || moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LT');\n\n bookingPageTarget = $(template.render({\n chosenDate: moment(eventData.start).format(dateFormat),\n chosenTime: moment(eventData.start).format(timeFormat) + ' - ' + moment(eventData.end).format(timeFormat),\n start: moment(eventData.start).format(),\n end: moment(eventData.end).format(),\n closeIcon: require('!svg-inline!./assets/close-icon.svg'),\n checkmarkIcon: require('!svg-inline!./assets/checkmark-icon.svg'),\n loadingIcon: require('!svg-inline!./assets/loading-spinner.svg'),\n errorIcon: require('!svg-inline!./assets/error-icon.svg'),\n submitText: config.localization.strings.submitText,\n successMessageTitle: config.localization.strings.successMessageTitle,\n successMessageBody: interpolate.sprintf(config.localization.strings.successMessageBody, ''),\n fields: config.bookingFields\n }, {\n formFields: fieldsTemplate\n }));\n\n bookingPageTarget.children('.bookingjs-bookpage-close').click(function(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n hideBookingPage();\n });\n\n var form = bookingPageTarget.children('.bookingjs-form');\n\n form.submit(function(e) {\n submitBookingForm(this, e);\n });\n\n // Show powered by Timekit message\n if (config.showCredits) {\n renderPoweredByMessage(bookingPageTarget);\n }\n\n $(document).on('keyup', function(e) {\n // escape key maps to keycode `27`\n if (e.keyCode === 27) { hideBookingPage(); }\n });\n\n rootTarget.append(bookingPageTarget);\n\n setTimeout(function(){\n bookingPageTarget.addClass('show');\n }, 100);\n\n };\n\n // Remove the booking page DOM node\n var hideBookingPage = function() {\n\n utils.doCallback('closeBookingPage', config);\n\n bookingPageTarget.removeClass('show');\n\n setTimeout(function(){\n bookingPageTarget.remove();\n }, 200);\n\n $(document).off('keyup');\n\n };\n\n // Event handler on form submit\n var submitBookingForm = function(form, e) {\n\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var formElement = $(form);\n\n // Abort if form is submitting, have submitted or does not validate\n if(formElement.hasClass('loading') || formElement.hasClass('success') || formElement.hasClass('error') || ! {\n var submitButton = formElement.find('.bookingjs-form-button');\n submitButton.addClass('button-shake');\n setTimeout(function() {\n submitButton.removeClass('button-shake');\n }, 500);\n return;\n }\n\n var values = {};\n $.each(formElement.serializeArray(), function(i, field) {\n values[] = field.value;\n });\n\n formElement.addClass('loading');\n\n utils.doCallback('submitBookingForm', config, values);\n\n // Call create event endpoint\n timekitCreateBooking(values).then(function(response){\n\n utils.doCallback('createBookingSuccessful', config, response);\n\n formElement.find('.booked-email').html(;\n formElement.removeClass('loading').addClass('success');\n\n }).catch(function(response){\n\n utils.doCallback('createBookingFailed', config, response);\n\n var submitButton = formElement.find('.bookingjs-form-button');\n submitButton.addClass('button-shake');\n setTimeout(function() {\n submitButton.removeClass('button-shake');\n }, 500);\n\n formElement.removeClass('loading').addClass('error');\n setTimeout(function() {\n formElement.removeClass('error');\n }, 2000);\n\n utils.logError('An error with Timekit createBooking occured, context: ' + response);\n });\n\n };\n\n // Create new booking\n var timekitCreateBooking = function(data) {\n\n var args = {\n event: {\n start: data.start,\n end: data.end,\n what: + ' x ' +,\n where: 'TBD',\n description: '',\n calendar_id: config.calendar,\n participants: []\n },\n customer: {\n name:,\n email:,\n timezone:\n }\n };\n\n if (config.bookingFields.location.enabled) { args.event.where = data.location; }\n if (config.bookingFields.comment.enabled) {\n args.event.description += config.bookingFields.comment.placeholder + ': ' + data.comment + '\\n';\n }\n if ( {\n =;\n args.event.description += + ': ' + + '\\n';\n }\n if (config.bookingFields.voip.enabled) {\n args.customer.voip = data.voip;\n args.event.description += config.bookingFields.voip.placeholder + ': ' + data.voip + '\\n';\n }\n\n $.extend(true, args, config.timekitCreateBooking);\n\n utils.doCallback('createBookingStarted', config, args);\n\n var requestHeaders = {\n 'Timekit-OutputTimestampFormat': 'Y-m-d ' + config.localization.emailTimeFormat + ' (P e)'\n };\n\n return timekit\n .include('attributes', 'event')\n .headers(requestHeaders)\n .createBooking(args);\n\n };\n\n // Render the powered by Timekit message\n var renderPoweredByMessage = function(pageTarget) {\n\n var campaignName = 'widget'\n var campaignSource = window.location.hostname.replace(/\\./g, '-')\n if (config.widgetSlug) { campaignName = 'hosted-widget'; }\n if (config.widgetId) { campaignName = 'embedded-widget'; }\n\n var template = require('./templates/poweredby.html');\n var timekitLogo = require('!svg-inline!./assets/timekit-logo.svg');\n var poweredTarget = $(template.render({\n timekitLogo: timekitLogo,\n campaignName: campaignName,\n campaignSource: campaignSource\n }));\n\n pageTarget.append(poweredTarget);\n\n };\n\n // Set config defaults\n var setConfigDefaults = function(suppliedConfig) {\n return $.extend(true, {}, defaultConfig.primary, suppliedConfig);\n }\n\n // Setup config\n var setConfig = function(suppliedConfig) {\n\n // Check whether a config is supplied\n if(suppliedConfig === undefined || typeof suppliedConfig !== 'object' || $.isEmptyObject(suppliedConfig)) {\n utils.logError('No configuration was supplied or found. Please supply a config object upon library initialization');\n }\n\n // Extend the default config with supplied settings\n var newConfig = setConfigDefaults(suppliedConfig);\n\n // Apply timeDateFormat presets\n var presetsConfig = {};\n if(newConfig.localization.timeDateFormat === '24h-dmy-mon') {\n presetsConfig = defaultConfig.presets.timeDateFormat24hdmymon;\n } else if(newConfig.localization.timeDateFormat === '12h-mdy-sun') {\n presetsConfig = defaultConfig.presets.timeDateFormat12hmdysun;\n }\n var finalConfig = $.extend(true, {}, presetsConfig, newConfig);\n\n // Apply bookingGraph presets\n presetsConfig = {};\n if(newConfig.bookingGraph === 'instant') {\n presetsConfig = defaultConfig.presets.bookingInstant;\n } else if(newConfig.bookingGraph === 'confirm_decline') {\n presetsConfig = defaultConfig.presets.bookingConfirmDecline;\n }\n finalConfig = $.extend(true, {}, presetsConfig, finalConfig);\n\n // Check for required settings\n if(! || !finalConfig.apiToken || !finalConfig.calendar) {\n utils.logError('A required config setting was missing (\"email\", \"apiToken\" or \"calendar\")');\n }\n\n // Set new config to instance config\n config = finalConfig;\n\n return config;\n\n };\n\n // Get library config\n var getConfig = function() {\n\n return config;\n\n };\n\n // Render method\n var render = function() {\n\n // Include library styles if enabled\n includeStyles();\n\n // Set rootTarget to the target element and clean before child nodes before continuing\n prepareDOM();\n\n // Setup Timekit SDK config\n timekitSetupConfig();\n timekitSetupUser();\n\n // Initialize FullCalendar\n initializeCalendar();\n\n // Get availability through Timekit SDK\n timekitFindTime();\n\n // Show timezone helper if enabled\n if (config.localization.showTimezoneHelper) {\n renderTimezoneHelper();\n }\n\n // Show image avatar if set\n if (config.avatar) {\n renderAvatarImage();\n }\n\n // Print out display name\n if ( {\n renderDisplayName();\n }\n\n utils.doCallback('renderCompleted', config);\n\n return this;\n\n };\n\n // Initilization method\n var init = function(suppliedConfig) {\n\n // Start from local config\n if (!suppliedConfig.widgetId && !suppliedConfig.widgetSlug) {\n return start(suppliedConfig)\n }\n\n // Load remote config\n return loadRemoteConfig(suppliedConfig)\n .then(function (response) {\n var mergedConfig = $.extend(true, {},, suppliedConfig);\n start(mergedConfig)\n })\n\n };\n\n // Load config from remote (embed or hosted)\n var loadRemoteConfig = function(suppliedConfig) {\n\n config = setConfigDefaults(suppliedConfig)\n timekitSetupConfig();\n if (suppliedConfig.widgetId) {\n return timekit\n .getEmbedWidget({ id: suppliedConfig.widgetId })\n .catch(function () {\n utils.logError('The widget could not be found, please double-check your widgetId');\n })\n }\n if (suppliedConfig.widgetSlug) {\n return timekit\n .getHostedWidget({ slug: suppliedConfig.widgetSlug })\n .catch(function () {\n utils.logError('The widget could not be found, please double-check your widgetSlug');\n })\n } else {\n utils.logError('No widget configuration, widgetSlug or widgetId found');\n }\n\n }\n\n var start = function(suppliedConfig) {\n\n // Handle config and defaults\n setConfig(suppliedConfig);\n return render();\n\n }\n\n var destroy = function() {\n\n prepareDOM();\n config = {};\n return this;\n\n };\n\n // The fullCalendar object for advanced puppeting\n var fullCalendar = function() {\n\n if (calendarTarget.fullCalendar === undefined) { return undefined; }\n return calendarTarget.fullCalendar.apply(calendarTarget, arguments);\n\n };\n\n // Expose methods\n return {\n setConfig: setConfig,\n getConfig: getConfig,\n render: render,\n init: init,\n destroy: destroy,\n fullCalendar: fullCalendar\n };\n\n}\n\n// Autoload if config is available on window, else export function\n// TODO temprorary fix for hour widget migrations\nvar globalLibraryConfig = window.timekitBookingConfig || window.hourWidgetConfig\nif (window && globalLibraryConfig && globalLibraryConfig.autoload !== false) {\n $(window).load(function(){\n var instance = new TimekitBooking();\n instance.init(globalLibraryConfig);\n module.exports = instance;\n });\n} else {\n module.exports = TimekitBooking;\n}\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./src/main.js\n ** module id = 0\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_1__;\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** external \"jQuery\"\n ** module id = 1\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","/*!\n * FullCalendar v2.7.1\n * Docs & License:\n * (c) 2016 Adam Shaw\n */\n\n(function(factory) {\n\tif (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n\t\tdefine([ 'jquery', 'moment' ], factory);\n\t}\n\telse if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS\n\t\tmodule.exports = factory(require('jquery'), require('moment'));\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tfactory(jQuery, moment);\n\t}\n})(function($, moment) {\n\n;;\n\nvar FC = $.fullCalendar = {\n\tversion: \"2.7.1\",\n\tinternalApiVersion: 3\n};\nvar fcViews = FC.views = {};\n\n\nFC.isTouch = 'ontouchstart' in document;\n\n\n$.fn.fullCalendar = function(options) {\n\tvar args =, 1); // for a possible method call\n\tvar res = this; // what this function will return (this jQuery object by default)\n\n\tthis.each(function(i, _element) { // loop each DOM element involved\n\t\tvar element = $(_element);\n\t\tvar calendar ='fullCalendar'); // get the existing calendar object (if any)\n\t\tvar singleRes; // the returned value of this single method call\n\n\t\t// a method call\n\t\tif (typeof options === 'string') {\n\t\t\tif (calendar && $.isFunction(calendar[options])) {\n\t\t\t\tsingleRes = calendar[options].apply(calendar, args);\n\t\t\t\tif (!i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tres = singleRes; // record the first method call result\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (options === 'destroy') { // for the destroy method, must remove Calendar object data\n\t\t\t\t\telement.removeData('fullCalendar');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// a new calendar initialization\n\t\telse if (!calendar) { // don't initialize twice\n\t\t\tcalendar = new Calendar(element, options);\n\t\t\'fullCalendar', calendar);\n\t\t\tcalendar.render();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t\n\treturn res;\n};\n\n\nvar complexOptions = [ // names of options that are objects whose properties should be combined\n\t'header',\n\t'buttonText',\n\t'buttonIcons',\n\t'themeButtonIcons'\n];\n\n\n// Merges an array of option objects into a single object\nfunction mergeOptions(optionObjs) {\n\treturn mergeProps(optionObjs, complexOptions);\n}\n\n\n// Given options specified for the calendar's constructor, massages any legacy options into a non-legacy form.\n// Converts View-Option-Hashes into the View-Specific-Options format.\nfunction massageOverrides(input) {\n\tvar overrides = { views: input.views || {} }; // the output. ensure a `views` hash\n\tvar subObj;\n\n\t// iterate through all option override properties (except `views`)\n\t$.each(input, function(name, val) {\n\t\tif (name != 'views') {\n\n\t\t\t// could the value be a legacy View-Option-Hash?\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t$.isPlainObject(val) &&\n\t\t\t\t!/(time|duration|interval)$/i.test(name) && // exclude duration options. might be given as objects\n\t\t\t\t$.inArray(name, complexOptions) == -1 // complex options aren't allowed to be View-Option-Hashes\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\tsubObj = null;\n\n\t\t\t\t// iterate through the properties of this possible View-Option-Hash value\n\t\t\t\t$.each(val, function(subName, subVal) {\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// is the property targeting a view?\n\t\t\t\t\tif (/^(month|week|day|default|basic(Week|Day)?|agenda(Week|Day)?)$/.test(subName)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!overrides.views[subName]) { // ensure the view-target entry exists\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverrides.views[subName] = {};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\toverrides.views[subName][name] = subVal; // record the value in the `views` object\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse { // a non-View-Option-Hash property\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!subObj) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubObj = {};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsubObj[subName] = subVal; // accumulate these unrelated values for later\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\tif (subObj) { // non-View-Option-Hash properties? transfer them as-is\n\t\t\t\t\toverrides[name] = subObj;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\toverrides[name] = val; // transfer normal options as-is\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\treturn overrides;\n}\n\n;;\n\n// exports\nFC.intersectRanges = intersectRanges;\nFC.applyAll = applyAll;\nFC.debounce = debounce;\nFC.isInt = isInt;\nFC.htmlEscape = htmlEscape;\nFC.cssToStr = cssToStr;\nFC.proxy = proxy;\nFC.capitaliseFirstLetter = capitaliseFirstLetter;\n\n\n/* FullCalendar-specific DOM Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n// Given the scrollbar widths of some other container, create borders/margins on rowEls in order to match the left\n// and right space that was offset by the scrollbars. A 1-pixel border first, then margin beyond that.\nfunction compensateScroll(rowEls, scrollbarWidths) {\n\tif (scrollbarWidths.left) {\n\t\trowEls.css({\n\t\t\t'border-left-width': 1,\n\t\t\t'margin-left': scrollbarWidths.left - 1\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\tif (scrollbarWidths.right) {\n\t\trowEls.css({\n\t\t\t'border-right-width': 1,\n\t\t\t'margin-right': scrollbarWidths.right - 1\n\t\t});\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// Undoes compensateScroll and restores all borders/margins\nfunction uncompensateScroll(rowEls) {\n\trowEls.css({\n\t\t'margin-left': '',\n\t\t'margin-right': '',\n\t\t'border-left-width': '',\n\t\t'border-right-width': ''\n\t});\n}\n\n\n// Make the mouse cursor express that an event is not allowed in the current area\nfunction disableCursor() {\n\t$('body').addClass('fc-not-allowed');\n}\n\n\n// Returns the mouse cursor to its original look\nfunction enableCursor() {\n\t$('body').removeClass('fc-not-allowed');\n}\n\n\n// Given a total available height to fill, have `els` (essentially child rows) expand to accomodate.\n// By default, all elements that are shorter than the recommended height are expanded uniformly, not considering\n// any other els that are already too tall. if `shouldRedistribute` is on, it considers these tall rows and \n// reduces the available height.\nfunction distributeHeight(els, availableHeight, shouldRedistribute) {\n\n\t// *FLOORING NOTE*: we floor in certain places because zoom can give inaccurate floating-point dimensions,\n\t// and it is better to be shorter than taller, to avoid creating unnecessary scrollbars.\n\n\tvar minOffset1 = Math.floor(availableHeight / els.length); // for non-last element\n\tvar minOffset2 = Math.floor(availableHeight - minOffset1 * (els.length - 1)); // for last element *FLOORING NOTE*\n\tvar flexEls = []; // elements that are allowed to expand. array of DOM nodes\n\tvar flexOffsets = []; // amount of vertical space it takes up\n\tvar flexHeights = []; // actual css height\n\tvar usedHeight = 0;\n\n\tundistributeHeight(els); // give all elements their natural height\n\n\t// find elements that are below the recommended height (expandable).\n\t// important to query for heights in a single first pass (to avoid reflow oscillation).\n\tels.each(function(i, el) {\n\t\tvar minOffset = i === els.length - 1 ? minOffset2 : minOffset1;\n\t\tvar naturalOffset = $(el).outerHeight(true);\n\n\t\tif (naturalOffset < minOffset) {\n\t\t\tflexEls.push(el);\n\t\t\tflexOffsets.push(naturalOffset);\n\t\t\tflexHeights.push($(el).height());\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\t// this element stretches past recommended height (non-expandable). mark the space as occupied.\n\t\t\tusedHeight += naturalOffset;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\t// readjust the recommended height to only consider the height available to non-maxed-out rows.\n\tif (shouldRedistribute) {\n\t\tavailableHeight -= usedHeight;\n\t\tminOffset1 = Math.floor(availableHeight / flexEls.length);\n\t\tminOffset2 = Math.floor(availableHeight - minOffset1 * (flexEls.length - 1)); // *FLOORING NOTE*\n\t}\n\n\t// assign heights to all expandable elements\n\t$(flexEls).each(function(i, el) {\n\t\tvar minOffset = i === flexEls.length - 1 ? minOffset2 : minOffset1;\n\t\tvar naturalOffset = flexOffsets[i];\n\t\tvar naturalHeight = flexHeights[i];\n\t\tvar newHeight = minOffset - (naturalOffset - naturalHeight); // subtract the margin/padding\n\n\t\tif (naturalOffset < minOffset) { // we check this again because redistribution might have changed things\n\t\t\t$(el).height(newHeight);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n}\n\n\n// Undoes distrubuteHeight, restoring all els to their natural height\nfunction undistributeHeight(els) {\n\tels.height('');\n}\n\n\n// Given `els`, a jQuery set of cells, find the cell with the largest natural width and set the widths of all the\n// cells to be that width.\n// PREREQUISITE: if you want a cell to take up width, it needs to have a single inner element w/ display:inline\nfunction matchCellWidths(els) {\n\tvar maxInnerWidth = 0;\n\n\tels.find('> span').each(function(i, innerEl) {\n\t\tvar innerWidth = $(innerEl).outerWidth();\n\t\tif (innerWidth > maxInnerWidth) {\n\t\t\tmaxInnerWidth = innerWidth;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\tmaxInnerWidth++; // sometimes not accurate of width the text needs to stay on one line. insurance\n\n\tels.width(maxInnerWidth);\n\n\treturn maxInnerWidth;\n}\n\n\n// Given one element that resides inside another,\n// Subtracts the height of the inner element from the outer element.\nfunction subtractInnerElHeight(outerEl, innerEl) {\n\tvar both = outerEl.add(innerEl);\n\tvar diff;\n\n\t// effin' IE8/9/10/11 sometimes returns 0 for dimensions. this weird hack was the only thing that worked\n\tboth.css({\n\t\tposition: 'relative', // cause a reflow, which will force fresh dimension recalculation\n\t\tleft: -1 // ensure reflow in case the el was already relative. negative is less likely to cause new scroll\n\t});\n\tdiff = outerEl.outerHeight() - innerEl.outerHeight(); // grab the dimensions\n\tboth.css({ position: '', left: '' }); // undo hack\n\n\treturn diff;\n}\n\n\n/* Element Geom Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nFC.getOuterRect = getOuterRect;\nFC.getClientRect = getClientRect;\nFC.getContentRect = getContentRect;\nFC.getScrollbarWidths = getScrollbarWidths;\n\n\n// borrowed from\nfunction getScrollParent(el) {\n\tvar position = el.css('position'),\n\t\tscrollParent = el.parents().filter(function() {\n\t\t\tvar parent = $(this);\n\t\t\treturn (/(auto|scroll)/).test(\n\t\t\t\tparent.css('overflow') + parent.css('overflow-y') + parent.css('overflow-x')\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}).eq(0);\n\n\treturn position === 'fixed' || !scrollParent.length ? $(el[0].ownerDocument || document) : scrollParent;\n}\n\n\n// Queries the outer bounding area of a jQuery element.\n// Returns a rectangle with absolute coordinates: left, right (exclusive), top, bottom (exclusive).\n// Origin is optional.\nfunction getOuterRect(el, origin) {\n\tvar offset = el.offset();\n\tvar left = offset.left - (origin ? origin.left : 0);\n\tvar top = - (origin ? : 0);\n\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: left,\n\t\tright: left + el.outerWidth(),\n\t\ttop: top,\n\t\tbottom: top + el.outerHeight()\n\t};\n}\n\n\n// Queries the area within the margin/border/scrollbars of a jQuery element. Does not go within the padding.\n// Returns a rectangle with absolute coordinates: left, right (exclusive), top, bottom (exclusive).\n// Origin is optional.\n// NOTE: should use clientLeft/clientTop, but very unreliable cross-browser.\nfunction getClientRect(el, origin) {\n\tvar offset = el.offset();\n\tvar scrollbarWidths = getScrollbarWidths(el);\n\tvar left = offset.left + getCssFloat(el, 'border-left-width') + scrollbarWidths.left - (origin ? origin.left : 0);\n\tvar top = + getCssFloat(el, 'border-top-width') + - (origin ? : 0);\n\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: left,\n\t\tright: left + el[0].clientWidth, // clientWidth includes padding but NOT scrollbars\n\t\ttop: top,\n\t\tbottom: top + el[0].clientHeight // clientHeight includes padding but NOT scrollbars\n\t};\n}\n\n\n// Queries the area within the margin/border/padding of a jQuery element. Assumed not to have scrollbars.\n// Returns a rectangle with absolute coordinates: left, right (exclusive), top, bottom (exclusive).\n// Origin is optional.\nfunction getContentRect(el, origin) {\n\tvar offset = el.offset(); // just outside of border, margin not included\n\tvar left = offset.left + getCssFloat(el, 'border-left-width') + getCssFloat(el, 'padding-left') -\n\t\t(origin ? origin.left : 0);\n\tvar top = + getCssFloat(el, 'border-top-width') + getCssFloat(el, 'padding-top') -\n\t\t(origin ? : 0);\n\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: left,\n\t\tright: left + el.width(),\n\t\ttop: top,\n\t\tbottom: top + el.height()\n\t};\n}\n\n\n// Returns the computed left/right/top/bottom scrollbar widths for the given jQuery element.\n// NOTE: should use clientLeft/clientTop, but very unreliable cross-browser.\nfunction getScrollbarWidths(el) {\n\tvar leftRightWidth = el.innerWidth() - el[0].clientWidth; // the paddings cancel out, leaving the scrollbars\n\tvar widths = {\n\t\tleft: 0,\n\t\tright: 0,\n\t\ttop: 0,\n\t\tbottom: el.innerHeight() - el[0].clientHeight // the paddings cancel out, leaving the bottom scrollbar\n\t};\n\n\tif (getIsLeftRtlScrollbars() && el.css('direction') == 'rtl') { // is the scrollbar on the left side?\n\t\twidths.left = leftRightWidth;\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\twidths.right = leftRightWidth;\n\t}\n\n\treturn widths;\n}\n\n\n// Logic for determining if, when the element is right-to-left, the scrollbar appears on the left side\n\nvar _isLeftRtlScrollbars = null;\n\nfunction getIsLeftRtlScrollbars() { // responsible for caching the computation\n\tif (_isLeftRtlScrollbars === null) {\n\t\t_isLeftRtlScrollbars = computeIsLeftRtlScrollbars();\n\t}\n\treturn _isLeftRtlScrollbars;\n}\n\nfunction computeIsLeftRtlScrollbars() { // creates an offscreen test element, then removes it\n\tvar el = $('
')\n\t\t.css({\n\t\t\tposition: 'absolute',\n\t\t\ttop: -1000,\n\t\t\tleft: 0,\n\t\t\tborder: 0,\n\t\t\tpadding: 0,\n\t\t\toverflow: 'scroll',\n\t\t\tdirection: 'rtl'\n\t\t})\n\t\t.appendTo('body');\n\tvar innerEl = el.children();\n\tvar res = innerEl.offset().left > el.offset().left; // is the inner div shifted to accommodate a left scrollbar?\n\tel.remove();\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n\n// Retrieves a jQuery element's computed CSS value as a floating-point number.\n// If the queried value is non-numeric (ex: IE can return \"medium\" for border width), will just return zero.\nfunction getCssFloat(el, prop) {\n\treturn parseFloat(el.css(prop)) || 0;\n}\n\n\n/* Mouse / Touch Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nFC.preventDefault = preventDefault;\n\n\n// Returns a boolean whether this was a left mouse click and no ctrl key (which means right click on Mac)\nfunction isPrimaryMouseButton(ev) {\n\treturn ev.which == 1 && !ev.ctrlKey;\n}\n\n\nfunction getEvX(ev) {\n\tif (ev.pageX !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn ev.pageX;\n\t}\n\tvar touches = ev.originalEvent.touches;\n\tif (touches) {\n\t\treturn touches[0].pageX;\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction getEvY(ev) {\n\tif (ev.pageY !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn ev.pageY;\n\t}\n\tvar touches = ev.originalEvent.touches;\n\tif (touches) {\n\t\treturn touches[0].pageY;\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction getEvIsTouch(ev) {\n\treturn /^touch/.test(ev.type);\n}\n\n\nfunction preventSelection(el) {\n\tel.addClass('fc-unselectable')\n\t\t.on('selectstart', preventDefault);\n}\n\n\n// Stops a mouse/touch event from doing it's native browser action\nfunction preventDefault(ev) {\n\tev.preventDefault();\n}\n\n\n/* General Geometry Utils\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nFC.intersectRects = intersectRects;\n\n// Returns a new rectangle that is the intersection of the two rectangles. If they don't intersect, returns false\nfunction intersectRects(rect1, rect2) {\n\tvar res = {\n\t\tleft: Math.max(rect1.left, rect2.left),\n\t\tright: Math.min(rect1.right, rect2.right),\n\t\ttop: Math.max(,,\n\t\tbottom: Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom)\n\t};\n\n\tif (res.left < res.right && < res.bottom) {\n\t\treturn res;\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n}\n\n\n// Returns a new point that will have been moved to reside within the given rectangle\nfunction constrainPoint(point, rect) {\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: Math.min(Math.max(point.left, rect.left), rect.right),\n\t\ttop: Math.min(Math.max(,, rect.bottom)\n\t};\n}\n\n\n// Returns a point that is the center of the given rectangle\nfunction getRectCenter(rect) {\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: (rect.left + rect.right) / 2,\n\t\ttop: ( + rect.bottom) / 2\n\t};\n}\n\n\n// Subtracts point2's coordinates from point1's coordinates, returning a delta\nfunction diffPoints(point1, point2) {\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: point1.left - point2.left,\n\t\ttop: -\n\t};\n}\n\n\n/* Object Ordering by Field\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nFC.parseFieldSpecs = parseFieldSpecs;\nFC.compareByFieldSpecs = compareByFieldSpecs;\nFC.compareByFieldSpec = compareByFieldSpec;\nFC.flexibleCompare = flexibleCompare;\n\n\nfunction parseFieldSpecs(input) {\n\tvar specs = [];\n\tvar tokens = [];\n\tvar i, token;\n\n\tif (typeof input === 'string') {\n\t\ttokens = input.split(/\\s*,\\s*/);\n\t}\n\telse if (typeof input === 'function') {\n\t\ttokens = [ input ];\n\t}\n\telse if ($.isArray(input)) {\n\t\ttokens = input;\n\t}\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {\n\t\ttoken = tokens[i];\n\n\t\tif (typeof token === 'string') {\n\t\t\tspecs.push(\n\t\t\t\ttoken.charAt(0) == '-' ?\n\t\t\t\t\t{ field: token.substring(1), order: -1 } :\n\t\t\t\t\t{ field: token, order: 1 }\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (typeof token === 'function') {\n\t\t\tspecs.push({ func: token });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn specs;\n}\n\n\nfunction compareByFieldSpecs(obj1, obj2, fieldSpecs) {\n\tvar i;\n\tvar cmp;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < fieldSpecs.length; i++) {\n\t\tcmp = compareByFieldSpec(obj1, obj2, fieldSpecs[i]);\n\t\tif (cmp) {\n\t\t\treturn cmp;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nfunction compareByFieldSpec(obj1, obj2, fieldSpec) {\n\tif (fieldSpec.func) {\n\t\treturn fieldSpec.func(obj1, obj2);\n\t}\n\treturn flexibleCompare(obj1[fieldSpec.field], obj2[fieldSpec.field]) *\n\t\t(fieldSpec.order || 1);\n}\n\n\nfunction flexibleCompare(a, b) {\n\tif (!a && !b) {\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tif (b == null) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\tif (a == null) {\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tif ($.type(a) === 'string' || $.type(b) === 'string') {\n\t\treturn String(a).localeCompare(String(b));\n\t}\n\treturn a - b;\n}\n\n\n/* FullCalendar-specific Misc Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n// Computes the intersection of the two ranges. Returns undefined if no intersection.\n// Expects all dates to be normalized to the same timezone beforehand.\n// TODO: move to date section?\nfunction intersectRanges(subjectRange, constraintRange) {\n\tvar subjectStart = subjectRange.start;\n\tvar subjectEnd = subjectRange.end;\n\tvar constraintStart = constraintRange.start;\n\tvar constraintEnd = constraintRange.end;\n\tvar segStart, segEnd;\n\tvar isStart, isEnd;\n\n\tif (subjectEnd > constraintStart && subjectStart < constraintEnd) { // in bounds at all?\n\n\t\tif (subjectStart >= constraintStart) {\n\t\t\tsegStart = subjectStart.clone();\n\t\t\tisStart = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tsegStart = constraintStart.clone();\n\t\t\tisStart = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (subjectEnd <= constraintEnd) {\n\t\t\tsegEnd = subjectEnd.clone();\n\t\t\tisEnd = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tsegEnd = constraintEnd.clone();\n\t\t\tisEnd = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tstart: segStart,\n\t\t\tend: segEnd,\n\t\t\tisStart: isStart,\n\t\t\tisEnd: isEnd\n\t\t};\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/* Date Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nFC.computeIntervalUnit = computeIntervalUnit;\nFC.divideRangeByDuration = divideRangeByDuration;\nFC.divideDurationByDuration = divideDurationByDuration;\nFC.multiplyDuration = multiplyDuration;\nFC.durationHasTime = durationHasTime;\n\nvar dayIDs = [ 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat' ];\nvar intervalUnits = [ 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond' ];\n\n\n// Diffs the two moments into a Duration where full-days are recorded first, then the remaining time.\n// Moments will have their timezones normalized.\nfunction diffDayTime(a, b) {\n\treturn moment.duration({\n\t\tdays: a.clone().stripTime().diff(b.clone().stripTime(), 'days'),\n\t\tms: a.time() - b.time() // time-of-day from day start. disregards timezone\n\t});\n}\n\n\n// Diffs the two moments via their start-of-day (regardless of timezone). Produces whole-day durations.\nfunction diffDay(a, b) {\n\treturn moment.duration({\n\t\tdays: a.clone().stripTime().diff(b.clone().stripTime(), 'days')\n\t});\n}\n\n\n// Diffs two moments, producing a duration, made of a whole-unit-increment of the given unit. Uses rounding.\nfunction diffByUnit(a, b, unit) {\n\treturn moment.duration(\n\t\tMath.round(a.diff(b, unit, true)), // returnFloat=true\n\t\tunit\n\t);\n}\n\n\n// Computes the unit name of the largest whole-unit period of time.\n// For example, 48 hours will be \"days\" whereas 49 hours will be \"hours\".\n// Accepts start/end, a range object, or an original duration object.\nfunction computeIntervalUnit(start, end) {\n\tvar i, unit;\n\tvar val;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < intervalUnits.length; i++) {\n\t\tunit = intervalUnits[i];\n\t\tval = computeRangeAs(unit, start, end);\n\n\t\tif (val >= 1 && isInt(val)) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn unit; // will be \"milliseconds\" if nothing else matches\n}\n\n\n// Computes the number of units (like \"hours\") in the given range.\n// Range can be a {start,end} object, separate start/end args, or a Duration.\n// Results are based on Moment's .as() and .diff() methods, so results can depend on internal handling\n// of month-diffing logic (which tends to vary from version to version).\nfunction computeRangeAs(unit, start, end) {\n\n\tif (end != null) { // given start, end\n\t\treturn end.diff(start, unit, true);\n\t}\n\telse if (moment.isDuration(start)) { // given duration\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\telse { // given { start, end } range object\n\t\treturn start.end.diff(start.start, unit, true);\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// Intelligently divides a range (specified by a start/end params) by a duration\nfunction divideRangeByDuration(start, end, dur) {\n\tvar months;\n\n\tif (durationHasTime(dur)) {\n\t\treturn (end - start) / dur;\n\t}\n\tmonths = dur.asMonths();\n\tif (Math.abs(months) >= 1 && isInt(months)) {\n\t\treturn end.diff(start, 'months', true) / months;\n\t}\n\treturn end.diff(start, 'days', true) / dur.asDays();\n}\n\n\n// Intelligently divides one duration by another\nfunction divideDurationByDuration(dur1, dur2) {\n\tvar months1, months2;\n\n\tif (durationHasTime(dur1) || durationHasTime(dur2)) {\n\t\treturn dur1 / dur2;\n\t}\n\tmonths1 = dur1.asMonths();\n\tmonths2 = dur2.asMonths();\n\tif (\n\t\tMath.abs(months1) >= 1 && isInt(months1) &&\n\t\tMath.abs(months2) >= 1 && isInt(months2)\n\t) {\n\t\treturn months1 / months2;\n\t}\n\treturn dur1.asDays() / dur2.asDays();\n}\n\n\n// Intelligently multiplies a duration by a number\nfunction multiplyDuration(dur, n) {\n\tvar months;\n\n\tif (durationHasTime(dur)) {\n\t\treturn moment.duration(dur * n);\n\t}\n\tmonths = dur.asMonths();\n\tif (Math.abs(months) >= 1 && isInt(months)) {\n\t\treturn moment.duration({ months: months * n });\n\t}\n\treturn moment.duration({ days: dur.asDays() * n });\n}\n\n\n// Returns a boolean about whether the given duration has any time parts (hours/minutes/seconds/ms)\nfunction durationHasTime(dur) {\n\treturn Boolean(dur.hours() || dur.minutes() || dur.seconds() || dur.milliseconds());\n}\n\n\nfunction isNativeDate(input) {\n\treturn === '[object Date]' || input instanceof Date;\n}\n\n\n// Returns a boolean about whether the given input is a time string, like \"06:40:00\" or \"06:00\"\nfunction isTimeString(str) {\n\treturn /^\\d+\\:\\d+(?:\\:\\d+\\.?(?:\\d{3})?)?$/.test(str);\n}\n\n\n/* Logging and Debug\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nFC.log = function() {\n\tvar console = window.console;\n\n\tif (console && console.log) {\n\t\treturn console.log.apply(console, arguments);\n\t}\n};\n\nFC.warn = function() {\n\tvar console = window.console;\n\n\tif (console && console.warn) {\n\t\treturn console.warn.apply(console, arguments);\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\treturn FC.log.apply(FC, arguments);\n\t}\n};\n\n\n/* General Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nvar hasOwnPropMethod = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n\n// Merges an array of objects into a single object.\n// The second argument allows for an array of property names who's object values will be merged together.\nfunction mergeProps(propObjs, complexProps) {\n\tvar dest = {};\n\tvar i, name;\n\tvar complexObjs;\n\tvar j, val;\n\tvar props;\n\n\tif (complexProps) {\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < complexProps.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tname = complexProps[i];\n\t\t\tcomplexObjs = [];\n\n\t\t\t// collect the trailing object values, stopping when a non-object is discovered\n\t\t\tfor (j = propObjs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tval = propObjs[j][name];\n\n\t\t\t\tif (typeof val === 'object') {\n\t\t\t\t\tcomplexObjs.unshift(val);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if (val !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdest[name] = val; // if there were no objects, this value will be used\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// if the trailing values were objects, use the merged value\n\t\t\tif (complexObjs.length) {\n\t\t\t\tdest[name] = mergeProps(complexObjs);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t// copy values into the destination, going from last to first\n\tfor (i = propObjs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\tprops = propObjs[i];\n\n\t\tfor (name in props) {\n\t\t\tif (!(name in dest)) { // if already assigned by previous props or complex props, don't reassign\n\t\t\t\tdest[name] = props[name];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn dest;\n}\n\n\n// Create an object that has the given prototype. Just like Object.create\nfunction createObject(proto) {\n\tvar f = function() {};\n\tf.prototype = proto;\n\treturn new f();\n}\n\n\nfunction copyOwnProps(src, dest) {\n\tfor (var name in src) {\n\t\tif (hasOwnProp(src, name)) {\n\t\t\tdest[name] = src[name];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// Copies over certain methods with the same names as Object.prototype methods. Overcomes an IE<=8 bug:\n//\nfunction copyNativeMethods(src, dest) {\n\tvar names = [ 'constructor', 'toString', 'valueOf' ];\n\tvar i, name;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {\n\t\tname = names[i];\n\n\t\tif (src[name] !== Object.prototype[name]) {\n\t\t\tdest[name] = src[name];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction hasOwnProp(obj, name) {\n\treturn, name);\n}\n\n\n// Is the given value a non-object non-function value?\nfunction isAtomic(val) {\n\treturn /undefined|null|boolean|number|string/.test($.type(val));\n}\n\n\nfunction applyAll(functions, thisObj, args) {\n\tif ($.isFunction(functions)) {\n\t\tfunctions = [ functions ];\n\t}\n\tif (functions) {\n\t\tvar i;\n\t\tvar ret;\n\t\tfor (i=0; i/g, '>')\n\t\t.replace(/'/g, ''')\n\t\t.replace(/\"/g, '"')\n\t\t.replace(/\\n/g, '
');\n}\n\n\nfunction stripHtmlEntities(text) {\n\treturn text.replace(/&.*?;/g, '');\n}\n\n\n// Given a hash of CSS properties, returns a string of CSS.\n// Uses property names as-is (no camel-case conversion). Will not make statements for null/undefined values.\nfunction cssToStr(cssProps) {\n\tvar statements = [];\n\n\t$.each(cssProps, function(name, val) {\n\t\tif (val != null) {\n\t\t\tstatements.push(name + ':' + val);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\treturn statements.join(';');\n}\n\n\nfunction capitaliseFirstLetter(str) {\n\treturn str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);\n}\n\n\nfunction compareNumbers(a, b) { // for .sort()\n\treturn a - b;\n}\n\n\nfunction isInt(n) {\n\treturn n % 1 === 0;\n}\n\n\n// Returns a method bound to the given object context.\n// Just like one of the jQuery.proxy signatures, but without the undesired behavior of treating the same method with\n// different contexts as identical when binding/unbinding events.\nfunction proxy(obj, methodName) {\n\tvar method = obj[methodName];\n\n\treturn function() {\n\t\treturn method.apply(obj, arguments);\n\t};\n}\n\n\n// Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not\n// be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for\n// N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the\n// leading edge, instead of the trailing.\n//\nfunction debounce(func, wait, immediate) {\n\tvar timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;\n\n\tvar later = function() {\n\t\tvar last = +new Date() - timestamp;\n\t\tif (last < wait) {\n\t\t\ttimeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\ttimeout = null;\n\t\t\tif (!immediate) {\n\t\t\t\tresult = func.apply(context, args);\n\t\t\t\tcontext = args = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\treturn function() {\n\t\tcontext = this;\n\t\targs = arguments;\n\t\ttimestamp = +new Date();\n\t\tvar callNow = immediate && !timeout;\n\t\tif (!timeout) {\n\t\t\ttimeout = setTimeout(later, wait);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (callNow) {\n\t\t\tresult = func.apply(context, args);\n\t\t\tcontext = args = null;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn result;\n\t};\n}\n\n;;\n\nvar ambigDateOfMonthRegex = /^\\s*\\d{4}-\\d\\d$/;\nvar ambigTimeOrZoneRegex =\n\t/^\\s*\\d{4}-(?:(\\d\\d-\\d\\d)|(W\\d\\d$)|(W\\d\\d-\\d)|(\\d\\d\\d))((T| )(\\d\\d(:\\d\\d(:\\d\\d(\\.\\d+)?)?)?)?)?$/;\nvar newMomentProto = moment.fn; // where we will attach our new methods\nvar oldMomentProto = $.extend({}, newMomentProto); // copy of original moment methods\nvar allowValueOptimization;\nvar setUTCValues; // function defined below\nvar setLocalValues; // function defined below\n\n\n// Creating\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// Creates a new moment, similar to the vanilla moment(...) constructor, but with\n// extra features (ambiguous time, enhanced formatting). When given an existing moment,\n// it will function as a clone (and retain the zone of the moment). Anything else will\n// result in a moment in the local zone.\nFC.moment = function() {\n\treturn makeMoment(arguments);\n};\n\n// Sames as FC.moment, but forces the resulting moment to be in the UTC timezone.\nFC.moment.utc = function() {\n\tvar mom = makeMoment(arguments, true);\n\n\t// Force it into UTC because makeMoment doesn't guarantee it\n\t// (if given a pre-existing moment for example)\n\tif (mom.hasTime()) { // don't give ambiguously-timed moments a UTC zone\n\t\tmom.utc();\n\t}\n\n\treturn mom;\n};\n\n// Same as FC.moment, but when given an ISO8601 string, the timezone offset is preserved.\n// ISO8601 strings with no timezone offset will become ambiguously zoned.\nFC.moment.parseZone = function() {\n\treturn makeMoment(arguments, true, true);\n};\n\n// Builds an enhanced moment from args. When given an existing moment, it clones. When given a\n// native Date, or called with no arguments (the current time), the resulting moment will be local.\n// Anything else needs to be \"parsed\" (a string or an array), and will be affected by:\n// parseAsUTC - if there is no zone information, should we parse the input in UTC?\n// parseZone - if there is zone information, should we force the zone of the moment?\nfunction makeMoment(args, parseAsUTC, parseZone) {\n\tvar input = args[0];\n\tvar isSingleString = args.length == 1 && typeof input === 'string';\n\tvar isAmbigTime;\n\tvar isAmbigZone;\n\tvar ambigMatch;\n\tvar mom;\n\n\tif (moment.isMoment(input)) {\n\t\tmom = moment.apply(null, args); // clone it\n\t\ttransferAmbigs(input, mom); // the ambig flags weren't transfered with the clone\n\t}\n\telse if (isNativeDate(input) || input === undefined) {\n\t\tmom = moment.apply(null, args); // will be local\n\t}\n\telse { // \"parsing\" is required\n\t\tisAmbigTime = false;\n\t\tisAmbigZone = false;\n\n\t\tif (isSingleString) {\n\t\t\tif (ambigDateOfMonthRegex.test(input)) {\n\t\t\t\t// accept strings like '2014-05', but convert to the first of the month\n\t\t\t\tinput += '-01';\n\t\t\t\targs = [ input ]; // for when we pass it on to moment's constructor\n\t\t\t\tisAmbigTime = true;\n\t\t\t\tisAmbigZone = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if ((ambigMatch = ambigTimeOrZoneRegex.exec(input))) {\n\t\t\t\tisAmbigTime = !ambigMatch[5]; // no time part?\n\t\t\t\tisAmbigZone = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if ($.isArray(input)) {\n\t\t\t// arrays have no timezone information, so assume ambiguous zone\n\t\t\tisAmbigZone = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// otherwise, probably a string with a format\n\n\t\tif (parseAsUTC || isAmbigTime) {\n\t\t\tmom = moment.utc.apply(moment, args);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tmom = moment.apply(null, args);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (isAmbigTime) {\n\t\t\tmom._ambigTime = true;\n\t\t\tmom._ambigZone = true; // ambiguous time always means ambiguous zone\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (parseZone) { // let's record the inputted zone somehow\n\t\t\tif (isAmbigZone) {\n\t\t\t\tmom._ambigZone = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (isSingleString) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mom.utcOffset) {\n\t\t\t\t\tmom.utcOffset(input); // if not a valid zone, will assign UTC\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\; // for moment-pre-2.9\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmom._fullCalendar = true; // flag for extended functionality\n\n\treturn mom;\n}\n\n\n// A clone method that works with the flags related to our enhanced functionality.\n// In the future, use moment.momentProperties\nnewMomentProto.clone = function() {\n\tvar mom = oldMomentProto.clone.apply(this, arguments);\n\n\t// these flags weren't transfered with the clone\n\ttransferAmbigs(this, mom);\n\tif (this._fullCalendar) {\n\t\tmom._fullCalendar = true;\n\t}\n\n\treturn mom;\n};\n\n\n// Week Number\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Returns the week number, considering the locale's custom week number calcuation\n// `weeks` is an alias for `week`\nnewMomentProto.week = newMomentProto.weeks = function(input) {\n\tvar weekCalc = (this._locale || this._lang) // works pre-moment-2.8\n\t\t._fullCalendar_weekCalc;\n\n\tif (input == null && typeof weekCalc === 'function') { // custom function only works for getter\n\t\treturn weekCalc(this);\n\t}\n\telse if (weekCalc === 'ISO') {\n\t\treturn oldMomentProto.isoWeek.apply(this, arguments); // ISO getter/setter\n\t}\n\n\treturn oldMomentProto.week.apply(this, arguments); // local getter/setter\n};\n\n\n// Time-of-day\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// GETTER\n// Returns a Duration with the hours/minutes/seconds/ms values of the moment.\n// If the moment has an ambiguous time, a duration of 00:00 will be returned.\n//\n// SETTER\n// You can supply a Duration, a Moment, or a Duration-like argument.\n// When setting the time, and the moment has an ambiguous time, it then becomes unambiguous.\nnewMomentProto.time = function(time) {\n\n\t// Fallback to the original method (if there is one) if this moment wasn't created via FullCalendar.\n\t// `time` is a generic enough method name where this precaution is necessary to avoid collisions w/ other plugins.\n\tif (!this._fullCalendar) {\n\t\treturn oldMomentProto.time.apply(this, arguments);\n\t}\n\n\tif (time == null) { // getter\n\t\treturn moment.duration({\n\t\t\thours: this.hours(),\n\t\t\tminutes: this.minutes(),\n\t\t\tseconds: this.seconds(),\n\t\t\tmilliseconds: this.milliseconds()\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\telse { // setter\n\n\t\tthis._ambigTime = false; // mark that the moment now has a time\n\n\t\tif (!moment.isDuration(time) && !moment.isMoment(time)) {\n\t\t\ttime = moment.duration(time);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// The day value should cause overflow (so 24 hours becomes 00:00:00 of next day).\n\t\t// Only for Duration times, not Moment times.\n\t\tvar dayHours = 0;\n\t\tif (moment.isDuration(time)) {\n\t\t\tdayHours = Math.floor(time.asDays()) * 24;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// We need to set the individual fields.\n\t\t// Can't use startOf('day') then add duration. In case of DST at start of day.\n\t\treturn this.hours(dayHours + time.hours())\n\t\t\t.minutes(time.minutes())\n\t\t\t.seconds(time.seconds())\n\t\t\t.milliseconds(time.milliseconds());\n\t}\n};\n\n// Converts the moment to UTC, stripping out its time-of-day and timezone offset,\n// but preserving its YMD. A moment with a stripped time will display no time\n// nor timezone offset when .format() is called.\nnewMomentProto.stripTime = function() {\n\tvar a;\n\n\tif (!this._ambigTime) {\n\n\t\t// get the values before any conversion happens\n\t\ta = this.toArray(); // array of y/m/d/h/m/s/ms\n\n\t\t// TODO: use keepLocalTime in the future\n\t\tthis.utc(); // set the internal UTC flag (will clear the ambig flags)\n\t\tsetUTCValues(this, a.slice(0, 3)); // set the year/month/date. time will be zero\n\n\t\t// Mark the time as ambiguous. This needs to happen after the .utc() call, which might call .utcOffset(),\n\t\t// which clears all ambig flags. Same with setUTCValues with moment-timezone.\n\t\tthis._ambigTime = true;\n\t\tthis._ambigZone = true; // if ambiguous time, also ambiguous timezone offset\n\t}\n\n\treturn this; // for chaining\n};\n\n// Returns if the moment has a non-ambiguous time (boolean)\nnewMomentProto.hasTime = function() {\n\treturn !this._ambigTime;\n};\n\n\n// Timezone\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// Converts the moment to UTC, stripping out its timezone offset, but preserving its\n// YMD and time-of-day. A moment with a stripped timezone offset will display no\n// timezone offset when .format() is called.\n// TODO: look into Moment's keepLocalTime functionality\nnewMomentProto.stripZone = function() {\n\tvar a, wasAmbigTime;\n\n\tif (!this._ambigZone) {\n\n\t\t// get the values before any conversion happens\n\t\ta = this.toArray(); // array of y/m/d/h/m/s/ms\n\t\twasAmbigTime = this._ambigTime;\n\n\t\tthis.utc(); // set the internal UTC flag (might clear the ambig flags, depending on Moment internals)\n\t\tsetUTCValues(this, a); // will set the year/month/date/hours/minutes/seconds/ms\n\n\t\t// the above call to .utc()/.utcOffset() unfortunately might clear the ambig flags, so restore\n\t\tthis._ambigTime = wasAmbigTime || false;\n\n\t\t// Mark the zone as ambiguous. This needs to happen after the .utc() call, which might call .utcOffset(),\n\t\t// which clears the ambig flags. Same with setUTCValues with moment-timezone.\n\t\tthis._ambigZone = true;\n\t}\n\n\treturn this; // for chaining\n};\n\n// Returns of the moment has a non-ambiguous timezone offset (boolean)\nnewMomentProto.hasZone = function() {\n\treturn !this._ambigZone;\n};\n\n\n// this method implicitly marks a zone\nnewMomentProto.local = function() {\n\tvar a = this.toArray(); // year,month,date,hours,minutes,seconds,ms as an array\n\tvar wasAmbigZone = this._ambigZone;\n\n\toldMomentProto.local.apply(this, arguments);\n\n\t// ensure non-ambiguous\n\t// this probably already happened via local() -> utcOffset(), but don't rely on Moment's internals\n\tthis._ambigTime = false;\n\tthis._ambigZone = false;\n\n\tif (wasAmbigZone) {\n\t\t// If the moment was ambiguously zoned, the date fields were stored as UTC.\n\t\t// We want to preserve these, but in local time.\n\t\t// TODO: look into Moment's keepLocalTime functionality\n\t\tsetLocalValues(this, a);\n\t}\n\n\treturn this; // for chaining\n};\n\n\n// implicitly marks a zone\nnewMomentProto.utc = function() {\n\toldMomentProto.utc.apply(this, arguments);\n\n\t// ensure non-ambiguous\n\t// this probably already happened via utc() -> utcOffset(), but don't rely on Moment's internals\n\tthis._ambigTime = false;\n\tthis._ambigZone = false;\n\n\treturn this;\n};\n\n\n// methods for arbitrarily manipulating timezone offset.\n// should clear time/zone ambiguity when called.\n$.each([\n\t'zone', // only in moment-pre-2.9. deprecated afterwards\n\t'utcOffset'\n], function(i, name) {\n\tif (oldMomentProto[name]) { // original method exists?\n\n\t\t// this method implicitly marks a zone (will probably get called upon .utc() and .local())\n\t\tnewMomentProto[name] = function(tzo) {\n\n\t\t\tif (tzo != null) { // setter\n\t\t\t\t// these assignments needs to happen before the original zone method is called.\n\t\t\t\t// I forget why, something to do with a browser crash.\n\t\t\t\tthis._ambigTime = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis._ambigZone = false;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn oldMomentProto[name].apply(this, arguments);\n\t\t};\n\t}\n});\n\n\n// Formatting\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nnewMomentProto.format = function() {\n\tif (this._fullCalendar && arguments[0]) { // an enhanced moment? and a format string provided?\n\t\treturn formatDate(this, arguments[0]); // our extended formatting\n\t}\n\tif (this._ambigTime) {\n\t\treturn oldMomentFormat(this, 'YYYY-MM-DD');\n\t}\n\tif (this._ambigZone) {\n\t\treturn oldMomentFormat(this, 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss');\n\t}\n\treturn oldMomentProto.format.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\nnewMomentProto.toISOString = function() {\n\tif (this._ambigTime) {\n\t\treturn oldMomentFormat(this, 'YYYY-MM-DD');\n\t}\n\tif (this._ambigZone) {\n\t\treturn oldMomentFormat(this, 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss');\n\t}\n\treturn oldMomentProto.toISOString.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\n\n// Querying\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// Is the moment within the specified range? `end` is exclusive.\n// FYI, this method is not a standard Moment method, so always do our enhanced logic.\nnewMomentProto.isWithin = function(start, end) {\n\tvar a = commonlyAmbiguate([ this, start, end ]);\n\treturn a[0] >= a[1] && a[0] < a[2];\n};\n\n// When isSame is called with units, timezone ambiguity is normalized before the comparison happens.\n// If no units specified, the two moments must be identically the same, with matching ambig flags.\nnewMomentProto.isSame = function(input, units) {\n\tvar a;\n\n\t// only do custom logic if this is an enhanced moment\n\tif (!this._fullCalendar) {\n\t\treturn oldMomentProto.isSame.apply(this, arguments);\n\t}\n\n\tif (units) {\n\t\ta = commonlyAmbiguate([ this, input ], true); // normalize timezones but don't erase times\n\t\treturn[0], a[1], units);\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tinput = FC.moment.parseZone(input); // normalize input\n\t\treturn, input) &&\n\t\t\tBoolean(this._ambigTime) === Boolean(input._ambigTime) &&\n\t\t\tBoolean(this._ambigZone) === Boolean(input._ambigZone);\n\t}\n};\n\n// Make these query methods work with ambiguous moments\n$.each([\n\t'isBefore',\n\t'isAfter'\n], function(i, methodName) {\n\tnewMomentProto[methodName] = function(input, units) {\n\t\tvar a;\n\n\t\t// only do custom logic if this is an enhanced moment\n\t\tif (!this._fullCalendar) {\n\t\t\treturn oldMomentProto[methodName].apply(this, arguments);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\ta = commonlyAmbiguate([ this, input ]);\n\t\treturn oldMomentProto[methodName].call(a[0], a[1], units);\n\t};\n});\n\n\n// Misc Internals\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// given an array of moment-like inputs, return a parallel array w/ moments similarly ambiguated.\n// for example, of one moment has ambig time, but not others, all moments will have their time stripped.\n// set `preserveTime` to `true` to keep times, but only normalize zone ambiguity.\n// returns the original moments if no modifications are necessary.\nfunction commonlyAmbiguate(inputs, preserveTime) {\n\tvar anyAmbigTime = false;\n\tvar anyAmbigZone = false;\n\tvar len = inputs.length;\n\tvar moms = [];\n\tvar i, mom;\n\n\t// parse inputs into real moments and query their ambig flags\n\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\tmom = inputs[i];\n\t\tif (!moment.isMoment(mom)) {\n\t\t\tmom = FC.moment.parseZone(mom);\n\t\t}\n\t\tanyAmbigTime = anyAmbigTime || mom._ambigTime;\n\t\tanyAmbigZone = anyAmbigZone || mom._ambigZone;\n\t\tmoms.push(mom);\n\t}\n\n\t// strip each moment down to lowest common ambiguity\n\t// use clones to avoid modifying the original moments\n\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\tmom = moms[i];\n\t\tif (!preserveTime && anyAmbigTime && !mom._ambigTime) {\n\t\t\tmoms[i] = mom.clone().stripTime();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (anyAmbigZone && !mom._ambigZone) {\n\t\t\tmoms[i] = mom.clone().stripZone();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn moms;\n}\n\n// Transfers all the flags related to ambiguous time/zone from the `src` moment to the `dest` moment\n// TODO: look into moment.momentProperties for this.\nfunction transferAmbigs(src, dest) {\n\tif (src._ambigTime) {\n\t\tdest._ambigTime = true;\n\t}\n\telse if (dest._ambigTime) {\n\t\tdest._ambigTime = false;\n\t}\n\n\tif (src._ambigZone) {\n\t\tdest._ambigZone = true;\n\t}\n\telse if (dest._ambigZone) {\n\t\tdest._ambigZone = false;\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// Sets the year/month/date/etc values of the moment from the given array.\n// Inefficient because it calls each individual setter.\nfunction setMomentValues(mom, a) {\n\tmom.year(a[0] || 0)\n\t\t.month(a[1] || 0)\n\t\[2] || 0)\n\t\t.hours(a[3] || 0)\n\t\t.minutes(a[4] || 0)\n\t\t.seconds(a[5] || 0)\n\t\t.milliseconds(a[6] || 0);\n}\n\n// Can we set the moment's internal date directly?\nallowValueOptimization = '_d' in moment() && 'updateOffset' in moment;\n\n// Utility function. Accepts a moment and an array of the UTC year/month/date/etc values to set.\n// Assumes the given moment is already in UTC mode.\nsetUTCValues = allowValueOptimization ? function(mom, a) {\n\t// simlate what moment's accessors do\n\tmom._d.setTime(Date.UTC.apply(Date, a));\n\tmoment.updateOffset(mom, false); // keepTime=false\n} : setMomentValues;\n\n// Utility function. Accepts a moment and an array of the local year/month/date/etc values to set.\n// Assumes the given moment is already in local mode.\nsetLocalValues = allowValueOptimization ? function(mom, a) {\n\t// simlate what moment's accessors do\n\tmom._d.setTime(+new Date( // FYI, there is now way to apply an array of args to a constructor\n\t\ta[0] || 0,\n\t\ta[1] || 0,\n\t\ta[2] || 0,\n\t\ta[3] || 0,\n\t\ta[4] || 0,\n\t\ta[5] || 0,\n\t\ta[6] || 0\n\t));\n\tmoment.updateOffset(mom, false); // keepTime=false\n} : setMomentValues;\n\n;;\n\n// Single Date Formatting\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// call this if you want Moment's original format method to be used\nfunction oldMomentFormat(mom, formatStr) {\n\treturn, formatStr); // oldMomentProto defined in moment-ext.js\n}\n\n\n// Formats `date` with a Moment formatting string, but allow our non-zero areas and\n// additional token.\nfunction formatDate(date, formatStr) {\n\treturn formatDateWithChunks(date, getFormatStringChunks(formatStr));\n}\n\n\nfunction formatDateWithChunks(date, chunks) {\n\tvar s = '';\n\tvar i;\n\n\tfor (i=0; i \"MMMM D YYYY\"\n\tformatStr = localeData.longDateFormat(formatStr) || formatStr;\n\t// BTW, this is not important for `formatDate` because it is impossible to put custom tokens\n\t// or non-zero areas in Moment's localized format strings.\n\n\tseparator = separator || ' - ';\n\n\treturn formatRangeWithChunks(\n\t\tdate1,\n\t\tdate2,\n\t\tgetFormatStringChunks(formatStr),\n\t\tseparator,\n\t\tisRTL\n\t);\n}\nFC.formatRange = formatRange; // expose\n\n\nfunction formatRangeWithChunks(date1, date2, chunks, separator, isRTL) {\n\tvar unzonedDate1 = date1.clone().stripZone(); // for formatSimilarChunk\n\tvar unzonedDate2 = date2.clone().stripZone(); // \"\n\tvar chunkStr; // the rendering of the chunk\n\tvar leftI;\n\tvar leftStr = '';\n\tvar rightI;\n\tvar rightStr = '';\n\tvar middleI;\n\tvar middleStr1 = '';\n\tvar middleStr2 = '';\n\tvar middleStr = '';\n\n\t// Start at the leftmost side of the formatting string and continue until you hit a token\n\t// that is not the same between dates.\n\tfor (leftI=0; leftIleftI; rightI--) {\n\t\tchunkStr = formatSimilarChunk(date1, date2, unzonedDate1, unzonedDate2, chunks[rightI]);\n\t\tif (chunkStr === false) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\trightStr = chunkStr + rightStr;\n\t}\n\n\t// The area in the middle is different for both of the dates.\n\t// Collect them distinctly so we can jam them together later.\n\tfor (middleI=leftI; middleI<=rightI; middleI++) {\n\t\tmiddleStr1 += formatDateWithChunk(date1, chunks[middleI]);\n\t\tmiddleStr2 += formatDateWithChunk(date2, chunks[middleI]);\n\t}\n\n\tif (middleStr1 || middleStr2) {\n\t\tif (isRTL) {\n\t\t\tmiddleStr = middleStr2 + separator + middleStr1;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tmiddleStr = middleStr1 + separator + middleStr2;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn leftStr + middleStr + rightStr;\n}\n\n\nvar similarUnitMap = {\n\tY: 'year',\n\tM: 'month',\n\tD: 'day', // day of month\n\td: 'day', // day of week\n\t// prevents a separator between anything time-related...\n\tA: 'second', // AM/PM\n\ta: 'second', // am/pm\n\tT: 'second', // A/P\n\tt: 'second', // a/p\n\tH: 'second', // hour (24)\n\th: 'second', // hour (12)\n\tm: 'second', // minute\n\ts: 'second' // second\n};\n// TODO: week maybe?\n\n\n// Given a formatting chunk, and given that both dates are similar in the regard the\n// formatting chunk is concerned, format date1 against `chunk`. Otherwise, return `false`.\nfunction formatSimilarChunk(date1, date2, unzonedDate1, unzonedDate2, chunk) {\n\tvar token;\n\tvar unit;\n\n\tif (typeof chunk === 'string') { // a literal string\n\t\treturn chunk;\n\t}\n\telse if ((token = chunk.token)) {\n\t\tunit = similarUnitMap[token.charAt(0)];\n\n\t\t// are the dates the same for this unit of measurement?\n\t\t// use the unzoned dates for this calculation because unreliable when near DST (bug #2396)\n\t\tif (unit && unzonedDate1.isSame(unzonedDate2, unit)) {\n\t\t\treturn oldMomentFormat(date1, token); // would be the same if we used `date2`\n\t\t\t// BTW, don't support custom tokens\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn false; // the chunk is NOT the same for the two dates\n\t// BTW, don't support splitting on non-zero areas\n}\n\n\n// Chunking Utils\n// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nvar formatStringChunkCache = {};\n\n\nfunction getFormatStringChunks(formatStr) {\n\tif (formatStr in formatStringChunkCache) {\n\t\treturn formatStringChunkCache[formatStr];\n\t}\n\treturn (formatStringChunkCache[formatStr] = chunkFormatString(formatStr));\n}\n\n\n// Break the formatting string into an array of chunks\nfunction chunkFormatString(formatStr) {\n\tvar chunks = [];\n\tvar chunker = /\\[([^\\]]*)\\]|\\(([^\\)]*)\\)|(LTS|LT|(\\w)\\4*o?)|([^\\w\\[\\(]+)/g; // TODO: more descrimination\n\tvar match;\n\n\twhile ((match = chunker.exec(formatStr))) {\n\t\tif (match[1]) { // a literal string inside [ ... ]\n\t\t\tchunks.push(match[1]);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (match[2]) { // non-zero formatting inside ( ... )\n\t\t\tchunks.push({ maybe: chunkFormatString(match[2]) });\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (match[3]) { // a formatting token\n\t\t\tchunks.push({ token: match[3] });\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (match[5]) { // an unenclosed literal string\n\t\t\tchunks.push(match[5]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn chunks;\n}\n\n;;\n\nFC.Class = Class; // export\n\n// Class that all other classes will inherit from\nfunction Class() { }\n\n\n// Called on a class to create a subclass.\n// Last argument contains instance methods. Any argument before the last are considered mixins.\nClass.extend = function() {\n\tvar len = arguments.length;\n\tvar i;\n\tvar members;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\tmembers = arguments[i];\n\t\tif (i < len - 1) { // not the last argument?\n\t\t\tmixIntoClass(this, members);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn extendClass(this, members || {}); // members will be undefined if no arguments\n};\n\n\n// Adds new member variables/methods to the class's prototype.\n// Can be called with another class, or a plain object hash containing new members.\nClass.mixin = function(members) {\n\tmixIntoClass(this, members);\n};\n\n\nfunction extendClass(superClass, members) {\n\tvar subClass;\n\n\t// ensure a constructor for the subclass, forwarding all arguments to the super-constructor if it doesn't exist\n\tif (hasOwnProp(members, 'constructor')) {\n\t\tsubClass = members.constructor;\n\t}\n\tif (typeof subClass !== 'function') {\n\t\tsubClass = members.constructor = function() {\n\t\t\tsuperClass.apply(this, arguments);\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t// build the base prototype for the subclass, which is an new object chained to the superclass's prototype\n\tsubClass.prototype = createObject(superClass.prototype);\n\n\t// copy each member variable/method onto the the subclass's prototype\n\tcopyOwnProps(members, subClass.prototype);\n\tcopyNativeMethods(members, subClass.prototype); // hack for IE8\n\n\t// copy over all class variables/methods to the subclass, such as `extend` and `mixin`\n\tcopyOwnProps(superClass, subClass);\n\n\treturn subClass;\n}\n\n\nfunction mixIntoClass(theClass, members) {\n\tcopyOwnProps(members, theClass.prototype); // TODO: copyNativeMethods?\n}\n;;\n\nvar EmitterMixin = FC.EmitterMixin = {\n\n\tcallbackHash: null,\n\n\n\ton: function(name, callback) {\n\t\tthis.loopCallbacks(name, 'add', [ callback ]);\n\n\t\treturn this; // for chaining\n\t},\n\n\n\toff: function(name, callback) {\n\t\tthis.loopCallbacks(name, 'remove', [ callback ]);\n\n\t\treturn this; // for chaining\n\t},\n\n\n\ttrigger: function(name) { // args...\n\t\tvar args =, 1);\n\n\t\tthis.triggerWith(name, this, args);\n\n\t\treturn this; // for chaining\n\t},\n\n\n\ttriggerWith: function(name, context, args) {\n\t\tthis.loopCallbacks(name, 'fireWith', [ context, args ]);\n\n\t\treturn this; // for chaining\n\t},\n\n\n\t/*\n\tGiven an event name string with possible namespaces,\n\tcall the given methodName on all the internal Callback object with the given arguments.\n\t*/\n\tloopCallbacks: function(name, methodName, args) {\n\t\tvar parts = name.split('.'); // \"click.namespace\" -> [ \"click\", \"namespace\" ]\n\t\tvar i, part;\n\t\tvar callbackObj;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tpart = parts[i];\n\t\t\tif (part) { // in case no event name like \"click\"\n\t\t\t\tcallbackObj = this.ensureCallbackObj((i ? '.' : '') + part); // put periods in front of namespaces\n\t\t\t\tcallbackObj[methodName].apply(callbackObj, args);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tensureCallbackObj: function(name) {\n\t\tif (!this.callbackHash) {\n\t\t\tthis.callbackHash = {};\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!this.callbackHash[name]) {\n\t\t\tthis.callbackHash[name] = $.Callbacks();\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.callbackHash[name];\n\t}\n\n};\n;;\n\n/*\nUtility methods for easily listening to events on another object,\nand more importantly, easily unlistening from them.\n*/\nvar ListenerMixin = FC.ListenerMixin = (function() {\n\tvar guid = 0;\n\tvar ListenerMixin = {\n\n\t\tlistenerId: null,\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\tGiven an `other` object that has on/off methods, bind the given `callback` to an event by the given name.\n\t\tThe `callback` will be called with the `this` context of the object that .listenTo is being called on.\n\t\tCan be called:\n\t\t\t.listenTo(other, eventName, callback)\n\t\tOR\n\t\t\t.listenTo(other, {\n\t\t\t\teventName1: callback1,\n\t\t\t\teventName2: callback2\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t*/\n\t\tlistenTo: function(other, arg, callback) {\n\t\t\tif (typeof arg === 'object') { // given dictionary of callbacks\n\t\t\t\tfor (var eventName in arg) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (arg.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.listenTo(other, eventName, arg[eventName]);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (typeof arg === 'string') {\n\t\t\t\tother.on(\n\t\t\t\t\targ + '.' + this.getListenerNamespace(), // use event namespacing to identify this object\n\t\t\t\t\t$.proxy(callback, this) // always use `this` context\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// the usually-undesired jQuery guid behavior doesn't matter,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// because we always unbind via namespace\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\tCauses the current object to stop listening to events on the `other` object.\n\t\t`eventName` is optional. If omitted, will stop listening to ALL events on `other`.\n\t\t*/\n\t\tstopListeningTo: function(other, eventName) {\n\t\t\ || '') + '.' + this.getListenerNamespace());\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\tReturns a string, unique to this object, to be used for event namespacing\n\t\t*/\n\t\tgetListenerNamespace: function() {\n\t\t\tif (this.listenerId == null) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.listenerId = guid++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn '_listener' + this.listenerId;\n\t\t}\n\n\t};\n\treturn ListenerMixin;\n})();\n;;\n\n/* A rectangular panel that is absolutely positioned over other content\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nOptions:\n\t- className (string)\n\t- content (HTML string or jQuery element set)\n\t- parentEl\n\t- top\n\t- left\n\t- right (the x coord of where the right edge should be. not a \"CSS\" right)\n\t- autoHide (boolean)\n\t- show (callback)\n\t- hide (callback)\n*/\n\nvar Popover = Class.extend(ListenerMixin, {\n\n\tisHidden: true,\n\toptions: null,\n\tel: null, // the container element for the popover. generated by this object\n\tmargin: 10, // the space required between the popover and the edges of the scroll container\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(options) {\n\t\tthis.options = options || {};\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Shows the popover on the specified position. Renders it if not already\n\tshow: function() {\n\t\tif (this.isHidden) {\n\t\t\tif (!this.el) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.render();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\;\n\t\t\tthis.position();\n\t\t\tthis.isHidden = false;\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('show');\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Hides the popover, through CSS, but does not remove it from the DOM\n\thide: function() {\n\t\tif (!this.isHidden) {\n\t\t\tthis.el.hide();\n\t\t\tthis.isHidden = true;\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('hide');\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Creates `this.el` and renders content inside of it\n\trender: function() {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar options = this.options;\n\n\t\tthis.el = $('
')\n\t\t\t.addClass(options.className || '')\n\t\t\t.css({\n\t\t\t\t// position initially to the top left to avoid creating scrollbars\n\t\t\t\ttop: 0,\n\t\t\t\tleft: 0\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t.append(options.content)\n\t\t\t.appendTo(options.parentEl);\n\n\t\t// when a click happens on anything inside with a 'fc-close' className, hide the popover\n\t\tthis.el.on('click', '.fc-close', function() {\n\t\t\t_this.hide();\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tif (options.autoHide) {\n\t\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), 'mousedown', this.documentMousedown);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggered when the user clicks *anywhere* in the document, for the autoHide feature\n\tdocumentMousedown: function(ev) {\n\t\t// only hide the popover if the click happened outside the popover\n\t\tif (this.el && !$( {\n\t\t\tthis.hide();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Hides and unregisters any handlers\n\tremoveElement: function() {\n\t\tthis.hide();\n\n\t\tif (this.el) {\n\t\t\tthis.el.remove();\n\t\t\tthis.el = null;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.stopListeningTo($(document), 'mousedown');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Positions the popover optimally, using the top/left/right options\n\tposition: function() {\n\t\tvar options = this.options;\n\t\tvar origin = this.el.offsetParent().offset();\n\t\tvar width = this.el.outerWidth();\n\t\tvar height = this.el.outerHeight();\n\t\tvar windowEl = $(window);\n\t\tvar viewportEl = getScrollParent(this.el);\n\t\tvar viewportTop;\n\t\tvar viewportLeft;\n\t\tvar viewportOffset;\n\t\tvar top; // the \"position\" (not \"offset\") values for the popover\n\t\tvar left; //\n\n\t\t// compute top and left\n\t\ttop = || 0;\n\t\tif (options.left !== undefined) {\n\t\t\tleft = options.left;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (options.right !== undefined) {\n\t\t\tleft = options.right - width; // derive the left value from the right value\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tleft = 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( || { // normalize getScrollParent's result\n\t\t\tviewportEl = windowEl;\n\t\t\tviewportTop = 0; // the window is always at the top left\n\t\t\tviewportLeft = 0; // (and .offset() won't work if called here)\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tviewportOffset = viewportEl.offset();\n\t\t\tviewportTop =;\n\t\t\tviewportLeft = viewportOffset.left;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// if the window is scrolled, it causes the visible area to be further down\n\t\tviewportTop += windowEl.scrollTop();\n\t\tviewportLeft += windowEl.scrollLeft();\n\n\t\t// constrain to the view port. if constrained by two edges, give precedence to top/left\n\t\tif (options.viewportConstrain !== false) {\n\t\t\ttop = Math.min(top, viewportTop + viewportEl.outerHeight() - height - this.margin);\n\t\t\ttop = Math.max(top, viewportTop + this.margin);\n\t\t\tleft = Math.min(left, viewportLeft + viewportEl.outerWidth() - width - this.margin);\n\t\t\tleft = Math.max(left, viewportLeft + this.margin);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.el.css({\n\t\t\ttop: top -,\n\t\t\tleft: left - origin.left\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggers a callback. Calls a function in the option hash of the same name.\n\t// Arguments beyond the first `name` are forwarded on.\n\t// TODO: better code reuse for this. Repeat code\n\ttrigger: function(name) {\n\t\tif (this.options[name]) {\n\t\t\tthis.options[name].apply(this,, 1));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/*\nA cache for the left/right/top/bottom/width/height values for one or more elements.\nWorks with both offset (from topleft document) and position (from offsetParent).\n\noptions:\n- els\n- isHorizontal\n- isVertical\n*/\nvar CoordCache = FC.CoordCache = Class.extend({\n\n\tels: null, // jQuery set (assumed to be siblings)\n\tforcedOffsetParentEl: null, // options can override the natural offsetParent\n\torigin: null, // {left,top} position of offsetParent of els\n\tboundingRect: null, // constrain cordinates to this rectangle. {left,right,top,bottom} or null\n\tisHorizontal: false, // whether to query for left/right/width\n\tisVertical: false, // whether to query for top/bottom/height\n\n\t// arrays of coordinates (offsets from topleft of document)\n\tlefts: null,\n\trights: null,\n\ttops: null,\n\tbottoms: null,\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(options) {\n\t\tthis.els = $(options.els);\n\t\tthis.isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal;\n\t\tthis.isVertical = options.isVertical;\n\t\tthis.forcedOffsetParentEl = options.offsetParent ? $(options.offsetParent) : null;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Queries the els for coordinates and stores them.\n\t// Call this method before using and of the get* methods below.\n\tbuild: function() {\n\t\tvar offsetParentEl = this.forcedOffsetParentEl || this.els.eq(0).offsetParent();\n\n\t\tthis.origin = offsetParentEl.offset();\n\t\tthis.boundingRect = this.queryBoundingRect();\n\n\t\tif (this.isHorizontal) {\n\t\t\tthis.buildElHorizontals();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.isVertical) {\n\t\t\tthis.buildElVerticals();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Destroys all internal data about coordinates, freeing memory\n\tclear: function() {\n\t\tthis.origin = null;\n\t\tthis.boundingRect = null;\n\t\tthis.lefts = null;\n\t\tthis.rights = null;\n\t\tthis.tops = null;\n\t\tthis.bottoms = null;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// When called, if coord caches aren't built, builds them\n\tensureBuilt: function() {\n\t\tif (!this.origin) {\n\t\t\;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Compute and return what the elements' bounding rectangle is, from the user's perspective.\n\t// Right now, only returns a rectangle if constrained by an overflow:scroll element.\n\tqueryBoundingRect: function() {\n\t\tvar scrollParentEl = getScrollParent(this.els.eq(0));\n\n\t\tif (! {\n\t\t\treturn getClientRect(scrollParentEl);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Populates the left/right internal coordinate arrays\n\tbuildElHorizontals: function() {\n\t\tvar lefts = [];\n\t\tvar rights = [];\n\n\t\tthis.els.each(function(i, node) {\n\t\t\tvar el = $(node);\n\t\t\tvar left = el.offset().left;\n\t\t\tvar width = el.outerWidth();\n\n\t\t\tlefts.push(left);\n\t\t\trights.push(left + width);\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tthis.lefts = lefts;\n\t\tthis.rights = rights;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Populates the top/bottom internal coordinate arrays\n\tbuildElVerticals: function() {\n\t\tvar tops = [];\n\t\tvar bottoms = [];\n\n\t\tthis.els.each(function(i, node) {\n\t\t\tvar el = $(node);\n\t\t\tvar top = el.offset().top;\n\t\t\tvar height = el.outerHeight();\n\n\t\t\ttops.push(top);\n\t\t\tbottoms.push(top + height);\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tthis.tops = tops;\n\t\tthis.bottoms = bottoms;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a left offset (from document left), returns the index of the el that it horizontally intersects.\n\t// If no intersection is made, or outside of the boundingRect, returns undefined.\n\tgetHorizontalIndex: function(leftOffset) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\n\t\tvar boundingRect = this.boundingRect;\n\t\tvar lefts = this.lefts;\n\t\tvar rights = this.rights;\n\t\tvar len = lefts.length;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (!boundingRect || (leftOffset >= boundingRect.left && leftOffset < boundingRect.right)) {\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (leftOffset >= lefts[i] && leftOffset < rights[i]) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a top offset (from document top), returns the index of the el that it vertically intersects.\n\t// If no intersection is made, or outside of the boundingRect, returns undefined.\n\tgetVerticalIndex: function(topOffset) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\n\t\tvar boundingRect = this.boundingRect;\n\t\tvar tops = this.tops;\n\t\tvar bottoms = this.bottoms;\n\t\tvar len = tops.length;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (!boundingRect || (topOffset >= && topOffset < boundingRect.bottom)) {\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (topOffset >= tops[i] && topOffset < bottoms[i]) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the left offset (from document left) of the element at the given index\n\tgetLeftOffset: function(leftIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.lefts[leftIndex];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the left position (from offsetParent left) of the element at the given index\n\tgetLeftPosition: function(leftIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.lefts[leftIndex] - this.origin.left;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the right offset (from document left) of the element at the given index.\n\t// This value is NOT relative to the document's right edge, like the CSS concept of \"right\" would be.\n\tgetRightOffset: function(leftIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.rights[leftIndex];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the right position (from offsetParent left) of the element at the given index.\n\t// This value is NOT relative to the offsetParent's right edge, like the CSS concept of \"right\" would be.\n\tgetRightPosition: function(leftIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.rights[leftIndex] - this.origin.left;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the width of the element at the given index\n\tgetWidth: function(leftIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.rights[leftIndex] - this.lefts[leftIndex];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the top offset (from document top) of the element at the given index\n\tgetTopOffset: function(topIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.tops[topIndex];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the top position (from offsetParent top) of the element at the given position\n\tgetTopPosition: function(topIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.tops[topIndex] -;\n\t},\n\n\t// Gets the bottom offset (from the document top) of the element at the given index.\n\t// This value is NOT relative to the offsetParent's bottom edge, like the CSS concept of \"bottom\" would be.\n\tgetBottomOffset: function(topIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.bottoms[topIndex];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the bottom position (from the offsetParent top) of the element at the given index.\n\t// This value is NOT relative to the offsetParent's bottom edge, like the CSS concept of \"bottom\" would be.\n\tgetBottomPosition: function(topIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.bottoms[topIndex] -;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the height of the element at the given index\n\tgetHeight: function(topIndex) {\n\t\tthis.ensureBuilt();\n\t\treturn this.bottoms[topIndex] - this.tops[topIndex];\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/* Tracks a drag's mouse movement, firing various handlers\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// TODO: use Emitter\n\nvar DragListener = FC.DragListener = Class.extend(ListenerMixin, {\n\n\toptions: null,\n\n\t// for IE8 bug-fighting behavior\n\tsubjectEl: null,\n\tsubjectHref: null,\n\n\t// coordinates of the initial mousedown\n\toriginX: null,\n\toriginY: null,\n\n\tscrollEl: null,\n\n\tisInteracting: false,\n\tisDistanceSurpassed: false,\n\tisDelayEnded: false,\n\tisDragging: false,\n\tisTouch: false,\n\n\tdelay: null,\n\tdelayTimeoutId: null,\n\tminDistance: null,\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(options) {\n\t\tthis.options = options || {};\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Interaction (high-level)\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tstartInteraction: function(ev, extraOptions) {\n\t\tvar isTouch = getEvIsTouch(ev);\n\n\t\tif (ev.type === 'mousedown') {\n\t\t\tif (!isPrimaryMouseButton(ev)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tev.preventDefault(); // prevents native selection in most browsers\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!this.isInteracting) {\n\n\t\t\t// process options\n\t\t\textraOptions = extraOptions || {};\n\t\t\tthis.delay = firstDefined(extraOptions.delay, this.options.delay, 0);\n\t\t\tthis.minDistance = firstDefined(extraOptions.distance, this.options.distance, 0);\n\t\t\tthis.subjectEl = this.options.subjectEl;\n\n\t\t\tthis.isInteracting = true;\n\t\t\tthis.isTouch = isTouch;\n\t\t\tthis.isDelayEnded = false;\n\t\t\tthis.isDistanceSurpassed = false;\n\n\t\t\tthis.originX = getEvX(ev);\n\t\t\tthis.originY = getEvY(ev);\n\t\t\tthis.scrollEl = getScrollParent($(;\n\n\t\t\tthis.bindHandlers();\n\t\t\tthis.initAutoScroll();\n\t\t\tthis.handleInteractionStart(ev);\n\t\t\tthis.startDelay(ev);\n\n\t\t\tif (!this.minDistance) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.handleDistanceSurpassed(ev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleInteractionStart: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('interactionStart', ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\tendInteraction: function(ev) {\n\t\tif (this.isInteracting) {\n\t\t\tthis.endDrag(ev);\n\n\t\t\tif (this.delayTimeoutId) {\n\t\t\t\tclearTimeout(this.delayTimeoutId);\n\t\t\t\tthis.delayTimeoutId = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tthis.destroyAutoScroll();\n\t\t\tthis.unbindHandlers();\n\n\t\t\tthis.isInteracting = false;\n\t\t\tthis.handleInteractionEnd(ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleInteractionEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('interactionEnd', ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Binding To DOM\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tbindHandlers: function() {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar touchStartIgnores = 1;\n\n\t\tif (this.isTouch) {\n\t\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), {\n\t\t\t\ttouchmove: this.handleTouchMove,\n\t\t\t\ttouchend: this.endInteraction,\n\t\t\t\ttouchcancel: this.endInteraction,\n\n\t\t\t\t// Sometimes touchend doesn't fire\n\t\t\t\t// (can't figure out why. touchcancel doesn't fire either. has to do with scrolling?)\n\t\t\t\t// If another touchstart happens, we know it's bogus, so cancel the drag.\n\t\t\t\t// touchend will continue to be broken until user does a shorttap/scroll, but this is best we can do.\n\t\t\t\ttouchstart: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (touchStartIgnores) { // bindHandlers is called from within a touchstart,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttouchStartIgnores--; // and we don't want this to fire immediately, so ignore.\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.endInteraction(ev);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\tif (this.scrollEl) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.listenTo(this.scrollEl, 'scroll', this.handleTouchScroll);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), {\n\t\t\t\tmousemove: this.handleMouseMove,\n\t\t\t\tmouseup: this.endInteraction\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), {\n\t\t\tselectstart: preventDefault, // don't allow selection while dragging\n\t\t\tcontextmenu: preventDefault // long taps would open menu on Chrome dev tools\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\tunbindHandlers: function() {\n\t\tthis.stopListeningTo($(document));\n\n\t\tif (this.scrollEl) {\n\t\t\tthis.stopListeningTo(this.scrollEl);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Drag (high-level)\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\t// extraOptions ignored if drag already started\n\tstartDrag: function(ev, extraOptions) {\n\t\tthis.startInteraction(ev, extraOptions); // ensure interaction began\n\n\t\tif (!this.isDragging) {\n\t\t\tthis.isDragging = true;\n\t\t\tthis.handleDragStart(ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleDragStart: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('dragStart', ev);\n\t\tthis.initHrefHack();\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleMove: function(ev) {\n\t\tvar dx = getEvX(ev) - this.originX;\n\t\tvar dy = getEvY(ev) - this.originY;\n\t\tvar minDistance = this.minDistance;\n\t\tvar distanceSq; // current distance from the origin, squared\n\n\t\tif (!this.isDistanceSurpassed) {\n\t\t\tdistanceSq = dx * dx + dy * dy;\n\t\t\tif (distanceSq >= minDistance * minDistance) { // use pythagorean theorem\n\t\t\t\tthis.handleDistanceSurpassed(ev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.isDragging) {\n\t\t\tthis.handleDrag(dx, dy, ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called while the mouse is being moved and when we know a legitimate drag is taking place\n\thandleDrag: function(dx, dy, ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('drag', dx, dy, ev);\n\t\tthis.updateAutoScroll(ev); // will possibly cause scrolling\n\t},\n\n\n\tendDrag: function(ev) {\n\t\tif (this.isDragging) {\n\t\t\tthis.isDragging = false;\n\t\t\tthis.handleDragEnd(ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleDragEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('dragEnd', ev);\n\t\tthis.destroyHrefHack();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Delay\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tstartDelay: function(initialEv) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t\tif (this.delay) {\n\t\t\tthis.delayTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\t\t_this.handleDelayEnd(initialEv);\n\t\t\t}, this.delay);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis.handleDelayEnd(initialEv);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleDelayEnd: function(initialEv) {\n\t\tthis.isDelayEnded = true;\n\n\t\tif (this.isDistanceSurpassed) {\n\t\t\tthis.startDrag(initialEv);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Distance\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\thandleDistanceSurpassed: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.isDistanceSurpassed = true;\n\n\t\tif (this.isDelayEnded) {\n\t\t\tthis.startDrag(ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Mouse / Touch\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\thandleTouchMove: function(ev) {\n\t\t// prevent inertia and touchmove-scrolling while dragging\n\t\tif (this.isDragging) {\n\t\t\tev.preventDefault();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.handleMove(ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleMouseMove: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.handleMove(ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Scrolling (unrelated to auto-scroll)\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\thandleTouchScroll: function(ev) {\n\t\t// if the drag is being initiated by touch, but a scroll happens before\n\t\t// the drag-initiating delay is over, cancel the drag\n\t\tif (!this.isDragging) {\n\t\t\tthis.endInteraction(ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// HREF Hack\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tinitHrefHack: function() {\n\t\tvar subjectEl = this.subjectEl;\n\n\t\t// remove a mousedown'd 's href so it is not visited (IE8 bug)\n\t\tif ((this.subjectHref = subjectEl ? subjectEl.attr('href') : null)) {\n\t\t\tsubjectEl.removeAttr('href');\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tdestroyHrefHack: function() {\n\t\tvar subjectEl = this.subjectEl;\n\t\tvar subjectHref = this.subjectHref;\n\n\t\t// restore a mousedown'd 's href (for IE8 bug)\n\t\tsetTimeout(function() { // must be outside of the click's execution\n\t\t\tif (subjectHref) {\n\t\t\t\tsubjectEl.attr('href', subjectHref);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}, 0);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Utils\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\t// Triggers a callback. Calls a function in the option hash of the same name.\n\t// Arguments beyond the first `name` are forwarded on.\n\ttrigger: function(name) {\n\t\tif (this.options[name]) {\n\t\t\tthis.options[name].apply(this,, 1));\n\t\t}\n\t\t// makes _methods callable by event name. TODO: kill this\n\t\tif (this['_' + name]) {\n\t\t\tthis['_' + name].apply(this,, 1));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n});\n\n;;\n/*\nthis.scrollEl is set in DragListener\n*/\nDragListener.mixin({\n\n\tisAutoScroll: false,\n\n\tscrollBounds: null, // { top, bottom, left, right }\n\tscrollTopVel: null, // pixels per second\n\tscrollLeftVel: null, // pixels per second\n\tscrollIntervalId: null, // ID of setTimeout for scrolling animation loop\n\n\t// defaults\n\tscrollSensitivity: 30, // pixels from edge for scrolling to start\n\tscrollSpeed: 200, // pixels per second, at maximum speed\n\tscrollIntervalMs: 50, // millisecond wait between scroll increment\n\n\n\tinitAutoScroll: function() {\n\t\tvar scrollEl = this.scrollEl;\n\n\t\tthis.isAutoScroll =\n\t\t\tthis.options.scroll &&\n\t\t\tscrollEl &&\n\t\t\t! &&\n\t\t\t!;\n\n\t\tif (this.isAutoScroll) {\n\t\t\t// debounce makes sure rapid calls don't happen\n\t\t\tthis.listenTo(scrollEl, 'scroll', debounce(this.handleDebouncedScroll, 100));\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tdestroyAutoScroll: function() {\n\t\tthis.endAutoScroll(); // kill any animation loop\n\n\t\t// remove the scroll handler if there is a scrollEl\n\t\tif (this.isAutoScroll) {\n\t\t\tthis.stopListeningTo(this.scrollEl, 'scroll'); // will probably get removed by unbindHandlers too :(\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes and stores the bounding rectangle of scrollEl\n\tcomputeScrollBounds: function() {\n\t\tif (this.isAutoScroll) {\n\t\t\tthis.scrollBounds = getOuterRect(this.scrollEl);\n\t\t\t// TODO: use getClientRect in future. but prevents auto scrolling when on top of scrollbars\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when the dragging is in progress and scrolling should be updated\n\tupdateAutoScroll: function(ev) {\n\t\tvar sensitivity = this.scrollSensitivity;\n\t\tvar bounds = this.scrollBounds;\n\t\tvar topCloseness, bottomCloseness;\n\t\tvar leftCloseness, rightCloseness;\n\t\tvar topVel = 0;\n\t\tvar leftVel = 0;\n\n\t\tif (bounds) { // only scroll if scrollEl exists\n\n\t\t\t// compute closeness to edges. valid range is from 0.0 - 1.0\n\t\t\ttopCloseness = (sensitivity - (getEvY(ev) - / sensitivity;\n\t\t\tbottomCloseness = (sensitivity - (bounds.bottom - getEvY(ev))) / sensitivity;\n\t\t\tleftCloseness = (sensitivity - (getEvX(ev) - bounds.left)) / sensitivity;\n\t\t\trightCloseness = (sensitivity - (bounds.right - getEvX(ev))) / sensitivity;\n\n\t\t\t// translate vertical closeness into velocity.\n\t\t\t// mouse must be completely in bounds for velocity to happen.\n\t\t\tif (topCloseness >= 0 && topCloseness <= 1) {\n\t\t\t\ttopVel = topCloseness * this.scrollSpeed * -1; // negative. for scrolling up\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (bottomCloseness >= 0 && bottomCloseness <= 1) {\n\t\t\t\ttopVel = bottomCloseness * this.scrollSpeed;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// translate horizontal closeness into velocity\n\t\t\tif (leftCloseness >= 0 && leftCloseness <= 1) {\n\t\t\t\tleftVel = leftCloseness * this.scrollSpeed * -1; // negative. for scrolling left\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (rightCloseness >= 0 && rightCloseness <= 1) {\n\t\t\t\tleftVel = rightCloseness * this.scrollSpeed;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.setScrollVel(topVel, leftVel);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Sets the speed-of-scrolling for the scrollEl\n\tsetScrollVel: function(topVel, leftVel) {\n\n\t\tthis.scrollTopVel = topVel;\n\t\tthis.scrollLeftVel = leftVel;\n\n\t\tthis.constrainScrollVel(); // massages into realistic values\n\n\t\t// if there is non-zero velocity, and an animation loop hasn't already started, then START\n\t\tif ((this.scrollTopVel || this.scrollLeftVel) && !this.scrollIntervalId) {\n\t\t\tthis.scrollIntervalId = setInterval(\n\t\t\t\tproxy(this, 'scrollIntervalFunc'), // scope to `this`\n\t\t\t\tthis.scrollIntervalMs\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Forces scrollTopVel and scrollLeftVel to be zero if scrolling has already gone all the way\n\tconstrainScrollVel: function() {\n\t\tvar el = this.scrollEl;\n\n\t\tif (this.scrollTopVel < 0) { // scrolling up?\n\t\t\tif (el.scrollTop() <= 0) { // already scrolled all the way up?\n\t\t\t\tthis.scrollTopVel = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (this.scrollTopVel > 0) { // scrolling down?\n\t\t\tif (el.scrollTop() + el[0].clientHeight >= el[0].scrollHeight) { // already scrolled all the way down?\n\t\t\t\tthis.scrollTopVel = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.scrollLeftVel < 0) { // scrolling left?\n\t\t\tif (el.scrollLeft() <= 0) { // already scrolled all the left?\n\t\t\t\tthis.scrollLeftVel = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (this.scrollLeftVel > 0) { // scrolling right?\n\t\t\tif (el.scrollLeft() + el[0].clientWidth >= el[0].scrollWidth) { // already scrolled all the way right?\n\t\t\t\tthis.scrollLeftVel = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// This function gets called during every iteration of the scrolling animation loop\n\tscrollIntervalFunc: function() {\n\t\tvar el = this.scrollEl;\n\t\tvar frac = this.scrollIntervalMs / 1000; // considering animation frequency, what the vel should be mult'd by\n\n\t\t// change the value of scrollEl's scroll\n\t\tif (this.scrollTopVel) {\n\t\t\tel.scrollTop(el.scrollTop() + this.scrollTopVel * frac);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.scrollLeftVel) {\n\t\t\tel.scrollLeft(el.scrollLeft() + this.scrollLeftVel * frac);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.constrainScrollVel(); // since the scroll values changed, recompute the velocities\n\n\t\t// if scrolled all the way, which causes the vels to be zero, stop the animation loop\n\t\tif (!this.scrollTopVel && !this.scrollLeftVel) {\n\t\t\tthis.endAutoScroll();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Kills any existing scrolling animation loop\n\tendAutoScroll: function() {\n\t\tif (this.scrollIntervalId) {\n\t\t\tclearInterval(this.scrollIntervalId);\n\t\t\tthis.scrollIntervalId = null;\n\n\t\t\tthis.handleScrollEnd();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Get called when the scrollEl is scrolled (NOTE: this is delayed via debounce)\n\thandleDebouncedScroll: function() {\n\t\t// recompute all coordinates, but *only* if this is *not* part of our scrolling animation\n\t\tif (!this.scrollIntervalId) {\n\t\t\tthis.handleScrollEnd();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when scrolling has stopped, whether through auto scroll, or the user scrolling\n\thandleScrollEnd: function() {\n\t}\n\n});\n;;\n\n/* Tracks mouse movements over a component and raises events about which hit the mouse is over.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\noptions:\n- subjectEl\n- subjectCenter\n*/\n\nvar HitDragListener = DragListener.extend({\n\n\tcomponent: null, // converts coordinates to hits\n\t\t// methods: prepareHits, releaseHits, queryHit\n\n\torigHit: null, // the hit the mouse was over when listening started\n\thit: null, // the hit the mouse is over\n\tcoordAdjust: null, // delta that will be added to the mouse coordinates when computing collisions\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(component, options) {\n\t\, options); // call the super-constructor\n\n\t\tthis.component = component;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when drag listening starts (but a real drag has not necessarily began).\n\t// ev might be undefined if dragging was started manually.\n\thandleInteractionStart: function(ev) {\n\t\tvar subjectEl = this.subjectEl;\n\t\tvar subjectRect;\n\t\tvar origPoint;\n\t\tvar point;\n\n\t\tthis.computeCoords();\n\n\t\tif (ev) {\n\t\t\torigPoint = { left: getEvX(ev), top: getEvY(ev) };\n\t\t\tpoint = origPoint;\n\n\t\t\t// constrain the point to bounds of the element being dragged\n\t\t\tif (subjectEl) {\n\t\t\t\tsubjectRect = getOuterRect(subjectEl); // used for centering as well\n\t\t\t\tpoint = constrainPoint(point, subjectRect);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tthis.origHit = this.queryHit(point.left,;\n\n\t\t\t// treat the center of the subject as the collision point?\n\t\t\tif (subjectEl && this.options.subjectCenter) {\n\n\t\t\t\t// only consider the area the subject overlaps the hit. best for large subjects.\n\t\t\t\t// TODO: skip this if hit didn't supply left/right/top/bottom\n\t\t\t\tif (this.origHit) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubjectRect = intersectRects(this.origHit, subjectRect) ||\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsubjectRect; // in case there is no intersection\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tpoint = getRectCenter(subjectRect);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tthis.coordAdjust = diffPoints(point, origPoint); // point - origPoint\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis.origHit = null;\n\t\t\tthis.coordAdjust = null;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// call the super-method. do it after origHit has been computed\n\t\tDragListener.prototype.handleInteractionStart.apply(this, arguments);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Recomputes the drag-critical positions of elements\n\tcomputeCoords: function() {\n\t\tthis.component.prepareHits();\n\t\tthis.computeScrollBounds(); // why is this here??????\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when the actual drag has started\n\thandleDragStart: function(ev) {\n\t\tvar hit;\n\n\t\tDragListener.prototype.handleDragStart.apply(this, arguments); // call the super-method\n\n\t\t// might be different from this.origHit if the min-distance is large\n\t\thit = this.queryHit(getEvX(ev), getEvY(ev));\n\n\t\t// report the initial hit the mouse is over\n\t\t// especially important if no min-distance and drag starts immediately\n\t\tif (hit) {\n\t\t\tthis.handleHitOver(hit);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when the drag moves\n\thandleDrag: function(dx, dy, ev) {\n\t\tvar hit;\n\n\t\tDragListener.prototype.handleDrag.apply(this, arguments); // call the super-method\n\n\t\thit = this.queryHit(getEvX(ev), getEvY(ev));\n\n\t\tif (!isHitsEqual(hit, this.hit)) { // a different hit than before?\n\t\t\tif (this.hit) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.handleHitOut();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (hit) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.handleHitOver(hit);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when dragging has been stopped\n\thandleDragEnd: function() {\n\t\tthis.handleHitDone();\n\t\tDragListener.prototype.handleDragEnd.apply(this, arguments); // call the super-method\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when a the mouse has just moved over a new hit\n\thandleHitOver: function(hit) {\n\t\tvar isOrig = isHitsEqual(hit, this.origHit);\n\n\t\tthis.hit = hit;\n\n\t\tthis.trigger('hitOver', this.hit, isOrig, this.origHit);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when the mouse has just moved out of a hit\n\thandleHitOut: function() {\n\t\tif (this.hit) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('hitOut', this.hit);\n\t\t\tthis.handleHitDone();\n\t\t\tthis.hit = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called after a hitOut. Also called before a dragStop\n\thandleHitDone: function() {\n\t\tif (this.hit) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('hitDone', this.hit);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when the interaction ends, whether there was a real drag or not\n\thandleInteractionEnd: function() {\n\t\tDragListener.prototype.handleInteractionEnd.apply(this, arguments); // call the super-method\n\n\t\tthis.origHit = null;\n\t\tthis.hit = null;\n\n\t\tthis.component.releaseHits();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when scrolling has stopped, whether through auto scroll, or the user scrolling\n\thandleScrollEnd: function() {\n\t\tDragListener.prototype.handleScrollEnd.apply(this, arguments); // call the super-method\n\n\t\tthis.computeCoords(); // hits' absolute positions will be in new places. recompute\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the hit underneath the coordinates for the given mouse event\n\tqueryHit: function(left, top) {\n\n\t\tif (this.coordAdjust) {\n\t\t\tleft += this.coordAdjust.left;\n\t\t\ttop +=;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn this.component.queryHit(left, top);\n\t}\n\n});\n\n\n// Returns `true` if the hits are identically equal. `false` otherwise. Must be from the same component.\n// Two null values will be considered equal, as two \"out of the component\" states are the same.\nfunction isHitsEqual(hit0, hit1) {\n\n\tif (!hit0 && !hit1) {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\tif (hit0 && hit1) {\n\t\treturn hit0.component === hit1.component &&\n\t\t\tisHitPropsWithin(hit0, hit1) &&\n\t\t\tisHitPropsWithin(hit1, hit0); // ensures all props are identical\n\t}\n\n\treturn false;\n}\n\n\n// Returns true if all of subHit's non-standard properties are within superHit\nfunction isHitPropsWithin(subHit, superHit) {\n\tfor (var propName in subHit) {\n\t\tif (!/^(component|left|right|top|bottom)$/.test(propName)) {\n\t\t\tif (subHit[propName] !== superHit[propName]) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n;;\n\n/* Creates a clone of an element and lets it track the mouse as it moves\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nvar MouseFollower = Class.extend(ListenerMixin, {\n\n\toptions: null,\n\n\tsourceEl: null, // the element that will be cloned and made to look like it is dragging\n\tel: null, // the clone of `sourceEl` that will track the mouse\n\tparentEl: null, // the element that `el` (the clone) will be attached to\n\n\t// the initial position of el, relative to the offset parent. made to match the initial offset of sourceEl\n\ttop0: null,\n\tleft0: null,\n\n\t// the absolute coordinates of the initiating touch/mouse action\n\ty0: null,\n\tx0: null,\n\n\t// the number of pixels the mouse has moved from its initial position\n\ttopDelta: null,\n\tleftDelta: null,\n\n\tisFollowing: false,\n\tisHidden: false,\n\tisAnimating: false, // doing the revert animation?\n\n\tconstructor: function(sourceEl, options) {\n\t\tthis.options = options = options || {};\n\t\tthis.sourceEl = sourceEl;\n\t\tthis.parentEl = options.parentEl ? $(options.parentEl) : sourceEl.parent(); // default to sourceEl's parent\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Causes the element to start following the mouse\n\tstart: function(ev) {\n\t\tif (!this.isFollowing) {\n\t\t\tthis.isFollowing = true;\n\n\t\t\tthis.y0 = getEvY(ev);\n\t\t\tthis.x0 = getEvX(ev);\n\t\t\tthis.topDelta = 0;\n\t\t\tthis.leftDelta = 0;\n\n\t\t\tif (!this.isHidden) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.updatePosition();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (getEvIsTouch(ev)) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), 'touchmove', this.handleMove);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), 'mousemove', this.handleMove);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Causes the element to stop following the mouse. If shouldRevert is true, will animate back to original position.\n\t// `callback` gets invoked when the animation is complete. If no animation, it is invoked immediately.\n\tstop: function(shouldRevert, callback) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar revertDuration = this.options.revertDuration;\n\n\t\tfunction complete() {\n\t\t\tthis.isAnimating = false;\n\t\t\t_this.removeElement();\n\n\t\t\tthis.top0 = this.left0 = null; // reset state for future updatePosition calls\n\n\t\t\tif (callback) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.isFollowing && !this.isAnimating) { // disallow more than one stop animation at a time\n\t\t\tthis.isFollowing = false;\n\n\t\t\tthis.stopListeningTo($(document));\n\n\t\t\tif (shouldRevert && revertDuration && !this.isHidden) { // do a revert animation?\n\t\t\t\tthis.isAnimating = true;\n\t\t\t\tthis.el.animate({\n\t\t\t\t\ttop: this.top0,\n\t\t\t\t\tleft: this.left0\n\t\t\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\t\tduration: revertDuration,\n\t\t\t\t\tcomplete: complete\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tcomplete();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets the tracking element. Create it if necessary\n\tgetEl: function() {\n\t\tvar el = this.el;\n\n\t\tif (!el) {\n\t\t\tthis.sourceEl.width(); // hack to force IE8 to compute correct bounding box\n\t\t\tel = this.el = this.sourceEl.clone()\n\t\t\t\t.addClass(this.options.additionalClass || '')\n\t\t\t\t.css({\n\t\t\t\t\tposition: 'absolute',\n\t\t\t\t\tvisibility: '', // in case original element was hidden (commonly through hideEvents())\n\t\t\t\t\tdisplay: this.isHidden ? 'none' : '', // for when initially hidden\n\t\t\t\t\tmargin: 0,\n\t\t\t\t\tright: 'auto', // erase and set width instead\n\t\t\t\t\tbottom: 'auto', // erase and set height instead\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: this.sourceEl.width(), // explicit height in case there was a 'right' value\n\t\t\t\t\theight: this.sourceEl.height(), // explicit width in case there was a 'bottom' value\n\t\t\t\t\topacity: this.options.opacity || '',\n\t\t\t\t\tzIndex: this.options.zIndex\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t// we don't want long taps or any mouse interaction causing selection/menus.\n\t\t\t// would use preventSelection(), but that prevents selectstart, causing problems.\n\t\t\tel.addClass('fc-unselectable');\n\n\t\t\tel.appendTo(this.parentEl);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn el;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Removes the tracking element if it has already been created\n\tremoveElement: function() {\n\t\tif (this.el) {\n\t\t\tthis.el.remove();\n\t\t\tthis.el = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Update the CSS position of the tracking element\n\tupdatePosition: function() {\n\t\tvar sourceOffset;\n\t\tvar origin;\n\n\t\tthis.getEl(); // ensure this.el\n\n\t\t// make sure origin info was computed\n\t\tif (this.top0 === null) {\n\t\t\tthis.sourceEl.width(); // hack to force IE8 to compute correct bounding box\n\t\t\tsourceOffset = this.sourceEl.offset();\n\t\t\torigin = this.el.offsetParent().offset();\n\t\t\tthis.top0 = -;\n\t\t\tthis.left0 = sourceOffset.left - origin.left;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.el.css({\n\t\t\ttop: this.top0 + this.topDelta,\n\t\t\tleft: this.left0 + this.leftDelta\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets called when the user moves the mouse\n\thandleMove: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.topDelta = getEvY(ev) - this.y0;\n\t\tthis.leftDelta = getEvX(ev) - this.x0;\n\n\t\tif (!this.isHidden) {\n\t\t\tthis.updatePosition();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Temporarily makes the tracking element invisible. Can be called before following starts\n\thide: function() {\n\t\tif (!this.isHidden) {\n\t\t\tthis.isHidden = true;\n\t\t\tif (this.el) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.el.hide();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Show the tracking element after it has been temporarily hidden\n\tshow: function() {\n\t\tif (this.isHidden) {\n\t\t\tthis.isHidden = false;\n\t\t\tthis.updatePosition();\n\t\t\tthis.getEl().show();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/* An abstract class comprised of a \"grid\" of areas that each represent a specific datetime\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nvar Grid = FC.Grid = Class.extend(ListenerMixin, {\n\n\tview: null, // a View object\n\tisRTL: null, // shortcut to the view's isRTL option\n\n\tstart: null,\n\tend: null,\n\n\tel: null, // the containing element\n\telsByFill: null, // a hash of jQuery element sets used for rendering each fill. Keyed by fill name.\n\n\t// derived from options\n\teventTimeFormat: null,\n\tdisplayEventTime: null,\n\tdisplayEventEnd: null,\n\n\tminResizeDuration: null, // TODO: hack. set by subclasses. minumum event resize duration\n\n\t// if defined, holds the unit identified (ex: \"year\" or \"month\") that determines the level of granularity\n\t// of the date areas. if not defined, assumes to be day and time granularity.\n\t// TODO: port isTimeScale into same system?\n\tlargeUnit: null,\n\n\tdayDragListener: null,\n\tsegDragListener: null,\n\tsegResizeListener: null,\n\texternalDragListener: null,\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(view) {\n\t\tthis.view = view;\n\t\tthis.isRTL = view.opt('isRTL');\n\t\tthis.elsByFill = {};\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Options\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Generates the format string used for event time text, if not explicitly defined by 'timeFormat'\n\tcomputeEventTimeFormat: function() {\n\t\treturn this.view.opt('smallTimeFormat');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Determines whether events should have their end times displayed, if not explicitly defined by 'displayEventTime'.\n\t// Only applies to non-all-day events.\n\tcomputeDisplayEventTime: function() {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Determines whether events should have their end times displayed, if not explicitly defined by 'displayEventEnd'\n\tcomputeDisplayEventEnd: function() {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dates\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Tells the grid about what period of time to display.\n\t// Any date-related internal data should be generated.\n\tsetRange: function(range) {\n\t\tthis.start = range.start.clone();\n\t\tthis.end = range.end.clone();\n\n\t\tthis.rangeUpdated();\n\t\tthis.processRangeOptions();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when internal variables that rely on the range should be updated\n\trangeUpdated: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Updates values that rely on options and also relate to range\n\tprocessRangeOptions: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar displayEventTime;\n\t\tvar displayEventEnd;\n\n\t\tthis.eventTimeFormat =\n\t\t\tview.opt('eventTimeFormat') ||\n\t\t\tview.opt('timeFormat') || // deprecated\n\t\t\tthis.computeEventTimeFormat();\n\n\t\tdisplayEventTime = view.opt('displayEventTime');\n\t\tif (displayEventTime == null) {\n\t\t\tdisplayEventTime = this.computeDisplayEventTime(); // might be based off of range\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdisplayEventEnd = view.opt('displayEventEnd');\n\t\tif (displayEventEnd == null) {\n\t\t\tdisplayEventEnd = this.computeDisplayEventEnd(); // might be based off of range\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.displayEventTime = displayEventTime;\n\t\tthis.displayEventEnd = displayEventEnd;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Converts a span (has unzoned start/end and any other grid-specific location information)\n\t// into an array of segments (pieces of events whose format is decided by the grid).\n\tspanToSegs: function(span) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Diffs the two dates, returning a duration, based on granularity of the grid\n\t// TODO: port isTimeScale into this system?\n\tdiffDates: function(a, b) {\n\t\tif (this.largeUnit) {\n\t\t\treturn diffByUnit(a, b, this.largeUnit);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn diffDayTime(a, b);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Hit Area\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Called before one or more queryHit calls might happen. Should prepare any cached coordinates for queryHit\n\tprepareHits: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when queryHit calls have subsided. Good place to clear any coordinate caches.\n\treleaseHits: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given coordinates from the topleft of the document, return data about the date-related area underneath.\n\t// Can return an object with arbitrary properties (although top/right/left/bottom are encouraged).\n\t// Must have a `grid` property, a reference to this current grid. TODO: avoid this\n\t// The returned object will be processed by getHitSpan and getHitEl.\n\tqueryHit: function(leftOffset, topOffset) {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given position-level information about a date-related area within the grid,\n\t// should return an object with at least a start/end date. Can provide other information as well.\n\tgetHitSpan: function(hit) {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given position-level information about a date-related area within the grid,\n\t// should return a jQuery element that best represents it. passed to dayClick callback.\n\tgetHitEl: function(hit) {\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Sets the container element that the grid should render inside of.\n\t// Does other DOM-related initializations.\n\tsetElement: function(el) {\n\t\tthis.el = el;\n\t\tpreventSelection(el);\n\n\t\tif (this.view.calendar.isTouch) {\n\t\t\tthis.bindDayHandler('touchstart', this.dayTouchStart);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis.bindDayHandler('mousedown', this.dayMousedown);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// attach event-element-related handlers. in\n\t\t// same garbage collection note as above.\n\t\tthis.bindSegHandlers();\n\n\t\tthis.bindGlobalHandlers();\n\t},\n\n\n\tbindDayHandler: function(name, handler) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t\t// attach a handler to the grid's root element.\n\t\t// jQuery will take care of unregistering them when removeElement gets called.\n\t\tthis.el.on(name, function(ev) {\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t!$('.fc-event-container *, .fc-more') && // not an an event element, or \"more..\" link\n\t\t\t\t!$('.fc-popover').length // not on a popover (like the \"more..\" events one)\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\treturn, ev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Removes the grid's container element from the DOM. Undoes any other DOM-related attachments.\n\t// DOES NOT remove any content beforehand (doesn't clear events or call unrenderDates), unlike View\n\tremoveElement: function() {\n\t\tthis.unbindGlobalHandlers();\n\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\n\t\tthis.el.remove();\n\n\t\t// NOTE: we don't null-out this.el for the same reasons we don't do it within View::removeElement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the basic structure of grid view before any content is rendered\n\trenderSkeleton: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the grid's date-related content (like areas that represent days/times).\n\t// Assumes setRange has already been called and the skeleton has already been rendered.\n\trenderDates: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the grid's date-related content\n\tunrenderDates: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Handlers\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Binds DOM handlers to elements that reside outside the grid, such as the document\n\tbindGlobalHandlers: function() {\n\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), {\n\t\t\tdragstart: this.externalDragStart, // jqui\n\t\t\tsortstart: this.externalDragStart // jqui\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unbinds DOM handlers from elements that reside outside the grid\n\tunbindGlobalHandlers: function() {\n\t\tthis.stopListeningTo($(document));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Process a mousedown on an element that represents a day. For day clicking and selecting.\n\tdayMousedown: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\t\tthis.buildDayDragListener().startInteraction(ev, {\n\t\t\t//distance: 5, // needs more work if we want dayClick to fire correctly\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\tdayTouchStart: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\t\tthis.buildDayDragListener().startInteraction(ev, {\n\t\t\tdelay: this.view.opt('longPressDelay')\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Creates a listener that tracks the user's drag across day elements.\n\t// For day clicking and selecting.\n\tbuildDayDragListener: function() {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar isSelectable = view.opt('selectable');\n\t\tvar dayClickHit; // null if invalid dayClick\n\t\tvar selectionSpan; // null if invalid selection\n\n\t\t// this listener tracks a mousedown on a day element, and a subsequent drag.\n\t\t// if the drag ends on the same day, it is a 'dayClick'.\n\t\t// if 'selectable' is enabled, this listener also detects selections.\n\t\tvar dragListener = this.dayDragListener = new HitDragListener(this, {\n\t\t\tscroll: view.opt('dragScroll'),\n\t\t\tinteractionStart: function() {\n\t\t\t\tdayClickHit = dragListener.origHit;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tdragStart: function() {\n\t\t\t\tview.unselect(); // since we could be rendering a new selection, we want to clear any old one\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOver: function(hit, isOrig, origHit) {\n\t\t\t\tif (origHit) { // click needs to have started on a hit\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// if user dragged to another cell at any point, it can no longer be a dayClick\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!isOrig) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdayClickHit = null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif (isSelectable) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tselectionSpan = _this.computeSelection(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.getHitSpan(origHit),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.getHitSpan(hit)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (selectionSpan) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.renderSelection(selectionSpan);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse if (selectionSpan === false) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdisableCursor();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOut: function() {\n\t\t\t\tdayClickHit = null;\n\t\t\t\tselectionSpan = null;\n\t\t\t\t_this.unrenderSelection();\n\t\t\t\tenableCursor();\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tinteractionEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tif (dayClickHit) {\n\t\t\t\t\tview.triggerDayClick(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.getHitSpan(dayClickHit),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.getHitEl(dayClickHit),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tev\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (selectionSpan) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// the selection will already have been rendered. just report it\n\t\t\t\t\tview.reportSelection(selectionSpan, ev);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tenableCursor();\n\t\t\t\t_this.dayDragListener = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn dragListener;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Kills all in-progress dragging.\n\t// Useful for when public API methods that result in re-rendering are invoked during a drag.\n\t// Also useful for when touch devices misbehave and don't fire their touchend.\n\tclearDragListeners: function() {\n\t\tif (this.dayDragListener) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayDragListener.endInteraction(); // will clear this.dayDragListener\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.segDragListener) {\n\t\t\tthis.segDragListener.endInteraction(); // will clear this.segDragListener\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.segResizeListener) {\n\t\t\tthis.segResizeListener.endInteraction(); // will clear this.segResizeListener\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.externalDragListener) {\n\t\t\tthis.externalDragListener.endInteraction(); // will clear this.externalDragListener\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Helper\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// TODO: should probably move this to, like we did event dragging / resizing\n\n\n\t// Renders a mock event at the given event location, which contains zoned start/end properties.\n\t// Returns all mock event elements.\n\trenderEventLocationHelper: function(eventLocation, sourceSeg) {\n\t\tvar fakeEvent = this.fabricateHelperEvent(eventLocation, sourceSeg);\n\n\t\treturn this.renderHelper(fakeEvent, sourceSeg); // do the actual rendering\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds a fake event given zoned event date properties and a segment is should be inspired from.\n\t// The range's end can be null, in which case the mock event that is rendered will have a null end time.\n\t// `sourceSeg` is the internal segment object involved in the drag. If null, something external is dragging.\n\tfabricateHelperEvent: function(eventLocation, sourceSeg) {\n\t\tvar fakeEvent = sourceSeg ? createObject(sourceSeg.event) : {}; // mask the original event object if possible\n\n\t\tfakeEvent.start = eventLocation.start.clone();\n\t\tfakeEvent.end = eventLocation.end ? eventLocation.end.clone() : null;\n\t\tfakeEvent.allDay = null; // force it to be freshly computed by normalizeEventDates\n\t\tthis.view.calendar.normalizeEventDates(fakeEvent);\n\n\t\t// this extra className will be useful for differentiating real events from mock events in CSS\n\t\tfakeEvent.className = (fakeEvent.className || []).concat('fc-helper');\n\n\t\t// if something external is being dragged in, don't render a resizer\n\t\tif (!sourceSeg) {\n\t\t\tfakeEvent.editable = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn fakeEvent;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders a mock event. Given zoned event date properties.\n\t// Must return all mock event elements.\n\trenderHelper: function(eventLocation, sourceSeg) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a mock event\n\tunrenderHelper: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Selection\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of a selection. Will highlight by default but can be overridden by subclasses.\n\t// Given a span (unzoned start/end and other misc data)\n\trenderSelection: function(span) {\n\t\tthis.renderHighlight(span);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any visual indications of a selection. Will unrender a highlight by default.\n\tunrenderSelection: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHighlight();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given the first and last date-spans of a selection, returns another date-span object.\n\t// Subclasses can override and provide additional data in the span object. Will be passed to renderSelection().\n\t// Will return false if the selection is invalid and this should be indicated to the user.\n\t// Will return null/undefined if a selection invalid but no error should be reported.\n\tcomputeSelection: function(span0, span1) {\n\t\tvar span = this.computeSelectionSpan(span0, span1);\n\n\t\tif (span && !this.view.calendar.isSelectionSpanAllowed(span)) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn span;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given two spans, must return the combination of the two.\n\t// TODO: do this separation of concerns (combining VS validation) for event dnd/resize too.\n\tcomputeSelectionSpan: function(span0, span1) {\n\t\tvar dates = [ span0.start, span0.end, span1.start, span1.end ];\n\n\t\tdates.sort(compareNumbers); // sorts chronologically. works with Moments\n\n\t\treturn { start: dates[0].clone(), end: dates[3].clone() };\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Highlight\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders an emphasis on the given date range. Given a span (unzoned start/end and other misc data)\n\trenderHighlight: function(span) {\n\t\tthis.renderFill('highlight', this.spanToSegs(span));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the emphasis on a date range\n\tunrenderHighlight: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderFill('highlight');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates an array of classNames for rendering the highlight. Used by the fill system.\n\thighlightSegClasses: function() {\n\t\treturn [ 'fc-highlight' ];\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Business Hours\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Now Indicator\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tgetNowIndicatorUnit: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderNowIndicator: function(date) {\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderNowIndicator: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Fill System (highlight, background events, business hours)\n\t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\tTODO: remove this system. like we did in TimeGrid\n\t*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a set of rectangles over the given segments of time.\n\t// MUST RETURN a subset of segs, the segs that were actually rendered.\n\t// Responsible for populating this.elsByFill. TODO: better API for expressing this requirement\n\trenderFill: function(type, segs) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a specific type of fill that is currently rendered on the grid\n\tunrenderFill: function(type) {\n\t\tvar el = this.elsByFill[type];\n\n\t\tif (el) {\n\t\t\tel.remove();\n\t\t\tdelete this.elsByFill[type];\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders and assigns an `el` property for each fill segment. Generic enough to work with different types.\n\t// Only returns segments that successfully rendered.\n\t// To be harnessed by renderFill (implemented by subclasses).\n\t// Analagous to renderFgSegEls.\n\trenderFillSegEls: function(type, segs) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar segElMethod = this[type + 'SegEl'];\n\t\tvar html = '';\n\t\tvar renderedSegs = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (segs.length) {\n\n\t\t\t// build a large concatenation of segment HTML\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\thtml += this.fillSegHtml(type, segs[i]);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Grab individual elements from the combined HTML string. Use each as the default rendering.\n\t\t\t// Then, compute the 'el' for each segment.\n\t\t\t$(html).each(function(i, node) {\n\t\t\t\tvar seg = segs[i];\n\t\t\t\tvar el = $(node);\n\n\t\t\t\t// allow custom filter methods per-type\n\t\t\t\tif (segElMethod) {\n\t\t\t\t\tel =, seg, el);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (el) { // custom filters did not cancel the render\n\t\t\t\t\tel = $(el); // allow custom filter to return raw DOM node\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// correct element type? (would be bad if a non-TD were inserted into a table for example)\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tseg.el = el;\n\t\t\t\t\t\trenderedSegs.push(seg);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn renderedSegs;\n\t},\n\n\n\tfillSegTag: 'div', // subclasses can override\n\n\n\t// Builds the HTML needed for one fill segment. Generic enought o work with different types.\n\tfillSegHtml: function(type, seg) {\n\n\t\t// custom hooks per-type\n\t\tvar classesMethod = this[type + 'SegClasses'];\n\t\tvar cssMethod = this[type + 'SegCss'];\n\n\t\tvar classes = classesMethod ?, seg) : [];\n\t\tvar css = cssToStr(cssMethod ?, seg) : {});\n\n\t\treturn '<' + this.fillSegTag +\n\t\t\t(classes.length ? ' class=\"' + classes.join(' ') + '\"' : '') +\n\t\t\t(css ? ' style=\"' + css + '\"' : '') +\n\t\t\t' />';\n\t},\n\n\n\n\t/* Generic rendering utilities for subclasses\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes HTML classNames for a single-day element\n\tgetDayClasses: function(date) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar today = view.calendar.getNow();\n\t\tvar classes = [ 'fc-' + dayIDs[] ];\n\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\'months') == 1 &&\n\t\t\tdate.month() != view.intervalStart.month()\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-other-month');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (date.isSame(today, 'day')) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push(\n\t\t\t\t'fc-today',\n\t\t\t\tview.highlightStateClass\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (date < today) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-past');\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-future');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn classes;\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/* Event-rendering and event-interaction methods for the abstract Grid class\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nGrid.mixin({\n\n\tmousedOverSeg: null, // the segment object the user's mouse is over. null if over nothing\n\tisDraggingSeg: false, // is a segment being dragged? boolean\n\tisResizingSeg: false, // is a segment being resized? boolean\n\tisDraggingExternal: false, // jqui-dragging an external element? boolean\n\tsegs: null, // the *event* segments currently rendered in the grid. TODO: rename to `eventSegs`\n\n\n\t// Renders the given events onto the grid\n\trenderEvents: function(events) {\n\t\tvar bgEvents = [];\n\t\tvar fgEvents = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t(isBgEvent(events[i]) ? bgEvents : fgEvents).push(events[i]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.segs = [].concat( // record all segs\n\t\t\tthis.renderBgEvents(bgEvents),\n\t\t\tthis.renderFgEvents(fgEvents)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderBgEvents: function(events) {\n\t\tvar segs = this.eventsToSegs(events);\n\n\t\t// renderBgSegs might return a subset of segs, segs that were actually rendered\n\t\treturn this.renderBgSegs(segs) || segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderFgEvents: function(events) {\n\t\tvar segs = this.eventsToSegs(events);\n\n\t\t// renderFgSegs might return a subset of segs, segs that were actually rendered\n\t\treturn this.renderFgSegs(segs) || segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all events currently rendered on the grid\n\tunrenderEvents: function() {\n\t\tthis.handleSegMouseout(); // trigger an eventMouseout if user's mouse is over an event\n\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\n\t\tthis.unrenderFgSegs();\n\t\tthis.unrenderBgSegs();\n\n\t\tthis.segs = null;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves all rendered segment objects currently rendered on the grid\n\tgetEventSegs: function() {\n\t\treturn this.segs || [];\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Foreground Segment Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders foreground event segments onto the grid. May return a subset of segs that were rendered.\n\trenderFgSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all currently rendered foreground segments\n\tunrenderFgSegs: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders and assigns an `el` property for each foreground event segment.\n\t// Only returns segments that successfully rendered.\n\t// A utility that subclasses may use.\n\trenderFgSegEls: function(segs, disableResizing) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar html = '';\n\t\tvar renderedSegs = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (segs.length) { // don't build an empty html string\n\n\t\t\t// build a large concatenation of event segment HTML\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\thtml += this.fgSegHtml(segs[i], disableResizing);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Grab individual elements from the combined HTML string. Use each as the default rendering.\n\t\t\t// Then, compute the 'el' for each segment. An el might be null if the eventRender callback returned false.\n\t\t\t$(html).each(function(i, node) {\n\t\t\t\tvar seg = segs[i];\n\t\t\t\tvar el = view.resolveEventEl(seg.event, $(node));\n\n\t\t\t\tif (el) {\n\t\t\t\t\'fc-seg', seg); // used by handlers\n\t\t\t\t\tseg.el = el;\n\t\t\t\t\trenderedSegs.push(seg);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn renderedSegs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML for the default rendering of a foreground event segment. Used by renderFgSegEls()\n\tfgSegHtml: function(seg, disableResizing) {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Background Segment Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders the given background event segments onto the grid.\n\t// Returns a subset of the segs that were actually rendered.\n\trenderBgSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\treturn this.renderFill('bgEvent', segs);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all the currently rendered background event segments\n\tunrenderBgSegs: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderFill('bgEvent');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders a background event element, given the default rendering. Called by the fill system.\n\tbgEventSegEl: function(seg, el) {\n\t\treturn this.view.resolveEventEl(seg.event, el); // will filter through eventRender\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates an array of classNames to be used for the default rendering of a background event.\n\t// Called by the fill system.\n\tbgEventSegClasses: function(seg) {\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar source = event.source || {};\n\n\t\treturn [ 'fc-bgevent' ].concat(\n\t\t\tevent.className,\n\t\t\tsource.className || []\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates a semicolon-separated CSS string to be used for the default rendering of a background event.\n\t// Called by the fill system.\n\tbgEventSegCss: function(seg) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'background-color': this.getSegSkinCss(seg)['background-color']\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates an array of classNames to be used for the rendering business hours overlay. Called by the fill system.\n\tbusinessHoursSegClasses: function(seg) {\n\t\treturn [ 'fc-nonbusiness', 'fc-bgevent' ];\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Handlers\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Attaches event-element-related handlers to the container element and leverage bubbling\n\tbindSegHandlers: function() {\n\t\tif (this.view.calendar.isTouch) {\n\t\t\tthis.bindSegHandler('touchstart', this.handleSegTouchStart);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis.bindSegHandler('mouseenter', this.handleSegMouseover);\n\t\t\tthis.bindSegHandler('mouseleave', this.handleSegMouseout);\n\t\t\tthis.bindSegHandler('mousedown', this.handleSegMousedown);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.bindSegHandler('click', this.handleSegClick);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Executes a handler for any a user-interaction on a segment.\n\t// Handler gets called with (seg, ev), and with the `this` context of the Grid\n\tbindSegHandler: function(name, handler) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t\tthis.el.on(name, '.fc-event-container > *', function(ev) {\n\t\t\tvar seg = $(this).data('fc-seg'); // grab segment data. put there by View::renderEvents\n\n\t\t\t// only call the handlers if there is not a drag/resize in progress\n\t\t\tif (seg && !_this.isDraggingSeg && !_this.isResizingSeg) {\n\t\t\t\treturn, seg, ev); // context will be the Grid\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleSegClick: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\treturn this.view.trigger('eventClick', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev); // can return `false` to cancel\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Updates internal state and triggers handlers for when an event element is moused over\n\thandleSegMouseover: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tif (!this.mousedOverSeg) {\n\t\t\tthis.mousedOverSeg = seg;\n\t\t\tthis.view.trigger('eventMouseover', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Updates internal state and triggers handlers for when an event element is moused out.\n\t// Can be given no arguments, in which case it will mouseout the segment that was previously moused over.\n\thandleSegMouseout: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tev = ev || {}; // if given no args, make a mock mouse event\n\n\t\tif (this.mousedOverSeg) {\n\t\t\tseg = seg || this.mousedOverSeg; // if given no args, use the currently moused-over segment\n\t\t\tthis.mousedOverSeg = null;\n\t\t\tthis.view.trigger('eventMouseout', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleSegTouchStart: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar isSelected = view.isEventSelected(event);\n\t\tvar isDraggable = view.isEventDraggable(event);\n\t\tvar isResizable = view.isEventResizable(event);\n\t\tvar isResizing = false;\n\t\tvar dragListener;\n\n\t\tif (isSelected && isResizable) {\n\t\t\t// only allow resizing of the event is selected\n\t\t\tisResizing = this.startSegResize(seg, ev);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!isResizing && (isDraggable || isResizable)) { // allowed to be selected?\n\t\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\n\t\t\tdragListener = isDraggable ?\n\t\t\t\tthis.buildSegDragListener(seg) :\n\t\t\t\tnew DragListener(); // seg isn't draggable, but let's use a generic DragListener\n\t\t\t\t // simply for the delay, so it can be selected.\n\n\t\t\tdragListener._dragStart = function() { // TODO: better way of binding\n\t\t\t\t// if not previously selected, will fire after a delay. then, select the event\n\t\t\t\tif (!isSelected) {\n\t\t\t\t\tview.selectEvent(event);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tdragListener.startInteraction(ev, {\n\t\t\t\tdelay: isSelected ? 0 : this.view.opt('longPressDelay') // do delay if not already selected\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleSegMousedown: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tvar isResizing = this.startSegResize(seg, ev, { distance: 5 });\n\n\t\tif (!isResizing && this.view.isEventDraggable(seg.event)) {\n\t\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\t\t\tthis.buildSegDragListener(seg)\n\t\t\t\t.startInteraction(ev, {\n\t\t\t\t\tdistance: 5\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// returns boolean whether resizing actually started or not.\n\t// assumes the seg allows resizing.\n\t// `dragOptions` are optional.\n\tstartSegResize: function(seg, ev, dragOptions) {\n\t\tif ($('.fc-resizer')) {\n\t\t\tthis.clearDragListeners();\n\t\t\tthis.buildSegResizeListener(seg, $('.fc-start-resizer'))\n\t\t\t\t.startInteraction(ev, dragOptions);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false;\n\t},\n\n\n\n\t/* Event Dragging\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Builds a listener that will track user-dragging on an event segment.\n\t// Generic enough to work with any type of Grid.\n\tbuildSegDragListener: function(seg) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar calendar = view.calendar;\n\t\tvar el = seg.el;\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar isDragging;\n\t\tvar mouseFollower; // A clone of the original element that will move with the mouse\n\t\tvar dropLocation; // zoned event date properties\n\n\t\t// Tracks mouse movement over the *view's* coordinate map. Allows dragging and dropping between subcomponents\n\t\t// of the view.\n\t\tvar dragListener = this.segDragListener = new HitDragListener(view, {\n\t\t\tscroll: view.opt('dragScroll'),\n\t\t\tsubjectEl: el,\n\t\t\tsubjectCenter: true,\n\t\t\tinteractionStart: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tisDragging = false;\n\t\t\t\tmouseFollower = new MouseFollower(seg.el, {\n\t\t\t\t\tadditionalClass: 'fc-dragging',\n\t\t\t\t\tparentEl: view.el,\n\t\t\t\t\topacity: dragListener.isTouch ? null : view.opt('dragOpacity'),\n\t\t\t\t\trevertDuration: view.opt('dragRevertDuration'),\n\t\t\t\t\tzIndex: 2 // one above the .fc-view\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tmouseFollower.hide(); // don't show until we know this is a real drag\n\t\t\t\tmouseFollower.start(ev);\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tdragStart: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tisDragging = true;\n\t\t\t\t_this.handleSegMouseout(seg, ev); // ensure a mouseout on the manipulated event has been reported\n\t\t\t\t_this.segDragStart(seg, ev);\n\t\t\t\tview.hideEvent(event); // hide all event segments. our mouseFollower will take over\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOver: function(hit, isOrig, origHit) {\n\t\t\t\tvar dragHelperEls;\n\n\t\t\t\t// starting hit could be forced (DayGrid.limit)\n\t\t\t\tif (seg.hit) {\n\t\t\t\t\torigHit = seg.hit;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// since we are querying the parent view, might not belong to this grid\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation = _this.computeEventDrop(\n\t\t\t\t\torigHit.component.getHitSpan(origHit),\n\t\t\t\t\thit.component.getHitSpan(hit),\n\t\t\t\t\tevent\n\t\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (dropLocation && !calendar.isEventSpanAllowed(_this.eventToSpan(dropLocation), event)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdisableCursor();\n\t\t\t\t\tdropLocation = null;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// if a valid drop location, have the subclass render a visual indication\n\t\t\t\tif (dropLocation && (dragHelperEls = view.renderDrag(dropLocation, seg))) {\n\n\t\t\t\t\tdragHelperEls.addClass('fc-dragging');\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!dragListener.isTouch) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.applyDragOpacity(dragHelperEls);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tmouseFollower.hide(); // if the subclass is already using a mock event \"helper\", hide our own\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\; // otherwise, have the helper follow the mouse (no snapping)\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (isOrig) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdropLocation = null; // needs to have moved hits to be a valid drop\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOut: function() { // called before mouse moves to a different hit OR moved out of all hits\n\t\t\t\tview.unrenderDrag(); // unrender whatever was done in renderDrag\n\t\t\t\; // show in case we are moving out of all hits\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation = null;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitDone: function() { // Called after a hitOut OR before a dragEnd\n\t\t\t\tenableCursor();\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tinteractionEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\t// do revert animation if hasn't changed. calls a callback when finished (whether animation or not)\n\t\t\t\tmouseFollower.stop(!dropLocation, function() {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (isDragging) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tview.unrenderDrag();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tview.showEvent(event);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.segDragStop(seg, ev);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (dropLocation) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tview.reportEventDrop(event, dropLocation, this.largeUnit, el, ev);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t_this.segDragListener = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn dragListener;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called before event segment dragging starts\n\tsegDragStart: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tthis.isDraggingSeg = true;\n\t\tthis.view.trigger('eventDragStart', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev, {}); // last argument is jqui dummy\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called after event segment dragging stops\n\tsegDragStop: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tthis.isDraggingSeg = false;\n\t\tthis.view.trigger('eventDragStop', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev, {}); // last argument is jqui dummy\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given the spans an event drag began, and the span event was dropped, calculates the new zoned start/end/allDay\n\t// values for the event. Subclasses may override and set additional properties to be used by renderDrag.\n\t// A falsy returned value indicates an invalid drop.\n\t// DOES NOT consider overlap/constraint.\n\tcomputeEventDrop: function(startSpan, endSpan, event) {\n\t\tvar calendar = this.view.calendar;\n\t\tvar dragStart = startSpan.start;\n\t\tvar dragEnd = endSpan.start;\n\t\tvar delta;\n\t\tvar dropLocation; // zoned event date properties\n\n\t\tif (dragStart.hasTime() === dragEnd.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\tdelta = this.diffDates(dragEnd, dragStart);\n\n\t\t\t// if an all-day event was in a timed area and it was dragged to a different time,\n\t\t\t// guarantee an end and adjust start/end to have times\n\t\t\tif (event.allDay && durationHasTime(delta)) {\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation = {\n\t\t\t\t\tstart: event.start.clone(),\n\t\t\t\t\tend: calendar.getEventEnd(event), // will be an ambig day\n\t\t\t\t\tallDay: false // for normalizeEventTimes\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\tcalendar.normalizeEventTimes(dropLocation);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// othewise, work off existing values\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation = {\n\t\t\t\t\tstart: event.start.clone(),\n\t\t\t\t\tend: event.end ? event.end.clone() : null,\n\t\t\t\t\tallDay: event.allDay // keep it the same\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tdropLocation.start.add(delta);\n\t\t\tif (dropLocation.end) {\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation.end.add(delta);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\t// if switching from day <-> timed, start should be reset to the dropped date, and the end cleared\n\t\t\tdropLocation = {\n\t\t\t\tstart: dragEnd.clone(),\n\t\t\t\tend: null, // end should be cleared\n\t\t\t\tallDay: !dragEnd.hasTime()\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn dropLocation;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Utility for apply dragOpacity to a jQuery set\n\tapplyDragOpacity: function(els) {\n\t\tvar opacity = this.view.opt('dragOpacity');\n\n\t\tif (opacity != null) {\n\t\t\tels.each(function(i, node) {\n\t\t\t\t// Don't use jQuery (will set an IE filter), do it the old fashioned way.\n\t\t\t\t// In IE8, a helper element will disappears if there's a filter.\n\t\t\t\ = opacity;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* External Element Dragging\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Called when a jQuery UI drag is initiated anywhere in the DOM\n\texternalDragStart: function(ev, ui) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar el;\n\t\tvar accept;\n\n\t\tif (view.opt('droppable')) { // only listen if this setting is on\n\t\t\tel = $((ui ? ui.item : null) ||;\n\n\t\t\t// Test that the dragged element passes the dropAccept selector or filter function.\n\t\t\t// FYI, the default is \"*\" (matches all)\n\t\t\taccept = view.opt('dropAccept');\n\t\t\tif ($.isFunction(accept) ?[0], el) : {\n\t\t\t\tif (!this.isDraggingExternal) { // prevent double-listening if fired twice\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.listenToExternalDrag(el, ev, ui);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when a jQuery UI drag starts and it needs to be monitored for dropping\n\tlistenToExternalDrag: function(el, ev, ui) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar calendar = this.view.calendar;\n\t\tvar meta = getDraggedElMeta(el); // extra data about event drop, including possible event to create\n\t\tvar dropLocation; // a null value signals an unsuccessful drag\n\n\t\t// listener that tracks mouse movement over date-associated pixel regions\n\t\tvar dragListener = _this.externalDragListener = new HitDragListener(this, {\n\t\t\tinteractionStart: function() {\n\t\t\t\t_this.isDraggingExternal = true;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOver: function(hit) {\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation = _this.computeExternalDrop(\n\t\t\t\t\thit.component.getHitSpan(hit), // since we are querying the parent view, might not belong to this grid\n\t\t\t\t\tmeta\n\t\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t\tif ( // invalid hit?\n\t\t\t\t\tdropLocation &&\n\t\t\t\t\t!calendar.isExternalSpanAllowed(_this.eventToSpan(dropLocation), dropLocation, meta.eventProps)\n\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdisableCursor();\n\t\t\t\t\tdropLocation = null;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (dropLocation) {\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.renderDrag(dropLocation); // called without a seg parameter\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOut: function() {\n\t\t\t\tdropLocation = null; // signal unsuccessful\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitDone: function() { // Called after a hitOut OR before a dragEnd\n\t\t\t\tenableCursor();\n\t\t\t\t_this.unrenderDrag();\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tinteractionEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tif (dropLocation) { // element was dropped on a valid hit\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.view.reportExternalDrop(meta, dropLocation, el, ev, ui);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t_this.isDraggingExternal = false;\n\t\t\t\t_this.externalDragListener = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tdragListener.startDrag(ev); // start listening immediately\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a hit to be dropped upon, and misc data associated with the jqui drag (guaranteed to be a plain object),\n\t// returns the zoned start/end dates for the event that would result from the hypothetical drop. end might be null.\n\t// Returning a null value signals an invalid drop hit.\n\t// DOES NOT consider overlap/constraint.\n\tcomputeExternalDrop: function(span, meta) {\n\t\tvar calendar = this.view.calendar;\n\t\tvar dropLocation = {\n\t\t\tstart: calendar.applyTimezone(span.start), // simulate a zoned event start date\n\t\t\tend: null\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// if dropped on an all-day span, and element's metadata specified a time, set it\n\t\tif (meta.startTime && !dropLocation.start.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\tdropLocation.start.time(meta.startTime);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (meta.duration) {\n\t\t\tdropLocation.end = dropLocation.start.clone().add(meta.duration);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn dropLocation;\n\t},\n\n\n\n\t/* Drag Rendering (for both events and an external elements)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of an event or external element being dragged.\n\t// `dropLocation` contains hypothetical start/end/allDay values the event would have if dropped. end can be null.\n\t// `seg` is the internal segment object that is being dragged. If dragging an external element, `seg` is null.\n\t// A truthy returned value indicates this method has rendered a helper element.\n\t// Must return elements used for any mock events.\n\trenderDrag: function(dropLocation, seg) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indication of an event or external element being dragged\n\tunrenderDrag: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Resizing\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Creates a listener that tracks the user as they resize an event segment.\n\t// Generic enough to work with any type of Grid.\n\tbuildSegResizeListener: function(seg, isStart) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar calendar = view.calendar;\n\t\tvar el = seg.el;\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar eventEnd = calendar.getEventEnd(event);\n\t\tvar isDragging;\n\t\tvar resizeLocation; // zoned event date properties. falsy if invalid resize\n\n\t\t// Tracks mouse movement over the *grid's* coordinate map\n\t\tvar dragListener = this.segResizeListener = new HitDragListener(this, {\n\t\t\tscroll: view.opt('dragScroll'),\n\t\t\tsubjectEl: el,\n\t\t\tinteractionStart: function() {\n\t\t\t\tisDragging = false;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tdragStart: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tisDragging = true;\n\t\t\t\t_this.handleSegMouseout(seg, ev); // ensure a mouseout on the manipulated event has been reported\n\t\t\t\t_this.segResizeStart(seg, ev);\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOver: function(hit, isOrig, origHit) {\n\t\t\t\tvar origHitSpan = _this.getHitSpan(origHit);\n\t\t\t\tvar hitSpan = _this.getHitSpan(hit);\n\n\t\t\t\tresizeLocation = isStart ?\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.computeEventStartResize(origHitSpan, hitSpan, event) :\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.computeEventEndResize(origHitSpan, hitSpan, event);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (resizeLocation) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!calendar.isEventSpanAllowed(_this.eventToSpan(resizeLocation), event)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdisableCursor();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresizeLocation = null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t// no change? (TODO: how does this work with timezones?)\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (resizeLocation.start.isSame(event.start) && resizeLocation.end.isSame(eventEnd)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresizeLocation = null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (resizeLocation) {\n\t\t\t\t\tview.hideEvent(event);\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.renderEventResize(resizeLocation, seg);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitOut: function() { // called before mouse moves to a different hit OR moved out of all hits\n\t\t\t\tresizeLocation = null;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\thitDone: function() { // resets the rendering to show the original event\n\t\t\t\t_this.unrenderEventResize();\n\t\t\t\tview.showEvent(event);\n\t\t\t\tenableCursor();\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tinteractionEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tif (isDragging) {\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.segResizeStop(seg, ev);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (resizeLocation) { // valid date to resize to?\n\t\t\t\t\tview.reportEventResize(event, resizeLocation, this.largeUnit, el, ev);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t_this.segResizeListener = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn dragListener;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called before event segment resizing starts\n\tsegResizeStart: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tthis.isResizingSeg = true;\n\t\tthis.view.trigger('eventResizeStart', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev, {}); // last argument is jqui dummy\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called after event segment resizing stops\n\tsegResizeStop: function(seg, ev) {\n\t\tthis.isResizingSeg = false;\n\t\tthis.view.trigger('eventResizeStop', seg.el[0], seg.event, ev, {}); // last argument is jqui dummy\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns new date-information for an event segment being resized from its start\n\tcomputeEventStartResize: function(startSpan, endSpan, event) {\n\t\treturn this.computeEventResize('start', startSpan, endSpan, event);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns new date-information for an event segment being resized from its end\n\tcomputeEventEndResize: function(startSpan, endSpan, event) {\n\t\treturn this.computeEventResize('end', startSpan, endSpan, event);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns new zoned date information for an event segment being resized from its start OR end\n\t// `type` is either 'start' or 'end'.\n\t// DOES NOT consider overlap/constraint.\n\tcomputeEventResize: function(type, startSpan, endSpan, event) {\n\t\tvar calendar = this.view.calendar;\n\t\tvar delta = this.diffDates(endSpan[type], startSpan[type]);\n\t\tvar resizeLocation; // zoned event date properties\n\t\tvar defaultDuration;\n\n\t\t// build original values to work from, guaranteeing a start and end\n\t\tresizeLocation = {\n\t\t\tstart: event.start.clone(),\n\t\t\tend: calendar.getEventEnd(event),\n\t\t\tallDay: event.allDay\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// if an all-day event was in a timed area and was resized to a time, adjust start/end to have times\n\t\tif (resizeLocation.allDay && durationHasTime(delta)) {\n\t\t\tresizeLocation.allDay = false;\n\t\t\tcalendar.normalizeEventTimes(resizeLocation);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tresizeLocation[type].add(delta); // apply delta to start or end\n\n\t\t// if the event was compressed too small, find a new reasonable duration for it\n\t\tif (!resizeLocation.start.isBefore(resizeLocation.end)) {\n\n\t\t\tdefaultDuration =\n\t\t\t\tthis.minResizeDuration || // TODO: hack\n\t\t\t\t(event.allDay ?\n\t\t\t\t\tcalendar.defaultAllDayEventDuration :\n\t\t\t\t\tcalendar.defaultTimedEventDuration);\n\n\t\t\tif (type == 'start') { // resizing the start?\n\t\t\t\tresizeLocation.start = resizeLocation.end.clone().subtract(defaultDuration);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse { // resizing the end?\n\t\t\t\tresizeLocation.end = resizeLocation.start.clone().add(defaultDuration);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn resizeLocation;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of an event being resized.\n\t// `range` has the updated dates of the event. `seg` is the original segment object involved in the drag.\n\t// Must return elements used for any mock events.\n\trenderEventResize: function(range, seg) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indication of an event being resized.\n\tunrenderEventResize: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Rendering Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Compute the text that should be displayed on an event's element.\n\t// `range` can be the Event object itself, or something range-like, with at least a `start`.\n\t// If event times are disabled, or the event has no time, will return a blank string.\n\t// If not specified, formatStr will default to the eventTimeFormat setting,\n\t// and displayEnd will default to the displayEventEnd setting.\n\tgetEventTimeText: function(range, formatStr, displayEnd) {\n\n\t\tif (formatStr == null) {\n\t\t\tformatStr = this.eventTimeFormat;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (displayEnd == null) {\n\t\t\tdisplayEnd = this.displayEventEnd;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.displayEventTime && range.start.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\tif (displayEnd && range.end) {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.view.formatRange(range, formatStr);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\treturn range.start.format(formatStr);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generic utility for generating the HTML classNames for an event segment's element\n\tgetSegClasses: function(seg, isDraggable, isResizable) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar classes = [\n\t\t\t'fc-event',\n\t\t\tseg.isStart ? 'fc-start' : 'fc-not-start',\n\t\t\tseg.isEnd ? 'fc-end' : 'fc-not-end'\n\t\t].concat(\n\t\t\tevent.className,\n\t\t\tevent.source ? event.source.className : []\n\t\t);\n\n\t\tif (isDraggable) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-draggable');\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (isResizable) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-resizable');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// event is currently selected? attach a className.\n\t\tif (view.isEventSelected(event)) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-selected');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn classes;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Utility for generating event skin-related CSS properties\n\tgetSegSkinCss: function(seg) {\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar source = event.source || {};\n\t\tvar eventColor = event.color;\n\t\tvar sourceColor = source.color;\n\t\tvar optionColor = view.opt('eventColor');\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'background-color':\n\t\t\t\tevent.backgroundColor ||\n\t\t\t\teventColor ||\n\t\t\t\tsource.backgroundColor ||\n\t\t\t\tsourceColor ||\n\t\t\t\tview.opt('eventBackgroundColor') ||\n\t\t\t\toptionColor,\n\t\t\t'border-color':\n\t\t\t\tevent.borderColor ||\n\t\t\t\teventColor ||\n\t\t\t\tsource.borderColor ||\n\t\t\t\tsourceColor ||\n\t\t\t\tview.opt('eventBorderColor') ||\n\t\t\t\toptionColor,\n\t\t\tcolor:\n\t\t\t\tevent.textColor ||\n\t\t\t\tsource.textColor ||\n\t\t\t\tview.opt('eventTextColor')\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Converting events -> eventRange -> eventSpan -> eventSegs\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Generates an array of segments for the given single event\n\t// Can accept an event \"location\" as well (which only has start/end and no allDay)\n\teventToSegs: function(event) {\n\t\treturn this.eventsToSegs([ event ]);\n\t},\n\n\n\teventToSpan: function(event) {\n\t\treturn this.eventToSpans(event)[0];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates spans (always unzoned) for the given event.\n\t// Does not do any inverting for inverse-background events.\n\t// Can accept an event \"location\" as well (which only has start/end and no allDay)\n\teventToSpans: function(event) {\n\t\tvar range = this.eventToRange(event);\n\t\treturn this.eventRangeToSpans(range, event);\n\t},\n\n\n\n\t// Converts an array of event objects into an array of event segment objects.\n\t// A custom `segSliceFunc` may be given for arbitrarily slicing up events.\n\t// Doesn't guarantee an order for the resulting array.\n\teventsToSegs: function(allEvents, segSliceFunc) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar eventsById = groupEventsById(allEvents);\n\t\tvar segs = [];\n\n\t\t$.each(eventsById, function(id, events) {\n\t\t\tvar ranges = [];\n\t\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tranges.push(_this.eventToRange(events[i]));\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// inverse-background events (utilize only the first event in calculations)\n\t\t\tif (isInverseBgEvent(events[0])) {\n\t\t\t\tranges = _this.invertRanges(ranges);\n\n\t\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsegs.push.apply(segs, // append to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.eventRangeToSegs(ranges[i], events[0], segSliceFunc));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// normal event ranges\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsegs.push.apply(segs, // append to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.eventRangeToSegs(ranges[i], events[i], segSliceFunc));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the unzoned start/end dates an event appears to occupy\n\t// Can accept an event \"location\" as well (which only has start/end and no allDay)\n\teventToRange: function(event) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tstart: event.start.clone().stripZone(),\n\t\t\tend: (\n\t\t\t\tevent.end ?\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.end.clone() :\n\t\t\t\t\t// derive the end from the start and allDay. compute allDay if necessary\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.view.calendar.getDefaultEventEnd(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tevent.allDay != null ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tevent.allDay :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t!event.start.hasTime(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tevent.start\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t).stripZone()\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given an event's range (unzoned start/end), and the event itself,\n\t// slice into segments (using the segSliceFunc function if specified)\n\teventRangeToSegs: function(range, event, segSliceFunc) {\n\t\tvar spans = this.eventRangeToSpans(range, event);\n\t\tvar segs = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tsegs.push.apply(segs, // append to\n\t\t\t\tthis.eventSpanToSegs(spans[i], event, segSliceFunc));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given an event's unzoned date range, return an array of \"span\" objects.\n\t// Subclasses can override.\n\teventRangeToSpans: function(range, event) {\n\t\treturn [ $.extend({}, range) ]; // copy into a single-item array\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given an event's span (unzoned start/end and other misc data), and the event itself,\n\t// slices into segments and attaches event-derived properties to them.\n\teventSpanToSegs: function(span, event, segSliceFunc) {\n\t\tvar segs = segSliceFunc ? segSliceFunc(span) : this.spanToSegs(span);\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\t\t\tseg.event = event;\n\t\t\tseg.eventStartMS = +span.start; // TODO: not the best name after making spans unzoned\n\t\t\tseg.eventDurationMS = span.end - span.start;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Produces a new array of range objects that will cover all the time NOT covered by the given ranges.\n\t// SIDE EFFECT: will mutate the given array and will use its date references.\n\tinvertRanges: function(ranges) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar viewStart = view.start.clone(); // need a copy\n\t\tvar viewEnd = view.end.clone(); // need a copy\n\t\tvar inverseRanges = [];\n\t\tvar start = viewStart; // the end of the previous range. the start of the new range\n\t\tvar i, range;\n\n\t\t// ranges need to be in order. required for our date-walking algorithm\n\t\tranges.sort(compareRanges);\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n\t\t\trange = ranges[i];\n\n\t\t\t// add the span of time before the event (if there is any)\n\t\t\tif (range.start > start) { // compare millisecond time (skip any ambig logic)\n\t\t\t\tinverseRanges.push({\n\t\t\t\t\tstart: start,\n\t\t\t\t\tend: range.start\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tstart = range.end;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// add the span of time after the last event (if there is any)\n\t\tif (start < viewEnd) { // compare millisecond time (skip any ambig logic)\n\t\t\tinverseRanges.push({\n\t\t\t\tstart: start,\n\t\t\t\tend: viewEnd\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn inverseRanges;\n\t},\n\n\n\tsortEventSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\tsegs.sort(proxy(this, 'compareEventSegs'));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// A cmp function for determining which segments should take visual priority\n\tcompareEventSegs: function(seg1, seg2) {\n\t\treturn seg1.eventStartMS - seg2.eventStartMS || // earlier events go first\n\t\t\tseg2.eventDurationMS - seg1.eventDurationMS || // tie? longer events go first\n\t\t\tseg2.event.allDay - seg1.event.allDay || // tie? put all-day events first (booleans cast to 0/1)\n\t\t\tcompareByFieldSpecs(seg1.event, seg2.event, this.view.eventOrderSpecs);\n\t}\n\n});\n\n\n/* Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\nfunction isBgEvent(event) { // returns true if background OR inverse-background\n\tvar rendering = getEventRendering(event);\n\treturn rendering === 'background' || rendering === 'inverse-background';\n}\nFC.isBgEvent = isBgEvent; // export\n\n\nfunction isInverseBgEvent(event) {\n\treturn getEventRendering(event) === 'inverse-background';\n}\n\n\nfunction getEventRendering(event) {\n\treturn firstDefined((event.source || {}).rendering, event.rendering);\n}\n\n\nfunction groupEventsById(events) {\n\tvar eventsById = {};\n\tvar i, event;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\n\t\tevent = events[i];\n\t\t(eventsById[event._id] || (eventsById[event._id] = [])).push(event);\n\t}\n\n\treturn eventsById;\n}\n\n\n// A cmp function for determining which non-inverted \"ranges\" (see above) happen earlier\nfunction compareRanges(range1, range2) {\n\treturn range1.start - range2.start; // earlier ranges go first\n}\n\n\n/* External-Dragging-Element Data\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n// Require all HTML5 data-* attributes used by FullCalendar to have this prefix.\n// A value of '' will query attributes like data-event. A value of 'fc' will query attributes like data-fc-event.\nFC.dataAttrPrefix = '';\n\n// Given a jQuery element that might represent a dragged FullCalendar event, returns an intermediate data structure\n// to be used for Event Object creation.\n// A defined `.eventProps`, even when empty, indicates that an event should be created.\nfunction getDraggedElMeta(el) {\n\tvar prefix = FC.dataAttrPrefix;\n\tvar eventProps; // properties for creating the event, not related to date/time\n\tvar startTime; // a Duration\n\tvar duration;\n\tvar stick;\n\n\tif (prefix) { prefix += '-'; }\n\teventProps = + 'event') || null;\n\n\tif (eventProps) {\n\t\tif (typeof eventProps === 'object') {\n\t\t\teventProps = $.extend({}, eventProps); // make a copy\n\t\t}\n\t\telse { // something like 1 or true. still signal event creation\n\t\t\teventProps = {};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// pluck special-cased date/time properties\n\t\tstartTime = eventProps.start;\n\t\tif (startTime == null) { startTime = eventProps.time; } // accept 'time' as well\n\t\tduration = eventProps.duration;\n\t\tstick = eventProps.stick;\n\t\tdelete eventProps.start;\n\t\tdelete eventProps.time;\n\t\tdelete eventProps.duration;\n\t\tdelete eventProps.stick;\n\t}\n\n\t// fallback to standalone attribute values for each of the date/time properties\n\tif (startTime == null) { startTime = + 'start'); }\n\tif (startTime == null) { startTime = + 'time'); } // accept 'time' as well\n\tif (duration == null) { duration = + 'duration'); }\n\tif (stick == null) { stick = + 'stick'); }\n\n\t// massage into correct data types\n\tstartTime = startTime != null ? moment.duration(startTime) : null;\n\tduration = duration != null ? moment.duration(duration) : null;\n\tstick = Boolean(stick);\n\n\treturn { eventProps: eventProps, startTime: startTime, duration: duration, stick: stick };\n}\n\n\n;;\n\n/*\nA set of rendering and date-related methods for a visual component comprised of one or more rows of day columns.\nPrerequisite: the object being mixed into needs to be a *Grid*\n*/\nvar DayTableMixin = FC.DayTableMixin = {\n\n\tbreakOnWeeks: false, // should create a new row for each week?\n\tdayDates: null, // whole-day dates for each column. left to right\n\tdayIndices: null, // for each day from start, the offset\n\tdaysPerRow: null,\n\trowCnt: null,\n\tcolCnt: null,\n\tcolHeadFormat: null,\n\n\n\t// Populates internal variables used for date calculation and rendering\n\tupdateDayTable: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar date = this.start.clone();\n\t\tvar dayIndex = -1;\n\t\tvar dayIndices = [];\n\t\tvar dayDates = [];\n\t\tvar daysPerRow;\n\t\tvar firstDay;\n\t\tvar rowCnt;\n\n\t\twhile (date.isBefore(this.end)) { // loop each day from start to end\n\t\t\tif (view.isHiddenDay(date)) {\n\t\t\t\tdayIndices.push(dayIndex + 0.5); // mark that it's between indices\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tdayIndex++;\n\t\t\t\tdayIndices.push(dayIndex);\n\t\t\t\tdayDates.push(date.clone());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdate.add(1, 'days');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.breakOnWeeks) {\n\t\t\t// count columns until the day-of-week repeats\n\t\t\tfirstDay = dayDates[0].day();\n\t\t\tfor (daysPerRow = 1; daysPerRow < dayDates.length; daysPerRow++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (dayDates[daysPerRow].day() == firstDay) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\trowCnt = Math.ceil(dayDates.length / daysPerRow);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\trowCnt = 1;\n\t\t\tdaysPerRow = dayDates.length;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.dayDates = dayDates;\n\t\tthis.dayIndices = dayIndices;\n\t\tthis.daysPerRow = daysPerRow;\n\t\tthis.rowCnt = rowCnt;\n\t\t\n\t\tthis.updateDayTableCols();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes and assigned the colCnt property and updates any options that may be computed from it\n\tupdateDayTableCols: function() {\n\t\tthis.colCnt = this.computeColCnt();\n\t\tthis.colHeadFormat = this.view.opt('columnFormat') || this.computeColHeadFormat();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Determines how many columns there should be in the table\n\tcomputeColCnt: function() {\n\t\treturn this.daysPerRow;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the ambiguously-timed moment for the given cell\n\tgetCellDate: function(row, col) {\n\t\treturn this.dayDates[\n\t\t\t\tthis.getCellDayIndex(row, col)\n\t\t\t].clone();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the ambiguously-timed date range for the given cell\n\tgetCellRange: function(row, col) {\n\t\tvar start = this.getCellDate(row, col);\n\t\tvar end = start.clone().add(1, 'days');\n\n\t\treturn { start: start, end: end };\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns the number of day cells, chronologically, from the first of the grid (0-based)\n\tgetCellDayIndex: function(row, col) {\n\t\treturn row * this.daysPerRow + this.getColDayIndex(col);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns the numner of day cells, chronologically, from the first cell in *any given row*\n\tgetColDayIndex: function(col) {\n\t\tif (this.isRTL) {\n\t\t\treturn this.colCnt - 1 - col;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn col;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a date, returns its chronolocial cell-index from the first cell of the grid.\n\t// If the date lies between cells (because of hiddenDays), returns a floating-point value between offsets.\n\t// If before the first offset, returns a negative number.\n\t// If after the last offset, returns an offset past the last cell offset.\n\t// Only works for *start* dates of cells. Will not work for exclusive end dates for cells.\n\tgetDateDayIndex: function(date) {\n\t\tvar dayIndices = this.dayIndices;\n\t\tvar dayOffset = date.diff(this.start, 'days');\n\n\t\tif (dayOffset < 0) {\n\t\t\treturn dayIndices[0] - 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (dayOffset >= dayIndices.length) {\n\t\t\treturn dayIndices[dayIndices.length - 1] + 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn dayIndices[dayOffset];\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Options\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes a default column header formatting string if `colFormat` is not explicitly defined\n\tcomputeColHeadFormat: function() {\n\t\t// if more than one week row, or if there are a lot of columns with not much space,\n\t\t// put just the day numbers will be in each cell\n\t\tif (this.rowCnt > 1 || this.colCnt > 10) {\n\t\t\treturn 'ddd'; // \"Sat\"\n\t\t}\n\t\t// multiple days, so full single date string WON'T be in title text\n\t\telse if (this.colCnt > 1) {\n\t\t\treturn this.view.opt('dayOfMonthFormat'); // \"Sat 12/10\"\n\t\t}\n\t\t// single day, so full single date string will probably be in title text\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn 'dddd'; // \"Saturday\"\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Slicing\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Slices up a date range into a segment for every week-row it intersects with\n\tsliceRangeByRow: function(range) {\n\t\tvar daysPerRow = this.daysPerRow;\n\t\tvar normalRange = this.view.computeDayRange(range); // make whole-day range, considering nextDayThreshold\n\t\tvar rangeFirst = this.getDateDayIndex(normalRange.start); // inclusive first index\n\t\tvar rangeLast = this.getDateDayIndex(normalRange.end.clone().subtract(1, 'days')); // inclusive last index\n\t\tvar segs = [];\n\t\tvar row;\n\t\tvar rowFirst, rowLast; // inclusive day-index range for current row\n\t\tvar segFirst, segLast; // inclusive day-index range for segment\n\n\t\tfor (row = 0; row < this.rowCnt; row++) {\n\t\t\trowFirst = row * daysPerRow;\n\t\t\trowLast = rowFirst + daysPerRow - 1;\n\n\t\t\t// intersect segment's offset range with the row's\n\t\t\tsegFirst = Math.max(rangeFirst, rowFirst);\n\t\t\tsegLast = Math.min(rangeLast, rowLast);\n\n\t\t\t// deal with in-between indices\n\t\t\tsegFirst = Math.ceil(segFirst); // in-between starts round to next cell\n\t\t\tsegLast = Math.floor(segLast); // in-between ends round to prev cell\n\n\t\t\tif (segFirst <= segLast) { // was there any intersection with the current row?\n\t\t\t\tsegs.push({\n\t\t\t\t\trow: row,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// normalize to start of row\n\t\t\t\t\tfirstRowDayIndex: segFirst - rowFirst,\n\t\t\t\t\tlastRowDayIndex: segLast - rowFirst,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// must be matching integers to be the segment's start/end\n\t\t\t\t\tisStart: segFirst === rangeFirst,\n\t\t\t\t\tisEnd: segLast === rangeLast\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Slices up a date range into a segment for every day-cell it intersects with.\n\t// TODO: make more DRY with sliceRangeByRow somehow.\n\tsliceRangeByDay: function(range) {\n\t\tvar daysPerRow = this.daysPerRow;\n\t\tvar normalRange = this.view.computeDayRange(range); // make whole-day range, considering nextDayThreshold\n\t\tvar rangeFirst = this.getDateDayIndex(normalRange.start); // inclusive first index\n\t\tvar rangeLast = this.getDateDayIndex(normalRange.end.clone().subtract(1, 'days')); // inclusive last index\n\t\tvar segs = [];\n\t\tvar row;\n\t\tvar rowFirst, rowLast; // inclusive day-index range for current row\n\t\tvar i;\n\t\tvar segFirst, segLast; // inclusive day-index range for segment\n\n\t\tfor (row = 0; row < this.rowCnt; row++) {\n\t\t\trowFirst = row * daysPerRow;\n\t\t\trowLast = rowFirst + daysPerRow - 1;\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = rowFirst; i <= rowLast; i++) {\n\n\t\t\t\t// intersect segment's offset range with the row's\n\t\t\t\tsegFirst = Math.max(rangeFirst, i);\n\t\t\t\tsegLast = Math.min(rangeLast, i);\n\n\t\t\t\t// deal with in-between indices\n\t\t\t\tsegFirst = Math.ceil(segFirst); // in-between starts round to next cell\n\t\t\t\tsegLast = Math.floor(segLast); // in-between ends round to prev cell\n\n\t\t\t\tif (segFirst <= segLast) { // was there any intersection with the current row?\n\t\t\t\t\tsegs.push({\n\t\t\t\t\t\trow: row,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// normalize to start of row\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfirstRowDayIndex: segFirst - rowFirst,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlastRowDayIndex: segLast - rowFirst,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// must be matching integers to be the segment's start/end\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisStart: segFirst === rangeFirst,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisEnd: segLast === rangeLast\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Header Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderHeadHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderHeadTrHtml() +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
';\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderHeadIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\treturn this.renderIntroHtml(); // fall back to generic\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderHeadTrHtml: function() {\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ? '' : this.renderHeadIntroHtml()) +\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderHeadDateCellsHtml() +\n\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ? this.renderHeadIntroHtml() : '') +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderHeadDateCellsHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar htmls = [];\n\t\tvar col, date;\n\n\t\tfor (col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) {\n\t\t\tdate = this.getCellDate(0, col);\n\t\t\thtmls.push(this.renderHeadDateCellHtml(date));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn htmls.join('');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// TODO: when internalApiVersion, accept an object for HTML attributes\n\t// (colspan should be no different)\n\trenderHeadDateCellHtml: function(date, colspan, otherAttrs) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t' 1 ?\n\t\t\t\t\t' colspan=\"' + colspan + '\"' :\n\t\t\t\t\t'') +\n\t\t\t\t(otherAttrs ?\n\t\t\t\t\t' ' + otherAttrs :\n\t\t\t\t\t'') +\n\t\t\t'>' +\n\t\t\t\thtmlEscape(date.format(this.colHeadFormat)) +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Background Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderBgTrHtml: function(row) {\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ? '' : this.renderBgIntroHtml(row)) +\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderBgCellsHtml(row) +\n\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ? this.renderBgIntroHtml(row) : '') +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderBgIntroHtml: function(row) {\n\t\treturn this.renderIntroHtml(); // fall back to generic\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderBgCellsHtml: function(row) {\n\t\tvar htmls = [];\n\t\tvar col, date;\n\n\t\tfor (col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) {\n\t\t\tdate = this.getCellDate(row, col);\n\t\t\thtmls.push(this.renderBgCellHtml(date));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn htmls.join('');\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderBgCellHtml: function(date, otherAttrs) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar classes = this.getDayClasses(date);\n\n\t\tclasses.unshift('fc-day', view.widgetContentClass);\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Generic\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Generates the default HTML intro for any row. User classes should override\n\trenderIntroHtml: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// TODO: a generic method for dealing with , RTL, intro\n\t// when increment internalApiVersion\n\t// wrapTr (scheduler)\n\n\n\t/* Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Applies the generic \"intro\" and \"outro\" HTML to the given cells.\n\t// Intro means the leftmost cell when the calendar is LTR and the rightmost cell when RTL. Vice-versa for outro.\n\tbookendCells: function(trEl) {\n\t\tvar introHtml = this.renderIntroHtml();\n\n\t\tif (introHtml) {\n\t\t\tif (this.isRTL) {\n\t\t\t\ttrEl.append(introHtml);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\ttrEl.prepend(introHtml);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n};\n\n;;\n\n/* A component that renders a grid of whole-days that runs horizontally. There can be multiple rows, one per week.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nvar DayGrid = FC.DayGrid = Grid.extend(DayTableMixin, {\n\n\tnumbersVisible: false, // should render a row for day/week numbers? set by outside view. TODO: make internal\n\tbottomCoordPadding: 0, // hack for extending the hit area for the last row of the coordinate grid\n\n\trowEls: null, // set of fake row elements\n\tcellEls: null, // set of whole-day elements comprising the row's background\n\thelperEls: null, // set of cell skeleton elements for rendering the mock event \"helper\"\n\n\trowCoordCache: null,\n\tcolCoordCache: null,\n\n\n\t// Renders the rows and columns into the component's `this.el`, which should already be assigned.\n\t// isRigid determins whether the individual rows should ignore the contents and be a constant height.\n\t// Relies on the view's colCnt and rowCnt. In the future, this component should probably be self-sufficient.\n\trenderDates: function(isRigid) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar rowCnt = this.rowCnt;\n\t\tvar colCnt = this.colCnt;\n\t\tvar html = '';\n\t\tvar row;\n\t\tvar col;\n\n\t\tfor (row = 0; row < rowCnt; row++) {\n\t\t\thtml += this.renderDayRowHtml(row, isRigid);\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.el.html(html);\n\n\t\tthis.rowEls = this.el.find('.fc-row');\n\t\tthis.cellEls = this.el.find('.fc-day');\n\n\t\tthis.rowCoordCache = new CoordCache({\n\t\t\tels: this.rowEls,\n\t\t\tisVertical: true\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis.colCoordCache = new CoordCache({\n\t\t\tels: this.cellEls.slice(0, this.colCnt), // only the first row\n\t\t\tisHorizontal: true\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t// trigger dayRender with each cell's element\n\t\tfor (row = 0; row < rowCnt; row++) {\n\t\t\tfor (col = 0; col < colCnt; col++) {\n\t\t\t\tview.trigger(\n\t\t\t\t\t'dayRender',\n\t\t\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.getCellDate(row, col),\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.getCellEl(row, col)\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderDates: function() {\n\t\tthis.removeSegPopover();\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\tvar events = this.view.calendar.getBusinessHoursEvents(true); // wholeDay=true\n\t\tvar segs = this.eventsToSegs(events);\n\n\t\tthis.renderFill('businessHours', segs, 'bgevent');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML for a single row, which is a div that wraps a table.\n\t// `row` is the row number.\n\trenderDayRowHtml: function(row, isRigid) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar classes = [ 'fc-row', 'fc-week', view.widgetContentClass ];\n\n\t\tif (isRigid) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push('fc-rigid');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderBgTrHtml(row) +\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(this.numbersVisible ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderNumberTrHtml(row) +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'' :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Grid Number Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderNumberTrHtml: function(row) {\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ? '' : this.renderNumberIntroHtml(row)) +\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderNumberCellsHtml(row) +\n\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ? this.renderNumberIntroHtml(row) : '') +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderNumberIntroHtml: function(row) {\n\t\treturn this.renderIntroHtml();\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderNumberCellsHtml: function(row) {\n\t\tvar htmls = [];\n\t\tvar col, date;\n\n\t\tfor (col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) {\n\t\t\tdate = this.getCellDate(row, col);\n\t\t\thtmls.push(this.renderNumberCellHtml(date));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn htmls.join('');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML for the s of the \"number\" row in the DayGrid's content skeleton.\n\t// The number row will only exist if either day numbers or week numbers are turned on.\n\trenderNumberCellHtml: function(date) {\n\t\tvar classes;\n\n\t\tif (!this.view.dayNumbersVisible) { // if there are week numbers but not day numbers\n\t\t\treturn ''; // will create an empty space above events :(\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tclasses = this.getDayClasses(date);\n\t\tclasses.unshift('fc-day-number');\n\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\ +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Options\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes a default event time formatting string if `timeFormat` is not explicitly defined\n\tcomputeEventTimeFormat: function() {\n\t\treturn this.view.opt('extraSmallTimeFormat'); // like \"6p\" or \"6:30p\"\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes a default `displayEventEnd` value if one is not expliclty defined\n\tcomputeDisplayEventEnd: function() {\n\t\treturn this.colCnt == 1; // we'll likely have space if there's only one day\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dates\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trangeUpdated: function() {\n\t\tthis.updateDayTable();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Slices up the given span (unzoned start/end with other misc data) into an array of segments\n\tspanToSegs: function(span) {\n\t\tvar segs = this.sliceRangeByRow(span);\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\t\t\tif (this.isRTL) {\n\t\t\t\tseg.leftCol = this.daysPerRow - 1 - seg.lastRowDayIndex;\n\t\t\t\tseg.rightCol = this.daysPerRow - 1 - seg.firstRowDayIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tseg.leftCol = seg.firstRowDayIndex;\n\t\t\t\tseg.rightCol = seg.lastRowDayIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Hit System\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tprepareHits: function() {\n\t\;\n\t\;\n\t\tthis.rowCoordCache.bottoms[this.rowCnt - 1] += this.bottomCoordPadding; // hack\n\t},\n\n\n\treleaseHits: function() {\n\t\tthis.colCoordCache.clear();\n\t\tthis.rowCoordCache.clear();\n\t},\n\n\n\tqueryHit: function(leftOffset, topOffset) {\n\t\tvar col = this.colCoordCache.getHorizontalIndex(leftOffset);\n\t\tvar row = this.rowCoordCache.getVerticalIndex(topOffset);\n\n\t\tif (row != null && col != null) {\n\t\t\treturn this.getCellHit(row, col);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitSpan: function(hit) {\n\t\treturn this.getCellRange(hit.row, hit.col);\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitEl: function(hit) {\n\t\treturn this.getCellEl(hit.row, hit.col);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Cell System\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// FYI: the first column is the leftmost column, regardless of date\n\n\n\tgetCellHit: function(row, col) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\trow: row,\n\t\t\tcol: col,\n\t\t\tcomponent: this, // needed unfortunately :(\n\t\t\tleft: this.colCoordCache.getLeftOffset(col),\n\t\t\tright: this.colCoordCache.getRightOffset(col),\n\t\t\ttop: this.rowCoordCache.getTopOffset(row),\n\t\t\tbottom: this.rowCoordCache.getBottomOffset(row)\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetCellEl: function(row, col) {\n\t\treturn this.cellEls.eq(row * this.colCnt + col);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Drag Visualization\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// TODO: move to DayGrid.event, similar to what we did with Grid's drag methods\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of an event or external element being dragged.\n\t// `eventLocation` has zoned start and end (optional)\n\trenderDrag: function(eventLocation, seg) {\n\n\t\t// always render a highlight underneath\n\t\tthis.renderHighlight(this.eventToSpan(eventLocation));\n\n\t\t// if a segment from the same calendar but another component is being dragged, render a helper event\n\t\tif (seg && !seg.el.closest(this.el).length) {\n\n\t\t\treturn this.renderEventLocationHelper(eventLocation, seg); // returns mock event elements\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any visual indication of a hovering event\n\tunrenderDrag: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHighlight();\n\t\tthis.unrenderHelper();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Resize Visualization\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of an event being resized\n\trenderEventResize: function(eventLocation, seg) {\n\t\tthis.renderHighlight(this.eventToSpan(eventLocation));\n\t\treturn this.renderEventLocationHelper(eventLocation, seg); // returns mock event elements\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indication of an event being resized\n\tunrenderEventResize: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHighlight();\n\t\tthis.unrenderHelper();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Helper\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a mock \"helper\" event. `sourceSeg` is the associated internal segment object. It can be null.\n\trenderHelper: function(event, sourceSeg) {\n\t\tvar helperNodes = [];\n\t\tvar segs = this.eventToSegs(event);\n\t\tvar rowStructs;\n\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFgSegEls(segs); // assigns each seg's el and returns a subset of segs that were rendered\n\t\trowStructs = this.renderSegRows(segs);\n\n\t\t// inject each new event skeleton into each associated row\n\t\tthis.rowEls.each(function(row, rowNode) {\n\t\t\tvar rowEl = $(rowNode); // the .fc-row\n\t\t\tvar skeletonEl = $('
'); // will be absolutely positioned\n\t\t\tvar skeletonTop;\n\n\t\t\t// If there is an original segment, match the top position. Otherwise, put it at the row's top level\n\t\t\tif (sourceSeg && sourceSeg.row === row) {\n\t\t\t\tskeletonTop = sourceSeg.el.position().top;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tskeletonTop = rowEl.find('.fc-content-skeleton tbody').position().top;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tskeletonEl.css('top', skeletonTop)\n\t\t\t\t.find('table')\n\t\t\t\t\t.append(rowStructs[row].tbodyEl);\n\n\t\t\trowEl.append(skeletonEl);\n\t\t\thelperNodes.push(skeletonEl[0]);\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn ( // must return the elements rendered\n\t\t\tthis.helperEls = $(helperNodes) // array -> jQuery set\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any visual indication of a mock helper event\n\tunrenderHelper: function() {\n\t\tif (this.helperEls) {\n\t\t\tthis.helperEls.remove();\n\t\t\tthis.helperEls = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Fill System (highlight, background events, business hours)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tfillSegTag: 'td', // override the default tag name\n\n\n\t// Renders a set of rectangles over the given segments of days.\n\t// Only returns segments that successfully rendered.\n\trenderFill: function(type, segs, className) {\n\t\tvar nodes = [];\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\t\tvar skeletonEl;\n\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFillSegEls(type, segs); // assignes `.el` to each seg. returns successfully rendered segs\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\t\t\tskeletonEl = this.renderFillRow(type, seg, className);\n\t\t\tthis.rowEls.eq(seg.row).append(skeletonEl);\n\t\t\tnodes.push(skeletonEl[0]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.elsByFill[type] = $(nodes);\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML needed for one row of a fill. Requires the seg's el to be rendered.\n\trenderFillRow: function(type, seg, className) {\n\t\tvar colCnt = this.colCnt;\n\t\tvar startCol = seg.leftCol;\n\t\tvar endCol = seg.rightCol + 1;\n\t\tvar skeletonEl;\n\t\tvar trEl;\n\n\t\tclassName = className || type.toLowerCase();\n\n\t\tskeletonEl = $(\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
'\n\t\t);\n\t\ttrEl = skeletonEl.find('tr');\n\n\t\tif (startCol > 0) {\n\t\t\ttrEl.append('');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\ttrEl.append(\n\t\t\tseg.el.attr('colspan', endCol - startCol)\n\t\t);\n\n\t\tif (endCol < colCnt) {\n\t\t\ttrEl.append('');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.bookendCells(trEl);\n\n\t\treturn skeletonEl;\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/* Event-rendering methods for the DayGrid class\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nDayGrid.mixin({\n\n\trowStructs: null, // an array of objects, each holding information about a row's foreground event-rendering\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all events currently rendered on the grid\n\tunrenderEvents: function() {\n\t\tthis.removeSegPopover(); // removes the \"more..\" events popover\n\t\tGrid.prototype.unrenderEvents.apply(this, arguments); // calls the super-method\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves all rendered segment objects currently rendered on the grid\n\tgetEventSegs: function() {\n\t\treturn // get the segments from the super-method\n\t\t\t.concat(this.popoverSegs || []); // append the segments from the \"more...\" popover\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the given background event segments onto the grid\n\trenderBgSegs: function(segs) {\n\n\t\t// don't render timed background events\n\t\tvar allDaySegs = $.grep(segs, function(seg) {\n\t\t\treturn seg.event.allDay;\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn, allDaySegs); // call the super-method\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the given foreground event segments onto the grid\n\trenderFgSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar rowStructs;\n\n\t\t// render an `.el` on each seg\n\t\t// returns a subset of the segs. segs that were actually rendered\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFgSegEls(segs);\n\n\t\trowStructs = this.rowStructs = this.renderSegRows(segs);\n\n\t\t// append to each row's content skeleton\n\t\tthis.rowEls.each(function(i, rowNode) {\n\t\t\t$(rowNode).find('.fc-content-skeleton > table').append(\n\t\t\t\trowStructs[i].tbodyEl\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn segs; // return only the segs that were actually rendered\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all currently rendered foreground event segments\n\tunrenderFgSegs: function() {\n\t\tvar rowStructs = this.rowStructs || [];\n\t\tvar rowStruct;\n\n\t\twhile ((rowStruct = rowStructs.pop())) {\n\t\t\trowStruct.tbodyEl.remove();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.rowStructs = null;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Uses the given events array to generate elements that should be appended to each row's content skeleton.\n\t// Returns an array of rowStruct objects (see the bottom of `renderSegRow`).\n\t// PRECONDITION: each segment shoud already have a rendered and assigned `.el`\n\trenderSegRows: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar rowStructs = [];\n\t\tvar segRows;\n\t\tvar row;\n\n\t\tsegRows = this.groupSegRows(segs); // group into nested arrays\n\n\t\t// iterate each row of segment groupings\n\t\tfor (row = 0; row < segRows.length; row++) {\n\t\t\trowStructs.push(\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderSegRow(row, segRows[row])\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn rowStructs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds the HTML to be used for the default element for an individual segment\n\tfgSegHtml: function(seg, disableResizing) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar isDraggable = view.isEventDraggable(event);\n\t\tvar isResizableFromStart = !disableResizing && event.allDay &&\n\t\t\tseg.isStart && view.isEventResizableFromStart(event);\n\t\tvar isResizableFromEnd = !disableResizing && event.allDay &&\n\t\t\tseg.isEnd && view.isEventResizableFromEnd(event);\n\t\tvar classes = this.getSegClasses(seg, isDraggable, isResizableFromStart || isResizableFromEnd);\n\t\tvar skinCss = cssToStr(this.getSegSkinCss(seg));\n\t\tvar timeHtml = '';\n\t\tvar timeText;\n\t\tvar titleHtml;\n\n\t\tclasses.unshift('fc-day-grid-event', 'fc-h-event');\n\n\t\t// Only display a timed events time if it is the starting segment\n\t\tif (seg.isStart) {\n\t\t\ttimeText = this.getEventTimeText(event);\n\t\t\tif (timeText) {\n\t\t\t\ttimeHtml = '' + htmlEscape(timeText) + '';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\ttitleHtml =\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t(htmlEscape(event.title || '') || ' ') + // we always want one line of height\n\t\t\t'';\n\t\t\n\t\treturn '
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t(this.isRTL ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitleHtml + ' ' + timeHtml : // put a natural space in between\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttimeHtml + ' ' + titleHtml //\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t(isResizableFromStart ?\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t(isResizableFromEnd ?\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a row # and an array of segments all in the same row, render a element, a skeleton that contains\n\t// the segments. Returns object with a bunch of internal data about how the render was calculated.\n\t// NOTE: modifies rowSegs\n\trenderSegRow: function(row, rowSegs) {\n\t\tvar colCnt = this.colCnt;\n\t\tvar segLevels = this.buildSegLevels(rowSegs); // group into sub-arrays of levels\n\t\tvar levelCnt = Math.max(1, segLevels.length); // ensure at least one level\n\t\tvar tbody = $('');\n\t\tvar segMatrix = []; // lookup for which segments are rendered into which level+col cells\n\t\tvar cellMatrix = []; // lookup for all elements of the level+col matrix\n\t\tvar loneCellMatrix = []; // lookup for elements that only take up a single column\n\t\tvar i, levelSegs;\n\t\tvar col;\n\t\tvar tr;\n\t\tvar j, seg;\n\t\tvar td;\n\n\t\t// populates empty cells from the current column (`col`) to `endCol`\n\t\tfunction emptyCellsUntil(endCol) {\n\t\t\twhile (col < endCol) {\n\t\t\t\t// try to grab a cell from the level above and extend its rowspan. otherwise, create a fresh cell\n\t\t\t\ttd = (loneCellMatrix[i - 1] || [])[col];\n\t\t\t\tif (td) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttd.attr(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'rowspan',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tparseInt(td.attr('rowspan') || 1, 10) + 1\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\ttd = $('');\n\t\t\t\t\ttr.append(td);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tcellMatrix[i][col] = td;\n\t\t\t\tloneCellMatrix[i][col] = td;\n\t\t\t\tcol++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < levelCnt; i++) { // iterate through all levels\n\t\t\tlevelSegs = segLevels[i];\n\t\t\tcol = 0;\n\t\t\ttr = $('');\n\n\t\t\tsegMatrix.push([]);\n\t\t\tcellMatrix.push([]);\n\t\t\tloneCellMatrix.push([]);\n\n\t\t\t// levelCnt might be 1 even though there are no actual levels. protect against this.\n\t\t\t// this single empty row is useful for styling.\n\t\t\tif (levelSegs) {\n\t\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < levelSegs.length; j++) { // iterate through segments in level\n\t\t\t\t\tseg = levelSegs[j];\n\n\t\t\t\t\temptyCellsUntil(seg.leftCol);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// create a container that occupies or more columns. append the event element.\n\t\t\t\t\ttd = $('').append(seg.el);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (seg.leftCol != seg.rightCol) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttd.attr('colspan', seg.rightCol - seg.leftCol + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse { // a single-column segment\n\t\t\t\t\t\tloneCellMatrix[i][col] = td;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\twhile (col <= seg.rightCol) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcellMatrix[i][col] = td;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsegMatrix[i][col] = seg;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcol++;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\ttr.append(td);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\temptyCellsUntil(colCnt); // finish off the row\n\t\t\tthis.bookendCells(tr);\n\t\t\ttbody.append(tr);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn { // a \"rowStruct\"\n\t\t\trow: row, // the row number\n\t\t\ttbodyEl: tbody,\n\t\t\tcellMatrix: cellMatrix,\n\t\t\tsegMatrix: segMatrix,\n\t\t\tsegLevels: segLevels,\n\t\t\tsegs: rowSegs\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Stacks a flat array of segments, which are all assumed to be in the same row, into subarrays of vertical levels.\n\t// NOTE: modifies segs\n\tbuildSegLevels: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar levels = [];\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\t\tvar j;\n\n\t\t// Give preference to elements with certain criteria, so they have\n\t\t// a chance to be closer to the top.\n\t\tthis.sortEventSegs(segs);\n\t\t\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\n\t\t\t// loop through levels, starting with the topmost, until the segment doesn't collide with other segments\n\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < levels.length; j++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!isDaySegCollision(seg, levels[j])) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// `j` now holds the desired subrow index\n\t\t\tseg.level = j;\n\n\t\t\t// create new level array if needed and append segment\n\t\t\t(levels[j] || (levels[j] = [])).push(seg);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// order segments left-to-right. very important if calendar is RTL\n\t\tfor (j = 0; j < levels.length; j++) {\n\t\t\tlevels[j].sort(compareDaySegCols);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn levels;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a flat array of segments, return an array of sub-arrays, grouped by each segment's row\n\tgroupSegRows: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar segRows = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < this.rowCnt; i++) {\n\t\t\tsegRows.push([]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tsegRows[segs[i].row].push(segs[i]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segRows;\n\t}\n\n});\n\n\n// Computes whether two segments' columns collide. They are assumed to be in the same row.\nfunction isDaySegCollision(seg, otherSegs) {\n\tvar i, otherSeg;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < otherSegs.length; i++) {\n\t\totherSeg = otherSegs[i];\n\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\totherSeg.leftCol <= seg.rightCol &&\n\t\t\totherSeg.rightCol >= seg.leftCol\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn false;\n}\n\n\n// A cmp function for determining the leftmost event\nfunction compareDaySegCols(a, b) {\n\treturn a.leftCol - b.leftCol;\n}\n\n;;\n\n/* Methods relate to limiting the number events for a given day on a DayGrid\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// NOTE: all the segs being passed around in here are foreground segs\n\nDayGrid.mixin({\n\n\tsegPopover: null, // the Popover that holds events that can't fit in a cell. null when not visible\n\tpopoverSegs: null, // an array of segment objects that the segPopover holds. null when not visible\n\n\n\tremoveSegPopover: function() {\n\t\tif (this.segPopover) {\n\t\t\tthis.segPopover.hide(); // in handler, will call segPopover's removeElement\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Limits the number of \"levels\" (vertically stacking layers of events) for each row of the grid.\n\t// `levelLimit` can be false (don't limit), a number, or true (should be computed).\n\tlimitRows: function(levelLimit) {\n\t\tvar rowStructs = this.rowStructs || [];\n\t\tvar row; // row #\n\t\tvar rowLevelLimit;\n\n\t\tfor (row = 0; row < rowStructs.length; row++) {\n\t\t\tthis.unlimitRow(row);\n\n\t\t\tif (!levelLimit) {\n\t\t\t\trowLevelLimit = false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (typeof levelLimit === 'number') {\n\t\t\t\trowLevelLimit = levelLimit;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\trowLevelLimit = this.computeRowLevelLimit(row);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (rowLevelLimit !== false) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.limitRow(row, rowLevelLimit);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the number of levels a row will accomodate without going outside its bounds.\n\t// Assumes the row is \"rigid\" (maintains a constant height regardless of what is inside).\n\t// `row` is the row number.\n\tcomputeRowLevelLimit: function(row) {\n\t\tvar rowEl = this.rowEls.eq(row); // the containing \"fake\" row div\n\t\tvar rowHeight = rowEl.height(); // TODO: cache somehow?\n\t\tvar trEls = this.rowStructs[row].tbodyEl.children();\n\t\tvar i, trEl;\n\t\tvar trHeight;\n\n\t\tfunction iterInnerHeights(i, childNode) {\n\t\t\ttrHeight = Math.max(trHeight, $(childNode).outerHeight());\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Reveal one level at a time and stop when we find one out of bounds\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < trEls.length; i++) {\n\t\t\ttrEl = trEls.eq(i).removeClass('fc-limited'); // reset to original state (reveal)\n\n\t\t\t// with rowspans>1 and IE8, trEl.outerHeight() would return the height of the largest cell,\n\t\t\t// so instead, find the tallest inner content element.\n\t\t\ttrHeight = 0;\n\t\t\ttrEl.find('> td > :first-child').each(iterInnerHeights);\n\n\t\t\tif (trEl.position().top + trHeight > rowHeight) {\n\t\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn false; // should not limit at all\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Limits the given grid row to the maximum number of levels and injects \"more\" links if necessary.\n\t// `row` is the row number.\n\t// `levelLimit` is a number for the maximum (inclusive) number of levels allowed.\n\tlimitRow: function(row, levelLimit) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar rowStruct = this.rowStructs[row];\n\t\tvar moreNodes = []; // array of \"more\" links and DOM nodes\n\t\tvar col = 0; // col #, left-to-right (not chronologically)\n\t\tvar levelSegs; // array of segment objects in the last allowable level, ordered left-to-right\n\t\tvar cellMatrix; // a matrix (by level, then column) of all jQuery elements in the row\n\t\tvar limitedNodes; // array of temporarily hidden level and segment DOM nodes\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\t\tvar segsBelow; // array of segment objects below `seg` in the current `col`\n\t\tvar totalSegsBelow; // total number of segments below `seg` in any of the columns `seg` occupies\n\t\tvar colSegsBelow; // array of segment arrays, below seg, one for each column (offset from segs's first column)\n\t\tvar td, rowspan;\n\t\tvar segMoreNodes; // array of \"more\" cells that will stand-in for the current seg's cell\n\t\tvar j;\n\t\tvar moreTd, moreWrap, moreLink;\n\n\t\t// Iterates through empty level cells and places \"more\" links inside if need be\n\t\tfunction emptyCellsUntil(endCol) { // goes from current `col` to `endCol`\n\t\t\twhile (col < endCol) {\n\t\t\t\tsegsBelow = _this.getCellSegs(row, col, levelLimit);\n\t\t\t\tif (segsBelow.length) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttd = cellMatrix[levelLimit - 1][col];\n\t\t\t\t\tmoreLink = _this.renderMoreLink(row, col, segsBelow);\n\t\t\t\t\tmoreWrap = $('
').append(moreLink);\n\t\t\t\t\ttd.append(moreWrap);\n\t\t\t\t\tmoreNodes.push(moreWrap[0]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tcol++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (levelLimit && levelLimit < rowStruct.segLevels.length) { // is it actually over the limit?\n\t\t\tlevelSegs = rowStruct.segLevels[levelLimit - 1];\n\t\t\tcellMatrix = rowStruct.cellMatrix;\n\n\t\t\tlimitedNodes = rowStruct.tbodyEl.children().slice(levelLimit) // get level elements past the limit\n\t\t\t\t.addClass('fc-limited').get(); // hide elements and get a simple DOM-nodes array\n\n\t\t\t// iterate though segments in the last allowable level\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < levelSegs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tseg = levelSegs[i];\n\t\t\t\temptyCellsUntil(seg.leftCol); // process empty cells before the segment\n\n\t\t\t\t// determine *all* segments below `seg` that occupy the same columns\n\t\t\t\tcolSegsBelow = [];\n\t\t\t\ttotalSegsBelow = 0;\n\t\t\t\twhile (col <= seg.rightCol) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsegsBelow = this.getCellSegs(row, col, levelLimit);\n\t\t\t\t\tcolSegsBelow.push(segsBelow);\n\t\t\t\t\ttotalSegsBelow += segsBelow.length;\n\t\t\t\t\tcol++;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (totalSegsBelow) { // do we need to replace this segment with one or many \"more\" links?\n\t\t\t\t\ttd = cellMatrix[levelLimit - 1][seg.leftCol]; // the segment's parent cell\n\t\t\t\t\trowspan = td.attr('rowspan') || 1;\n\t\t\t\t\tsegMoreNodes = [];\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// make a replacement for each column the segment occupies. will be one for each colspan\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < colSegsBelow.length; j++) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmoreTd = $('').attr('rowspan', rowspan);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsegsBelow = colSegsBelow[j];\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmoreLink = this.renderMoreLink(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trow,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tseg.leftCol + j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[ seg ].concat(segsBelow) // count seg as hidden too\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmoreWrap = $('
').append(moreLink);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmoreTd.append(moreWrap);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsegMoreNodes.push(moreTd[0]);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmoreNodes.push(moreTd[0]);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\ttd.addClass('fc-limited').after($(segMoreNodes)); // hide original and inject replacements\n\t\t\t\t\tlimitedNodes.push(td[0]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\temptyCellsUntil(this.colCnt); // finish off the level\n\t\t\trowStruct.moreEls = $(moreNodes); // for easy undoing later\n\t\t\trowStruct.limitedEls = $(limitedNodes); // for easy undoing later\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Reveals all levels and removes all \"more\"-related elements for a grid's row.\n\t// `row` is a row number.\n\tunlimitRow: function(row) {\n\t\tvar rowStruct = this.rowStructs[row];\n\n\t\tif (rowStruct.moreEls) {\n\t\t\trowStruct.moreEls.remove();\n\t\t\trowStruct.moreEls = null;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (rowStruct.limitedEls) {\n\t\t\trowStruct.limitedEls.removeClass('fc-limited');\n\t\t\trowStruct.limitedEls = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders an element that represents hidden event element for a cell.\n\t// Responsible for attaching click handler as well.\n\trenderMoreLink: function(row, col, hiddenSegs) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn $('')\n\t\t\t.text(\n\t\t\t\tthis.getMoreLinkText(hiddenSegs.length)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t.on('click', function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\tvar clickOption = view.opt('eventLimitClick');\n\t\t\t\tvar date = _this.getCellDate(row, col);\n\t\t\t\tvar moreEl = $(this);\n\t\t\t\tvar dayEl = _this.getCellEl(row, col);\n\t\t\t\tvar allSegs = _this.getCellSegs(row, col);\n\n\t\t\t\t// rescope the segments to be within the cell's date\n\t\t\t\tvar reslicedAllSegs = _this.resliceDaySegs(allSegs, date);\n\t\t\t\tvar reslicedHiddenSegs = _this.resliceDaySegs(hiddenSegs, date);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (typeof clickOption === 'function') {\n\t\t\t\t\t// the returned value can be an atomic option\n\t\t\t\t\tclickOption = view.trigger('eventLimitClick', null, {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdate: date,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdayEl: dayEl,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmoreEl: moreEl,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsegs: reslicedAllSegs,\n\t\t\t\t\t\thiddenSegs: reslicedHiddenSegs\n\t\t\t\t\t}, ev);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (clickOption === 'popover') {\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.showSegPopover(row, col, moreEl, reslicedAllSegs);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if (typeof clickOption === 'string') { // a view name\n\t\t\t\t\tview.calendar.zoomTo(date, clickOption);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Reveals the popover that displays all events within a cell\n\tshowSegPopover: function(row, col, moreLink, segs) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar moreWrap = moreLink.parent(); // the
wrapper around the \n\t\tvar topEl; // the element we want to match the top coordinate of\n\t\tvar options;\n\n\t\tif (this.rowCnt == 1) {\n\t\t\ttopEl = view.el; // will cause the popover to cover any sort of header\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\ttopEl = this.rowEls.eq(row); // will align with top of row\n\t\t}\n\n\t\toptions = {\n\t\t\tclassName: 'fc-more-popover',\n\t\t\tcontent: this.renderSegPopoverContent(row, col, segs),\n\t\t\tparentEl: this.el,\n\t\t\ttop: topEl.offset().top,\n\t\t\tautoHide: true, // when the user clicks elsewhere, hide the popover\n\t\t\tviewportConstrain: view.opt('popoverViewportConstrain'),\n\t\t\thide: function() {\n\t\t\t\t// kill everything when the popover is hidden\n\t\t\t\t_this.segPopover.removeElement();\n\t\t\t\t_this.segPopover = null;\n\t\t\t\t_this.popoverSegs = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Determine horizontal coordinate.\n\t\t// We use the moreWrap instead of the to avoid border confusion.\n\t\tif (this.isRTL) {\n\t\t\toptions.right = moreWrap.offset().left + moreWrap.outerWidth() + 1; // +1 to be over cell border\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\toptions.left = moreWrap.offset().left - 1; // -1 to be over cell border\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.segPopover = new Popover(options);\n\t\;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds the inner DOM contents of the segment popover\n\trenderSegPopoverContent: function(row, col, segs) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar isTheme = view.opt('theme');\n\t\tvar title = this.getCellDate(row, col).format(view.opt('dayPopoverFormat'));\n\t\tvar content = $(\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\thtmlEscape(title) +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
'\n\t\t);\n\t\tvar segContainer = content.find('.fc-event-container');\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\t// render each seg's `el` and only return the visible segs\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFgSegEls(segs, true); // disableResizing=true\n\t\tthis.popoverSegs = segs;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\n\t\t\t// because segments in the popover are not part of a grid coordinate system, provide a hint to any\n\t\t\t// grids that want to do drag-n-drop about which cell it came from\n\t\t\tthis.prepareHits();\n\t\t\tsegs[i].hit = this.getCellHit(row, col);\n\t\t\tthis.releaseHits();\n\n\t\t\tsegContainer.append(segs[i].el);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn content;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given the events within an array of segment objects, reslice them to be in a single day\n\tresliceDaySegs: function(segs, dayDate) {\n\n\t\t// build an array of the original events\n\t\tvar events = $.map(segs, function(seg) {\n\t\t\treturn seg.event;\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tvar dayStart = dayDate.clone();\n\t\tvar dayEnd = dayStart.clone().add(1, 'days');\n\t\tvar dayRange = { start: dayStart, end: dayEnd };\n\n\t\t// slice the events with a custom slicing function\n\t\tsegs = this.eventsToSegs(\n\t\t\tevents,\n\t\t\tfunction(range) {\n\t\t\t\tvar seg = intersectRanges(range, dayRange); // undefind if no intersection\n\t\t\t\treturn seg ? [ seg ] : []; // must return an array of segments\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// force an order because eventsToSegs doesn't guarantee one\n\t\tthis.sortEventSegs(segs);\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the text that should be inside a \"more\" link, given the number of events it represents\n\tgetMoreLinkText: function(num) {\n\t\tvar opt = this.view.opt('eventLimitText');\n\n\t\tif (typeof opt === 'function') {\n\t\t\treturn opt(num);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn '+' + num + ' ' + opt;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns segments within a given cell.\n\t// If `startLevel` is specified, returns only events including and below that level. Otherwise returns all segs.\n\tgetCellSegs: function(row, col, startLevel) {\n\t\tvar segMatrix = this.rowStructs[row].segMatrix;\n\t\tvar level = startLevel || 0;\n\t\tvar segs = [];\n\t\tvar seg;\n\n\t\twhile (level < segMatrix.length) {\n\t\t\tseg = segMatrix[level][col];\n\t\t\tif (seg) {\n\t\t\t\tsegs.push(seg);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlevel++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/* A component that renders one or more columns of vertical time slots\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// We mixin DayTable, even though there is only a single row of days\n\nvar TimeGrid = FC.TimeGrid = Grid.extend(DayTableMixin, {\n\n\tslotDuration: null, // duration of a \"slot\", a distinct time segment on given day, visualized by lines\n\tsnapDuration: null, // granularity of time for dragging and selecting\n\tsnapsPerSlot: null,\n\tminTime: null, // Duration object that denotes the first visible time of any given day\n\tmaxTime: null, // Duration object that denotes the exclusive visible end time of any given day\n\tlabelFormat: null, // formatting string for times running along vertical axis\n\tlabelInterval: null, // duration of how often a label should be displayed for a slot\n\n\tcolEls: null, // cells elements in the day-row background\n\tslatContainerEl: null, // div that wraps all the slat rows\n\tslatEls: null, // elements running horizontally across all columns\n\tnowIndicatorEls: null,\n\n\tcolCoordCache: null,\n\tslatCoordCache: null,\n\n\n\tconstructor: function() {\n\t\tGrid.apply(this, arguments); // call the super-constructor\n\n\t\tthis.processOptions();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the time grid into `this.el`, which should already be assigned.\n\t// Relies on the view's colCnt. In the future, this component should probably be self-sufficient.\n\trenderDates: function() {\n\t\tthis.el.html(this.renderHtml());\n\t\tthis.colEls = this.el.find('.fc-day');\n\t\tthis.slatContainerEl = this.el.find('.fc-slats');\n\t\tthis.slatEls = this.slatContainerEl.find('tr');\n\n\t\tthis.colCoordCache = new CoordCache({\n\t\t\tels: this.colEls,\n\t\t\tisHorizontal: true\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis.slatCoordCache = new CoordCache({\n\t\t\tels: this.slatEls,\n\t\t\tisVertical: true\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tthis.renderContentSkeleton();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the basic HTML skeleton for the grid\n\trenderHtml: function() {\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderBgTrHtml(0) + // row=0\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderSlatRowHtml() +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML for the horizontal \"slats\" that run width-wise. Has a time axis on a side. Depends on RTL.\n\trenderSlatRowHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar isRTL = this.isRTL;\n\t\tvar html = '';\n\t\tvar slotTime = moment.duration(+this.minTime); // wish there was .clone() for durations\n\t\tvar slotDate; // will be on the view's first day, but we only care about its time\n\t\tvar isLabeled;\n\t\tvar axisHtml;\n\n\t\t// Calculate the time for each slot\n\t\twhile (slotTime < this.maxTime) {\n\t\t\tslotDate = this.start.clone().time(slotTime);\n\t\t\tisLabeled = isInt(divideDurationByDuration(slotTime, this.labelInterval));\n\n\t\t\taxisHtml =\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t(isLabeled ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' + // for matchCellWidths\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thtmlEscape(slotDate.format(this.labelFormat)) +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t'';\n\n\t\t\thtml +=\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t(!isRTL ? axisHtml : '') +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t(isRTL ? axisHtml : '') +\n\t\t\t\t\"\";\n\n\t\t\tslotTime.add(this.slotDuration);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn html;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Options\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Parses various options into properties of this object\n\tprocessOptions: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar slotDuration = view.opt('slotDuration');\n\t\tvar snapDuration = view.opt('snapDuration');\n\t\tvar input;\n\n\t\tslotDuration = moment.duration(slotDuration);\n\t\tsnapDuration = snapDuration ? moment.duration(snapDuration) : slotDuration;\n\n\t\tthis.slotDuration = slotDuration;\n\t\tthis.snapDuration = snapDuration;\n\t\tthis.snapsPerSlot = slotDuration / snapDuration; // TODO: ensure an integer multiple?\n\n\t\tthis.minResizeDuration = snapDuration; // hack\n\n\t\tthis.minTime = moment.duration(view.opt('minTime'));\n\t\tthis.maxTime = moment.duration(view.opt('maxTime'));\n\n\t\t// might be an array value (for TimelineView).\n\t\t// if so, getting the most granular entry (the last one probably).\n\t\tinput = view.opt('slotLabelFormat');\n\t\tif ($.isArray(input)) {\n\t\t\tinput = input[input.length - 1];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.labelFormat =\n\t\t\tinput ||\n\t\t\tview.opt('axisFormat') || // deprecated\n\t\t\tview.opt('smallTimeFormat'); // the computed default\n\n\t\tinput = view.opt('slotLabelInterval');\n\t\tthis.labelInterval = input ?\n\t\t\tmoment.duration(input) :\n\t\t\tthis.computeLabelInterval(slotDuration);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes an automatic value for slotLabelInterval\n\tcomputeLabelInterval: function(slotDuration) {\n\t\tvar i;\n\t\tvar labelInterval;\n\t\tvar slotsPerLabel;\n\n\t\t// find the smallest stock label interval that results in more than one slots-per-label\n\t\tfor (i = AGENDA_STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\tlabelInterval = moment.duration(AGENDA_STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS[i]);\n\t\t\tslotsPerLabel = divideDurationByDuration(labelInterval, slotDuration);\n\t\t\tif (isInt(slotsPerLabel) && slotsPerLabel > 1) {\n\t\t\t\treturn labelInterval;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn moment.duration(slotDuration); // fall back. clone\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes a default event time formatting string if `timeFormat` is not explicitly defined\n\tcomputeEventTimeFormat: function() {\n\t\treturn this.view.opt('noMeridiemTimeFormat'); // like \"6:30\" (no AM/PM)\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes a default `displayEventEnd` value if one is not expliclty defined\n\tcomputeDisplayEventEnd: function() {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Hit System\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tprepareHits: function() {\n\t\;\n\t\;\n\t},\n\n\n\treleaseHits: function() {\n\t\tthis.colCoordCache.clear();\n\t\t// NOTE: don't clear slatCoordCache because we rely on it for computeTimeTop\n\t},\n\n\n\tqueryHit: function(leftOffset, topOffset) {\n\t\tvar snapsPerSlot = this.snapsPerSlot;\n\t\tvar colCoordCache = this.colCoordCache;\n\t\tvar slatCoordCache = this.slatCoordCache;\n\t\tvar colIndex = colCoordCache.getHorizontalIndex(leftOffset);\n\t\tvar slatIndex = slatCoordCache.getVerticalIndex(topOffset);\n\n\t\tif (colIndex != null && slatIndex != null) {\n\t\t\tvar slatTop = slatCoordCache.getTopOffset(slatIndex);\n\t\t\tvar slatHeight = slatCoordCache.getHeight(slatIndex);\n\t\t\tvar partial = (topOffset - slatTop) / slatHeight; // floating point number between 0 and 1\n\t\t\tvar localSnapIndex = Math.floor(partial * snapsPerSlot); // the snap # relative to start of slat\n\t\t\tvar snapIndex = slatIndex * snapsPerSlot + localSnapIndex;\n\t\t\tvar snapTop = slatTop + (localSnapIndex / snapsPerSlot) * slatHeight;\n\t\t\tvar snapBottom = slatTop + ((localSnapIndex + 1) / snapsPerSlot) * slatHeight;\n\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\tcol: colIndex,\n\t\t\t\tsnap: snapIndex,\n\t\t\t\tcomponent: this, // needed unfortunately :(\n\t\t\t\tleft: colCoordCache.getLeftOffset(colIndex),\n\t\t\t\tright: colCoordCache.getRightOffset(colIndex),\n\t\t\t\ttop: snapTop,\n\t\t\t\tbottom: snapBottom\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitSpan: function(hit) {\n\t\tvar start = this.getCellDate(0, hit.col); // row=0\n\t\tvar time = this.computeSnapTime(hit.snap); // pass in the snap-index\n\t\tvar end;\n\n\t\tstart.time(time);\n\t\tend = start.clone().add(this.snapDuration);\n\n\t\treturn { start: start, end: end };\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitEl: function(hit) {\n\t\treturn this.colEls.eq(hit.col);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dates\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trangeUpdated: function() {\n\t\tthis.updateDayTable();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a row number of the grid, representing a \"snap\", returns a time (Duration) from its start-of-day\n\tcomputeSnapTime: function(snapIndex) {\n\t\treturn moment.duration(this.minTime + this.snapDuration * snapIndex);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Slices up the given span (unzoned start/end with other misc data) into an array of segments\n\tspanToSegs: function(span) {\n\t\tvar segs = this.sliceRangeByTimes(span);\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (this.isRTL) {\n\t\t\t\tsegs[i].col = this.daysPerRow - 1 - segs[i].dayIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tsegs[i].col = segs[i].dayIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\tsliceRangeByTimes: function(range) {\n\t\tvar segs = [];\n\t\tvar seg;\n\t\tvar dayIndex;\n\t\tvar dayDate;\n\t\tvar dayRange;\n\n\t\tfor (dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < this.daysPerRow; dayIndex++) {\n\t\t\tdayDate = this.dayDates[dayIndex].clone(); // TODO: better API for this?\n\t\t\tdayRange = {\n\t\t\t\tstart: dayDate.clone().time(this.minTime),\n\t\t\t\tend: dayDate.clone().time(this.maxTime)\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tseg = intersectRanges(range, dayRange); // both will be ambig timezone\n\t\t\tif (seg) {\n\t\t\t\tseg.dayIndex = dayIndex;\n\t\t\t\tsegs.push(seg);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Coordinates\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tupdateSize: function(isResize) { // NOT a standard Grid method\n\t\;\n\n\t\tif (isResize) {\n\t\t\tthis.updateSegVerticals(\n\t\t\t\t[].concat(this.fgSegs || [], this.bgSegs || [], this.businessSegs || [])\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetTotalSlatHeight: function() {\n\t\treturn this.slatContainerEl.outerHeight();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given date.\n\t// A `startOfDayDate` must be given for avoiding ambiguity over how to treat midnight.\n\tcomputeDateTop: function(date, startOfDayDate) {\n\t\treturn this.computeTimeTop(\n\t\t\tmoment.duration(\n\t\t\t\tdate - startOfDayDate.clone().stripTime()\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given time (a Duration).\n\tcomputeTimeTop: function(time) {\n\t\tvar len = this.slatEls.length;\n\t\tvar slatCoverage = (time - this.minTime) / this.slotDuration; // floating-point value of # of slots covered\n\t\tvar slatIndex;\n\t\tvar slatRemainder;\n\n\t\t// compute a floating-point number for how many slats should be progressed through.\n\t\t// from 0 to number of slats (inclusive)\n\t\t// constrained because minTime/maxTime might be customized.\n\t\tslatCoverage = Math.max(0, slatCoverage);\n\t\tslatCoverage = Math.min(len, slatCoverage);\n\n\t\t// an integer index of the furthest whole slat\n\t\t// from 0 to number slats (*exclusive*, so len-1)\n\t\tslatIndex = Math.floor(slatCoverage);\n\t\tslatIndex = Math.min(slatIndex, len - 1);\n\n\t\t// how much further through the slatIndex slat (from 0.0-1.0) must be covered in addition.\n\t\t// could be 1.0 if slatCoverage is covering *all* the slots\n\t\tslatRemainder = slatCoverage - slatIndex;\n\n\t\treturn this.slatCoordCache.getTopPosition(slatIndex) +\n\t\t\tthis.slatCoordCache.getHeight(slatIndex) * slatRemainder;\n\t},\n\n\n\n\t/* Event Drag Visualization\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of an event being dragged over the specified date(s).\n\t// A returned value of `true` signals that a mock \"helper\" event has been rendered.\n\trenderDrag: function(eventLocation, seg) {\n\n\t\tif (seg) { // if there is event information for this drag, render a helper event\n\n\t\t\t// returns mock event elements\n\t\t\t// signal that a helper has been rendered\n\t\t\treturn this.renderEventLocationHelper(eventLocation, seg);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\t// otherwise, just render a highlight\n\t\t\tthis.renderHighlight(this.eventToSpan(eventLocation));\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any visual indication of an event being dragged\n\tunrenderDrag: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHelper();\n\t\tthis.unrenderHighlight();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Resize Visualization\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of an event being resized\n\trenderEventResize: function(eventLocation, seg) {\n\t\treturn this.renderEventLocationHelper(eventLocation, seg); // returns mock event elements\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any visual indication of an event being resized\n\tunrenderEventResize: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHelper();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Helper\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a mock \"helper\" event. `sourceSeg` is the original segment object and might be null (an external drag)\n\trenderHelper: function(event, sourceSeg) {\n\t\treturn this.renderHelperSegs(this.eventToSegs(event), sourceSeg); // returns mock event elements\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any mock helper event\n\tunrenderHelper: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHelperSegs();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Business Hours\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\tvar events = this.view.calendar.getBusinessHoursEvents();\n\t\tvar segs = this.eventsToSegs(events);\n\n\t\tthis.renderBusinessSegs(segs);\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderBusinessSegs();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Now Indicator\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tgetNowIndicatorUnit: function() {\n\t\treturn 'minute'; // will refresh on the minute\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderNowIndicator: function(date) {\n\t\t// seg system might be overkill, but it handles scenario where line needs to be rendered\n\t\t// more than once because of columns with the same date (resources columns for example)\n\t\tvar segs = this.spanToSegs({ start: date, end: date });\n\t\tvar top = this.computeDateTop(date, date);\n\t\tvar nodes = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\t// render lines within the columns\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tnodes.push($('
')\n\t\t\t\t.css('top', top)\n\t\t\t\t.appendTo(this.colContainerEls.eq(segs[i].col))[0]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// render an arrow over the axis\n\t\tif (segs.length > 0) { // is the current time in view?\n\t\t\tnodes.push($('
')\n\t\t\t\t.css('top', top)\n\t\t\t\t.appendTo(this.el.find('.fc-content-skeleton'))[0]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.nowIndicatorEls = $(nodes);\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderNowIndicator: function() {\n\t\tif (this.nowIndicatorEls) {\n\t\t\tthis.nowIndicatorEls.remove();\n\t\t\tthis.nowIndicatorEls = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Selection\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of a selection. Overrides the default, which was to simply render a highlight.\n\trenderSelection: function(span) {\n\t\tif (this.view.opt('selectHelper')) { // this setting signals that a mock helper event should be rendered\n\n\t\t\t// normally acceps an eventLocation, span has a start/end, which is good enough\n\t\t\tthis.renderEventLocationHelper(span);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis.renderHighlight(span);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders any visual indication of a selection\n\tunrenderSelection: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHelper();\n\t\tthis.unrenderHighlight();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Highlight\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderHighlight: function(span) {\n\t\tthis.renderHighlightSegs(this.spanToSegs(span));\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderHighlight: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderHighlightSegs();\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/* Methods for rendering SEGMENTS, pieces of content that live on the view\n ( this file is no longer just for events )\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nTimeGrid.mixin({\n\n\tcolContainerEls: null, // containers for each column\n\n\t// inner-containers for each column where different types of segs live\n\tfgContainerEls: null,\n\tbgContainerEls: null,\n\thelperContainerEls: null,\n\thighlightContainerEls: null,\n\tbusinessContainerEls: null,\n\n\t// arrays of different types of displayed segments\n\tfgSegs: null,\n\tbgSegs: null,\n\thelperSegs: null,\n\thighlightSegs: null,\n\tbusinessSegs: null,\n\n\n\t// Renders the DOM that the view's content will live in\n\trenderContentSkeleton: function() {\n\t\tvar cellHtml = '';\n\t\tvar i;\n\t\tvar skeletonEl;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < this.colCnt; i++) {\n\t\t\tcellHtml +=\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tskeletonEl = $(\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' + cellHtml + '' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t'
'\n\t\t);\n\n\t\tthis.colContainerEls = skeletonEl.find('.fc-content-col');\n\t\tthis.helperContainerEls = skeletonEl.find('.fc-helper-container');\n\t\tthis.fgContainerEls = skeletonEl.find('.fc-event-container:not(.fc-helper-container)');\n\t\tthis.bgContainerEls = skeletonEl.find('.fc-bgevent-container');\n\t\tthis.highlightContainerEls = skeletonEl.find('.fc-highlight-container');\n\t\tthis.businessContainerEls = skeletonEl.find('.fc-business-container');\n\n\t\tthis.bookendCells(skeletonEl.find('tr')); // TODO: do this on string level\n\t\tthis.el.append(skeletonEl);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Foreground Events\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderFgSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFgSegsIntoContainers(segs, this.fgContainerEls);\n\t\tthis.fgSegs = segs;\n\t\treturn segs; // needed for Grid::renderEvents\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderFgSegs: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderNamedSegs('fgSegs');\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Foreground Helper Events\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderHelperSegs: function(segs, sourceSeg) {\n\t\tvar helperEls = [];\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\t\tvar sourceEl;\n\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFgSegsIntoContainers(segs, this.helperContainerEls);\n\n\t\t// Try to make the segment that is in the same row as sourceSeg look the same\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\t\t\tif (sourceSeg && sourceSeg.col === seg.col) {\n\t\t\t\tsourceEl = sourceSeg.el;\n\t\t\t\tseg.el.css({\n\t\t\t\t\tleft: sourceEl.css('left'),\n\t\t\t\t\tright: sourceEl.css('right'),\n\t\t\t\t\t'margin-left': sourceEl.css('margin-left'),\n\t\t\t\t\t'margin-right': sourceEl.css('margin-right')\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\thelperEls.push(seg.el[0]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.helperSegs = segs;\n\n\t\treturn $(helperEls); // must return rendered helpers\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderHelperSegs: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderNamedSegs('helperSegs');\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Background Events\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderBgSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFillSegEls('bgEvent', segs); // TODO: old fill system\n\t\tthis.updateSegVerticals(segs);\n\t\tthis.attachSegsByCol(this.groupSegsByCol(segs), this.bgContainerEls);\n\t\tthis.bgSegs = segs;\n\t\treturn segs; // needed for Grid::renderEvents\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderBgSegs: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderNamedSegs('bgSegs');\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Highlight\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderHighlightSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFillSegEls('highlight', segs); // TODO: old fill system\n\t\tthis.updateSegVerticals(segs);\n\t\tthis.attachSegsByCol(this.groupSegsByCol(segs), this.highlightContainerEls);\n\t\tthis.highlightSegs = segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderHighlightSegs: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderNamedSegs('highlightSegs');\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Business Hours\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderBusinessSegs: function(segs) {\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFillSegEls('businessHours', segs); // TODO: old fill system\n\t\tthis.updateSegVerticals(segs);\n\t\tthis.attachSegsByCol(this.groupSegsByCol(segs), this.businessContainerEls);\n\t\tthis.businessSegs = segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderBusinessSegs: function() {\n\t\tthis.unrenderNamedSegs('businessSegs');\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Seg Rendering Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Given a flat array of segments, return an array of sub-arrays, grouped by each segment's col\n\tgroupSegsByCol: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar segsByCol = [];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < this.colCnt; i++) {\n\t\t\tsegsByCol.push([]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tsegsByCol[segs[i].col].push(segs[i]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn segsByCol;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given segments grouped by column, insert the segments' elements into a parallel array of container\n\t// elements, each living within a column.\n\tattachSegsByCol: function(segsByCol, containerEls) {\n\t\tvar col;\n\t\tvar segs;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) { // iterate each column grouping\n\t\t\tsegs = segsByCol[col];\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tcontainerEls.eq(col).append(segs[i].el);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given the name of a property of `this` object, assumed to be an array of segments,\n\t// loops through each segment and removes from DOM. Will null-out the property afterwards.\n\tunrenderNamedSegs: function(propName) {\n\t\tvar segs = this[propName];\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (segs) {\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tsegs[i].el.remove();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tthis[propName] = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\n\t/* Foreground Event Rendering Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Given an array of foreground segments, render a DOM element for each, computes position,\n\t// and attaches to the column inner-container elements.\n\trenderFgSegsIntoContainers: function(segs, containerEls) {\n\t\tvar segsByCol;\n\t\tvar col;\n\n\t\tsegs = this.renderFgSegEls(segs); // will call fgSegHtml\n\t\tsegsByCol = this.groupSegsByCol(segs);\n\n\t\tfor (col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) {\n\t\t\tthis.updateFgSegCoords(segsByCol[col]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.attachSegsByCol(segsByCol, containerEls);\n\n\t\treturn segs;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the HTML for a single event segment's default rendering\n\tfgSegHtml: function(seg, disableResizing) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar event = seg.event;\n\t\tvar isDraggable = view.isEventDraggable(event);\n\t\tvar isResizableFromStart = !disableResizing && seg.isStart && view.isEventResizableFromStart(event);\n\t\tvar isResizableFromEnd = !disableResizing && seg.isEnd && view.isEventResizableFromEnd(event);\n\t\tvar classes = this.getSegClasses(seg, isDraggable, isResizableFromStart || isResizableFromEnd);\n\t\tvar skinCss = cssToStr(this.getSegSkinCss(seg));\n\t\tvar timeText;\n\t\tvar fullTimeText; // more verbose time text. for the print stylesheet\n\t\tvar startTimeText; // just the start time text\n\n\t\tclasses.unshift('fc-time-grid-event', 'fc-v-event');\n\n\t\tif (view.isMultiDayEvent(event)) { // if the event appears to span more than one day...\n\t\t\t// Don't display time text on segments that run entirely through a day.\n\t\t\t// That would appear as midnight-midnight and would look dumb.\n\t\t\t// Otherwise, display the time text for the *segment's* times (like 6pm-midnight or midnight-10am)\n\t\t\tif (seg.isStart || seg.isEnd) {\n\t\t\t\ttimeText = this.getEventTimeText(seg);\n\t\t\t\tfullTimeText = this.getEventTimeText(seg, 'LT');\n\t\t\t\tstartTimeText = this.getEventTimeText(seg, null, false); // displayEnd=false\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Display the normal time text for the *event's* times\n\t\t\ttimeText = this.getEventTimeText(event);\n\t\t\tfullTimeText = this.getEventTimeText(event, 'LT');\n\t\t\tstartTimeText = this.getEventTimeText(event, null, false); // displayEnd=false\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t(timeText ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'' + htmlEscape(timeText) + '' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t\t(event.title ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thtmlEscape(event.title) +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t/* TODO: write CSS for this\n\t\t\t\t(isResizableFromStart ?\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t*/\n\t\t\t\t(isResizableFromEnd ?\n\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Seg Position Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Refreshes the CSS top/bottom coordinates for each segment element.\n\t// Works when called after initial render, after a window resize/zoom for example.\n\tupdateSegVerticals: function(segs) {\n\t\tthis.computeSegVerticals(segs);\n\t\tthis.assignSegVerticals(segs);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// For each segment in an array, computes and assigns its top and bottom properties\n\tcomputeSegVerticals: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\t\t\ = this.computeDateTop(seg.start, seg.start);\n\t\t\tseg.bottom = this.computeDateTop(seg.end, seg.start);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given segments that already have their top/bottom properties computed, applies those values to\n\t// the segments' elements.\n\tassignSegVerticals: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar i, seg;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tseg = segs[i];\n\t\t\tseg.el.css(this.generateSegVerticalCss(seg));\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates an object with CSS properties for the top/bottom coordinates of a segment element\n\tgenerateSegVerticalCss: function(seg) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\ttop:,\n\t\t\tbottom: -seg.bottom // flipped because needs to be space beyond bottom edge of event container\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Foreground Event Positioning Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Given segments that are assumed to all live in the *same column*,\n\t// compute their verical/horizontal coordinates and assign to their elements.\n\tupdateFgSegCoords: function(segs) {\n\t\tthis.computeSegVerticals(segs); // horizontals relies on this\n\t\tthis.computeFgSegHorizontals(segs); // compute horizontal coordinates, z-index's, and reorder the array\n\t\tthis.assignSegVerticals(segs);\n\t\tthis.assignFgSegHorizontals(segs);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given an array of segments that are all in the same column, sets the backwardCoord and forwardCoord on each.\n\t// NOTE: Also reorders the given array by date!\n\tcomputeFgSegHorizontals: function(segs) {\n\t\tvar levels;\n\t\tvar level0;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tthis.sortEventSegs(segs); // order by certain criteria\n\t\tlevels = buildSlotSegLevels(segs);\n\t\tcomputeForwardSlotSegs(levels);\n\n\t\tif ((level0 = levels[0])) {\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < level0.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tcomputeSlotSegPressures(level0[i]);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < level0.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.computeFgSegForwardBack(level0[i], 0, 0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Calculate seg.forwardCoord and seg.backwardCoord for the segment, where both values range\n\t// from 0 to 1. If the calendar is left-to-right, the seg.backwardCoord maps to \"left\" and\n\t// seg.forwardCoord maps to \"right\" (via percentage). Vice-versa if the calendar is right-to-left.\n\t//\n\t// The segment might be part of a \"series\", which means consecutive segments with the same pressure\n\t// who's width is unknown until an edge has been hit. `seriesBackwardPressure` is the number of\n\t// segments behind this one in the current series, and `seriesBackwardCoord` is the starting\n\t// coordinate of the first segment in the series.\n\tcomputeFgSegForwardBack: function(seg, seriesBackwardPressure, seriesBackwardCoord) {\n\t\tvar forwardSegs = seg.forwardSegs;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (seg.forwardCoord === undefined) { // not already computed\n\n\t\t\tif (!forwardSegs.length) {\n\n\t\t\t\t// if there are no forward segments, this segment should butt up against the edge\n\t\t\t\tseg.forwardCoord = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\n\t\t\t\t// sort highest pressure first\n\t\t\t\tthis.sortForwardSegs(forwardSegs);\n\n\t\t\t\t// this segment's forwardCoord will be calculated from the backwardCoord of the\n\t\t\t\t// highest-pressure forward segment.\n\t\t\t\tthis.computeFgSegForwardBack(forwardSegs[0], seriesBackwardPressure + 1, seriesBackwardCoord);\n\t\t\t\tseg.forwardCoord = forwardSegs[0].backwardCoord;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// calculate the backwardCoord from the forwardCoord. consider the series\n\t\t\tseg.backwardCoord = seg.forwardCoord -\n\t\t\t\t(seg.forwardCoord - seriesBackwardCoord) / // available width for series\n\t\t\t\t(seriesBackwardPressure + 1); // # of segments in the series\n\n\t\t\t// use this segment's coordinates to computed the coordinates of the less-pressurized\n\t\t\t// forward segments\n\t\t\tfor (i=0; i && < seg2.bottom;\n}\n\n;;\n\n/* An abstract class from which other views inherit from\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nvar View = FC.View = Class.extend(EmitterMixin, ListenerMixin, {\n\n\ttype: null, // subclass' view name (string)\n\tname: null, // deprecated. use `type` instead\n\ttitle: null, // the text that will be displayed in the header's title\n\n\tcalendar: null, // owner Calendar object\n\toptions: null, // hash containing all options. already merged with view-specific-options\n\tel: null, // the view's containing element. set by Calendar\n\n\tdisplaying: null, // a promise representing the state of rendering. null if no render requested\n\tisSkeletonRendered: false,\n\tisEventsRendered: false,\n\n\t// range the view is actually displaying (moments)\n\tstart: null,\n\tend: null, // exclusive\n\n\t// range the view is formally responsible for (moments)\n\t// may be different from start/end. for example, a month view might have 1st-31st, excluding padded dates\n\tintervalStart: null,\n\tintervalEnd: null, // exclusive\n\tintervalDuration: null,\n\tintervalUnit: null, // name of largest unit being displayed, like \"month\" or \"week\"\n\n\tisRTL: false,\n\tisSelected: false, // boolean whether a range of time is user-selected or not\n\tselectedEvent: null,\n\n\teventOrderSpecs: null, // criteria for ordering events when they have same date/time\n\n\t// classNames styled by jqui themes\n\twidgetHeaderClass: null,\n\twidgetContentClass: null,\n\thighlightStateClass: null,\n\n\t// for date utils, computed from options\n\tnextDayThreshold: null,\n\tisHiddenDayHash: null,\n\n\t// now indicator\n\tisNowIndicatorRendered: null,\n\tinitialNowDate: null, // result first getNow call\n\tinitialNowQueriedMs: null, // ms time the getNow was called\n\tnowIndicatorTimeoutID: null, // for refresh timing of now indicator\n\tnowIndicatorIntervalID: null, // \"\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(calendar, type, options, intervalDuration) {\n\n\t\tthis.calendar = calendar;\n\t\tthis.type = = type; // .name is deprecated\n\t\tthis.options = options;\n\t\tthis.intervalDuration = intervalDuration || moment.duration(1, 'day');\n\n\t\tthis.nextDayThreshold = moment.duration(this.opt('nextDayThreshold'));\n\t\tthis.initThemingProps();\n\t\tthis.initHiddenDays();\n\t\tthis.isRTL = this.opt('isRTL');\n\n\t\tthis.eventOrderSpecs = parseFieldSpecs(this.opt('eventOrder'));\n\n\t\tthis.initialize();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// A good place for subclasses to initialize member variables\n\tinitialize: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses can implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves an option with the given name\n\topt: function(name) {\n\t\treturn this.options[name];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggers handlers that are view-related. Modifies args before passing to calendar.\n\ttrigger: function(name, thisObj) { // arguments beyond thisObj are passed along\n\t\tvar calendar = this.calendar;\n\n\t\treturn calendar.trigger.apply(\n\t\t\tcalendar,\n\t\t\t[name, thisObj || this].concat(\n\t\t\t\, 2), // arguments beyond thisObj\n\t\t\t\t[ this ] // always make the last argument a reference to the view. TODO: deprecate\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dates\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Updates all internal dates to center around the given current unzoned date.\n\tsetDate: function(date) {\n\t\tthis.setRange(this.computeRange(date));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Updates all internal dates for displaying the given unzoned range.\n\tsetRange: function(range) {\n\t\t$.extend(this, range); // assigns every property to this object's member variables\n\t\tthis.updateTitle();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a single current unzoned date, produce information about what range to display.\n\t// Subclasses can override. Must return all properties.\n\tcomputeRange: function(date) {\n\t\tvar intervalUnit = computeIntervalUnit(this.intervalDuration);\n\t\tvar intervalStart = date.clone().startOf(intervalUnit);\n\t\tvar intervalEnd = intervalStart.clone().add(this.intervalDuration);\n\t\tvar start, end;\n\n\t\t// normalize the range's time-ambiguity\n\t\tif (/year|month|week|day/.test(intervalUnit)) { // whole-days?\n\t\t\tintervalStart.stripTime();\n\t\t\tintervalEnd.stripTime();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse { // needs to have a time?\n\t\t\tif (!intervalStart.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\t\tintervalStart = this.calendar.time(0); // give 00:00 time\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!intervalEnd.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\t\tintervalEnd = this.calendar.time(0); // give 00:00 time\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tstart = intervalStart.clone();\n\t\tstart = this.skipHiddenDays(start);\n\t\tend = intervalEnd.clone();\n\t\tend = this.skipHiddenDays(end, -1, true); // exclusively move backwards\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tintervalUnit: intervalUnit,\n\t\t\tintervalStart: intervalStart,\n\t\t\tintervalEnd: intervalEnd,\n\t\t\tstart: start,\n\t\t\tend: end\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the new date when the user hits the prev button, given the current date\n\tcomputePrevDate: function(date) {\n\t\treturn this.massageCurrentDate(\n\t\t\tdate.clone().startOf(this.intervalUnit).subtract(this.intervalDuration), -1\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes the new date when the user hits the next button, given the current date\n\tcomputeNextDate: function(date) {\n\t\treturn this.massageCurrentDate(\n\t\t\tdate.clone().startOf(this.intervalUnit).add(this.intervalDuration)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given an arbitrarily calculated current date of the calendar, returns a date that is ensured to be completely\n\t// visible. `direction` is optional and indicates which direction the current date was being\n\t// incremented or decremented (1 or -1).\n\tmassageCurrentDate: function(date, direction) {\n\t\tif ('days') <= 1) { // if the view displays a single day or smaller\n\t\t\tif (this.isHiddenDay(date)) {\n\t\t\t\tdate = this.skipHiddenDays(date, direction);\n\t\t\t\tdate.startOf('day');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn date;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Title and Date Formatting\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Sets the view's title property to the most updated computed value\n\tupdateTitle: function() {\n\t\tthis.title = this.computeTitle();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes what the title at the top of the calendar should be for this view\n\tcomputeTitle: function() {\n\t\treturn this.formatRange(\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t// in case intervalStart/End has a time, make sure timezone is correct\n\t\t\t\tstart: this.calendar.applyTimezone(this.intervalStart),\n\t\t\t\tend: this.calendar.applyTimezone(this.intervalEnd)\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tthis.opt('titleFormat') || this.computeTitleFormat(),\n\t\t\tthis.opt('titleRangeSeparator')\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the format string that should be used to generate the title for the current date range.\n\t// Attempts to compute the most appropriate format if not explicitly specified with `titleFormat`.\n\tcomputeTitleFormat: function() {\n\t\tif (this.intervalUnit == 'year') {\n\t\t\treturn 'YYYY';\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (this.intervalUnit == 'month') {\n\t\t\treturn this.opt('monthYearFormat'); // like \"September 2014\"\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if ('days') > 1) {\n\t\t\treturn 'll'; // multi-day range. shorter, like \"Sep 9 - 10 2014\"\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn 'LL'; // one day. longer, like \"September 9 2014\"\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Utility for formatting a range. Accepts a range object, formatting string, and optional separator.\n\t// Displays all-day ranges naturally, with an inclusive end. Takes the current isRTL into account.\n\t// The timezones of the dates within `range` will be respected.\n\tformatRange: function(range, formatStr, separator) {\n\t\tvar end = range.end;\n\n\t\tif (!end.hasTime()) { // all-day?\n\t\t\tend = end.clone().subtract(1); // convert to inclusive. last ms of previous day\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn formatRange(range.start, end, formatStr, separator, this.opt('isRTL'));\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Sets the container element that the view should render inside of.\n\t// Does other DOM-related initializations.\n\tsetElement: function(el) {\n\t\tthis.el = el;\n\t\tthis.bindGlobalHandlers();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Removes the view's container element from the DOM, clearing any content beforehand.\n\t// Undoes any other DOM-related attachments.\n\tremoveElement: function() {\n\t\tthis.clear(); // clears all content\n\n\t\t// clean up the skeleton\n\t\tif (this.isSkeletonRendered) {\n\t\t\tthis.unrenderSkeleton();\n\t\t\tthis.isSkeletonRendered = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.unbindGlobalHandlers();\n\n\t\tthis.el.remove();\n\n\t\t// NOTE: don't null-out this.el in case the View was destroyed within an API callback.\n\t\t// We don't null-out the View's other jQuery element references upon destroy,\n\t\t// so we shouldn't kill this.el either.\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Does everything necessary to display the view centered around the given unzoned date.\n\t// Does every type of rendering EXCEPT rendering events.\n\t// Is asychronous and returns a promise.\n\tdisplay: function(date) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar scrollState = null;\n\n\t\tif (this.displaying) {\n\t\t\tscrollState = this.queryScroll();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.calendar.freezeContentHeight();\n\n\t\treturn this.clear().then(function() { // clear the content first (async)\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t_this.displaying =\n\t\t\t\t\t$.when(_this.displayView(date)) // displayView might return a promise\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.then(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.forceScroll(_this.computeInitialScroll(scrollState));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.calendar.unfreezeContentHeight();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t_this.triggerRender();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Does everything necessary to clear the content of the view.\n\t// Clears dates and events. Does not clear the skeleton.\n\t// Is asychronous and returns a promise.\n\tclear: function() {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar displaying = this.displaying;\n\n\t\tif (displaying) { // previously displayed, or in the process of being displayed?\n\t\t\treturn displaying.then(function() { // wait for the display to finish\n\t\t\t\t_this.displaying = null;\n\t\t\t\t_this.clearEvents();\n\t\t\t\treturn _this.clearView(); // might return a promise. chain it\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn $.when(); // an immediately-resolved promise\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Displays the view's non-event content, such as date-related content or anything required by events.\n\t// Renders the view's non-content skeleton if necessary.\n\t// Can be asynchronous and return a promise.\n\tdisplayView: function(date) {\n\t\tif (!this.isSkeletonRendered) {\n\t\t\tthis.renderSkeleton();\n\t\t\tthis.isSkeletonRendered = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (date) {\n\t\t\tthis.setDate(date);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.render) {\n\t\t\tthis.render(); // TODO: deprecate\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.renderDates();\n\t\tthis.updateSize();\n\t\tthis.renderBusinessHours(); // might need coordinates, so should go after updateSize()\n\t\tthis.startNowIndicator();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the view content that was rendered in displayView.\n\t// Can be asynchronous and return a promise.\n\tclearView: function() {\n\t\tthis.unselect();\n\t\tthis.stopNowIndicator();\n\t\tthis.triggerUnrender();\n\t\tthis.unrenderBusinessHours();\n\t\tthis.unrenderDates();\n\t\tif (this.destroy) {\n\t\t\tthis.destroy(); // TODO: deprecate\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the basic structure of the view before any content is rendered\n\trenderSkeleton: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the basic structure of the view\n\tunrenderSkeleton: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the view's date-related content.\n\t// Assumes setRange has already been called and the skeleton has already been rendered.\n\trenderDates: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the view's date-related content\n\tunrenderDates: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should override\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Signals that the view's content has been rendered\n\ttriggerRender: function() {\n\t\tthis.trigger('viewRender', this, this, this.el);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Signals that the view's content is about to be unrendered\n\ttriggerUnrender: function() {\n\t\tthis.trigger('viewDestroy', this, this, this.el);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Binds DOM handlers to elements that reside outside the view container, such as the document\n\tbindGlobalHandlers: function() {\n\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), 'mousedown', this.handleDocumentMousedown);\n\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), 'touchstart', this.handleDocumentTouchStart);\n\t\tthis.listenTo($(document), 'touchend', this.handleDocumentTouchEnd);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unbinds DOM handlers from elements that reside outside the view container\n\tunbindGlobalHandlers: function() {\n\t\tthis.stopListeningTo($(document));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Initializes internal variables related to theming\n\tinitThemingProps: function() {\n\t\tvar tm = this.opt('theme') ? 'ui' : 'fc';\n\n\t\tthis.widgetHeaderClass = tm + '-widget-header';\n\t\tthis.widgetContentClass = tm + '-widget-content';\n\t\tthis.highlightStateClass = tm + '-state-highlight';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Business Hours\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders business-hours onto the view. Assumes updateSize has already been called.\n\trenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders previously-rendered business-hours\n\tunrenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Now Indicator\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Immediately render the current time indicator and begins re-rendering it at an interval,\n\t// which is defined by this.getNowIndicatorUnit().\n\t// TODO: somehow do this for the current whole day's background too\n\tstartNowIndicator: function() {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\tvar unit;\n\t\tvar update;\n\t\tvar delay; // ms wait value\n\n\t\tif (this.opt('nowIndicator')) {\n\t\t\tunit = this.getNowIndicatorUnit();\n\t\t\tif (unit) {\n\t\t\t\tupdate = proxy(this, 'updateNowIndicator'); // bind to `this`\n\n\t\t\t\tthis.initialNowDate = this.calendar.getNow();\n\t\t\t\tthis.initialNowQueriedMs = +new Date();\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderNowIndicator(this.initialNowDate);\n\t\t\t\tthis.isNowIndicatorRendered = true;\n\n\t\t\t\t// wait until the beginning of the next interval\n\t\t\t\tdelay = this.initialNowDate.clone().startOf(unit).add(1, unit) - this.initialNowDate;\n\t\t\t\tthis.nowIndicatorTimeoutID = setTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.nowIndicatorTimeoutID = null;\n\t\t\t\t\tupdate();\n\t\t\t\t\tdelay = +moment.duration(1, unit);\n\t\t\t\t\tdelay = Math.max(100, delay); // prevent too frequent\n\t\t\t\t\t_this.nowIndicatorIntervalID = setInterval(update, delay); // update every interval\n\t\t\t\t}, delay);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// rerenders the now indicator, computing the new current time from the amount of time that has passed\n\t// since the initial getNow call.\n\tupdateNowIndicator: function() {\n\t\tif (this.isNowIndicatorRendered) {\n\t\t\tthis.unrenderNowIndicator();\n\t\t\tthis.renderNowIndicator(\n\t\t\t\tthis.initialNowDate.clone().add(new Date() - this.initialNowQueriedMs) // add ms\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Immediately unrenders the view's current time indicator and stops any re-rendering timers.\n\t// Won't cause side effects if indicator isn't rendered.\n\tstopNowIndicator: function() {\n\t\tif (this.isNowIndicatorRendered) {\n\n\t\t\tif (this.nowIndicatorTimeoutID) {\n\t\t\t\tclearTimeout(this.nowIndicatorTimeoutID);\n\t\t\t\tthis.nowIndicatorTimeoutID = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (this.nowIndicatorIntervalID) {\n\t\t\t\tclearTimeout(this.nowIndicatorIntervalID);\n\t\t\t\tthis.nowIndicatorIntervalID = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tthis.unrenderNowIndicator();\n\t\t\tthis.isNowIndicatorRendered = false;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns a string unit, like 'second' or 'minute' that defined how often the current time indicator\n\t// should be refreshed. If something falsy is returned, no time indicator is rendered at all.\n\tgetNowIndicatorUnit: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders a current time indicator at the given datetime\n\trenderNowIndicator: function(date) {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Undoes the rendering actions from renderNowIndicator\n\tunrenderNowIndicator: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dimensions\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Refreshes anything dependant upon sizing of the container element of the grid\n\tupdateSize: function(isResize) {\n\t\tvar scrollState;\n\n\t\tif (isResize) {\n\t\t\tscrollState = this.queryScroll();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.updateHeight(isResize);\n\t\tthis.updateWidth(isResize);\n\t\tthis.updateNowIndicator();\n\n\t\tif (isResize) {\n\t\t\tthis.setScroll(scrollState);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Refreshes the horizontal dimensions of the calendar\n\tupdateWidth: function(isResize) {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Refreshes the vertical dimensions of the calendar\n\tupdateHeight: function(isResize) {\n\t\tvar calendar = this.calendar; // we poll the calendar for height information\n\n\t\tthis.setHeight(\n\t\t\tcalendar.getSuggestedViewHeight(),\n\t\t\tcalendar.isHeightAuto()\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Updates the vertical dimensions of the calendar to the specified height.\n\t// if `isAuto` is set to true, height becomes merely a suggestion and the view should use its \"natural\" height.\n\tsetHeight: function(height, isAuto) {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Scroller\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes the initial pre-configured scroll state prior to allowing the user to change it.\n\t// Given the scroll state from the previous rendering. If first time rendering, given null.\n\tcomputeInitialScroll: function(previousScrollState) {\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves the view's current natural scroll state. Can return an arbitrary format.\n\tqueryScroll: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Sets the view's scroll state. Will accept the same format computeInitialScroll and queryScroll produce.\n\tsetScroll: function(scrollState) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Sets the scroll state, making sure to overcome any predefined scroll value the browser has in mind\n\tforceScroll: function(scrollState) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t\tthis.setScroll(scrollState);\n\t\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\t_this.setScroll(scrollState);\n\t\t}, 0);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Elements / Segments\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Does everything necessary to display the given events onto the current view\n\tdisplayEvents: function(events) {\n\t\tvar scrollState = this.queryScroll();\n\n\t\tthis.clearEvents();\n\t\tthis.renderEvents(events);\n\t\tthis.isEventsRendered = true;\n\t\tthis.setScroll(scrollState);\n\t\tthis.triggerEventRender();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Does everything necessary to clear the view's currently-rendered events\n\tclearEvents: function() {\n\t\tvar scrollState;\n\n\t\tif (this.isEventsRendered) {\n\n\t\t\t// TODO: optimize: if we know this is part of a displayEvents call, don't queryScroll/setScroll\n\t\t\tscrollState = this.queryScroll();\n\n\t\t\tthis.triggerEventUnrender();\n\t\t\tif (this.destroyEvents) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.destroyEvents(); // TODO: deprecate\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tthis.unrenderEvents();\n\t\t\tthis.setScroll(scrollState);\n\t\t\tthis.isEventsRendered = false;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the events onto the view.\n\trenderEvents: function(events) {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Removes event elements from the view.\n\tunrenderEvents: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Signals that all events have been rendered\n\ttriggerEventRender: function() {\n\t\tthis.renderedEventSegEach(function(seg) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('eventAfterRender', seg.event, seg.event, seg.el);\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis.trigger('eventAfterAllRender');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Signals that all event elements are about to be removed\n\ttriggerEventUnrender: function() {\n\t\tthis.renderedEventSegEach(function(seg) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('eventDestroy', seg.event, seg.event, seg.el);\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given an event and the default element used for rendering, returns the element that should actually be used.\n\t// Basically runs events and elements through the eventRender hook.\n\tresolveEventEl: function(event, el) {\n\t\tvar custom = this.trigger('eventRender', event, event, el);\n\n\t\tif (custom === false) { // means don't render at all\n\t\t\tel = null;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (custom && custom !== true) {\n\t\t\tel = $(custom);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn el;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Hides all rendered event segments linked to the given event\n\tshowEvent: function(event) {\n\t\tthis.renderedEventSegEach(function(seg) {\n\t\t\tseg.el.css('visibility', '');\n\t\t}, event);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Shows all rendered event segments linked to the given event\n\thideEvent: function(event) {\n\t\tthis.renderedEventSegEach(function(seg) {\n\t\t\tseg.el.css('visibility', 'hidden');\n\t\t}, event);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Iterates through event segments that have been rendered (have an el). Goes through all by default.\n\t// If the optional `event` argument is specified, only iterates through segments linked to that event.\n\t// The `this` value of the callback function will be the view.\n\trenderedEventSegEach: function(func, event) {\n\t\tvar segs = this.getEventSegs();\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (!event || segs[i].event._id === event._id) {\n\t\t\t\tif (segs[i].el) {\n\t\t\t\t\, segs[i]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves all the rendered segment objects for the view\n\tgetEventSegs: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t\treturn [];\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Drag-n-Drop\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes if the given event is allowed to be dragged by the user\n\tisEventDraggable: function(event) {\n\t\tvar source = event.source || {};\n\n\t\treturn firstDefined(\n\t\t\tevent.startEditable,\n\t\t\tsource.startEditable,\n\t\t\tthis.opt('eventStartEditable'),\n\t\t\tevent.editable,\n\t\t\tsource.editable,\n\t\t\tthis.opt('editable')\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Must be called when an event in the view is dropped onto new location.\n\t// `dropLocation` is an object that contains the new zoned start/end/allDay values for the event.\n\treportEventDrop: function(event, dropLocation, largeUnit, el, ev) {\n\t\tvar calendar = this.calendar;\n\t\tvar mutateResult = calendar.mutateEvent(event, dropLocation, largeUnit);\n\t\tvar undoFunc = function() {\n\t\t\tmutateResult.undo();\n\t\t\tcalendar.reportEventChange();\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tthis.triggerEventDrop(event, mutateResult.dateDelta, undoFunc, el, ev);\n\t\tcalendar.reportEventChange(); // will rerender events\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggers event-drop handlers that have subscribed via the API\n\ttriggerEventDrop: function(event, dateDelta, undoFunc, el, ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('eventDrop', el[0], event, dateDelta, undoFunc, ev, {}); // {} = jqui dummy\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* External Element Drag-n-Drop\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Must be called when an external element, via jQuery UI, has been dropped onto the calendar.\n\t// `meta` is the parsed data that has been embedded into the dragging event.\n\t// `dropLocation` is an object that contains the new zoned start/end/allDay values for the event.\n\treportExternalDrop: function(meta, dropLocation, el, ev, ui) {\n\t\tvar eventProps = meta.eventProps;\n\t\tvar eventInput;\n\t\tvar event;\n\n\t\t// Try to build an event object and render it. TODO: decouple the two\n\t\tif (eventProps) {\n\t\t\teventInput = $.extend({}, eventProps, dropLocation);\n\t\t\tevent = this.calendar.renderEvent(eventInput, meta.stick)[0]; // renderEvent returns an array\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.triggerExternalDrop(event, dropLocation, el, ev, ui);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggers external-drop handlers that have subscribed via the API\n\ttriggerExternalDrop: function(event, dropLocation, el, ev, ui) {\n\n\t\t// trigger 'drop' regardless of whether element represents an event\n\t\tthis.trigger('drop', el[0], dropLocation.start, ev, ui);\n\n\t\tif (event) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('eventReceive', null, event); // signal an external event landed\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Drag-n-Drop Rendering (for both events and external elements)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of a event or external-element drag over the given drop zone.\n\t// If an external-element, seg will be `null`.\n\t// Must return elements used for any mock events.\n\trenderDrag: function(dropLocation, seg) {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indication of an event or external-element being dragged.\n\tunrenderDrag: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses must implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Resizing\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes if the given event is allowed to be resized from its starting edge\n\tisEventResizableFromStart: function(event) {\n\t\treturn this.opt('eventResizableFromStart') && this.isEventResizable(event);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes if the given event is allowed to be resized from its ending edge\n\tisEventResizableFromEnd: function(event) {\n\t\treturn this.isEventResizable(event);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes if the given event is allowed to be resized by the user at all\n\tisEventResizable: function(event) {\n\t\tvar source = event.source || {};\n\n\t\treturn firstDefined(\n\t\t\tevent.durationEditable,\n\t\t\tsource.durationEditable,\n\t\t\tthis.opt('eventDurationEditable'),\n\t\t\tevent.editable,\n\t\t\tsource.editable,\n\t\t\tthis.opt('editable')\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Must be called when an event in the view has been resized to a new length\n\treportEventResize: function(event, resizeLocation, largeUnit, el, ev) {\n\t\tvar calendar = this.calendar;\n\t\tvar mutateResult = calendar.mutateEvent(event, resizeLocation, largeUnit);\n\t\tvar undoFunc = function() {\n\t\t\tmutateResult.undo();\n\t\t\tcalendar.reportEventChange();\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tthis.triggerEventResize(event, mutateResult.durationDelta, undoFunc, el, ev);\n\t\tcalendar.reportEventChange(); // will rerender events\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggers event-resize handlers that have subscribed via the API\n\ttriggerEventResize: function(event, durationDelta, undoFunc, el, ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger('eventResize', el[0], event, durationDelta, undoFunc, ev, {}); // {} = jqui dummy\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Selection (time range)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Selects a date span on the view. `start` and `end` are both Moments.\n\t// `ev` is the native mouse event that begin the interaction.\n\tselect: function(span, ev) {\n\t\tthis.unselect(ev);\n\t\tthis.renderSelection(span);\n\t\tthis.reportSelection(span, ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of the selection\n\trenderSelection: function(span) {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Called when a new selection is made. Updates internal state and triggers handlers.\n\treportSelection: function(span, ev) {\n\t\tthis.isSelected = true;\n\t\tthis.triggerSelect(span, ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Triggers handlers to 'select'\n\ttriggerSelect: function(span, ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger(\n\t\t\t'select',\n\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\tthis.calendar.applyTimezone(span.start), // convert to calendar's tz for external API\n\t\t\tthis.calendar.applyTimezone(span.end), // \"\n\t\t\tev\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Undoes a selection. updates in the internal state and triggers handlers.\n\t// `ev` is the native mouse event that began the interaction.\n\tunselect: function(ev) {\n\t\tif (this.isSelected) {\n\t\t\tthis.isSelected = false;\n\t\t\tif (this.destroySelection) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.destroySelection(); // TODO: deprecate\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tthis.unrenderSelection();\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('unselect', null, ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indication of selection\n\tunrenderSelection: function() {\n\t\t// subclasses should implement\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Event Selection\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tselectEvent: function(event) {\n\t\tif (!this.selectedEvent || this.selectedEvent !== event) {\n\t\t\tthis.unselectEvent();\n\t\t\tthis.renderedEventSegEach(function(seg) {\n\t\t\t\tseg.el.addClass('fc-selected');\n\t\t\t}, event);\n\t\t\tthis.selectedEvent = event;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tunselectEvent: function() {\n\t\tif (this.selectedEvent) {\n\t\t\tthis.renderedEventSegEach(function(seg) {\n\t\t\t\tseg.el.removeClass('fc-selected');\n\t\t\t}, this.selectedEvent);\n\t\t\tthis.selectedEvent = null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tisEventSelected: function(event) {\n\t\t// event references might change on refetchEvents(), while selectedEvent doesn't,\n\t\t// so compare IDs\n\t\treturn this.selectedEvent && this.selectedEvent._id === event._id;\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Mouse / Touch Unselecting (time range & event unselection)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// TODO: move consistently to down/start or up/end?\n\n\n\thandleDocumentMousedown: function(ev) {\n\t\t// touch devices fire simulated mouse events on a \"click\".\n\t\t// only process mousedown if we know this isn't a touch device.\n\t\tif (!this.calendar.isTouch && isPrimaryMouseButton(ev)) {\n\t\t\tthis.processRangeUnselect(ev);\n\t\t\tthis.processEventUnselect(ev);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleDocumentTouchStart: function(ev) {\n\t\tthis.processRangeUnselect(ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\thandleDocumentTouchEnd: function(ev) {\n\t\t// TODO: don't do this if because of touch-scrolling\n\t\tthis.processEventUnselect(ev);\n\t},\n\n\n\tprocessRangeUnselect: function(ev) {\n\t\tvar ignore;\n\n\t\t// is there a time-range selection?\n\t\tif (this.isSelected && this.opt('unselectAuto')) {\n\t\t\t// only unselect if the clicked element is not identical to or inside of an 'unselectCancel' element\n\t\t\tignore = this.opt('unselectCancel');\n\t\t\tif (!ignore || !$( {\n\t\t\t\tthis.unselect(ev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tprocessEventUnselect: function(ev) {\n\t\tif (this.selectedEvent) {\n\t\t\tif (!$('.fc-selected').length) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.unselectEvent();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Day Click\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Triggers handlers to 'dayClick'\n\t// Span has start/end of the clicked area. Only the start is useful.\n\ttriggerDayClick: function(span, dayEl, ev) {\n\t\tthis.trigger(\n\t\t\t'dayClick',\n\t\t\tdayEl,\n\t\t\tthis.calendar.applyTimezone(span.start), // convert to calendar's timezone for external API\n\t\t\tev\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Date Utils\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Initializes internal variables related to calculating hidden days-of-week\n\tinitHiddenDays: function() {\n\t\tvar hiddenDays = this.opt('hiddenDays') || []; // array of day-of-week indices that are hidden\n\t\tvar isHiddenDayHash = []; // is the day-of-week hidden? (hash with day-of-week-index -> bool)\n\t\tvar dayCnt = 0;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\tif (this.opt('weekends') === false) {\n\t\t\thiddenDays.push(0, 6); // 0=sunday, 6=saturday\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t!(isHiddenDayHash[i] = $.inArray(i, hiddenDays) !== -1)\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\tdayCnt++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!dayCnt) {\n\t\t\tthrow 'invalid hiddenDays'; // all days were hidden? bad.\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.isHiddenDayHash = isHiddenDayHash;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Is the current day hidden?\n\t// `day` is a day-of-week index (0-6), or a Moment\n\tisHiddenDay: function(day) {\n\t\tif (moment.isMoment(day)) {\n\t\t\tday =;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.isHiddenDayHash[day];\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Incrementing the current day until it is no longer a hidden day, returning a copy.\n\t// If the initial value of `date` is not a hidden day, don't do anything.\n\t// Pass `isExclusive` as `true` if you are dealing with an end date.\n\t// `inc` defaults to `1` (increment one day forward each time)\n\tskipHiddenDays: function(date, inc, isExclusive) {\n\t\tvar out = date.clone();\n\t\tinc = inc || 1;\n\t\twhile (\n\t\t\tthis.isHiddenDayHash[( + (isExclusive ? inc : 0) + 7) % 7]\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tout.add(inc, 'days');\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn out;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns the date range of the full days the given range visually appears to occupy.\n\t// Returns a new range object.\n\tcomputeDayRange: function(range) {\n\t\tvar startDay = range.start.clone().stripTime(); // the beginning of the day the range starts\n\t\tvar end = range.end;\n\t\tvar endDay = null;\n\t\tvar endTimeMS;\n\n\t\tif (end) {\n\t\t\tendDay = end.clone().stripTime(); // the beginning of the day the range exclusively ends\n\t\t\tendTimeMS = +end.time(); // # of milliseconds into `endDay`\n\n\t\t\t// If the end time is actually inclusively part of the next day and is equal to or\n\t\t\t// beyond the next day threshold, adjust the end to be the exclusive end of `endDay`.\n\t\t\t// Otherwise, leaving it as inclusive will cause it to exclude `endDay`.\n\t\t\tif (endTimeMS && endTimeMS >= this.nextDayThreshold) {\n\t\t\t\tendDay.add(1, 'days');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// If no end was specified, or if it is within `startDay` but not past nextDayThreshold,\n\t\t// assign the default duration of one day.\n\t\tif (!end || endDay <= startDay) {\n\t\t\tendDay = startDay.clone().add(1, 'days');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn { start: startDay, end: endDay };\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Does the given event visually appear to occupy more than one day?\n\tisMultiDayEvent: function(event) {\n\t\tvar range = this.computeDayRange(event); // event is range-ish\n\n\t\treturn range.end.diff(range.start, 'days') > 1;\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\n/*\nEmbodies a div that has potential scrollbars\n*/\nvar Scroller = FC.Scroller = Class.extend({\n\n\tel: null, // the guaranteed outer element\n\tscrollEl: null, // the element with the scrollbars\n\toverflowX: null,\n\toverflowY: null,\n\n\n\tconstructor: function(options) {\n\t\toptions = options || {};\n\t\tthis.overflowX = options.overflowX || options.overflow || 'auto';\n\t\tthis.overflowY = options.overflowY || options.overflow || 'auto';\n\t},\n\n\n\trender: function() {\n\t\tthis.el = this.renderEl();\n\t\tthis.applyOverflow();\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderEl: function() {\n\t\treturn (this.scrollEl = $('
'));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// sets to natural height, unlocks overflow\n\tclear: function() {\n\t\tthis.setHeight('auto');\n\t\tthis.applyOverflow();\n\t},\n\n\n\tdestroy: function() {\n\t\tthis.el.remove();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Overflow\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tapplyOverflow: function() {\n\t\tthis.scrollEl.css({\n\t\t\t'overflow-x': this.overflowX,\n\t\t\t'overflow-y': this.overflowY\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Causes any 'auto' overflow values to resolves to 'scroll' or 'hidden'.\n\t// Useful for preserving scrollbar widths regardless of future resizes.\n\t// Can pass in scrollbarWidths for optimization.\n\tlockOverflow: function(scrollbarWidths) {\n\t\tvar overflowX = this.overflowX;\n\t\tvar overflowY = this.overflowY;\n\n\t\tscrollbarWidths = scrollbarWidths || this.getScrollbarWidths();\n\n\t\tif (overflowX === 'auto') {\n\t\t\toverflowX = (\n\t\t\t\t\ || scrollbarWidths.bottom || // horizontal scrollbars?\n\t\t\t\t\t// OR scrolling pane with massless scrollbars?\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.scrollEl[0].scrollWidth - 1 > this.scrollEl[0].clientWidth\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// subtract 1 because of IE off-by-one issue\n\t\t\t\t) ? 'scroll' : 'hidden';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (overflowY === 'auto') {\n\t\t\toverflowY = (\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollbarWidths.left || scrollbarWidths.right || // vertical scrollbars?\n\t\t\t\t\t// OR scrolling pane with massless scrollbars?\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.scrollEl[0].scrollHeight - 1 > this.scrollEl[0].clientHeight\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// subtract 1 because of IE off-by-one issue\n\t\t\t\t) ? 'scroll' : 'hidden';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.scrollEl.css({ 'overflow-x': overflowX, 'overflow-y': overflowY });\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Getters / Setters\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tsetHeight: function(height) {\n\t\tthis.scrollEl.height(height);\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetScrollTop: function() {\n\t\treturn this.scrollEl.scrollTop();\n\t},\n\n\n\tsetScrollTop: function(top) {\n\t\tthis.scrollEl.scrollTop(top);\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetClientWidth: function() {\n\t\treturn this.scrollEl[0].clientWidth;\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetClientHeight: function() {\n\t\treturn this.scrollEl[0].clientHeight;\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetScrollbarWidths: function() {\n\t\treturn getScrollbarWidths(this.scrollEl);\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\nvar Calendar = FC.Calendar = Class.extend({\n\n\tdirDefaults: null, // option defaults related to LTR or RTL\n\tlangDefaults: null, // option defaults related to current locale\n\toverrides: null, // option overrides given to the fullCalendar constructor\n\toptions: null, // all defaults combined with overrides\n\tviewSpecCache: null, // cache of view definitions\n\tview: null, // current View object\n\theader: null,\n\tloadingLevel: 0, // number of simultaneous loading tasks\n\tisTouch: false,\n\n\n\t// a lot of this class' OOP logic is scoped within this constructor function,\n\t// but in the future, write individual methods on the prototype.\n\tconstructor: Calendar_constructor,\n\n\n\t// Subclasses can override this for initialization logic after the constructor has been called\n\tinitialize: function() {\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Initializes `this.options` and other important options-related objects\n\tinitOptions: function(overrides) {\n\t\tvar lang, langDefaults;\n\t\tvar isRTL, dirDefaults;\n\n\t\t// converts legacy options into non-legacy ones.\n\t\t// in the future, when this is removed, don't use `overrides` reference. make a copy.\n\t\toverrides = massageOverrides(overrides);\n\n\t\tlang = overrides.lang;\n\t\tlangDefaults = langOptionHash[lang];\n\t\tif (!langDefaults) {\n\t\t\tlang = Calendar.defaults.lang;\n\t\t\tlangDefaults = langOptionHash[lang] || {};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tisRTL = firstDefined(\n\t\t\toverrides.isRTL,\n\t\t\tlangDefaults.isRTL,\n\t\t\tCalendar.defaults.isRTL\n\t\t);\n\t\tdirDefaults = isRTL ? Calendar.rtlDefaults : {};\n\n\t\tthis.dirDefaults = dirDefaults;\n\t\tthis.langDefaults = langDefaults;\n\t\tthis.overrides = overrides;\n\t\tthis.options = mergeOptions([ // merge defaults and overrides. lowest to highest precedence\n\t\t\tCalendar.defaults, // global defaults\n\t\t\tdirDefaults,\n\t\t\tlangDefaults,\n\t\t\toverrides\n\t\t]);\n\t\tpopulateInstanceComputableOptions(this.options);\n\n\t\tthis.isTouch = this.options.isTouch != null ?\n\t\t\tthis.options.isTouch :\n\t\t\tFC.isTouch;\n\n\t\tthis.viewSpecCache = {}; // somewhat unrelated\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Gets information about how to create a view. Will use a cache.\n\tgetViewSpec: function(viewType) {\n\t\tvar cache = this.viewSpecCache;\n\n\t\treturn cache[viewType] || (cache[viewType] = this.buildViewSpec(viewType));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a duration singular unit, like \"week\" or \"day\", finds a matching view spec.\n\t// Preference is given to views that have corresponding buttons.\n\tgetUnitViewSpec: function(unit) {\n\t\tvar viewTypes;\n\t\tvar i;\n\t\tvar spec;\n\n\t\tif ($.inArray(unit, intervalUnits) != -1) {\n\n\t\t\t// put views that have buttons first. there will be duplicates, but oh well\n\t\t\tviewTypes = this.header.getViewsWithButtons();\n\t\t\t$.each(FC.views, function(viewType) { // all views\n\t\t\t\tviewTypes.push(viewType);\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < viewTypes.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tspec = this.getViewSpec(viewTypes[i]);\n\t\t\t\tif (spec) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (spec.singleUnit == unit) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn spec;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds an object with information on how to create a given view\n\tbuildViewSpec: function(requestedViewType) {\n\t\tvar viewOverrides = this.overrides.views || {};\n\t\tvar specChain = []; // for the view. lowest to highest priority\n\t\tvar defaultsChain = []; // for the view. lowest to highest priority\n\t\tvar overridesChain = []; // for the view. lowest to highest priority\n\t\tvar viewType = requestedViewType;\n\t\tvar spec; // for the view\n\t\tvar overrides; // for the view\n\t\tvar duration;\n\t\tvar unit;\n\n\t\t// iterate from the specific view definition to a more general one until we hit an actual View class\n\t\twhile (viewType) {\n\t\t\tspec = fcViews[viewType];\n\t\t\toverrides = viewOverrides[viewType];\n\t\t\tviewType = null; // clear. might repopulate for another iteration\n\n\t\t\tif (typeof spec === 'function') { // TODO: deprecate\n\t\t\t\tspec = { 'class': spec };\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (spec) {\n\t\t\t\tspecChain.unshift(spec);\n\t\t\t\tdefaultsChain.unshift(spec.defaults || {});\n\t\t\t\tduration = duration || spec.duration;\n\t\t\t\tviewType = viewType || spec.type;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (overrides) {\n\t\t\t\toverridesChain.unshift(overrides); // view-specific option hashes have options at zero-level\n\t\t\t\tduration = duration || overrides.duration;\n\t\t\t\tviewType = viewType || overrides.type;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tspec = mergeProps(specChain);\n\t\tspec.type = requestedViewType;\n\t\tif (!spec['class']) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (duration) {\n\t\t\tduration = moment.duration(duration);\n\t\t\tif (duration.valueOf()) { // valid?\n\t\t\t\tspec.duration = duration;\n\t\t\t\tunit = computeIntervalUnit(duration);\n\n\t\t\t\t// view is a single-unit duration, like \"week\" or \"day\"\n\t\t\t\t// incorporate options for this. lowest priority\n\t\t\t\tif ( === 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tspec.singleUnit = unit;\n\t\t\t\t\toverridesChain.unshift(viewOverrides[unit] || {});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tspec.defaults = mergeOptions(defaultsChain);\n\t\tspec.overrides = mergeOptions(overridesChain);\n\n\t\tthis.buildViewSpecOptions(spec);\n\t\tthis.buildViewSpecButtonText(spec, requestedViewType);\n\n\t\treturn spec;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds and assigns a view spec's options object from its already-assigned defaults and overrides\n\tbuildViewSpecOptions: function(spec) {\n\t\tspec.options = mergeOptions([ // lowest to highest priority\n\t\t\tCalendar.defaults, // global defaults\n\t\t\tspec.defaults, // view's defaults (from ViewSubclass.defaults)\n\t\t\tthis.dirDefaults,\n\t\t\tthis.langDefaults, // locale and dir take precedence over view's defaults!\n\t\t\tthis.overrides, // calendar's overrides (options given to constructor)\n\t\t\tspec.overrides // view's overrides (view-specific options)\n\t\t]);\n\t\tpopulateInstanceComputableOptions(spec.options);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Computes and assigns a view spec's buttonText-related options\n\tbuildViewSpecButtonText: function(spec, requestedViewType) {\n\n\t\t// given an options object with a possible `buttonText` hash, lookup the buttonText for the\n\t\t// requested view, falling back to a generic unit entry like \"week\" or \"day\"\n\t\tfunction queryButtonText(options) {\n\t\t\tvar buttonText = options.buttonText || {};\n\t\t\treturn buttonText[requestedViewType] ||\n\t\t\t\t(spec.singleUnit ? buttonText[spec.singleUnit] : null);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// highest to lowest priority\n\t\tspec.buttonTextOverride =\n\t\t\tqueryButtonText(this.overrides) || // constructor-specified buttonText lookup hash takes precedence\n\t\t\tspec.overrides.buttonText; // `buttonText` for view-specific options is a string\n\n\t\t// highest to lowest priority. mirrors buildViewSpecOptions\n\t\tspec.buttonTextDefault =\n\t\t\tqueryButtonText(this.langDefaults) ||\n\t\t\tqueryButtonText(this.dirDefaults) ||\n\t\t\tspec.defaults.buttonText || // a single string. from ViewSubclass.defaults\n\t\t\tqueryButtonText(Calendar.defaults) ||\n\t\t\t(spec.duration ? this.humanizeDuration(spec.duration) : null) || // like \"3 days\"\n\t\t\trequestedViewType; // fall back to given view name\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given a view name for a custom view or a standard view, creates a ready-to-go View object\n\tinstantiateView: function(viewType) {\n\t\tvar spec = this.getViewSpec(viewType);\n\n\t\treturn new spec['class'](this, viewType, spec.options, spec.duration);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Returns a boolean about whether the view is okay to instantiate at some point\n\tisValidViewType: function(viewType) {\n\t\treturn Boolean(this.getViewSpec(viewType));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Should be called when any type of async data fetching begins\n\tpushLoading: function() {\n\t\tif (!(this.loadingLevel++)) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('loading', null, true, this.view);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Should be called when any type of async data fetching completes\n\tpopLoading: function() {\n\t\tif (!(--this.loadingLevel)) {\n\t\t\tthis.trigger('loading', null, false, this.view);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Given arguments to the select method in the API, returns a span (unzoned start/end and other info)\n\tbuildSelectSpan: function(zonedStartInput, zonedEndInput) {\n\t\tvar start = this.moment(zonedStartInput).stripZone();\n\t\tvar end;\n\n\t\tif (zonedEndInput) {\n\t\t\tend = this.moment(zonedEndInput).stripZone();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (start.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\tend = start.clone().add(this.defaultTimedEventDuration);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tend = start.clone().add(this.defaultAllDayEventDuration);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn { start: start, end: end };\n\t}\n\n});\n\n\nCalendar.mixin(EmitterMixin);\n\n\nfunction Calendar_constructor(element, overrides) {\n\tvar t = this;\n\n\n\tt.initOptions(overrides || {});\n\tvar options = this.options;\n\n\t\n\t// Exports\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\tt.render = render;\n\tt.destroy = destroy;\n\tt.refetchEvents = refetchEvents;\n\tt.reportEvents = reportEvents;\n\tt.reportEventChange = reportEventChange;\n\tt.rerenderEvents = renderEvents; // `renderEvents` serves as a rerender. an API method\n\tt.changeView = renderView; // `renderView` will switch to another view\n\ = select;\n\tt.unselect = unselect;\n\tt.prev = prev;\n\ = next;\n\tt.prevYear = prevYear;\n\tt.nextYear = nextYear;\n\ = today;\n\tt.gotoDate = gotoDate;\n\tt.incrementDate = incrementDate;\n\tt.zoomTo = zoomTo;\n\tt.getDate = getDate;\n\tt.getCalendar = getCalendar;\n\tt.getView = getView;\n\tt.option = option;\n\tt.trigger = trigger;\n\n\n\n\t// Language-data Internals\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t// Apply overrides to the current language's data\n\n\n\tvar localeData = createObject( // make a cheap copy\n\t\tgetMomentLocaleData(options.lang) // will fall back to en\n\t);\n\n\tif (options.monthNames) {\n\t\tlocaleData._months = options.monthNames;\n\t}\n\tif (options.monthNamesShort) {\n\t\tlocaleData._monthsShort = options.monthNamesShort;\n\t}\n\tif (options.dayNames) {\n\t\tlocaleData._weekdays = options.dayNames;\n\t}\n\tif (options.dayNamesShort) {\n\t\tlocaleData._weekdaysShort = options.dayNamesShort;\n\t}\n\tif (options.firstDay != null) {\n\t\tvar _week = createObject(localeData._week); // _week: { dow: # }\n\t\t_week.dow = options.firstDay;\n\t\tlocaleData._week = _week;\n\t}\n\n\t// assign a normalized value, to be used by our .week() moment extension\n\tlocaleData._fullCalendar_weekCalc = (function(weekCalc) {\n\t\tif (typeof weekCalc === 'function') {\n\t\t\treturn weekCalc;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (weekCalc === 'local') {\n\t\t\treturn weekCalc;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (weekCalc === 'iso' || weekCalc === 'ISO') {\n\t\t\treturn 'ISO';\n\t\t}\n\t})(options.weekNumberCalculation);\n\n\n\n\t// Calendar-specific Date Utilities\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tt.defaultAllDayEventDuration = moment.duration(options.defaultAllDayEventDuration);\n\tt.defaultTimedEventDuration = moment.duration(options.defaultTimedEventDuration);\n\n\n\t// Builds a moment using the settings of the current calendar: timezone and language.\n\t// Accepts anything the vanilla moment() constructor accepts.\n\tt.moment = function() {\n\t\tvar mom;\n\n\t\tif (options.timezone === 'local') {\n\t\t\tmom = FC.moment.apply(null, arguments);\n\n\t\t\t// Force the moment to be local, because FC.moment doesn't guarantee it.\n\t\t\tif (mom.hasTime()) { // don't give ambiguously-timed moments a local zone\n\t\t\t\tmom.local();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (options.timezone === 'UTC') {\n\t\t\tmom = FC.moment.utc.apply(null, arguments); // process as UTC\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tmom = FC.moment.parseZone.apply(null, arguments); // let the input decide the zone\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ('_locale' in mom) { // moment 2.8 and above\n\t\t\tmom._locale = localeData;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse { // pre-moment-2.8\n\t\t\tmom._lang = localeData;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn mom;\n\t};\n\n\n\t// Returns a boolean about whether or not the calendar knows how to calculate\n\t// the timezone offset of arbitrary dates in the current timezone.\n\tt.getIsAmbigTimezone = function() {\n\t\treturn options.timezone !== 'local' && options.timezone !== 'UTC';\n\t};\n\n\n\t// Returns a copy of the given date in the current timezone. Has no effect on dates without times.\n\tt.applyTimezone = function(date) {\n\t\tif (!date.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\treturn date.clone();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar zonedDate = t.moment(date.toArray());\n\t\tvar timeAdjust = date.time() - zonedDate.time();\n\t\tvar adjustedZonedDate;\n\n\t\t// Safari sometimes has problems with this coersion when near DST. Adjust if necessary. (bug #2396)\n\t\tif (timeAdjust) { // is the time result different than expected?\n\t\t\tadjustedZonedDate = zonedDate.clone().add(timeAdjust); // add milliseconds\n\t\t\tif (date.time() - adjustedZonedDate.time() === 0) { // does it match perfectly now?\n\t\t\t\tzonedDate = adjustedZonedDate;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn zonedDate;\n\t};\n\n\n\t// Returns a moment for the current date, as defined by the client's computer or from the `now` option.\n\t// Will return an moment with an ambiguous timezone.\n\tt.getNow = function() {\n\t\tvar now =;\n\t\tif (typeof now === 'function') {\n\t\t\tnow = now();\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn t.moment(now).stripZone();\n\t};\n\n\n\t// Get an event's normalized end date. If not present, calculate it from the defaults.\n\tt.getEventEnd = function(event) {\n\t\tif (event.end) {\n\t\t\treturn event.end.clone();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn t.getDefaultEventEnd(event.allDay, event.start);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\n\t// Given an event's allDay status and start date, return what its fallback end date should be.\n\t// TODO: rename to computeDefaultEventEnd\n\tt.getDefaultEventEnd = function(allDay, zonedStart) {\n\t\tvar end = zonedStart.clone();\n\n\t\tif (allDay) {\n\t\t\tend.stripTime().add(t.defaultAllDayEventDuration);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tend.add(t.defaultTimedEventDuration);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (t.getIsAmbigTimezone()) {\n\t\t\tend.stripZone(); // we don't know what the tzo should be\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn end;\n\t};\n\n\n\t// Produces a human-readable string for the given duration.\n\t// Side-effect: changes the locale of the given duration.\n\tt.humanizeDuration = function(duration) {\n\t\treturn (duration.locale || duration.lang).call(duration, options.lang) // works moment-pre-2.8\n\t\t\t.humanize();\n\t};\n\n\n\t\n\t// Imports\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\, options);\n\tvar isFetchNeeded = t.isFetchNeeded;\n\tvar fetchEvents = t.fetchEvents;\n\n\n\n\t// Locals\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tvar _element = element[0];\n\tvar header;\n\tvar headerElement;\n\tvar content;\n\tvar tm; // for making theme classes\n\tvar currentView; // NOTE: keep this in sync with this.view\n\tvar viewsByType = {}; // holds all instantiated view instances, current or not\n\tvar suggestedViewHeight;\n\tvar windowResizeProxy; // wraps the windowResize function\n\tvar ignoreWindowResize = 0;\n\tvar events = [];\n\tvar date; // unzoned\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t// Main Rendering\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\t// compute the initial ambig-timezone date\n\tif (options.defaultDate != null) {\n\t\tdate = t.moment(options.defaultDate).stripZone();\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tdate = t.getNow(); // getNow already returns unzoned\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction render() {\n\t\tif (!content) {\n\t\t\tinitialRender();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (elementVisible()) {\n\t\t\t// mainly for the public API\n\t\t\tcalcSize();\n\t\t\trenderView();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction initialRender() {\n\t\ttm = options.theme ? 'ui' : 'fc';\n\t\telement.addClass('fc');\n\n\t\telement.addClass(\n\t\t\tt.isTouch ? 'fc-touch' : 'fc-cursor'\n\t\t);\n\n\t\tif (options.isRTL) {\n\t\t\telement.addClass('fc-rtl');\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\telement.addClass('fc-ltr');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (options.theme) {\n\t\t\telement.addClass('ui-widget');\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\telement.addClass('fc-unthemed');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tcontent = $(\"
\").prependTo(element);\n\n\t\theader = t.header = new Header(t, options);\n\t\theaderElement = header.render();\n\t\tif (headerElement) {\n\t\t\telement.prepend(headerElement);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\trenderView(options.defaultView);\n\n\t\tif (options.handleWindowResize) {\n\t\t\twindowResizeProxy = debounce(windowResize, options.windowResizeDelay); // prevents rapid calls\n\t\t\t$(window).resize(windowResizeProxy);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction destroy() {\n\n\t\tif (currentView) {\n\t\t\tcurrentView.removeElement();\n\n\t\t\t// NOTE: don't null-out currentView/t.view in case API methods are called after destroy.\n\t\t\t// It is still the \"current\" view, just not rendered.\n\t\t}\n\n\t\theader.removeElement();\n\t\tcontent.remove();\n\t\telement.removeClass('fc fc-touch fc-cursor fc-ltr fc-rtl fc-unthemed ui-widget');\n\n\t\tif (windowResizeProxy) {\n\t\t\t$(window).unbind('resize', windowResizeProxy);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction elementVisible() {\n\t\treturn':visible');\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\n\t// View Rendering\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\t// Renders a view because of a date change, view-type change, or for the first time.\n\t// If not given a viewType, keep the current view but render different dates.\n\tfunction renderView(viewType) {\n\t\tignoreWindowResize++;\n\n\t\t// if viewType is changing, remove the old view's rendering\n\t\tif (currentView && viewType && currentView.type !== viewType) {\n\t\t\theader.deactivateButton(currentView.type);\n\t\t\tfreezeContentHeight(); // prevent a scroll jump when view element is removed\n\t\t\tcurrentView.removeElement();\n\t\t\tcurrentView = t.view = null;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// if viewType changed, or the view was never created, create a fresh view\n\t\tif (!currentView && viewType) {\n\t\t\tcurrentView = t.view =\n\t\t\t\tviewsByType[viewType] ||\n\t\t\t\t(viewsByType[viewType] = t.instantiateView(viewType));\n\n\t\t\tcurrentView.setElement(\n\t\t\t\t$(\"
\").appendTo(content)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\theader.activateButton(viewType);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (currentView) {\n\n\t\t\t// in case the view should render a period of time that is completely hidden\n\t\t\tdate = currentView.massageCurrentDate(date);\n\n\t\t\t// render or rerender the view\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t!currentView.displaying ||\n\t\t\t\t!date.isWithin(currentView.intervalStart, currentView.intervalEnd) // implicit date window change\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\tif (elementVisible()) {\n\n\t\t\t\t\tcurrentView.display(date); // will call freezeContentHeight\n\t\t\t\t\tunfreezeContentHeight(); // immediately unfreeze regardless of whether display is async\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// need to do this after View::render, so dates are calculated\n\t\t\t\t\tupdateHeaderTitle();\n\t\t\t\t\tupdateTodayButton();\n\n\t\t\t\t\tgetAndRenderEvents();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tunfreezeContentHeight(); // undo any lone freezeContentHeight calls\n\t\tignoreWindowResize--;\n\t}\n\n\t\n\n\t// Resizing\n\t// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\tt.getSuggestedViewHeight = function() {\n\t\tif (suggestedViewHeight === undefined) {\n\t\t\tcalcSize();\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn suggestedViewHeight;\n\t};\n\n\n\tt.isHeightAuto = function() {\n\t\treturn options.contentHeight === 'auto' || options.height === 'auto';\n\t};\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction updateSize(shouldRecalc) {\n\t\tif (elementVisible()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (shouldRecalc) {\n\t\t\t\t_calcSize();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tignoreWindowResize++;\n\t\t\tcurrentView.updateSize(true); // isResize=true. will poll getSuggestedViewHeight() and isHeightAuto()\n\t\t\tignoreWindowResize--;\n\n\t\t\treturn true; // signal success\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction calcSize() {\n\t\tif (elementVisible()) {\n\t\t\t_calcSize();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction _calcSize() { // assumes elementVisible\n\t\tif (typeof options.contentHeight === 'number') { // exists and not 'auto'\n\t\t\tsuggestedViewHeight = options.contentHeight;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (typeof options.height === 'number') { // exists and not 'auto'\n\t\t\tsuggestedViewHeight = options.height - (headerElement ? headerElement.outerHeight(true) : 0);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tsuggestedViewHeight = Math.round(content.width() / Math.max(options.aspectRatio, .5));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction windowResize(ev) {\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\t!ignoreWindowResize &&\n\t\t\ === window && // so we don't process jqui \"resize\" events that have bubbled up\n\t\t\tcurrentView.start // view has already been rendered\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tif (updateSize(true)) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrentView.trigger('windowResize', _element);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t/* Event Fetching/Rendering\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// TODO: going forward, most of this stuff should be directly handled by the view\n\n\n\tfunction refetchEvents() { // can be called as an API method\n\t\tdestroyEvents(); // so that events are cleared before user starts waiting for AJAX\n\t\tfetchAndRenderEvents();\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction renderEvents() { // destroys old events if previously rendered\n\t\tif (elementVisible()) {\n\t\t\tfreezeContentHeight();\n\t\t\tcurrentView.displayEvents(events);\n\t\t\tunfreezeContentHeight();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction destroyEvents() {\n\t\tfreezeContentHeight();\n\t\tcurrentView.clearEvents();\n\t\tunfreezeContentHeight();\n\t}\n\t\n\n\tfunction getAndRenderEvents() {\n\t\tif (!options.lazyFetching || isFetchNeeded(currentView.start, currentView.end)) {\n\t\t\tfetchAndRenderEvents();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\trenderEvents();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction fetchAndRenderEvents() {\n\t\tfetchEvents(currentView.start, currentView.end);\n\t\t\t// ... will call reportEvents\n\t\t\t// ... which will call renderEvents\n\t}\n\n\t\n\t// called when event data arrives\n\tfunction reportEvents(_events) {\n\t\tevents = _events;\n\t\trenderEvents();\n\t}\n\n\n\t// called when a single event's data has been changed\n\tfunction reportEventChange() {\n\t\trenderEvents();\n\t}\n\n\n\n\t/* Header Updating\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tfunction updateHeaderTitle() {\n\t\theader.updateTitle(currentView.title);\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction updateTodayButton() {\n\t\tvar now = t.getNow();\n\t\tif (now.isWithin(currentView.intervalStart, currentView.intervalEnd)) {\n\t\t\theader.disableButton('today');\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\theader.enableButton('today');\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\n\n\t/* Selection\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t\n\n\t// this public method receives start/end dates in any format, with any timezone\n\tfunction select(zonedStartInput, zonedEndInput) {\n\t\\n\t\t\tt.buildSelectSpan.apply(t, arguments)\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\t\n\n\tfunction unselect() { // safe to be called before renderView\n\t\tif (currentView) {\n\t\t\tcurrentView.unselect();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t/* Date\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction prev() {\n\t\tdate = currentView.computePrevDate(date);\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction next() {\n\t\tdate = currentView.computeNextDate(date);\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction prevYear() {\n\t\tdate.add(-1, 'years');\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction nextYear() {\n\t\tdate.add(1, 'years');\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction today() {\n\t\tdate = t.getNow();\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction gotoDate(zonedDateInput) {\n\t\tdate = t.moment(zonedDateInput).stripZone();\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction incrementDate(delta) {\n\t\tdate.add(moment.duration(delta));\n\t\trenderView();\n\t}\n\n\n\t// Forces navigation to a view for the given date.\n\t// `viewType` can be a specific view name or a generic one like \"week\" or \"day\".\n\tfunction zoomTo(newDate, viewType) {\n\t\tvar spec;\n\n\t\tviewType = viewType || 'day'; // day is default zoom\n\t\tspec = t.getViewSpec(viewType) || t.getUnitViewSpec(viewType);\n\n\t\tdate = newDate.clone();\n\t\trenderView(spec ? spec.type : null);\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\t// for external API\n\tfunction getDate() {\n\t\treturn t.applyTimezone(date); // infuse the calendar's timezone\n\t}\n\n\n\n\t/* Height \"Freezing\"\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// TODO: move this into the view\n\n\tt.freezeContentHeight = freezeContentHeight;\n\tt.unfreezeContentHeight = unfreezeContentHeight;\n\n\n\tfunction freezeContentHeight() {\n\t\tcontent.css({\n\t\t\twidth: '100%',\n\t\t\theight: content.height(),\n\t\t\toverflow: 'hidden'\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction unfreezeContentHeight() {\n\t\tcontent.css({\n\t\t\twidth: '',\n\t\t\theight: '',\n\t\t\toverflow: ''\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t/* Misc\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t\n\n\tfunction getCalendar() {\n\t\treturn t;\n\t}\n\n\t\n\tfunction getView() {\n\t\treturn currentView;\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction option(name, value) {\n\t\tif (value === undefined) {\n\t\t\treturn options[name];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (name == 'height' || name == 'contentHeight' || name == 'aspectRatio') {\n\t\t\toptions[name] = value;\n\t\t\tupdateSize(true); // true = allow recalculation of height\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction trigger(name, thisObj) { // overrides the Emitter's trigger method :(\n\t\tvar args =, 2);\n\n\t\tthisObj = thisObj || _element;\n\t\tthis.triggerWith(name, thisObj, args); // Emitter's method\n\n\t\tif (options[name]) {\n\t\t\treturn options[name].apply(thisObj, args);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tt.initialize();\n}\n\n;;\n\nCalendar.defaults = {\n\n\ttitleRangeSeparator: ' \\u2014 ', // emphasized dash\n\tmonthYearFormat: 'MMMM YYYY', // required for en. other languages rely on datepicker computable option\n\n\tdefaultTimedEventDuration: '02:00:00',\n\tdefaultAllDayEventDuration: { days: 1 },\n\tforceEventDuration: false,\n\tnextDayThreshold: '09:00:00', // 9am\n\n\t// display\n\tdefaultView: 'month',\n\taspectRatio: 1.35,\n\theader: {\n\t\tleft: 'title',\n\t\tcenter: '',\n\t\tright: 'today prev,next'\n\t},\n\tweekends: true,\n\tweekNumbers: false,\n\n\tweekNumberTitle: 'W',\n\tweekNumberCalculation: 'local',\n\t\n\t//editable: false,\n\n\t//nowIndicator: false,\n\n\tscrollTime: '06:00:00',\n\t\n\t// event ajax\n\tlazyFetching: true,\n\tstartParam: 'start',\n\tendParam: 'end',\n\ttimezoneParam: 'timezone',\n\n\ttimezone: false,\n\n\t//allDayDefault: undefined,\n\n\t// locale\n\tisRTL: false,\n\tbuttonText: {\n\t\tprev: \"prev\",\n\t\tnext: \"next\",\n\t\tprevYear: \"prev year\",\n\t\tnextYear: \"next year\",\n\t\tyear: 'year', // TODO: locale files need to specify this\n\t\ttoday: 'today',\n\t\tmonth: 'month',\n\t\tweek: 'week',\n\t\tday: 'day'\n\t},\n\n\tbuttonIcons: {\n\t\tprev: 'left-single-arrow',\n\t\tnext: 'right-single-arrow',\n\t\tprevYear: 'left-double-arrow',\n\t\tnextYear: 'right-double-arrow'\n\t},\n\t\n\t// jquery-ui theming\n\ttheme: false,\n\tthemeButtonIcons: {\n\t\tprev: 'circle-triangle-w',\n\t\tnext: 'circle-triangle-e',\n\t\tprevYear: 'seek-prev',\n\t\tnextYear: 'seek-next'\n\t},\n\n\t//eventResizableFromStart: false,\n\tdragOpacity: .75,\n\tdragRevertDuration: 500,\n\tdragScroll: true,\n\t\n\t//selectable: false,\n\tunselectAuto: true,\n\t\n\tdropAccept: '*',\n\n\teventOrder: 'title',\n\n\teventLimit: false,\n\teventLimitText: 'more',\n\teventLimitClick: 'popover',\n\tdayPopoverFormat: 'LL',\n\t\n\thandleWindowResize: true,\n\twindowResizeDelay: 200, // milliseconds before an updateSize happens\n\n\tlongPressDelay: 1000\n\t\n};\n\n\nCalendar.englishDefaults = { // used by lang.js\n\tdayPopoverFormat: 'dddd, MMMM D'\n};\n\n\nCalendar.rtlDefaults = { // right-to-left defaults\n\theader: { // TODO: smarter solution (first/center/last ?)\n\t\tleft: 'next,prev today',\n\t\tcenter: '',\n\t\tright: 'title'\n\t},\n\tbuttonIcons: {\n\t\tprev: 'right-single-arrow',\n\t\tnext: 'left-single-arrow',\n\t\tprevYear: 'right-double-arrow',\n\t\tnextYear: 'left-double-arrow'\n\t},\n\tthemeButtonIcons: {\n\t\tprev: 'circle-triangle-e',\n\t\tnext: 'circle-triangle-w',\n\t\tnextYear: 'seek-prev',\n\t\tprevYear: 'seek-next'\n\t}\n};\n\n;;\n\nvar langOptionHash = FC.langs = {}; // initialize and expose\n\n\n// TODO: document the structure and ordering of a FullCalendar lang file\n// TODO: rename everything \"lang\" to \"locale\", like what the moment project did\n\n\n// Initialize jQuery UI datepicker translations while using some of the translations\n// Will set this as the default language for datepicker.\nFC.datepickerLang = function(langCode, dpLangCode, dpOptions) {\n\n\t// get the FullCalendar internal option hash for this language. create if necessary\n\tvar fcOptions = langOptionHash[langCode] || (langOptionHash[langCode] = {});\n\n\t// transfer some simple options from datepicker to fc\n\tfcOptions.isRTL = dpOptions.isRTL;\n\tfcOptions.weekNumberTitle = dpOptions.weekHeader;\n\n\t// compute some more complex options from datepicker\n\t$.each(dpComputableOptions, function(name, func) {\n\t\tfcOptions[name] = func(dpOptions);\n\t});\n\n\t// is jQuery UI Datepicker is on the page?\n\tif ($.datepicker) {\n\n\t\t// Register the language data.\n\t\t// FullCalendar and MomentJS use language codes like \"pt-br\" but Datepicker\n\t\t// does it like \"pt-BR\" or if it doesn't have the language, maybe just \"pt\".\n\t\t// Make an alias so the language can be referenced either way.\n\t\t$.datepicker.regional[dpLangCode] =\n\t\t\t$.datepicker.regional[langCode] = // alias\n\t\t\t\tdpOptions;\n\n\t\t// Alias 'en' to the default language data. Do this every time.\n\t\t$.datepicker.regional.en = $.datepicker.regional[''];\n\n\t\t// Set as Datepicker's global defaults.\n\t\t$.datepicker.setDefaults(dpOptions);\n\t}\n};\n\n\n// Sets FullCalendar-specific translations. Will set the language as the global default.\nFC.lang = function(langCode, newFcOptions) {\n\tvar fcOptions;\n\tvar momOptions;\n\n\t// get the FullCalendar internal option hash for this language. create if necessary\n\tfcOptions = langOptionHash[langCode] || (langOptionHash[langCode] = {});\n\n\t// provided new options for this language? merge them in\n\tif (newFcOptions) {\n\t\tfcOptions = langOptionHash[langCode] = mergeOptions([ fcOptions, newFcOptions ]);\n\t}\n\n\t// compute language options that weren't defined.\n\t// always do this. newFcOptions can be undefined when initializing from i18n file,\n\t// so no way to tell if this is an initialization or a default-setting.\n\tmomOptions = getMomentLocaleData(langCode); // will fall back to en\n\t$.each(momComputableOptions, function(name, func) {\n\t\tif (fcOptions[name] == null) {\n\t\t\tfcOptions[name] = func(momOptions, fcOptions);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\t// set it as the default language for FullCalendar\n\tCalendar.defaults.lang = langCode;\n};\n\n\n// NOTE: can't guarantee any of these computations will run because not every language has datepicker\n// configs, so make sure there are English fallbacks for these in the defaults file.\nvar dpComputableOptions = {\n\n\tbuttonText: function(dpOptions) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t// the translations sometimes wrongly contain HTML entities\n\t\t\tprev: stripHtmlEntities(dpOptions.prevText),\n\t\t\tnext: stripHtmlEntities(dpOptions.nextText),\n\t\t\ttoday: stripHtmlEntities(dpOptions.currentText)\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"MMMM YYYY\" -> \"September 2014\"\n\tmonthYearFormat: function(dpOptions) {\n\t\treturn dpOptions.showMonthAfterYear ?\n\t\t\t'YYYY[' + dpOptions.yearSuffix + '] MMMM' :\n\t\t\t'MMMM YYYY[' + dpOptions.yearSuffix + ']';\n\t}\n\n};\n\nvar momComputableOptions = {\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"ddd M/D\" -> \"Fri 9/15\"\n\tdayOfMonthFormat: function(momOptions, fcOptions) {\n\t\tvar format = momOptions.longDateFormat('l'); // for the format like \"M/D/YYYY\"\n\n\t\t// strip the year off the edge, as well as other misc non-whitespace chars\n\t\tformat = format.replace(/^Y+[^\\w\\s]*|[^\\w\\s]*Y+$/g, '');\n\n\t\tif (fcOptions.isRTL) {\n\t\t\tformat += ' ddd'; // for RTL, add day-of-week to end\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tformat = 'ddd ' + format; // for LTR, add day-of-week to beginning\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn format;\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"h:mma\" -> \"6:00pm\"\n\tmediumTimeFormat: function(momOptions) { // can't be called `timeFormat` because collides with option\n\t\treturn momOptions.longDateFormat('LT')\n\t\t\t.replace(/\\s*a$/i, 'a'); // convert AM/PM/am/pm to lowercase. remove any spaces beforehand\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"h(:mm)a\" -> \"6pm\" / \"6:30pm\"\n\tsmallTimeFormat: function(momOptions) {\n\t\treturn momOptions.longDateFormat('LT')\n\t\t\t.replace(':mm', '(:mm)')\n\t\t\t.replace(/(\\Wmm)$/, '($1)') // like above, but for foreign langs\n\t\t\t.replace(/\\s*a$/i, 'a'); // convert AM/PM/am/pm to lowercase. remove any spaces beforehand\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"h(:mm)t\" -> \"6p\" / \"6:30p\"\n\textraSmallTimeFormat: function(momOptions) {\n\t\treturn momOptions.longDateFormat('LT')\n\t\t\t.replace(':mm', '(:mm)')\n\t\t\t.replace(/(\\Wmm)$/, '($1)') // like above, but for foreign langs\n\t\t\t.replace(/\\s*a$/i, 't'); // convert to AM/PM/am/pm to lowercase one-letter. remove any spaces beforehand\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"ha\" / \"H\" -> \"6pm\" / \"18\"\n\thourFormat: function(momOptions) {\n\t\treturn momOptions.longDateFormat('LT')\n\t\t\t.replace(':mm', '')\n\t\t\t.replace(/(\\Wmm)$/, '') // like above, but for foreign langs\n\t\t\t.replace(/\\s*a$/i, 'a'); // convert AM/PM/am/pm to lowercase. remove any spaces beforehand\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings like \"h:mm\" -> \"6:30\" (with no AM/PM)\n\tnoMeridiemTimeFormat: function(momOptions) {\n\t\treturn momOptions.longDateFormat('LT')\n\t\t\t.replace(/\\s*a$/i, ''); // remove trailing AM/PM\n\t}\n\n};\n\n\n// options that should be computed off live calendar options (considers override options)\n// TODO: best place for this? related to lang?\n// TODO: flipping text based on isRTL is a bad idea because the CSS `direction` might want to handle it\nvar instanceComputableOptions = {\n\n\t// Produces format strings for results like \"Mo 16\"\n\tsmallDayDateFormat: function(options) {\n\t\treturn options.isRTL ?\n\t\t\t'D dd' :\n\t\t\t'dd D';\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings for results like \"Wk 5\"\n\tweekFormat: function(options) {\n\t\treturn options.isRTL ?\n\t\t\t'w[ ' + options.weekNumberTitle + ']' :\n\t\t\t'[' + options.weekNumberTitle + ' ]w';\n\t},\n\n\t// Produces format strings for results like \"Wk5\"\n\tsmallWeekFormat: function(options) {\n\t\treturn options.isRTL ?\n\t\t\t'w[' + options.weekNumberTitle + ']' :\n\t\t\t'[' + options.weekNumberTitle + ']w';\n\t}\n\n};\n\nfunction populateInstanceComputableOptions(options) {\n\t$.each(instanceComputableOptions, function(name, func) {\n\t\tif (options[name] == null) {\n\t\t\toptions[name] = func(options);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n}\n\n\n// Returns moment's internal locale data. If doesn't exist, returns English.\n// Works with moment-pre-2.8\nfunction getMomentLocaleData(langCode) {\n\tvar func = moment.localeData || moment.langData;\n\treturn, langCode) ||\n\t\, 'en'); // the newer localData could return null, so fall back to en\n}\n\n\n// Initialize English by forcing computation of moment-derived options.\n// Also, sets it as the default.\nFC.lang('en', Calendar.englishDefaults);\n\n;;\n\n/* Top toolbar area with buttons and title\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// TODO: rename all header-related things to \"toolbar\"\n\nfunction Header(calendar, options) {\n\tvar t = this;\n\t\n\t// exports\n\tt.render = render;\n\tt.removeElement = removeElement;\n\tt.updateTitle = updateTitle;\n\tt.activateButton = activateButton;\n\tt.deactivateButton = deactivateButton;\n\tt.disableButton = disableButton;\n\tt.enableButton = enableButton;\n\tt.getViewsWithButtons = getViewsWithButtons;\n\t\n\t// locals\n\tvar el = $();\n\tvar viewsWithButtons = [];\n\tvar tm;\n\n\n\tfunction render() {\n\t\tvar sections = options.header;\n\n\t\ttm = options.theme ? 'ui' : 'fc';\n\n\t\tif (sections) {\n\t\t\tel = $(\"
');\n\n\t\t\treturn el;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction removeElement() {\n\t\tel.remove();\n\t\tel = $();\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction renderSection(position) {\n\t\tvar sectionEl = $('
');\n\t\tvar buttonStr = options.header[position];\n\n\t\tif (buttonStr) {\n\t\t\t$.each(buttonStr.split(' '), function(i) {\n\t\t\t\tvar groupChildren = $();\n\t\t\t\tvar isOnlyButtons = true;\n\t\t\t\tvar groupEl;\n\n\t\t\t\t$.each(this.split(','), function(j, buttonName) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar customButtonProps;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar viewSpec;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar buttonClick;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar overrideText; // text explicitly set by calendar's constructor options. overcomes icons\n\t\t\t\t\tvar defaultText;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar themeIcon;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar normalIcon;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar innerHtml;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar classes;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar button; // the element\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif (buttonName == 'title') {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroupChildren = groupChildren.add($('


')); // we always want it to take up height\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisOnlyButtons = false;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif ((customButtonProps = (calendar.options.customButtons || {})[buttonName])) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttonClick = function(ev) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif ( {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\[0], ev);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverrideText = ''; // icons will override text\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefaultText = customButtonProps.text;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse if ((viewSpec = calendar.getViewSpec(buttonName))) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttonClick = function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcalendar.changeView(buttonName);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tviewsWithButtons.push(buttonName);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverrideText = viewSpec.buttonTextOverride;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefaultText = viewSpec.buttonTextDefault;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse if (calendar[buttonName]) { // a calendar method\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttonClick = function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcalendar[buttonName]();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverrideText = (calendar.overrides.buttonText || {})[buttonName];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefaultText = options.buttonText[buttonName]; // everything else is considered default\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (buttonClick) {\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthemeIcon =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcustomButtonProps ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcustomButtonProps.themeIcon :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toptions.themeButtonIcons[buttonName];\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnormalIcon =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcustomButtonProps ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcustomButtonProps.icon :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toptions.buttonIcons[buttonName];\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (overrideText) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinnerHtml = htmlEscape(overrideText);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse if (themeIcon && options.theme) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinnerHtml = \"\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse if (normalIcon && !options.theme) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinnerHtml = \"\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinnerHtml = htmlEscape(defaultText);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclasses = [\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'fc-' + buttonName + '-button',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttm + '-button',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttm + '-state-default'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t];\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton = $( // type=\"button\" so that it doesn't submit a form\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// don't process clicks for disabled buttons\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!button.hasClass(tm + '-state-disabled')) {\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttonClick(ev);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// after the click action, if the button becomes the \"active\" tab, or disabled,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// it should never have a hover class, so remove it now.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton.hasClass(tm + '-state-active') ||\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton.hasClass(tm + '-state-disabled')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton.removeClass(tm + '-state-hover');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.mousedown(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// the *down* effect (mouse pressed in).\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// only on buttons that are not the \"active\" tab, or disabled\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.not('.' + tm + '-state-active')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.not('.' + tm + '-state-disabled')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.addClass(tm + '-state-down');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.mouseup(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// undo the *down* effect\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton.removeClass(tm + '-state-down');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.hover(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// the *hover* effect.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// only on buttons that are not the \"active\" tab, or disabled\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.not('.' + tm + '-state-active')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.not('.' + tm + '-state-disabled')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.addClass(tm + '-state-hover');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// undo the *hover* effect\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbutton\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.removeClass(tm + '-state-hover')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.removeClass(tm + '-state-down'); // if mouseleave happens before mouseup\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroupChildren = groupChildren.add(button);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\tif (isOnlyButtons) {\n\t\t\t\t\tgroupChildren\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.first().addClass(tm + '-corner-left').end()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.last().addClass(tm + '-corner-right').end();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (groupChildren.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tgroupEl = $('
');\n\t\t\t\t\tif (isOnlyButtons) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroupEl.addClass('fc-button-group');\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tgroupEl.append(groupChildren);\n\t\t\t\t\tsectionEl.append(groupEl);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\tsectionEl.append(groupChildren); // 1 or 0 children\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn sectionEl;\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction updateTitle(text) {\n\t\tel.find('h2').text(text);\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction activateButton(buttonName) {\n\t\tel.find('.fc-' + buttonName + '-button')\n\t\t\t.addClass(tm + '-state-active');\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction deactivateButton(buttonName) {\n\t\tel.find('.fc-' + buttonName + '-button')\n\t\t\t.removeClass(tm + '-state-active');\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction disableButton(buttonName) {\n\t\tel.find('.fc-' + buttonName + '-button')\n\t\t\t.attr('disabled', 'disabled')\n\t\t\t.addClass(tm + '-state-disabled');\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction enableButton(buttonName) {\n\t\tel.find('.fc-' + buttonName + '-button')\n\t\t\t.removeAttr('disabled')\n\t\t\t.removeClass(tm + '-state-disabled');\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction getViewsWithButtons() {\n\t\treturn viewsWithButtons;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n;;\n\nFC.sourceNormalizers = [];\nFC.sourceFetchers = [];\n\nvar ajaxDefaults = {\n\tdataType: 'json',\n\tcache: false\n};\n\nvar eventGUID = 1;\n\n\nfunction EventManager(options) { // assumed to be a calendar\n\tvar t = this;\n\t\n\t\n\t// exports\n\tt.isFetchNeeded = isFetchNeeded;\n\tt.fetchEvents = fetchEvents;\n\tt.addEventSource = addEventSource;\n\tt.removeEventSource = removeEventSource;\n\tt.updateEvent = updateEvent;\n\tt.renderEvent = renderEvent;\n\tt.removeEvents = removeEvents;\n\tt.clientEvents = clientEvents;\n\tt.mutateEvent = mutateEvent;\n\tt.normalizeEventDates = normalizeEventDates;\n\tt.normalizeEventTimes = normalizeEventTimes;\n\t\n\t\n\t// imports\n\tvar reportEvents = t.reportEvents;\n\t\n\t\n\t// locals\n\tvar stickySource = { events: [] };\n\tvar sources = [ stickySource ];\n\tvar rangeStart, rangeEnd;\n\tvar currentFetchID = 0;\n\tvar pendingSourceCnt = 0;\n\tvar cache = []; // holds events that have already been expanded\n\n\n\t$.each(\n\t\t( ? [ ] : []).concat(options.eventSources || []),\n\t\tfunction(i, sourceInput) {\n\t\t\tvar source = buildEventSource(sourceInput);\n\t\t\tif (source) {\n\t\t\t\tsources.push(source);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t);\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t/* Fetching\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// start and end are assumed to be unzoned\n\tfunction isFetchNeeded(start, end) {\n\t\treturn !rangeStart || // nothing has been fetched yet?\n\t\t\tstart < rangeStart || end > rangeEnd; // is part of the new range outside of the old range?\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tfunction fetchEvents(start, end) {\n\t\trangeStart = start;\n\t\trangeEnd = end;\n\t\tcache = [];\n\t\tvar fetchID = ++currentFetchID;\n\t\tvar len = sources.length;\n\t\tpendingSourceCnt = len;\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i= eventStart && range.end <= eventEnd;\n\t}\n\n\n\t// Does the event's date range intersect with the given range?\n\t// start/end already assumed to have stripped zones :(\n\tfunction eventIntersectsRange(event, range) {\n\t\tvar eventStart = event.start.clone().stripZone();\n\t\tvar eventEnd = t.getEventEnd(event).stripZone();\n\n\t\treturn range.start < eventEnd && range.end > eventStart;\n\t}\n\n\n\tt.getEventCache = function() {\n\t\treturn cache;\n\t};\n\n}\n\n\n// Returns a list of events that the given event should be compared against when being considered for a move to\n// the specified span. Attached to the Calendar's prototype because EventManager is a mixin for a Calendar.\nCalendar.prototype.getPeerEvents = function(span, event) {\n\tvar cache = this.getEventCache();\n\tvar peerEvents = [];\n\tvar i, otherEvent;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {\n\t\totherEvent = cache[i];\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\t!event ||\n\t\t\tevent._id !== otherEvent._id // don't compare the event to itself or other related [repeating] events\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tpeerEvents.push(otherEvent);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn peerEvents;\n};\n\n\n// updates the \"backup\" properties, which are preserved in order to compute diffs later on.\nfunction backupEventDates(event) {\n\tevent._allDay = event.allDay;\n\tevent._start = event.start.clone();\n\tevent._end = event.end ? event.end.clone() : null;\n}\n\n;;\n\n/* An abstract class for the \"basic\" views, as well as month view. Renders one or more rows of day cells.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// It is a manager for a DayGrid subcomponent, which does most of the heavy lifting.\n// It is responsible for managing width/height.\n\nvar BasicView = FC.BasicView = View.extend({\n\n\tscroller: null,\n\n\tdayGridClass: DayGrid, // class the dayGrid will be instantiated from (overridable by subclasses)\n\tdayGrid: null, // the main subcomponent that does most of the heavy lifting\n\n\tdayNumbersVisible: false, // display day numbers on each day cell?\n\tweekNumbersVisible: false, // display week numbers along the side?\n\n\tweekNumberWidth: null, // width of all the week-number cells running down the side\n\n\theadContainerEl: null, // div that hold's the dayGrid's rendered date header\n\theadRowEl: null, // the fake row element of the day-of-week header\n\n\n\tinitialize: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid = this.instantiateDayGrid();\n\n\t\tthis.scroller = new Scroller({\n\t\t\toverflowX: 'hidden',\n\t\t\toverflowY: 'auto'\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the DayGrid object this view needs. Draws from this.dayGridClass\n\tinstantiateDayGrid: function() {\n\t\t// generate a subclass on the fly with BasicView-specific behavior\n\t\t// TODO: cache this subclass\n\t\tvar subclass = this.dayGridClass.extend(basicDayGridMethods);\n\n\t\treturn new subclass(this);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Sets the display range and computes all necessary dates\n\tsetRange: function(range) {\n\t\, range); // call the super-method\n\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.breakOnWeeks = /year|month|week/.test(this.intervalUnit); // do before setRange\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.setRange(range);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Compute the value to feed into setRange. Overrides superclass.\n\tcomputeRange: function(date) {\n\t\tvar range =, date); // get value from the super-method\n\n\t\t// year and month views should be aligned with weeks. this is already done for week\n\t\tif (/year|month/.test(range.intervalUnit)) {\n\t\t\trange.start.startOf('week');\n\t\t\trange.start = this.skipHiddenDays(range.start);\n\n\t\t\t// make end-of-week if not already\n\t\t\tif (range.end.weekday()) {\n\t\t\t\trange.end.add(1, 'week').startOf('week');\n\t\t\t\trange.end = this.skipHiddenDays(range.end, -1, true); // exclusively move backwards\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn range;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the view into `this.el`, which should already be assigned\n\trenderDates: function() {\n\n\t\tthis.dayNumbersVisible = this.dayGrid.rowCnt > 1; // TODO: make grid responsible\n\t\tthis.weekNumbersVisible = this.opt('weekNumbers');\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.numbersVisible = this.dayNumbersVisible || this.weekNumbersVisible;\n\n\t\tthis.el.addClass('fc-basic-view').html(this.renderSkeletonHtml());\n\t\tthis.renderHead();\n\n\t\tthis.scroller.render();\n\t\tvar dayGridContainerEl = this.scroller.el.addClass('fc-day-grid-container');\n\t\tvar dayGridEl = $('
').appendTo(dayGridContainerEl);\n\t\tthis.el.find('.fc-body > tr > td').append(dayGridContainerEl);\n\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.setElement(dayGridEl);\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderDates(this.hasRigidRows());\n\t},\n\n\n\t// render the day-of-week headers\n\trenderHead: function() {\n\t\tthis.headContainerEl =\n\t\t\tthis.el.find('.fc-head-container')\n\t\t\t\t.html(this.dayGrid.renderHeadHtml());\n\t\tthis.headRowEl = this.headContainerEl.find('.fc-row');\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the content of the view. Since we haven't separated skeleton rendering from date rendering,\n\t// always completely kill the dayGrid's rendering.\n\tunrenderDates: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderDates();\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.removeElement();\n\t\tthis.scroller.destroy();\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderBusinessHours();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds the HTML skeleton for the view.\n\t// The day-grid component will render inside of a container defined by this HTML.\n\trenderSkeletonHtml: function() {\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t'
';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates an HTML attribute string for setting the width of the week number column, if it is known\n\tweekNumberStyleAttr: function() {\n\t\tif (this.weekNumberWidth !== null) {\n\t\t\treturn 'style=\"width:' + this.weekNumberWidth + 'px\"';\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Determines whether each row should have a constant height\n\thasRigidRows: function() {\n\t\tvar eventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit');\n\t\treturn eventLimit && typeof eventLimit !== 'number';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dimensions\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Refreshes the horizontal dimensions of the view\n\tupdateWidth: function() {\n\t\tif (this.weekNumbersVisible) {\n\t\t\t// Make sure all week number cells running down the side have the same width.\n\t\t\t// Record the width for cells created later.\n\t\t\tthis.weekNumberWidth = matchCellWidths(\n\t\t\t\tthis.el.find('.fc-week-number')\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Adjusts the vertical dimensions of the view to the specified values\n\tsetHeight: function(totalHeight, isAuto) {\n\t\tvar eventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit');\n\t\tvar scrollerHeight;\n\t\tvar scrollbarWidths;\n\n\t\t// reset all heights to be natural\n\t\tthis.scroller.clear();\n\t\tuncompensateScroll(this.headRowEl);\n\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.removeSegPopover(); // kill the \"more\" popover if displayed\n\n\t\t// is the event limit a constant level number?\n\t\tif (eventLimit && typeof eventLimit === 'number') {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.limitRows(eventLimit); // limit the levels first so the height can redistribute after\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// distribute the height to the rows\n\t\t// (totalHeight is a \"recommended\" value if isAuto)\n\t\tscrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(totalHeight);\n\t\tthis.setGridHeight(scrollerHeight, isAuto);\n\n\t\t// is the event limit dynamically calculated?\n\t\tif (eventLimit && typeof eventLimit !== 'number') {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.limitRows(eventLimit); // limit the levels after the grid's row heights have been set\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!isAuto) { // should we force dimensions of the scroll container?\n\n\t\t\tthis.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight);\n\t\t\tscrollbarWidths = this.scroller.getScrollbarWidths();\n\n\t\t\tif (scrollbarWidths.left || scrollbarWidths.right) { // using scrollbars?\n\n\t\t\t\tcompensateScroll(this.headRowEl, scrollbarWidths);\n\n\t\t\t\t// doing the scrollbar compensation might have created text overflow which created more height. redo\n\t\t\t\tscrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(totalHeight);\n\t\t\t\tthis.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// guarantees the same scrollbar widths\n\t\t\tthis.scroller.lockOverflow(scrollbarWidths);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// given a desired total height of the view, returns what the height of the scroller should be\n\tcomputeScrollerHeight: function(totalHeight) {\n\t\treturn totalHeight -\n\t\t\tsubtractInnerElHeight(this.el, this.scroller.el); // everything that's NOT the scroller\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Sets the height of just the DayGrid component in this view\n\tsetGridHeight: function(height, isAuto) {\n\t\tif (isAuto) {\n\t\t\tundistributeHeight(this.dayGrid.rowEls); // let the rows be their natural height with no expanding\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tdistributeHeight(this.dayGrid.rowEls, height, true); // true = compensate for height-hogging rows\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Scroll\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tqueryScroll: function() {\n\t\treturn this.scroller.getScrollTop();\n\t},\n\n\n\tsetScroll: function(top) {\n\t\tthis.scroller.setScrollTop(top);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Hit Areas\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// forward all hit-related method calls to dayGrid\n\n\n\tprepareHits: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.prepareHits();\n\t},\n\n\n\treleaseHits: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.releaseHits();\n\t},\n\n\n\tqueryHit: function(left, top) {\n\t\treturn this.dayGrid.queryHit(left, top);\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitSpan: function(hit) {\n\t\treturn this.dayGrid.getHitSpan(hit);\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitEl: function(hit) {\n\t\treturn this.dayGrid.getHitEl(hit);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Events\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders the given events onto the view and populates the segments array\n\trenderEvents: function(events) {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderEvents(events);\n\n\t\tthis.updateHeight(); // must compensate for events that overflow the row\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves all segment objects that are rendered in the view\n\tgetEventSegs: function() {\n\t\treturn this.dayGrid.getEventSegs();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all event elements and clears internal segment data\n\tunrenderEvents: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderEvents();\n\n\t\t// we DON'T need to call updateHeight() because:\n\t\t// A) a renderEvents() call always happens after this, which will eventually call updateHeight()\n\t\t// B) in IE8, this causes a flash whenever events are rerendered\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dragging (for both events and external elements)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// A returned value of `true` signals that a mock \"helper\" event has been rendered.\n\trenderDrag: function(dropLocation, seg) {\n\t\treturn this.dayGrid.renderDrag(dropLocation, seg);\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderDrag: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderDrag();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Selection\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of a selection\n\trenderSelection: function(span) {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderSelection(span);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indications of a selection\n\tunrenderSelection: function() {\n\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderSelection();\n\t}\n\n});\n\n\n// Methods that will customize the rendering behavior of the BasicView's dayGrid\nvar basicDayGridMethods = {\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that will go before the day-of week header cells\n\trenderHeadIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\tif (view.weekNumbersVisible) {\n\t\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' + // needed for matchCellWidths\n\t\t\t\t\t\thtmlEscape(view.opt('weekNumberTitle')) +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that will go before content-skeleton cells that display the day/week numbers\n\trenderNumberIntroHtml: function(row) {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\tif (view.weekNumbersVisible) {\n\t\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' + // needed for matchCellWidths\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.getCellDate(row, 0).format('w') +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that goes before the day bg cells for each day-row\n\trenderBgIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\tif (view.weekNumbersVisible) {\n\t\t\treturn '';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that goes before every other type of row generated by DayGrid.\n\t// Affects helper-skeleton and highlight-skeleton rows.\n\trenderIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\tif (view.weekNumbersVisible) {\n\t\t\treturn '';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\n};\n\n;;\n\n/* A month view with day cells running in rows (one-per-week) and columns\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nvar MonthView = FC.MonthView = BasicView.extend({\n\n\t// Produces information about what range to display\n\tcomputeRange: function(date) {\n\t\tvar range =, date); // get value from super-method\n\t\tvar rowCnt;\n\n\t\t// ensure 6 weeks\n\t\tif (this.isFixedWeeks()) {\n\t\t\trowCnt = Math.ceil(range.end.diff(range.start, 'weeks', true)); // could be partial weeks due to hiddenDays\n\t\t\trange.end.add(6 - rowCnt, 'weeks');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn range;\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Overrides the default BasicView behavior to have special multi-week auto-height logic\n\tsetGridHeight: function(height, isAuto) {\n\n\t\tisAuto = isAuto || this.opt('weekMode') === 'variable'; // LEGACY: weekMode is deprecated\n\n\t\t// if auto, make the height of each row the height that it would be if there were 6 weeks\n\t\tif (isAuto) {\n\t\t\theight *= this.rowCnt / 6;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdistributeHeight(this.dayGrid.rowEls, height, !isAuto); // if auto, don't compensate for height-hogging rows\n\t},\n\n\n\tisFixedWeeks: function() {\n\t\tvar weekMode = this.opt('weekMode'); // LEGACY: weekMode is deprecated\n\t\tif (weekMode) {\n\t\t\treturn weekMode === 'fixed'; // if any other type of weekMode, assume NOT fixed\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn this.opt('fixedWeekCount');\n\t}\n\n});\n\n;;\n\nfcViews.basic = {\n\t'class': BasicView\n};\n\nfcViews.basicDay = {\n\ttype: 'basic',\n\tduration: { days: 1 }\n};\n\nfcViews.basicWeek = {\n\ttype: 'basic',\n\tduration: { weeks: 1 }\n};\n\nfcViews.month = {\n\t'class': MonthView,\n\tduration: { months: 1 }, // important for prev/next\n\tdefaults: {\n\t\tfixedWeekCount: true\n\t}\n};\n;;\n\n/* An abstract class for all agenda-related views. Displays one more columns with time slots running vertically.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// Is a manager for the TimeGrid subcomponent and possibly the DayGrid subcomponent (if allDaySlot is on).\n// Responsible for managing width/height.\n\nvar AgendaView = FC.AgendaView = View.extend({\n\n\tscroller: null,\n\n\ttimeGridClass: TimeGrid, // class used to instantiate the timeGrid. subclasses can override\n\ttimeGrid: null, // the main time-grid subcomponent of this view\n\n\tdayGridClass: DayGrid, // class used to instantiate the dayGrid. subclasses can override\n\tdayGrid: null, // the \"all-day\" subcomponent. if all-day is turned off, this will be null\n\n\taxisWidth: null, // the width of the time axis running down the side\n\n\theadContainerEl: null, // div that hold's the timeGrid's rendered date header\n\tnoScrollRowEls: null, // set of fake row elements that must compensate when scroller has scrollbars\n\n\t// when the time-grid isn't tall enough to occupy the given height, we render an
underneath\n\tbottomRuleEl: null,\n\n\n\tinitialize: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid = this.instantiateTimeGrid();\n\n\t\tif (this.opt('allDaySlot')) { // should we display the \"all-day\" area?\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid = this.instantiateDayGrid(); // the all-day subcomponent of this view\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.scroller = new Scroller({\n\t\t\toverflowX: 'hidden',\n\t\t\toverflowY: 'auto'\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Instantiates the TimeGrid object this view needs. Draws from this.timeGridClass\n\tinstantiateTimeGrid: function() {\n\t\tvar subclass = this.timeGridClass.extend(agendaTimeGridMethods);\n\n\t\treturn new subclass(this);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Instantiates the DayGrid object this view might need. Draws from this.dayGridClass\n\tinstantiateDayGrid: function() {\n\t\tvar subclass = this.dayGridClass.extend(agendaDayGridMethods);\n\n\t\treturn new subclass(this);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Rendering\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Sets the display range and computes all necessary dates\n\tsetRange: function(range) {\n\t\, range); // call the super-method\n\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.setRange(range);\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.setRange(range);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Renders the view into `this.el`, which has already been assigned\n\trenderDates: function() {\n\n\t\tthis.el.addClass('fc-agenda-view').html(this.renderSkeletonHtml());\n\t\tthis.renderHead();\n\n\t\tthis.scroller.render();\n\t\tvar timeGridWrapEl = this.scroller.el.addClass('fc-time-grid-container');\n\t\tvar timeGridEl = $('
').appendTo(timeGridWrapEl);\n\t\tthis.el.find('.fc-body > tr > td').append(timeGridWrapEl);\n\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.setElement(timeGridEl);\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.renderDates();\n\n\t\t// the
that sometimes displays under the time-grid\n\t\tthis.bottomRuleEl = $('
')\n\t\t\t.appendTo(this.timeGrid.el); // inject it into the time-grid\n\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.setElement(this.el.find('.fc-day-grid'));\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderDates();\n\n\t\t\t// have the day-grid extend it's coordinate area over the
dividing the two grids\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.bottomCoordPadding ='hr').outerHeight();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.noScrollRowEls = this.el.find('.fc-row:not(.fc-scroller *)'); // fake rows not within the scroller\n\t},\n\n\n\t// render the day-of-week headers\n\trenderHead: function() {\n\t\tthis.headContainerEl =\n\t\t\tthis.el.find('.fc-head-container')\n\t\t\t\t.html(this.timeGrid.renderHeadHtml());\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders the content of the view. Since we haven't separated skeleton rendering from date rendering,\n\t// always completely kill each grid's rendering.\n\tunrenderDates: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.unrenderDates();\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.removeElement();\n\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderDates();\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.removeElement();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.scroller.destroy();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Builds the HTML skeleton for the view.\n\t// The day-grid and time-grid components will render inside containers defined by this HTML.\n\trenderSkeletonHtml: function() {\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(this.dayGrid ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
' :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'
';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates an HTML attribute string for setting the width of the axis, if it is known\n\taxisStyleAttr: function() {\n\t\tif (this.axisWidth !== null) {\n\t\t\t return 'style=\"width:' + this.axisWidth + 'px\"';\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Business Hours\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\trenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.renderBusinessHours();\n\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderBusinessHours();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderBusinessHours: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.unrenderBusinessHours();\n\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderBusinessHours();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Now Indicator\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tgetNowIndicatorUnit: function() {\n\t\treturn this.timeGrid.getNowIndicatorUnit();\n\t},\n\n\n\trenderNowIndicator: function(date) {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.renderNowIndicator(date);\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderNowIndicator: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.unrenderNowIndicator();\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dimensions\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\tupdateSize: function(isResize) {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.updateSize(isResize);\n\n\t\, isResize); // call the super-method\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Refreshes the horizontal dimensions of the view\n\tupdateWidth: function() {\n\t\t// make all axis cells line up, and record the width so newly created axis cells will have it\n\t\tthis.axisWidth = matchCellWidths(this.el.find('.fc-axis'));\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Adjusts the vertical dimensions of the view to the specified values\n\tsetHeight: function(totalHeight, isAuto) {\n\t\tvar eventLimit;\n\t\tvar scrollerHeight;\n\t\tvar scrollbarWidths;\n\n\t\t// reset all dimensions back to the original state\n\t\tthis.bottomRuleEl.hide(); // .show() will be called later if this
is necessary\n\t\tthis.scroller.clear(); // sets height to 'auto' and clears overflow\n\t\tuncompensateScroll(this.noScrollRowEls);\n\n\t\t// limit number of events in the all-day area\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.removeSegPopover(); // kill the \"more\" popover if displayed\n\n\t\t\teventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit');\n\t\t\tif (eventLimit && typeof eventLimit !== 'number') {\n\t\t\t\teventLimit = AGENDA_ALL_DAY_EVENT_LIMIT; // make sure \"auto\" goes to a real number\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (eventLimit) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.limitRows(eventLimit);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!isAuto) { // should we force dimensions of the scroll container?\n\n\t\t\tscrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(totalHeight);\n\t\t\tthis.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight);\n\t\t\tscrollbarWidths = this.scroller.getScrollbarWidths();\n\n\t\t\tif (scrollbarWidths.left || scrollbarWidths.right) { // using scrollbars?\n\n\t\t\t\t// make the all-day and header rows lines up\n\t\t\t\tcompensateScroll(this.noScrollRowEls, scrollbarWidths);\n\n\t\t\t\t// the scrollbar compensation might have changed text flow, which might affect height, so recalculate\n\t\t\t\t// and reapply the desired height to the scroller.\n\t\t\t\tscrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(totalHeight);\n\t\t\t\tthis.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// guarantees the same scrollbar widths\n\t\t\tthis.scroller.lockOverflow(scrollbarWidths);\n\n\t\t\t// if there's any space below the slats, show the horizontal rule.\n\t\t\t// this won't cause any new overflow, because lockOverflow already called.\n\t\t\tif (this.timeGrid.getTotalSlatHeight() < scrollerHeight) {\n\t\t\t\;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// given a desired total height of the view, returns what the height of the scroller should be\n\tcomputeScrollerHeight: function(totalHeight) {\n\t\treturn totalHeight -\n\t\t\tsubtractInnerElHeight(this.el, this.scroller.el); // everything that's NOT the scroller\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Scroll\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Computes the initial pre-configured scroll state prior to allowing the user to change it\n\tcomputeInitialScroll: function() {\n\t\tvar scrollTime = moment.duration(this.opt('scrollTime'));\n\t\tvar top = this.timeGrid.computeTimeTop(scrollTime);\n\n\t\t// zoom can give weird floating-point values. rather scroll a little bit further\n\t\ttop = Math.ceil(top);\n\n\t\tif (top) {\n\t\t\ttop++; // to overcome top border that slots beyond the first have. looks better\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn top;\n\t},\n\n\n\tqueryScroll: function() {\n\t\treturn this.scroller.getScrollTop();\n\t},\n\n\n\tsetScroll: function(top) {\n\t\tthis.scroller.setScrollTop(top);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Hit Areas\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\t// forward all hit-related method calls to the grids (dayGrid might not be defined)\n\n\n\tprepareHits: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.prepareHits();\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.prepareHits();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\treleaseHits: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.releaseHits();\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.releaseHits();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tqueryHit: function(left, top) {\n\t\tvar hit = this.timeGrid.queryHit(left, top);\n\n\t\tif (!hit && this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\thit = this.dayGrid.queryHit(left, top);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn hit;\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitSpan: function(hit) {\n\t\t// TODO: hit.component is set as a hack to identify where the hit came from\n\t\treturn hit.component.getHitSpan(hit);\n\t},\n\n\n\tgetHitEl: function(hit) {\n\t\t// TODO: hit.component is set as a hack to identify where the hit came from\n\t\treturn hit.component.getHitEl(hit);\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Events\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders events onto the view and populates the View's segment array\n\trenderEvents: function(events) {\n\t\tvar dayEvents = [];\n\t\tvar timedEvents = [];\n\t\tvar daySegs = [];\n\t\tvar timedSegs;\n\t\tvar i;\n\n\t\t// separate the events into all-day and timed\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (events[i].allDay) {\n\t\t\t\tdayEvents.push(events[i]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\ttimedEvents.push(events[i]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// render the events in the subcomponents\n\t\ttimedSegs = this.timeGrid.renderEvents(timedEvents);\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tdaySegs = this.dayGrid.renderEvents(dayEvents);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// the all-day area is flexible and might have a lot of events, so shift the height\n\t\tthis.updateHeight();\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Retrieves all segment objects that are rendered in the view\n\tgetEventSegs: function() {\n\t\treturn this.timeGrid.getEventSegs().concat(\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid ? this.dayGrid.getEventSegs() : []\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders all event elements and clears internal segment data\n\tunrenderEvents: function() {\n\n\t\t// unrender the events in the subcomponents\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.unrenderEvents();\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderEvents();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// we DON'T need to call updateHeight() because:\n\t\t// A) a renderEvents() call always happens after this, which will eventually call updateHeight()\n\t\t// B) in IE8, this causes a flash whenever events are rerendered\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Dragging (for events and external elements)\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// A returned value of `true` signals that a mock \"helper\" event has been rendered.\n\trenderDrag: function(dropLocation, seg) {\n\t\tif (dropLocation.start.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\treturn this.timeGrid.renderDrag(dropLocation, seg);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\treturn this.dayGrid.renderDrag(dropLocation, seg);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\tunrenderDrag: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.unrenderDrag();\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderDrag();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t/* Selection\n\t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\t// Renders a visual indication of a selection\n\trenderSelection: function(span) {\n\t\tif (span.start.hasTime() || span.end.hasTime()) {\n\t\t\tthis.timeGrid.renderSelection(span);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.renderSelection(span);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Unrenders a visual indications of a selection\n\tunrenderSelection: function() {\n\t\tthis.timeGrid.unrenderSelection();\n\t\tif (this.dayGrid) {\n\t\t\tthis.dayGrid.unrenderSelection();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n});\n\n\n// Methods that will customize the rendering behavior of the AgendaView's timeGrid\n// TODO: move into TimeGrid\nvar agendaTimeGridMethods = {\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that will go before the day-of week header cells\n\trenderHeadIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\t\tvar weekText;\n\n\t\tif (view.opt('weekNumbers')) {\n\t\t\tweekText = this.start.format(view.opt('smallWeekFormat'));\n\n\t\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' + // needed for matchCellWidths\n\t\t\t\t\t\thtmlEscape(weekText) +\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'';\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\treturn '';\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that goes before the bg of the TimeGrid slot area. Long vertical column.\n\trenderBgIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that goes before all other types of cells.\n\t// Affects content-skeleton, helper-skeleton, highlight-skeleton for both the time-grid and day-grid.\n\trenderIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\n};\n\n\n// Methods that will customize the rendering behavior of the AgendaView's dayGrid\nvar agendaDayGridMethods = {\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that goes before the all-day cells\n\trenderBgIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn '' +\n\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t'' + // needed for matchCellWidths\n\t\t\t\t\t(view.opt('allDayHtml') || htmlEscape(view.opt('allDayText'))) +\n\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t'';\n\t},\n\n\n\t// Generates the HTML that goes before all other types of cells.\n\t// Affects content-skeleton, helper-skeleton, highlight-skeleton for both the time-grid and day-grid.\n\trenderIntroHtml: function() {\n\t\tvar view = this.view;\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\n};\n\n;;\n\nvar AGENDA_ALL_DAY_EVENT_LIMIT = 5;\n\n// potential nice values for the slot-duration and interval-duration\n// from largest to smallest\nvar AGENDA_STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS = [\n\t{ hours: 1 },\n\t{ minutes: 30 },\n\t{ minutes: 15 },\n\t{ seconds: 30 },\n\t{ seconds: 15 }\n];\n\nfcViews.agenda = {\n\t'class': AgendaView,\n\tdefaults: {\n\t\tallDaySlot: true,\n\t\tallDayText: 'all-day',\n\t\tslotDuration: '00:30:00',\n\t\tminTime: '00:00:00',\n\t\tmaxTime: '24:00:00',\n\t\tslotEventOverlap: true // a bad name. confused with overlap/constraint system\n\t}\n};\n\nfcViews.agendaDay = {\n\ttype: 'agenda',\n\tduration: { days: 1 }\n};\n\nfcViews.agendaWeek = {\n\ttype: 'agenda',\n\tduration: { weeks: 1 }\n};\n;;\n\nreturn FC; // export for Node/CommonJS\n});\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.js\n ** module id = 2\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","//! moment.js\n//! version : 2.13.0\n//! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors\n//! license : MIT\n//!\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :\n global.moment = factory()\n}(this, function () { 'use strict';\n\n var hookCallback;\n\n function utils_hooks__hooks () {\n return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments);\n }\n\n // This is done to register the method called with moment()\n // without creating circular dependencies.\n function setHookCallback (callback) {\n hookCallback = callback;\n }\n\n function isArray(input) {\n return input instanceof Array || === '[object Array]';\n }\n\n function isDate(input) {\n return input instanceof Date || === '[object Date]';\n }\n\n function map(arr, fn) {\n var res = [], i;\n for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {\n res.push(fn(arr[i], i));\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n function hasOwnProp(a, b) {\n return, b);\n }\n\n function extend(a, b) {\n for (var i in b) {\n if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {\n a[i] = b[i];\n }\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) {\n a.toString = b.toString;\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) {\n a.valueOf = b.valueOf;\n }\n\n return a;\n }\n\n function create_utc__createUTC (input, format, locale, strict) {\n return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc();\n }\n\n function defaultParsingFlags() {\n // We need to deep clone this object.\n return {\n empty : false,\n unusedTokens : [],\n unusedInput : [],\n overflow : -2,\n charsLeftOver : 0,\n nullInput : false,\n invalidMonth : null,\n invalidFormat : false,\n userInvalidated : false,\n iso : false,\n parsedDateParts : [],\n meridiem : null\n };\n }\n\n function getParsingFlags(m) {\n if (m._pf == null) {\n m._pf = defaultParsingFlags();\n }\n return m._pf;\n }\n\n var some;\n if (Array.prototype.some) {\n some = Array.prototype.some;\n } else {\n some = function (fun) {\n var t = Object(this);\n var len = t.length >>> 0;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (i in t &&, t[i], i, t)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n };\n }\n\n function valid__isValid(m) {\n if (m._isValid == null) {\n var flags = getParsingFlags(m);\n var parsedParts =, function (i) {\n return i != null;\n });\n m._isValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) &&\n flags.overflow < 0 &&\n !flags.empty &&\n !flags.invalidMonth &&\n !flags.invalidWeekday &&\n !flags.nullInput &&\n !flags.invalidFormat &&\n !flags.userInvalidated &&\n (!flags.meridiem || (flags.meridiem && parsedParts));\n\n if (m._strict) {\n m._isValid = m._isValid &&\n flags.charsLeftOver === 0 &&\n flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 &&\n flags.bigHour === undefined;\n }\n }\n return m._isValid;\n }\n\n function valid__createInvalid (flags) {\n var m = create_utc__createUTC(NaN);\n if (flags != null) {\n extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags);\n }\n else {\n getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true;\n }\n\n return m;\n }\n\n function isUndefined(input) {\n return input === void 0;\n }\n\n // Plugins that add properties should also add the key here (null value),\n // so we can properly clone ourselves.\n var momentProperties = utils_hooks__hooks.momentProperties = [];\n\n function copyConfig(to, from) {\n var i, prop, val;\n\n if (!isUndefined(from._isAMomentObject)) {\n to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._i)) {\n to._i = from._i;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._f)) {\n to._f = from._f;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._l)) {\n to._l = from._l;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._strict)) {\n to._strict = from._strict;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._tzm)) {\n to._tzm = from._tzm;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._isUTC)) {\n to._isUTC = from._isUTC;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._offset)) {\n to._offset = from._offset;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._pf)) {\n to._pf = getParsingFlags(from);\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._locale)) {\n to._locale = from._locale;\n }\n\n if (momentProperties.length > 0) {\n for (i in momentProperties) {\n prop = momentProperties[i];\n val = from[prop];\n if (!isUndefined(val)) {\n to[prop] = val;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return to;\n }\n\n var updateInProgress = false;\n\n // Moment prototype object\n function Moment(config) {\n copyConfig(this, config);\n this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN);\n // Prevent infinite loop in case updateOffset creates new moment\n // objects.\n if (updateInProgress === false) {\n updateInProgress = true;\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this);\n updateInProgress = false;\n }\n }\n\n function isMoment (obj) {\n return obj instanceof Moment || (obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null);\n }\n\n function absFloor (number) {\n if (number < 0) {\n return Math.ceil(number);\n } else {\n return Math.floor(number);\n }\n }\n\n function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {\n var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,\n value = 0;\n\n if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {\n value = absFloor(coercedNumber);\n }\n\n return value;\n }\n\n // compare two arrays, return the number of differences\n function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {\n var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),\n lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),\n diffs = 0,\n i;\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if ((dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) ||\n (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i]))) {\n diffs++;\n }\n }\n return diffs + lengthDiff;\n }\n\n function warn(msg) {\n if (utils_hooks__hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false &&\n (typeof console !== 'undefined') && console.warn) {\n console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg);\n }\n }\n\n function deprecate(msg, fn) {\n var firstTime = true;\n\n return extend(function () {\n if (utils_hooks__hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {\n utils_hooks__hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg);\n }\n if (firstTime) {\n warn(msg + '\\nArguments: ' +', ') + '\\n' + (new Error()).stack);\n firstTime = false;\n }\n return fn.apply(this, arguments);\n }, fn);\n }\n\n var deprecations = {};\n\n function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {\n if (utils_hooks__hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {\n utils_hooks__hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg);\n }\n if (!deprecations[name]) {\n warn(msg);\n deprecations[name] = true;\n }\n }\n\n utils_hooks__hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;\n utils_hooks__hooks.deprecationHandler = null;\n\n function isFunction(input) {\n return input instanceof Function || === '[object Function]';\n }\n\n function isObject(input) {\n return === '[object Object]';\n }\n\n function locale_set__set (config) {\n var prop, i;\n for (i in config) {\n prop = config[i];\n if (isFunction(prop)) {\n this[i] = prop;\n } else {\n this['_' + i] = prop;\n }\n }\n this._config = config;\n // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to\n // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _ordinalParseLenient.\n this._ordinalParseLenient = new RegExp(this._ordinalParse.source + '|' + (/\\d{1,2}/).source);\n }\n\n function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) {\n var res = extend({}, parentConfig), prop;\n for (prop in childConfig) {\n if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) {\n if (isObject(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject(childConfig[prop])) {\n res[prop] = {};\n extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]);\n extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop]);\n } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) {\n res[prop] = childConfig[prop];\n } else {\n delete res[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n function Locale(config) {\n if (config != null) {\n this.set(config);\n }\n }\n\n var keys;\n\n if (Object.keys) {\n keys = Object.keys;\n } else {\n keys = function (obj) {\n var i, res = [];\n for (i in obj) {\n if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) {\n res.push(i);\n }\n }\n return res;\n };\n }\n\n // internal storage for locale config files\n var locales = {};\n var globalLocale;\n\n function normalizeLocale(key) {\n return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key;\n }\n\n // pick the locale from the array\n // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each\n // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root\n function chooseLocale(names) {\n var i = 0, j, next, locale, split;\n\n while (i < names.length) {\n split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-');\n j = split.length;\n next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);\n next = next ? next.split('-') : null;\n while (j > 0) {\n locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-'));\n if (locale) {\n return locale;\n }\n if (next && next.length >= j && compareArrays(split, next, true) >= j - 1) {\n //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one\n break;\n }\n j--;\n }\n i++;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n function loadLocale(name) {\n var oldLocale = null;\n // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node\n if (!locales[name] && (typeof module !== 'undefined') &&\n module && module.exports) {\n try {\n oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr;\n require('./locale/' + name);\n // because defineLocale currently also sets the global locale, we\n // want to undo that for lazy loaded locales\n locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale);\n } catch (e) { }\n }\n return locales[name];\n }\n\n // This function will load locale and then set the global locale. If\n // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global\n // locale key.\n function locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale (key, values) {\n var data;\n if (key) {\n if (isUndefined(values)) {\n data = locale_locales__getLocale(key);\n }\n else {\n data = defineLocale(key, values);\n }\n\n if (data) {\n // moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data;\n globalLocale = data;\n }\n }\n\n return globalLocale._abbr;\n }\n\n function defineLocale (name, config) {\n if (config !== null) {\n config.abbr = name;\n if (locales[name] != null) {\n deprecateSimple('defineLocaleOverride',\n 'use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change ' +\n 'an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, ' +\n 'config) should only be used for creating a new locale');\n config = mergeConfigs(locales[name]._config, config);\n } else if (config.parentLocale != null) {\n if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) {\n config = mergeConfigs(locales[config.parentLocale]._config, config);\n } else {\n // treat as if there is no base config\n deprecateSimple('parentLocaleUndefined',\n 'specified parentLocale is not defined yet');\n }\n }\n locales[name] = new Locale(config);\n\n // backwards compat for now: also set the locale\n locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(name);\n\n return locales[name];\n } else {\n // useful for testing\n delete locales[name];\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n function updateLocale(name, config) {\n if (config != null) {\n var locale;\n if (locales[name] != null) {\n config = mergeConfigs(locales[name]._config, config);\n }\n locale = new Locale(config);\n locale.parentLocale = locales[name];\n locales[name] = locale;\n\n // backwards compat for now: also set the locale\n locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(name);\n } else {\n // pass null for config to unupdate, useful for tests\n if (locales[name] != null) {\n if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) {\n locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale;\n } else if (locales[name] != null) {\n delete locales[name];\n }\n }\n }\n return locales[name];\n }\n\n // returns locale data\n function locale_locales__getLocale (key) {\n var locale;\n\n if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {\n key = key._locale._abbr;\n }\n\n if (!key) {\n return globalLocale;\n }\n\n if (!isArray(key)) {\n //short-circuit everything else\n locale = loadLocale(key);\n if (locale) {\n return locale;\n }\n key = [key];\n }\n\n return chooseLocale(key);\n }\n\n function locale_locales__listLocales() {\n return keys(locales);\n }\n\n var aliases = {};\n\n function addUnitAlias (unit, shorthand) {\n var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase();\n aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + 's'] = aliases[shorthand] = unit;\n }\n\n function normalizeUnits(units) {\n return typeof units === 'string' ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : undefined;\n }\n\n function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {\n var normalizedInput = {},\n normalizedProp,\n prop;\n\n for (prop in inputObject) {\n if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {\n normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);\n if (normalizedProp) {\n normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return normalizedInput;\n }\n\n function makeGetSet (unit, keepTime) {\n return function (value) {\n if (value != null) {\n get_set__set(this, unit, value);\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime);\n return this;\n } else {\n return get_set__get(this, unit);\n }\n };\n }\n\n function get_set__get (mom, unit) {\n return mom.isValid() ?\n mom._d['get' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit]() : NaN;\n }\n\n function get_set__set (mom, unit, value) {\n if (mom.isValid()) {\n mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value);\n }\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSet (units, value) {\n var unit;\n if (typeof units === 'object') {\n for (unit in units) {\n this.set(unit, units[unit]);\n }\n } else {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n if (isFunction(this[units])) {\n return this[units](value);\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {\n var absNumber = '' + Math.abs(number),\n zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length,\n sign = number >= 0;\n return (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') +\n Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) + absNumber;\n }\n\n var formattingTokens = /(\\[[^\\[]*\\])|(\\\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g;\n\n var localFormattingTokens = /(\\[[^\\[]*\\])|(\\\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g;\n\n var formatFunctions = {};\n\n var formatTokenFunctions = {};\n\n // token: 'M'\n // padded: ['MM', 2]\n // ordinal: 'Mo'\n // callback: function () { this.month() + 1 }\n function addFormatToken (token, padded, ordinal, callback) {\n var func = callback;\n if (typeof callback === 'string') {\n func = function () {\n return this[callback]();\n };\n }\n if (token) {\n formatTokenFunctions[token] = func;\n }\n if (padded) {\n formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function () {\n return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]);\n };\n }\n if (ordinal) {\n formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function () {\n return this.localeData().ordinal(func.apply(this, arguments), token);\n };\n }\n }\n\n function removeFormattingTokens(input) {\n if (input.match(/\\[[\\s\\S]/)) {\n return input.replace(/^\\[|\\]$/g, '');\n }\n return input.replace(/\\\\/g, '');\n }\n\n function makeFormatFunction(format) {\n var array = format.match(formattingTokens), i, length;\n\n for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {\n array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]];\n } else {\n array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]);\n }\n }\n\n return function (mom) {\n var output = '', i;\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n output += array[i] instanceof Function ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i];\n }\n return output;\n };\n }\n\n // format date using native date object\n function formatMoment(m, format) {\n if (!m.isValid()) {\n return m.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n\n format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());\n formatFunctions[format] = formatFunctions[format] || makeFormatFunction(format);\n\n return formatFunctions[format](m);\n }\n\n function expandFormat(format, locale) {\n var i = 5;\n\n function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {\n return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input;\n }\n\n localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;\n while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {\n format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens);\n localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;\n i -= 1;\n }\n\n return format;\n }\n\n var match1 = /\\d/; // 0 - 9\n var match2 = /\\d\\d/; // 00 - 99\n var match3 = /\\d{3}/; // 000 - 999\n var match4 = /\\d{4}/; // 0000 - 9999\n var match6 = /[+-]?\\d{6}/; // -999999 - 999999\n var match1to2 = /\\d\\d?/; // 0 - 99\n var match3to4 = /\\d\\d\\d\\d?/; // 999 - 9999\n var match5to6 = /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d?/; // 99999 - 999999\n var match1to3 = /\\d{1,3}/; // 0 - 999\n var match1to4 = /\\d{1,4}/; // 0 - 9999\n var match1to6 = /[+-]?\\d{1,6}/; // -999999 - 999999\n\n var matchUnsigned = /\\d+/; // 0 - inf\n var matchSigned = /[+-]?\\d+/; // -inf - inf\n\n var matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\\d\\d:?\\d\\d/gi; // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z\n var matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?/gi; // +00 -00 +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z\n\n var matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\\d+(\\.\\d{1,3})?/; // 123456789 123456789.123\n\n // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic.\n // includes scottish gaelic two word and hyphenated months\n var matchWord = /[0-9]*['a-z\\u00A0-\\u05FF\\u0700-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]+|[\\u0600-\\u06FF\\/]+(\\s*?[\\u0600-\\u06FF]+){1,2}/i;\n\n\n var regexes = {};\n\n function addRegexToken (token, regex, strictRegex) {\n regexes[token] = isFunction(regex) ? regex : function (isStrict, localeData) {\n return (isStrict && strictRegex) ? strictRegex : regex;\n };\n }\n\n function getParseRegexForToken (token, config) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) {\n return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token));\n }\n\n return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale);\n }\n\n // Code from\n function unescapeFormat(s) {\n return regexEscape(s.replace('\\\\', '').replace(/\\\\(\\[)|\\\\(\\])|\\[([^\\]\\[]*)\\]|\\\\(.)/g, function (matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {\n return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4;\n }));\n }\n\n function regexEscape(s) {\n return s.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, '\\\\$&');\n }\n\n var tokens = {};\n\n function addParseToken (token, callback) {\n var i, func = callback;\n if (typeof token === 'string') {\n token = [token];\n }\n if (typeof callback === 'number') {\n func = function (input, array) {\n array[callback] = toInt(input);\n };\n }\n for (i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {\n tokens[token[i]] = func;\n }\n }\n\n function addWeekParseToken (token, callback) {\n addParseToken(token, function (input, array, config, token) {\n config._w = config._w || {};\n callback(input, config._w, config, token);\n });\n }\n\n function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {\n if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) {\n tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token);\n }\n }\n\n var YEAR = 0;\n var MONTH = 1;\n var DATE = 2;\n var HOUR = 3;\n var MINUTE = 4;\n var SECOND = 5;\n var MILLISECOND = 6;\n var WEEK = 7;\n var WEEKDAY = 8;\n\n var indexOf;\n\n if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {\n indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;\n } else {\n indexOf = function (o) {\n // I know\n var i;\n for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {\n if (this[i] === o) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n };\n }\n\n function daysInMonth(year, month) {\n return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month + 1, 0)).getUTCDate();\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('M', ['MM', 2], 'Mo', function () {\n return this.month() + 1;\n });\n\n addFormatToken('MMM', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('MMMM', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().months(this, format);\n });\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('month', 'M');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('M', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('MM', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('MMM', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.monthsShortRegex(isStrict);\n });\n addRegexToken('MMMM', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.monthsRegex(isStrict);\n });\n\n addParseToken(['M', 'MM'], function (input, array) {\n array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1;\n });\n\n addParseToken(['MMM', 'MMMM'], function (input, array, config, token) {\n var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);\n // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid.\n if (month != null) {\n array[MONTH] = month;\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input;\n }\n });\n\n // LOCALES\n\n var MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\]|\\s+)+MMMM?/;\n var defaultLocaleMonths = 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_');\n function localeMonths (m, format) {\n return isArray(this._months) ? this._months[m.month()] :\n this._months[MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone'][m.month()];\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleMonthsShort = 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_');\n function localeMonthsShort (m, format) {\n return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[m.month()] :\n this._monthsShort[MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone'][m.month()];\n }\n\n function units_month__handleStrictParse(monthName, format, strict) {\n var i, ii, mom, llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase();\n if (!this._monthsParse) {\n // this is not used\n this._monthsParse = [];\n this._longMonthsParse = [];\n this._shortMonthsParse = [];\n for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {\n mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, i]);\n this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n }\n }\n\n if (strict) {\n if (format === 'MMM') {\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n } else {\n if (format === 'MMM') {\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function localeMonthsParse (monthName, format, strict) {\n var i, mom, regex;\n\n if (this._monthsParseExact) {\n return, monthName, format, strict);\n }\n\n if (!this._monthsParse) {\n this._monthsParse = [];\n this._longMonthsParse = [];\n this._shortMonthsParse = [];\n }\n\n // TODO: add sorting\n // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another\n // see sorting in computeMonthsParse\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, i]);\n if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {\n this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i');\n this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i');\n }\n if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {\n regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '');\n this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');\n }\n // test the regex\n if (strict && format === 'MMMM' && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {\n return i;\n } else if (strict && format === 'MMM' && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {\n return i;\n } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function setMonth (mom, value) {\n var dayOfMonth;\n\n if (!mom.isValid()) {\n // No op\n return mom;\n }\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n if (/^\\d+$/.test(value)) {\n value = toInt(value);\n } else {\n value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);\n // TODO: Another silent failure?\n if (typeof value !== 'number') {\n return mom;\n }\n }\n }\n\n dayOfMonth = Math.min(, daysInMonth(mom.year(), value));\n mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + 'Month'](value, dayOfMonth);\n return mom;\n }\n\n function getSetMonth (value) {\n if (value != null) {\n setMonth(this, value);\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this, true);\n return this;\n } else {\n return get_set__get(this, 'Month');\n }\n }\n\n function getDaysInMonth () {\n return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month());\n }\n\n var defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord;\n function monthsShortRegex (isStrict) {\n if (this._monthsParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {\n;\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._monthsShortStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._monthsShortRegex;\n }\n } else {\n return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict ?\n this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex;\n }\n }\n\n var defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord;\n function monthsRegex (isStrict) {\n if (this._monthsParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {\n;\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._monthsStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._monthsRegex;\n }\n } else {\n return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict ?\n this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex;\n }\n }\n\n function computeMonthsParse () {\n function cmpLenRev(a, b) {\n return b.length - a.length;\n }\n\n var shortPieces = [], longPieces = [], mixedPieces = [],\n i, mom;\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, i]);\n shortPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));\n longPieces.push(this.months(mom, ''));\n mixedPieces.push(this.months(mom, ''));\n mixedPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));\n }\n // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another it\n // will match the longer piece.\n shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);\n longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);\n mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]);\n }\n\n this._monthsRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex;\n this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n }\n\n function checkOverflow (m) {\n var overflow;\n var a = m._a;\n\n if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) {\n overflow =\n a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH :\n a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE :\n a[HOUR] < 0 || a[HOUR] > 24 || (a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[MILLISECOND] !== 0)) ? HOUR :\n a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE :\n a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND :\n a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || a[MILLISECOND] > 999 ? MILLISECOND :\n -1;\n\n if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) {\n overflow = DATE;\n }\n if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) {\n overflow = WEEK;\n }\n if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) {\n overflow = WEEKDAY;\n }\n\n getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow;\n }\n\n return m;\n }\n\n // iso 8601 regex\n // 0000-00-00 0000-W00 or 0000-W00-0 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 or +00)\n var extendedIsoRegex = /^\\s*((?:[+-]\\d{6}|\\d{4})-(?:\\d\\d-\\d\\d|W\\d\\d-\\d|W\\d\\d|\\d\\d\\d|\\d\\d))(?:(T| )(\\d\\d(?::\\d\\d(?::\\d\\d(?:[.,]\\d+)?)?)?)([\\+\\-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?|\\s*Z)?)?/;\n var basicIsoRegex = /^\\s*((?:[+-]\\d{6}|\\d{4})(?:\\d\\d\\d\\d|W\\d\\d\\d|W\\d\\d|\\d\\d\\d|\\d\\d))(?:(T| )(\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d(?:[.,]\\d+)?)?)?)([\\+\\-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?|\\s*Z)?)?/;\n\n var tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?/;\n\n var isoDates = [\n ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\\d{6}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d/],\n ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\\d{4}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d/],\n ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\\d{4}-W\\d\\d-\\d/],\n ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\\d{4}-W\\d\\d/, false],\n ['YYYY-DDD', /\\d{4}-\\d{3}/],\n ['YYYY-MM', /\\d{4}-\\d\\d/, false],\n ['YYYYYYMMDD', /[+-]\\d{10}/],\n ['YYYYMMDD', /\\d{8}/],\n // YYYYMM is NOT allowed by the standard\n ['GGGG[W]WWE', /\\d{4}W\\d{3}/],\n ['GGGG[W]WW', /\\d{4}W\\d{2}/, false],\n ['YYYYDDD', /\\d{7}/]\n ];\n\n // iso time formats and regexes\n var isoTimes = [\n ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\.\\d+/],\n ['HH:mm:ss,SSSS', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d+/],\n ['HH:mm:ss', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d/],\n ['HH:mm', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d/],\n ['HHmmss.SSSS', /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\.\\d+/],\n ['HHmmss,SSSS', /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d,\\d+/],\n ['HHmmss', /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d/],\n ['HHmm', /\\d\\d\\d\\d/],\n ['HH', /\\d\\d/]\n ];\n\n var aspNetJsonRegex = /^\\/?Date\\((\\-?\\d+)/i;\n\n // date from iso format\n function configFromISO(config) {\n var i, l,\n string = config._i,\n match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string),\n allowTime, dateFormat, timeFormat, tzFormat;\n\n if (match) {\n getParsingFlags(config).iso = true;\n\n for (i = 0, l = isoDates.length; i < l; i++) {\n if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) {\n dateFormat = isoDates[i][0];\n allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (dateFormat == null) {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n if (match[3]) {\n for (i = 0, l = isoTimes.length; i < l; i++) {\n if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) {\n // match[2] should be 'T' or space\n timeFormat = (match[2] || ' ') + isoTimes[i][0];\n break;\n }\n }\n if (timeFormat == null) {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n if (match[4]) {\n if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) {\n tzFormat = 'Z';\n } else {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n }\n config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || '') + (tzFormat || '');\n configFromStringAndFormat(config);\n } else {\n config._isValid = false;\n }\n }\n\n // date from iso format or fallback\n function configFromString(config) {\n var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i);\n\n if (matched !== null) {\n config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);\n return;\n }\n\n configFromISO(config);\n if (config._isValid === false) {\n delete config._isValid;\n utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);\n }\n }\n\n utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate(\n 'moment construction falls back to js Date. This is ' +\n 'discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major ' +\n 'release. Please refer to ' +\n ' for more info.',\n function (config) {\n config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : ''));\n }\n );\n\n function createDate (y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {\n //can't just apply() to create a date:\n //\n var date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);\n\n //the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999\n if (y < 100 && y >= 0 && isFinite(date.getFullYear())) {\n date.setFullYear(y);\n }\n return date;\n }\n\n function createUTCDate (y) {\n var date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));\n\n //the Date.UTC function remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999\n if (y < 100 && y >= 0 && isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) {\n date.setUTCFullYear(y);\n }\n return date;\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('Y', 0, 0, function () {\n var y = this.year();\n return y <= 9999 ? '' + y : '+' + y;\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['YY', 2], 0, function () {\n return this.year() % 100;\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['YYYY', 4], 0, 'year');\n addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYY', 5], 0, 'year');\n addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYYY', 6, true], 0, 'year');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('year', 'y');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('Y', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('YY', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('YYYY', match1to4, match4);\n addRegexToken('YYYYY', match1to6, match6);\n addRegexToken('YYYYYY', match1to6, match6);\n\n addParseToken(['YYYYY', 'YYYYYY'], YEAR);\n addParseToken('YYYY', function (input, array) {\n array[YEAR] = input.length === 2 ? utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input);\n });\n addParseToken('YY', function (input, array) {\n array[YEAR] = utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);\n });\n addParseToken('Y', function (input, array) {\n array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n function daysInYear(year) {\n return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;\n }\n\n function isLeapYear(year) {\n return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0;\n }\n\n // HOOKS\n\n utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {\n return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);\n };\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetYear = makeGetSet('FullYear', true);\n\n function getIsLeapYear () {\n return isLeapYear(this.year());\n }\n\n // start-of-first-week - start-of-year\n function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) {\n var // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other)\n fwd = 7 + dow - doy,\n // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd\n fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7;\n\n return -fwdlw + fwd - 1;\n }\n\n //\n function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) {\n var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7,\n weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),\n dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset,\n resYear, resDayOfYear;\n\n if (dayOfYear <= 0) {\n resYear = year - 1;\n resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear;\n } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) {\n resYear = year + 1;\n resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year);\n } else {\n resYear = year;\n resDayOfYear = dayOfYear;\n }\n\n return {\n year: resYear,\n dayOfYear: resDayOfYear\n };\n }\n\n function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) {\n var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy),\n week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1,\n resWeek, resYear;\n\n if (week < 1) {\n resYear = mom.year() - 1;\n resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy);\n } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) {\n resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy);\n resYear = mom.year() + 1;\n } else {\n resYear = mom.year();\n resWeek = week;\n }\n\n return {\n week: resWeek,\n year: resYear\n };\n }\n\n function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {\n var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),\n weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy);\n return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7;\n }\n\n // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments.\n function defaults(a, b, c) {\n if (a != null) {\n return a;\n }\n if (b != null) {\n return b;\n }\n return c;\n }\n\n function currentDateArray(config) {\n // hooks is actually the exported moment object\n var nowValue = new Date(;\n if (config._useUTC) {\n return [nowValue.getUTCFullYear(), nowValue.getUTCMonth(), nowValue.getUTCDate()];\n }\n return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()];\n }\n\n // convert an array to a date.\n // the array should mirror the parameters below\n // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value.\n // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond]\n function configFromArray (config) {\n var i, date, input = [], currentDate, yearToUse;\n\n if (config._d) {\n return;\n }\n\n currentDate = currentDateArray(config);\n\n //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays\n if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {\n dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config);\n }\n\n //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is\n if (config._dayOfYear) {\n yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);\n\n if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse)) {\n getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true;\n }\n\n date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);\n config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();\n config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate();\n }\n\n // Default to current date.\n // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today\n // * if day of month is given, default month and year\n // * if month is given, default only year\n // * if year is given, don't default anything\n for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {\n config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i];\n }\n\n // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time\n for (; i < 7; i++) {\n config._a[i] = input[i] = (config._a[i] == null) ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i];\n }\n\n // Check for 24:00:00.000\n if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 &&\n config._a[MINUTE] === 0 &&\n config._a[SECOND] === 0 &&\n config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) {\n config._nextDay = true;\n config._a[HOUR] = 0;\n }\n\n config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply(null, input);\n // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual utcOffset can be changed\n // with parseZone.\n if (config._tzm != null) {\n config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);\n }\n\n if (config._nextDay) {\n config._a[HOUR] = 24;\n }\n }\n\n function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {\n var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow;\n\n w = config._w;\n if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {\n dow = 1;\n doy = 4;\n\n // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on\n // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create\n // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and\n // create now).\n weekYear = defaults(w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(local__createLocal(), 1, 4).year);\n week = defaults(w.W, 1);\n weekday = defaults(w.E, 1);\n if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {\n weekdayOverflow = true;\n }\n } else {\n dow = config._locale._week.dow;\n doy = config._locale._week.doy;\n\n weekYear = defaults(, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(local__createLocal(), dow, doy).year);\n week = defaults(w.w, 1);\n\n if (w.d != null) {\n // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week\n weekday = w.d;\n if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) {\n weekdayOverflow = true;\n }\n } else if (w.e != null) {\n // local weekday -- counting starts from begining of week\n weekday = w.e + dow;\n if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {\n weekdayOverflow = true;\n }\n } else {\n // default to begining of week\n weekday = dow;\n }\n }\n if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) {\n getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true;\n } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) {\n getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true;\n } else {\n temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy);\n config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;\n config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear;\n }\n }\n\n // constant that refers to the ISO standard\n utils_hooks__hooks.ISO_8601 = function () {};\n\n // date from string and format string\n function configFromStringAndFormat(config) {\n // TODO: Move this to another part of the creation flow to prevent circular deps\n if (config._f === utils_hooks__hooks.ISO_8601) {\n configFromISO(config);\n return;\n }\n\n config._a = [];\n getParsingFlags(config).empty = true;\n\n // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC`\n var string = '' + config._i,\n i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped,\n stringLength = string.length,\n totalParsedInputLength = 0;\n\n tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];\n\n for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {\n token = tokens[i];\n parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0];\n // console.log('token', token, 'parsedInput', parsedInput,\n // 'regex', getParseRegexForToken(token, config));\n if (parsedInput) {\n skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));\n if (skipped.length > 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped);\n }\n string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);\n totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length;\n }\n // don't parse if it's not a known token\n if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {\n if (parsedInput) {\n getParsingFlags(config).empty = false;\n }\n else {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);\n }\n addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config);\n }\n else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);\n }\n }\n\n // add remaining unparsed input length to the string\n getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;\n if (string.length > 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string);\n }\n\n // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12\n if (getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true &&\n config._a[HOUR] <= 12 &&\n config._a[HOUR] > 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined;\n }\n\n getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0);\n getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem;\n // handle meridiem\n config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap(config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem);\n\n configFromArray(config);\n checkOverflow(config);\n }\n\n\n function meridiemFixWrap (locale, hour, meridiem) {\n var isPm;\n\n if (meridiem == null) {\n // nothing to do\n return hour;\n }\n if (locale.meridiemHour != null) {\n return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem);\n } else if (locale.isPM != null) {\n // Fallback\n isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem);\n if (isPm && hour < 12) {\n hour += 12;\n }\n if (!isPm && hour === 12) {\n hour = 0;\n }\n return hour;\n } else {\n // this is not supposed to happen\n return hour;\n }\n }\n\n // date from string and array of format strings\n function configFromStringAndArray(config) {\n var tempConfig,\n bestMoment,\n\n scoreToBeat,\n i,\n currentScore;\n\n if (config._f.length === 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true;\n config._d = new Date(NaN);\n return;\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < config._f.length; i++) {\n currentScore = 0;\n tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);\n if (config._useUTC != null) {\n tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC;\n }\n tempConfig._f = config._f[i];\n configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);\n\n if (!valid__isValid(tempConfig)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format\n currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;\n\n //or tokens\n currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10;\n\n getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore;\n\n if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat) {\n scoreToBeat = currentScore;\n bestMoment = tempConfig;\n }\n }\n\n extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig);\n }\n\n function configFromObject(config) {\n if (config._d) {\n return;\n }\n\n var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);\n config._a = map([i.year, i.month, ||, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond], function (obj) {\n return obj && parseInt(obj, 10);\n });\n\n configFromArray(config);\n }\n\n function createFromConfig (config) {\n var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config)));\n if (res._nextDay) {\n // Adding is smart enough around DST\n res.add(1, 'd');\n res._nextDay = undefined;\n }\n\n return res;\n }\n\n function prepareConfig (config) {\n var input = config._i,\n format = config._f;\n\n config._locale = config._locale || locale_locales__getLocale(config._l);\n\n if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) {\n return valid__createInvalid({nullInput: true});\n }\n\n if (typeof input === 'string') {\n config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input);\n }\n\n if (isMoment(input)) {\n return new Moment(checkOverflow(input));\n } else if (isArray(format)) {\n configFromStringAndArray(config);\n } else if (format) {\n configFromStringAndFormat(config);\n } else if (isDate(input)) {\n config._d = input;\n } else {\n configFromInput(config);\n }\n\n if (!valid__isValid(config)) {\n config._d = null;\n }\n\n return config;\n }\n\n function configFromInput(config) {\n var input = config._i;\n if (input === undefined) {\n config._d = new Date(;\n } else if (isDate(input)) {\n config._d = new Date(input.valueOf());\n } else if (typeof input === 'string') {\n configFromString(config);\n } else if (isArray(input)) {\n config._a = map(input.slice(0), function (obj) {\n return parseInt(obj, 10);\n });\n configFromArray(config);\n } else if (typeof(input) === 'object') {\n configFromObject(config);\n } else if (typeof(input) === 'number') {\n // from milliseconds\n config._d = new Date(input);\n } else {\n utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);\n }\n }\n\n function createLocalOrUTC (input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) {\n var c = {};\n\n if (typeof(locale) === 'boolean') {\n strict = locale;\n locale = undefined;\n }\n // object construction must be done this way.\n //\n c._isAMomentObject = true;\n c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC;\n c._l = locale;\n c._i = input;\n c._f = format;\n c._strict = strict;\n\n return createFromConfig(c);\n }\n\n function local__createLocal (input, format, locale, strict) {\n return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false);\n }\n\n var prototypeMin = deprecate(\n 'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.',\n function () {\n var other = local__createLocal.apply(null, arguments);\n if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {\n return other < this ? this : other;\n } else {\n return valid__createInvalid();\n }\n }\n );\n\n var prototypeMax = deprecate(\n 'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.',\n function () {\n var other = local__createLocal.apply(null, arguments);\n if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {\n return other > this ? this : other;\n } else {\n return valid__createInvalid();\n }\n }\n );\n\n // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all\n // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive.\n //\n // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose\n // first element is an array of moment objects.\n function pickBy(fn, moments) {\n var res, i;\n if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {\n moments = moments[0];\n }\n if (!moments.length) {\n return local__createLocal();\n }\n res = moments[0];\n for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {\n if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) {\n res = moments[i];\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n // TODO: Use [].sort instead?\n function min () {\n var args = [], 0);\n\n return pickBy('isBefore', args);\n }\n\n function max () {\n var args = [], 0);\n\n return pickBy('isAfter', args);\n }\n\n var now = function () {\n return ? : +(new Date());\n };\n\n function Duration (duration) {\n var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),\n years = normalizedInput.year || 0,\n quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,\n months = normalizedInput.month || 0,\n weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,\n days = || 0,\n hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,\n minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,\n seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,\n milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;\n\n // representation for dateAddRemove\n this._milliseconds = +milliseconds +\n seconds * 1e3 + // 1000\n minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60\n hours * 1000 * 60 * 60; //using 1000 * 60 * 60 instead of 36e5 to avoid floating point rounding errors\n // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a\n // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately\n this._days = +days +\n weeks * 7;\n // It is impossible translate months into days without knowing\n // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store\n // it separately.\n this._months = +months +\n quarters * 3 +\n years * 12;\n\n this._data = {};\n\n this._locale = locale_locales__getLocale();\n\n this._bubble();\n }\n\n function isDuration (obj) {\n return obj instanceof Duration;\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n function offset (token, separator) {\n addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {\n var offset = this.utcOffset();\n var sign = '+';\n if (offset < 0) {\n offset = -offset;\n sign = '-';\n }\n return sign + zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~(offset) % 60, 2);\n });\n }\n\n offset('Z', ':');\n offset('ZZ', '');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('Z', matchShortOffset);\n addRegexToken('ZZ', matchShortOffset);\n addParseToken(['Z', 'ZZ'], function (input, array, config) {\n config._useUTC = true;\n config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n // timezone chunker\n // '+10:00' > ['10', '00']\n // '-1530' > ['-15', '30']\n var chunkOffset = /([\\+\\-]|\\d\\d)/gi;\n\n function offsetFromString(matcher, string) {\n var matches = ((string || '').match(matcher) || []);\n var chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || [];\n var parts = (chunk + '').match(chunkOffset) || ['-', 0, 0];\n var minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);\n\n return parts[0] === '+' ? minutes : -minutes;\n }\n\n // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model.\n function cloneWithOffset(input, model) {\n var res, diff;\n if (model._isUTC) {\n res = model.clone();\n diff = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? input.valueOf() : local__createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res.valueOf();\n // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api.\n res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff);\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(res, false);\n return res;\n } else {\n return local__createLocal(input).local();\n }\n }\n\n function getDateOffset (m) {\n // On Firefox.24 Date#getTimezoneOffset returns a floating point.\n //\n return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) * 15;\n }\n\n // HOOKS\n\n // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.\n // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset = function () {};\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without\n // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[utcOffset(2, true)]-->\n // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist with offset\n // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid.\n //\n // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour)\n // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset\n // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again\n // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because\n // there is no such time in the given timezone.\n function getSetOffset (input, keepLocalTime) {\n var offset = this._offset || 0,\n localAdjust;\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n if (input != null) {\n if (typeof input === 'string') {\n input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);\n } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16) {\n input = input * 60;\n }\n if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {\n localAdjust = getDateOffset(this);\n }\n this._offset = input;\n this._isUTC = true;\n if (localAdjust != null) {\n this.add(localAdjust, 'm');\n }\n if (offset !== input) {\n if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {\n add_subtract__addSubtract(this, create__createDuration(input - offset, 'm'), 1, false);\n } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {\n this._changeInProgress = true;\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this, true);\n this._changeInProgress = null;\n }\n }\n return this;\n } else {\n return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this);\n }\n }\n\n function getSetZone (input, keepLocalTime) {\n if (input != null) {\n if (typeof input !== 'string') {\n input = -input;\n }\n\n this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime);\n\n return this;\n } else {\n return -this.utcOffset();\n }\n }\n\n function setOffsetToUTC (keepLocalTime) {\n return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);\n }\n\n function setOffsetToLocal (keepLocalTime) {\n if (this._isUTC) {\n this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);\n this._isUTC = false;\n\n if (keepLocalTime) {\n this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), 'm');\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function setOffsetToParsedOffset () {\n if (this._tzm) {\n this.utcOffset(this._tzm);\n } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') {\n this.utcOffset(offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i));\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function hasAlignedHourOffset (input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return false;\n }\n input = input ? local__createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0;\n\n return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0;\n }\n\n function isDaylightSavingTime () {\n return (\n this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() ||\n this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()\n );\n }\n\n function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted () {\n if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) {\n return this._isDSTShifted;\n }\n\n var c = {};\n\n copyConfig(c, this);\n c = prepareConfig(c);\n\n if (c._a) {\n var other = c._isUTC ? create_utc__createUTC(c._a) : local__createLocal(c._a);\n this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() &&\n compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0;\n } else {\n this._isDSTShifted = false;\n }\n\n return this._isDSTShifted;\n }\n\n function isLocal () {\n return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false;\n }\n\n function isUtcOffset () {\n return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false;\n }\n\n function isUtc () {\n return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false;\n }\n\n // ASP.NET json date format regex\n var aspNetRegex = /^(\\-)?(?:(\\d*)[. ])?(\\d+)\\:(\\d+)(?:\\:(\\d+)\\.?(\\d{3})?\\d*)?$/;\n\n // from\n // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere\n // and further modified to allow for strings containing both week and day\n var isoRegex = /^(-)?P(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;\n\n function create__createDuration (input, key) {\n var duration = input,\n // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand\n match = null,\n sign,\n ret,\n diffRes;\n\n if (isDuration(input)) {\n duration = {\n ms : input._milliseconds,\n d : input._days,\n M : input._months\n };\n } else if (typeof input === 'number') {\n duration = {};\n if (key) {\n duration[key] = input;\n } else {\n duration.milliseconds = input;\n }\n } else if (!!(match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) {\n sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;\n duration = {\n y : 0,\n d : toInt(match[DATE]) * sign,\n h : toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign,\n m : toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign,\n s : toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign,\n ms : toInt(match[MILLISECOND]) * sign\n };\n } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {\n sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;\n duration = {\n y : parseIso(match[2], sign),\n M : parseIso(match[3], sign),\n w : parseIso(match[4], sign),\n d : parseIso(match[5], sign),\n h : parseIso(match[6], sign),\n m : parseIso(match[7], sign),\n s : parseIso(match[8], sign)\n };\n } else if (duration == null) {// checks for null or undefined\n duration = {};\n } else if (typeof duration === 'object' && ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration)) {\n diffRes = momentsDifference(local__createLocal(duration.from), local__createLocal(;\n\n duration = {};\n = diffRes.milliseconds;\n duration.M = diffRes.months;\n }\n\n ret = new Duration(duration);\n\n if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) {\n ret._locale = input._locale;\n }\n\n return ret;\n }\n\n create__createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype;\n\n function parseIso (inp, sign) {\n // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also\n // converts floats to ints.\n // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it.\n var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.'));\n // apply sign while we're at it\n return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign;\n }\n\n function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {\n var res = {milliseconds: 0, months: 0};\n\n res.months = other.month() - base.month() +\n (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;\n if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) {\n --res.months;\n }\n\n res.milliseconds = +other - +(base.clone().add(res.months, 'M'));\n\n return res;\n }\n\n function momentsDifference(base, other) {\n var res;\n if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) {\n return {milliseconds: 0, months: 0};\n }\n\n other = cloneWithOffset(other, base);\n if (base.isBefore(other)) {\n res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other);\n } else {\n res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);\n res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;\n res.months = -res.months;\n }\n\n return res;\n }\n\n function absRound (number) {\n if (number < 0) {\n return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1;\n } else {\n return Math.round(number);\n }\n }\n\n // TODO: remove 'name' arg after deprecation is removed\n function createAdder(direction, name) {\n return function (val, period) {\n var dur, tmp;\n //invert the arguments, but complain about it\n if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {\n deprecateSimple(name, 'moment().' + name + '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' + name + '(number, period).');\n tmp = val; val = period; period = tmp;\n }\n\n val = typeof val === 'string' ? +val : val;\n dur = create__createDuration(val, period);\n add_subtract__addSubtract(this, dur, direction);\n return this;\n };\n }\n\n function add_subtract__addSubtract (mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {\n var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,\n days = absRound(duration._days),\n months = absRound(duration._months);\n\n if (!mom.isValid()) {\n // No op\n return;\n }\n\n updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;\n\n if (milliseconds) {\n mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds * isAdding);\n }\n if (days) {\n get_set__set(mom, 'Date', get_set__get(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding);\n }\n if (months) {\n setMonth(mom, get_set__get(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding);\n }\n if (updateOffset) {\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months);\n }\n }\n\n var add_subtract__add = createAdder(1, 'add');\n var add_subtract__subtract = createAdder(-1, 'subtract');\n\n function moment_calendar__calendar (time, formats) {\n // We want to compare the start of today, vs this.\n // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're local/utc/offset or not.\n var now = time || local__createLocal(),\n sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf('day'),\n diff = this.diff(sod, 'days', true),\n format = diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' :\n diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' :\n diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' :\n diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' :\n diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' :\n diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse';\n\n var output = formats && (isFunction(formats[format]) ? formats[format]() : formats[format]);\n\n return this.format(output || this.localeData().calendar(format, this, local__createLocal(now)));\n }\n\n function clone () {\n return new Moment(this);\n }\n\n function isAfter (input, units) {\n var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : local__createLocal(input);\n if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');\n if (units === 'millisecond') {\n return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();\n } else {\n return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf();\n }\n }\n\n function isBefore (input, units) {\n var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : local__createLocal(input);\n if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');\n if (units === 'millisecond') {\n return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();\n } else {\n return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();\n }\n }\n\n function isBetween (from, to, units, inclusivity) {\n inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';\n return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(from, units) : !this.isBefore(from, units)) &&\n (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(to, units) : !this.isAfter(to, units));\n }\n\n function isSame (input, units) {\n var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : local__createLocal(input),\n inputMs;\n if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n units = normalizeUnits(units || 'millisecond');\n if (units === 'millisecond') {\n return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();\n } else {\n inputMs = localInput.valueOf();\n return this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs && inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf();\n }\n }\n\n function isSameOrAfter (input, units) {\n return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input,units);\n }\n\n function isSameOrBefore (input, units) {\n return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input,units);\n }\n\n function diff (input, units, asFloat) {\n var that,\n zoneDelta,\n delta, output;\n\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return NaN;\n }\n\n that = cloneWithOffset(input, this);\n\n if (!that.isValid()) {\n return NaN;\n }\n\n zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4;\n\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n\n if (units === 'year' || units === 'month' || units === 'quarter') {\n output = monthDiff(this, that);\n if (units === 'quarter') {\n output = output / 3;\n } else if (units === 'year') {\n output = output / 12;\n }\n } else {\n delta = this - that;\n output = units === 'second' ? delta / 1e3 : // 1000\n units === 'minute' ? delta / 6e4 : // 1000 * 60\n units === 'hour' ? delta / 36e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60\n units === 'day' ? (delta - zoneDelta) / 864e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst\n units === 'week' ? (delta - zoneDelta) / 6048e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst\n delta;\n }\n return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output);\n }\n\n function monthDiff (a, b) {\n // difference in months\n var wholeMonthDiff = ((b.year() - a.year()) * 12) + (b.month() - a.month()),\n // b is in (anchor - 1 month, anchor + 1 month)\n anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, 'months'),\n anchor2, adjust;\n\n if (b - anchor < 0) {\n anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, 'months');\n // linear across the month\n adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2);\n } else {\n anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, 'months');\n // linear across the month\n adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor);\n }\n\n //check for negative zero, return zero if negative zero\n return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0;\n }\n\n utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';\n utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormatUtc = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]';\n\n function toString () {\n return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');\n }\n\n function moment_format__toISOString () {\n var m = this.clone().utc();\n if (0 < m.year() && m.year() <= 9999) {\n if (isFunction(Date.prototype.toISOString)) {\n // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can\n return this.toDate().toISOString();\n } else {\n return formatMoment(m, 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]');\n }\n } else {\n return formatMoment(m, 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]');\n }\n }\n\n function format (inputString) {\n if (!inputString) {\n inputString = this.isUtc() ? utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormatUtc : utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormat;\n }\n var output = formatMoment(this, inputString);\n return this.localeData().postformat(output);\n }\n\n function from (time, withoutSuffix) {\n if (this.isValid() &&\n ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) ||\n local__createLocal(time).isValid())) {\n return create__createDuration({to: this, from: time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);\n } else {\n return this.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n }\n\n function fromNow (withoutSuffix) {\n return this.from(local__createLocal(), withoutSuffix);\n }\n\n function to (time, withoutSuffix) {\n if (this.isValid() &&\n ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) ||\n local__createLocal(time).isValid())) {\n return create__createDuration({from: this, to: time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);\n } else {\n return this.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n }\n\n function toNow (withoutSuffix) {\n return, withoutSuffix);\n }\n\n // If passed a locale key, it will set the locale for this\n // instance. Otherwise, it will return the locale configuration\n // variables for this instance.\n function locale (key) {\n var newLocaleData;\n\n if (key === undefined) {\n return this._locale._abbr;\n } else {\n newLocaleData = locale_locales__getLocale(key);\n if (newLocaleData != null) {\n this._locale = newLocaleData;\n }\n return this;\n }\n }\n\n var lang = deprecate(\n 'moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.',\n function (key) {\n if (key === undefined) {\n return this.localeData();\n } else {\n return this.locale(key);\n }\n }\n );\n\n function localeData () {\n return this._locale;\n }\n\n function startOf (units) {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n // the following switch intentionally omits break keywords\n // to utilize falling through the cases.\n switch (units) {\n case 'year':\n this.month(0);\n /* falls through */\n case 'quarter':\n case 'month':\n;\n /* falls through */\n case 'week':\n case 'isoWeek':\n case 'day':\n case 'date':\n this.hours(0);\n /* falls through */\n case 'hour':\n this.minutes(0);\n /* falls through */\n case 'minute':\n this.seconds(0);\n /* falls through */\n case 'second':\n this.milliseconds(0);\n }\n\n // weeks are a special case\n if (units === 'week') {\n this.weekday(0);\n }\n if (units === 'isoWeek') {\n this.isoWeekday(1);\n }\n\n // quarters are also special\n if (units === 'quarter') {\n this.month(Math.floor(this.month() / 3) * 3);\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n function endOf (units) {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond') {\n return this;\n }\n\n // 'date' is an alias for 'day', so it should be considered as such.\n if (units === 'date') {\n units = 'day';\n }\n\n return this.startOf(units).add(1, (units === 'isoWeek' ? 'week' : units)).subtract(1, 'ms');\n }\n\n function to_type__valueOf () {\n return this._d.valueOf() - ((this._offset || 0) * 60000);\n }\n\n function unix () {\n return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000);\n }\n\n function toDate () {\n return this._offset ? new Date(this.valueOf()) : this._d;\n }\n\n function toArray () {\n var m = this;\n return [m.year(), m.month(),, m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond()];\n }\n\n function toObject () {\n var m = this;\n return {\n years: m.year(),\n months: m.month(),\n date:,\n hours: m.hours(),\n minutes: m.minutes(),\n seconds: m.seconds(),\n milliseconds: m.milliseconds()\n };\n }\n\n function toJSON () {\n // new Date(NaN).toJSON() === null\n return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;\n }\n\n function moment_valid__isValid () {\n return valid__isValid(this);\n }\n\n function parsingFlags () {\n return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this));\n }\n\n function invalidAt () {\n return getParsingFlags(this).overflow;\n }\n\n function creationData() {\n return {\n input: this._i,\n format: this._f,\n locale: this._locale,\n isUTC: this._isUTC,\n strict: this._strict\n };\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['gg', 2], 0, function () {\n return this.weekYear() % 100;\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['GG', 2], 0, function () {\n return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;\n });\n\n function addWeekYearFormatToken (token, getter) {\n addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter);\n }\n\n addWeekYearFormatToken('gggg', 'weekYear');\n addWeekYearFormatToken('ggggg', 'weekYear');\n addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGG', 'isoWeekYear');\n addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGGG', 'isoWeekYear');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('weekYear', 'gg');\n addUnitAlias('isoWeekYear', 'GG');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('G', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('g', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('GG', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('gg', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('GGGG', match1to4, match4);\n addRegexToken('gggg', match1to4, match4);\n addRegexToken('GGGGG', match1to6, match6);\n addRegexToken('ggggg', match1to6, match6);\n\n addWeekParseToken(['gggg', 'ggggg', 'GGGG', 'GGGGG'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input);\n });\n\n addWeekParseToken(['gg', 'GG'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token] = utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);\n });\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetWeekYear (input) {\n return,\n input,\n this.week(),\n this.weekday(),\n this.localeData()._week.dow,\n this.localeData()._week.doy);\n }\n\n function getSetISOWeekYear (input) {\n return,\n input, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4);\n }\n\n function getISOWeeksInYear () {\n return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4);\n }\n\n function getWeeksInYear () {\n var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;\n return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy);\n }\n\n function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) {\n var weeksTarget;\n if (input == null) {\n return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year;\n } else {\n weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy);\n if (week > weeksTarget) {\n week = weeksTarget;\n }\n return, input, week, weekday, dow, doy);\n }\n }\n\n function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) {\n var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy),\n date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear);\n\n this.year(date.getUTCFullYear());\n this.month(date.getUTCMonth());\n;\n return this;\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('Q', 0, 'Qo', 'quarter');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('quarter', 'Q');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('Q', match1);\n addParseToken('Q', function (input, array) {\n array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3;\n });\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetQuarter (input) {\n return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this.month() % 3);\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('w', ['ww', 2], 'wo', 'week');\n addFormatToken('W', ['WW', 2], 'Wo', 'isoWeek');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('week', 'w');\n addUnitAlias('isoWeek', 'W');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('w', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('ww', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('W', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('WW', match1to2, match2);\n\n addWeekParseToken(['w', 'ww', 'W', 'WW'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n // LOCALES\n\n function localeWeek (mom) {\n return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleWeek = {\n dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.\n doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.\n };\n\n function localeFirstDayOfWeek () {\n return this._week.dow;\n }\n\n function localeFirstDayOfYear () {\n return this._week.doy;\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetWeek (input) {\n var week = this.localeData().week(this);\n return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');\n }\n\n function getSetISOWeek (input) {\n var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week;\n return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('D', ['DD', 2], 'Do', 'date');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('date', 'D');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('D', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('DD', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('Do', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return isStrict ? locale._ordinalParse : locale._ordinalParseLenient;\n });\n\n addParseToken(['D', 'DD'], DATE);\n addParseToken('Do', function (input, array) {\n array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0], 10);\n });\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet('Date', true);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('d', 0, 'do', 'day');\n\n addFormatToken('dd', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('ddd', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('dddd', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('e', 0, 0, 'weekday');\n addFormatToken('E', 0, 0, 'isoWeekday');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('day', 'd');\n addUnitAlias('weekday', 'e');\n addUnitAlias('isoWeekday', 'E');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('d', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('e', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('E', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('dd', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict);\n });\n addRegexToken('ddd', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict);\n });\n addRegexToken('dddd', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.weekdaysRegex(isStrict);\n });\n\n addWeekParseToken(['dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token, config._strict);\n // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid\n if (weekday != null) {\n week.d = weekday;\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input;\n }\n });\n\n addWeekParseToken(['d', 'e', 'E'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token] = toInt(input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n function parseWeekday(input, locale) {\n if (typeof input !== 'string') {\n return input;\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(input)) {\n return parseInt(input, 10);\n }\n\n input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);\n if (typeof input === 'number') {\n return input;\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n // LOCALES\n\n var defaultLocaleWeekdays = 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_');\n function localeWeekdays (m, format) {\n return isArray(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays[] :\n this._weekdays[this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone'][];\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_');\n function localeWeekdaysShort (m) {\n return this._weekdaysShort[];\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_');\n function localeWeekdaysMin (m) {\n return this._weekdaysMin[];\n }\n\n function day_of_week__handleStrictParse(weekdayName, format, strict) {\n var i, ii, mom, llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase();\n if (!this._weekdaysParse) {\n this._weekdaysParse = [];\n this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];\n this._minWeekdaysParse = [];\n\n for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {\n mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);\n this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n }\n }\n\n if (strict) {\n if (format === 'dddd') {\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else if (format === 'ddd') {\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n } else {\n if (format === 'dddd') {\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else if (format === 'ddd') {\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii =, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function localeWeekdaysParse (weekdayName, format, strict) {\n var i, mom, regex;\n\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n return, weekdayName, format, strict);\n }\n\n if (!this._weekdaysParse) {\n this._weekdaysParse = [];\n this._minWeekdaysParse = [];\n this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];\n this._fullWeekdaysParse = [];\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n\n mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);\n if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) {\n this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdays(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') + '$', 'i');\n this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') + '$', 'i');\n this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') + '$', 'i');\n }\n if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {\n regex = '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');\n this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');\n }\n // test the regex\n if (strict && format === 'dddd' && this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {\n return i;\n } else if (strict && format === 'ddd' && this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {\n return i;\n } else if (strict && format === 'dd' && this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {\n return i;\n } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetDayOfWeek (input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();\n if (input != null) {\n input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());\n return this.add(input - day, 'd');\n } else {\n return day;\n }\n }\n\n function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek (input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n var weekday = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;\n return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, 'd');\n }\n\n function getSetISODayOfWeek (input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n // behaves the same as moment#day except\n // as a getter, returns 7 instead of 0 (1-7 range instead of 0-6)\n // as a setter, sunday should belong to the previous week.\n return input == null ? || 7 : % 7 ? input : input - 7);\n }\n\n var defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord;\n function weekdaysRegex (isStrict) {\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n;\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._weekdaysStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysRegex;\n }\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict ?\n this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex;\n }\n }\n\n var defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord;\n function weekdaysShortRegex (isStrict) {\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n;\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysShortRegex;\n }\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict ?\n this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex;\n }\n }\n\n var defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord;\n function weekdaysMinRegex (isStrict) {\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n;\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysMinRegex;\n }\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict ?\n this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex;\n }\n }\n\n\n function computeWeekdaysParse () {\n function cmpLenRev(a, b) {\n return b.length - a.length;\n }\n\n var minPieces = [], shortPieces = [], longPieces = [], mixedPieces = [],\n i, mom, minp, shortp, longp;\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);\n minp = this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');\n shortp = this.weekdaysShort(mom, '');\n longp = this.weekdays(mom, '');\n minPieces.push(minp);\n shortPieces.push(shortp);\n longPieces.push(longp);\n mixedPieces.push(minp);\n mixedPieces.push(shortp);\n mixedPieces.push(longp);\n }\n // Sorting makes sure if one weekday (or abbr) is a prefix of another it\n // will match the longer piece.\n minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);\n longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);\n mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]);\n }\n\n this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;\n this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;\n\n this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + minPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('DDD', ['DDDD', 3], 'DDDo', 'dayOfYear');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('dayOfYear', 'DDD');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('DDD', match1to3);\n addRegexToken('DDDD', match3);\n addParseToken(['DDD', 'DDDD'], function (input, array, config) {\n config._dayOfYear = toInt(input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetDayOfYear (input) {\n var dayOfYear = Math.round((this.clone().startOf('day') - this.clone().startOf('year')) / 864e5) + 1;\n return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add((input - dayOfYear), 'd');\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n function hFormat() {\n return this.hours() % 12 || 12;\n }\n\n function kFormat() {\n return this.hours() || 24;\n }\n\n addFormatToken('H', ['HH', 2], 0, 'hour');\n addFormatToken('h', ['hh', 2], 0, hFormat);\n addFormatToken('k', ['kk', 2], 0, kFormat);\n\n addFormatToken('hmm', 0, 0, function () {\n return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('hmmss', 0, 0, function () {\n return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +\n zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('Hmm', 0, 0, function () {\n return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('Hmmss', 0, 0, function () {\n return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +\n zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2);\n });\n\n function meridiem (token, lowercase) {\n addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {\n return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase);\n });\n }\n\n meridiem('a', true);\n meridiem('A', false);\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('hour', 'h');\n\n // PARSING\n\n function matchMeridiem (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale._meridiemParse;\n }\n\n addRegexToken('a', matchMeridiem);\n addRegexToken('A', matchMeridiem);\n addRegexToken('H', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('h', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('HH', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('hh', match1to2, match2);\n\n addRegexToken('hmm', match3to4);\n addRegexToken('hmmss', match5to6);\n addRegexToken('Hmm', match3to4);\n addRegexToken('Hmmss', match5to6);\n\n addParseToken(['H', 'HH'], HOUR);\n addParseToken(['a', 'A'], function (input, array, config) {\n config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);\n config._meridiem = input;\n });\n addParseToken(['h', 'hh'], function (input, array, config) {\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input);\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;\n });\n addParseToken('hmm', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;\n });\n addParseToken('hmmss', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos1 = input.length - 4;\n var pos2 = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));\n array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;\n });\n addParseToken('Hmm', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));\n });\n addParseToken('Hmmss', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos1 = input.length - 4;\n var pos2 = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));\n array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));\n });\n\n // LOCALES\n\n function localeIsPM (input) {\n // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays\n // Using charAt should be more compatible.\n return ((input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p');\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\\.?m?\\.?/i;\n function localeMeridiem (hours, minutes, isLower) {\n if (hours > 11) {\n return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';\n } else {\n return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';\n }\n }\n\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n // Setting the hour should keep the time, because the user explicitly\n // specified which hour he wants. So trying to maintain the same hour (in\n // a new timezone) makes sense. Adding/subtracting hours does not follow\n // this rule.\n var getSetHour = makeGetSet('Hours', true);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('m', ['mm', 2], 0, 'minute');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('minute', 'm');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('m', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('mm', match1to2, match2);\n addParseToken(['m', 'mm'], MINUTE);\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetMinute = makeGetSet('Minutes', false);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('s', ['ss', 2], 0, 'second');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('second', 's');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('s', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('ss', match1to2, match2);\n addParseToken(['s', 'ss'], SECOND);\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetSecond = makeGetSet('Seconds', false);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('S', 0, 0, function () {\n return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['SS', 2], 0, function () {\n return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSS', 3], 0, 'millisecond');\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSS', 4], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 10;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSS', 5], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 100;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSS', 6], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 1000;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSS', 7], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 10000;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSS', 8], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 100000;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSSS', 9], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 1000000;\n });\n\n\n // ALIASES\n\n addUnitAlias('millisecond', 'ms');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('S', match1to3, match1);\n addRegexToken('SS', match1to3, match2);\n addRegexToken('SSS', match1to3, match3);\n\n var token;\n for (token = 'SSSS'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {\n addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned);\n }\n\n function parseMs(input, array) {\n array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000);\n }\n\n for (token = 'S'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {\n addParseToken(token, parseMs);\n }\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet('Milliseconds', false);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('z', 0, 0, 'zoneAbbr');\n addFormatToken('zz', 0, 0, 'zoneName');\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getZoneAbbr () {\n return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '';\n }\n\n function getZoneName () {\n return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : '';\n }\n\n var momentPrototype__proto = Moment.prototype;\n\n momentPrototype__proto.add = add_subtract__add;\n momentPrototype__proto.calendar = moment_calendar__calendar;\n momentPrototype__proto.clone = clone;\n momentPrototype__proto.diff = diff;\n momentPrototype__proto.endOf = endOf;\n momentPrototype__proto.format = format;\n momentPrototype__proto.from = from;\n momentPrototype__proto.fromNow = fromNow;\n = to;\n momentPrototype__proto.toNow = toNow;\n momentPrototype__proto.get = getSet;\n momentPrototype__proto.invalidAt = invalidAt;\n momentPrototype__proto.isAfter = isAfter;\n momentPrototype__proto.isBefore = isBefore;\n momentPrototype__proto.isBetween = isBetween;\n momentPrototype__proto.isSame = isSame;\n momentPrototype__proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter;\n momentPrototype__proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore;\n momentPrototype__proto.isValid = moment_valid__isValid;\n momentPrototype__proto.lang = lang;\n momentPrototype__proto.locale = locale;\n momentPrototype__proto.localeData = localeData;\n momentPrototype__proto.max = prototypeMax;\n momentPrototype__proto.min = prototypeMin;\n momentPrototype__proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags;\n momentPrototype__proto.set = getSet;\n momentPrototype__proto.startOf = startOf;\n momentPrototype__proto.subtract = add_subtract__subtract;\n momentPrototype__proto.toArray = toArray;\n momentPrototype__proto.toObject = toObject;\n momentPrototype__proto.toDate = toDate;\n momentPrototype__proto.toISOString = moment_format__toISOString;\n momentPrototype__proto.toJSON = toJSON;\n momentPrototype__proto.toString = toString;\n momentPrototype__proto.unix = unix;\n momentPrototype__proto.valueOf = to_type__valueOf;\n momentPrototype__proto.creationData = creationData;\n\n // Year\n momentPrototype__proto.year = getSetYear;\n momentPrototype__proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear;\n\n // Week Year\n momentPrototype__proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear;\n momentPrototype__proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear;\n\n // Quarter\n momentPrototype__proto.quarter = momentPrototype__proto.quarters = getSetQuarter;\n\n // Month\n momentPrototype__proto.month = getSetMonth;\n momentPrototype__proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;\n\n // Week\n momentPrototype__proto.week = momentPrototype__proto.weeks = getSetWeek;\n momentPrototype__proto.isoWeek = momentPrototype__proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek;\n momentPrototype__proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear;\n momentPrototype__proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear;\n\n // Day\n = getSetDayOfMonth;\n = momentPrototype__proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek;\n momentPrototype__proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;\n momentPrototype__proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek;\n momentPrototype__proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear;\n\n // Hour\n momentPrototype__proto.hour = momentPrototype__proto.hours = getSetHour;\n\n // Minute\n momentPrototype__proto.minute = momentPrototype__proto.minutes = getSetMinute;\n\n // Second\n momentPrototype__proto.second = momentPrototype__proto.seconds = getSetSecond;\n\n // Millisecond\n momentPrototype__proto.millisecond = momentPrototype__proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond;\n\n // Offset\n momentPrototype__proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset;\n momentPrototype__proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC;\n momentPrototype__proto.local = setOffsetToLocal;\n momentPrototype__proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset;\n momentPrototype__proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset;\n momentPrototype__proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime;\n momentPrototype__proto.isDSTShifted = isDaylightSavingTimeShifted;\n momentPrototype__proto.isLocal = isLocal;\n momentPrototype__proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset;\n momentPrototype__proto.isUtc = isUtc;\n momentPrototype__proto.isUTC = isUtc;\n\n // Timezone\n momentPrototype__proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr;\n momentPrototype__proto.zoneName = getZoneName;\n\n // Deprecations\n momentPrototype__proto.dates = deprecate('dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.', getSetDayOfMonth);\n momentPrototype__proto.months = deprecate('months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead', getSetMonth);\n momentPrototype__proto.years = deprecate('years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead', getSetYear);\n = deprecate('moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.', getSetZone);\n\n var momentPrototype = momentPrototype__proto;\n\n function moment__createUnix (input) {\n return local__createLocal(input * 1000);\n }\n\n function moment__createInZone () {\n return local__createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();\n }\n\n var defaultCalendar = {\n sameDay : '[Today at] LT',\n nextDay : '[Tomorrow at] LT',\n nextWeek : 'dddd [at] LT',\n lastDay : '[Yesterday at] LT',\n lastWeek : '[Last] dddd [at] LT',\n sameElse : 'L'\n };\n\n function locale_calendar__calendar (key, mom, now) {\n var output = this._calendar[key];\n return isFunction(output) ?, now) : output;\n }\n\n var defaultLongDateFormat = {\n LTS : 'h:mm:ss A',\n LT : 'h:mm A',\n L : 'MM/DD/YYYY',\n LL : 'MMMM D, YYYY',\n LLL : 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',\n LLLL : 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'\n };\n\n function longDateFormat (key) {\n var format = this._longDateFormat[key],\n formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()];\n\n if (format || !formatUpper) {\n return format;\n }\n\n this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper.replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (val) {\n return val.slice(1);\n });\n\n return this._longDateFormat[key];\n }\n\n var defaultInvalidDate = 'Invalid date';\n\n function invalidDate () {\n return this._invalidDate;\n }\n\n var defaultOrdinal = '%d';\n var defaultOrdinalParse = /\\d{1,2}/;\n\n function ordinal (number) {\n return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number);\n }\n\n function preParsePostFormat (string) {\n return string;\n }\n\n var defaultRelativeTime = {\n future : 'in %s',\n past : '%s ago',\n s : 'a few seconds',\n m : 'a minute',\n mm : '%d minutes',\n h : 'an hour',\n hh : '%d hours',\n d : 'a day',\n dd : '%d days',\n M : 'a month',\n MM : '%d months',\n y : 'a year',\n yy : '%d years'\n };\n\n function relative__relativeTime (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {\n var output = this._relativeTime[string];\n return (isFunction(output)) ?\n output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) :\n output.replace(/%d/i, number);\n }\n\n function pastFuture (diff, output) {\n var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past'];\n return isFunction(format) ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output);\n }\n\n var prototype__proto = Locale.prototype;\n\n prototype__proto._calendar = defaultCalendar;\n prototype__proto.calendar = locale_calendar__calendar;\n prototype__proto._longDateFormat = defaultLongDateFormat;\n prototype__proto.longDateFormat = longDateFormat;\n prototype__proto._invalidDate = defaultInvalidDate;\n prototype__proto.invalidDate = invalidDate;\n prototype__proto._ordinal = defaultOrdinal;\n prototype__proto.ordinal = ordinal;\n prototype__proto._ordinalParse = defaultOrdinalParse;\n prototype__proto.preparse = preParsePostFormat;\n prototype__proto.postformat = preParsePostFormat;\n prototype__proto._relativeTime = defaultRelativeTime;\n prototype__proto.relativeTime = relative__relativeTime;\n prototype__proto.pastFuture = pastFuture;\n prototype__proto.set = locale_set__set;\n\n // Month\n prototype__proto.months = localeMonths;\n prototype__proto._months = defaultLocaleMonths;\n prototype__proto.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort;\n prototype__proto._monthsShort = defaultLocaleMonthsShort;\n prototype__proto.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse;\n prototype__proto._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex;\n prototype__proto.monthsRegex = monthsRegex;\n prototype__proto._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex;\n prototype__proto.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex;\n\n // Week\n prototype__proto.week = localeWeek;\n prototype__proto._week = defaultLocaleWeek;\n prototype__proto.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear;\n prototype__proto.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek;\n\n // Day of Week\n prototype__proto.weekdays = localeWeekdays;\n prototype__proto._weekdays = defaultLocaleWeekdays;\n prototype__proto.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin;\n prototype__proto._weekdaysMin = defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin;\n prototype__proto.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort;\n prototype__proto._weekdaysShort = defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort;\n prototype__proto.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse;\n\n prototype__proto._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex;\n prototype__proto.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex;\n prototype__proto._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex;\n prototype__proto.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex;\n prototype__proto._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex;\n prototype__proto.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex;\n\n // Hours\n prototype__proto.isPM = localeIsPM;\n prototype__proto._meridiemParse = defaultLocaleMeridiemParse;\n prototype__proto.meridiem = localeMeridiem;\n\n function lists__get (format, index, field, setter) {\n var locale = locale_locales__getLocale();\n var utc = create_utc__createUTC().set(setter, index);\n return locale[field](utc, format);\n }\n\n function listMonthsImpl (format, index, field) {\n if (typeof format === 'number') {\n index = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n format = format || '';\n\n if (index != null) {\n return lists__get(format, index, field, 'month');\n }\n\n var i;\n var out = [];\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n out[i] = lists__get(format, i, field, 'month');\n }\n return out;\n }\n\n // ()\n // (5)\n // (fmt, 5)\n // (fmt)\n // (true)\n // (true, 5)\n // (true, fmt, 5)\n // (true, fmt)\n function listWeekdaysImpl (localeSorted, format, index, field) {\n if (typeof localeSorted === 'boolean') {\n if (typeof format === 'number') {\n index = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n format = format || '';\n } else {\n format = localeSorted;\n index = format;\n localeSorted = false;\n\n if (typeof format === 'number') {\n index = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n format = format || '';\n }\n\n var locale = locale_locales__getLocale(),\n shift = localeSorted ? locale._week.dow : 0;\n\n if (index != null) {\n return lists__get(format, (index + shift) % 7, field, 'day');\n }\n\n var i;\n var out = [];\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n out[i] = lists__get(format, (i + shift) % 7, field, 'day');\n }\n return out;\n }\n\n function lists__listMonths (format, index) {\n return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'months');\n }\n\n function lists__listMonthsShort (format, index) {\n return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'monthsShort');\n }\n\n function lists__listWeekdays (localeSorted, format, index) {\n return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdays');\n }\n\n function lists__listWeekdaysShort (localeSorted, format, index) {\n return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysShort');\n }\n\n function lists__listWeekdaysMin (localeSorted, format, index) {\n return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysMin');\n }\n\n locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale('en', {\n ordinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,\n ordinal : function (number) {\n var b = number % 10,\n output = (toInt(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :\n (b === 1) ? 'st' :\n (b === 2) ? 'nd' :\n (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';\n return number + output;\n }\n });\n\n // Side effect imports\n utils_hooks__hooks.lang = deprecate('moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.', locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale);\n utils_hooks__hooks.langData = deprecate('moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.', locale_locales__getLocale);\n\n var mathAbs = Math.abs;\n\n function duration_abs__abs () {\n var data = this._data;\n\n this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds);\n this._days = mathAbs(this._days);\n this._months = mathAbs(this._months);\n\n data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds);\n data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds);\n data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes);\n data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours);\n data.months = mathAbs(data.months);\n data.years = mathAbs(data.years);\n\n return this;\n }\n\n function duration_add_subtract__addSubtract (duration, input, value, direction) {\n var other = create__createDuration(input, value);\n\n duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds;\n duration._days += direction * other._days;\n duration._months += direction * other._months;\n\n return duration._bubble();\n }\n\n // supports only 2.0-style add(1, 's') or add(duration)\n function duration_add_subtract__add (input, value) {\n return duration_add_subtract__addSubtract(this, input, value, 1);\n }\n\n // supports only 2.0-style subtract(1, 's') or subtract(duration)\n function duration_add_subtract__subtract (input, value) {\n return duration_add_subtract__addSubtract(this, input, value, -1);\n }\n\n function absCeil (number) {\n if (number < 0) {\n return Math.floor(number);\n } else {\n return Math.ceil(number);\n }\n }\n\n function bubble () {\n var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;\n var days = this._days;\n var months = this._months;\n var data = this._data;\n var seconds, minutes, hours, years, monthsFromDays;\n\n // if we have a mix of positive and negative values, bubble down first\n // check:\n if (!((milliseconds >= 0 && days >= 0 && months >= 0) ||\n (milliseconds <= 0 && days <= 0 && months <= 0))) {\n milliseconds += absCeil(monthsToDays(months) + days) * 864e5;\n days = 0;\n months = 0;\n }\n\n // The following code bubbles up values, see the tests for\n // examples of what that means.\n data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000;\n\n seconds = absFloor(milliseconds / 1000);\n data.seconds = seconds % 60;\n\n minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);\n data.minutes = minutes % 60;\n\n hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);\n data.hours = hours % 24;\n\n days += absFloor(hours / 24);\n\n // convert days to months\n monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days));\n months += monthsFromDays;\n days -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays));\n\n // 12 months -> 1 year\n years = absFloor(months / 12);\n months %= 12;\n\n data.days = days;\n data.months = months;\n data.years = years;\n\n return this;\n }\n\n function daysToMonths (days) {\n // 400 years have 146097 days (taking into account leap year rules)\n // 400 years have 12 months === 4800\n return days * 4800 / 146097;\n }\n\n function monthsToDays (months) {\n // the reverse of daysToMonths\n return months * 146097 / 4800;\n }\n\n function as (units) {\n var days;\n var months;\n var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;\n\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n\n if (units === 'month' || units === 'year') {\n days = this._days + milliseconds / 864e5;\n months = this._months + daysToMonths(days);\n return units === 'month' ? months : months / 12;\n } else {\n // handle milliseconds separately because of floating point math errors (issue #1867)\n days = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months));\n switch (units) {\n case 'week' : return days / 7 + milliseconds / 6048e5;\n case 'day' : return days + milliseconds / 864e5;\n case 'hour' : return days * 24 + milliseconds / 36e5;\n case 'minute' : return days * 1440 + milliseconds / 6e4;\n case 'second' : return days * 86400 + milliseconds / 1000;\n // Math.floor prevents floating point math errors here\n case 'millisecond': return Math.floor(days * 864e5) + milliseconds;\n default: throw new Error('Unknown unit ' + units);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // TODO: Use'ms')?\n function duration_as__valueOf () {\n return (\n this._milliseconds +\n this._days * 864e5 +\n (this._months % 12) * 2592e6 +\n toInt(this._months / 12) * 31536e6\n );\n }\n\n function makeAs (alias) {\n return function () {\n return;\n };\n }\n\n var asMilliseconds = makeAs('ms');\n var asSeconds = makeAs('s');\n var asMinutes = makeAs('m');\n var asHours = makeAs('h');\n var asDays = makeAs('d');\n var asWeeks = makeAs('w');\n var asMonths = makeAs('M');\n var asYears = makeAs('y');\n\n function duration_get__get (units) {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n return this[units + 's']();\n }\n\n function makeGetter(name) {\n return function () {\n return this._data[name];\n };\n }\n\n var milliseconds = makeGetter('milliseconds');\n var seconds = makeGetter('seconds');\n var minutes = makeGetter('minutes');\n var hours = makeGetter('hours');\n var days = makeGetter('days');\n var months = makeGetter('months');\n var years = makeGetter('years');\n\n function weeks () {\n return absFloor(this.days() / 7);\n }\n\n var round = Math.round;\n var thresholds = {\n s: 45, // seconds to minute\n m: 45, // minutes to hour\n h: 22, // hours to day\n d: 26, // days to month\n M: 11 // months to year\n };\n\n // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize\n function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) {\n return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture);\n }\n\n function duration_humanize__relativeTime (posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, locale) {\n var duration = create__createDuration(posNegDuration).abs();\n var seconds = round('s'));\n var minutes = round('m'));\n var hours = round('h'));\n var days = round('d'));\n var months = round('M'));\n var years = round('y'));\n\n var a = seconds < thresholds.s && ['s', seconds] ||\n minutes <= 1 && ['m'] ||\n minutes < thresholds.m && ['mm', minutes] ||\n hours <= 1 && ['h'] ||\n hours < thresholds.h && ['hh', hours] ||\n days <= 1 && ['d'] ||\n days < thresholds.d && ['dd', days] ||\n months <= 1 && ['M'] ||\n months < thresholds.M && ['MM', months] ||\n years <= 1 && ['y'] || ['yy', years];\n\n a[2] = withoutSuffix;\n a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0;\n a[4] = locale;\n return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a);\n }\n\n // This function allows you to set a threshold for relative time strings\n function duration_humanize__getSetRelativeTimeThreshold (threshold, limit) {\n if (thresholds[threshold] === undefined) {\n return false;\n }\n if (limit === undefined) {\n return thresholds[threshold];\n }\n thresholds[threshold] = limit;\n return true;\n }\n\n function humanize (withSuffix) {\n var locale = this.localeData();\n var output = duration_humanize__relativeTime(this, !withSuffix, locale);\n\n if (withSuffix) {\n output = locale.pastFuture(+this, output);\n }\n\n return locale.postformat(output);\n }\n\n var iso_string__abs = Math.abs;\n\n function iso_string__toISOString() {\n // for ISO strings we do not use the normal bubbling rules:\n // * milliseconds bubble up until they become hours\n // * days do not bubble at all\n // * months bubble up until they become years\n // This is because there is no context-free conversion between hours and days\n // (think of clock changes)\n // and also not between days and months (28-31 days per month)\n var seconds = iso_string__abs(this._milliseconds) / 1000;\n var days = iso_string__abs(this._days);\n var months = iso_string__abs(this._months);\n var minutes, hours, years;\n\n // 3600 seconds -> 60 minutes -> 1 hour\n minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);\n hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);\n seconds %= 60;\n minutes %= 60;\n\n // 12 months -> 1 year\n years = absFloor(months / 12);\n months %= 12;\n\n\n // inspired by\n var Y = years;\n var M = months;\n var D = days;\n var h = hours;\n var m = minutes;\n var s = seconds;\n var total = this.asSeconds();\n\n if (!total) {\n // this is the same as C#'s (Noda) and python (isodate)...\n // but not other JS (\n return 'P0D';\n }\n\n return (total < 0 ? '-' : '') +\n 'P' +\n (Y ? Y + 'Y' : '') +\n (M ? M + 'M' : '') +\n (D ? D + 'D' : '') +\n ((h || m || s) ? 'T' : '') +\n (h ? h + 'H' : '') +\n (m ? m + 'M' : '') +\n (s ? s + 'S' : '');\n }\n\n var duration_prototype__proto = Duration.prototype;\n\n duration_prototype__proto.abs = duration_abs__abs;\n duration_prototype__proto.add = duration_add_subtract__add;\n duration_prototype__proto.subtract = duration_add_subtract__subtract;\n = as;\n duration_prototype__proto.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds;\n duration_prototype__proto.asSeconds = asSeconds;\n duration_prototype__proto.asMinutes = asMinutes;\n duration_prototype__proto.asHours = asHours;\n duration_prototype__proto.asDays = asDays;\n duration_prototype__proto.asWeeks = asWeeks;\n duration_prototype__proto.asMonths = asMonths;\n duration_prototype__proto.asYears = asYears;\n duration_prototype__proto.valueOf = duration_as__valueOf;\n duration_prototype__proto._bubble = bubble;\n duration_prototype__proto.get = duration_get__get;\n duration_prototype__proto.milliseconds = milliseconds;\n duration_prototype__proto.seconds = seconds;\n duration_prototype__proto.minutes = minutes;\n duration_prototype__proto.hours = hours;\n duration_prototype__proto.days = days;\n duration_prototype__proto.weeks = weeks;\n duration_prototype__proto.months = months;\n duration_prototype__proto.years = years;\n duration_prototype__proto.humanize = humanize;\n duration_prototype__proto.toISOString = iso_string__toISOString;\n duration_prototype__proto.toString = iso_string__toISOString;\n duration_prototype__proto.toJSON = iso_string__toISOString;\n duration_prototype__proto.locale = locale;\n duration_prototype__proto.localeData = localeData;\n\n // Deprecations\n duration_prototype__proto.toIsoString = deprecate('toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)', iso_string__toISOString);\n duration_prototype__proto.lang = lang;\n\n // Side effect imports\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('X', 0, 0, 'unix');\n addFormatToken('x', 0, 0, 'valueOf');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('x', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('X', matchTimestamp);\n addParseToken('X', function (input, array, config) {\n config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input, 10) * 1000);\n });\n addParseToken('x', function (input, array, config) {\n config._d = new Date(toInt(input));\n });\n\n // Side effect imports\n\n\n utils_hooks__hooks.version = '2.13.0';\n\n setHookCallback(local__createLocal);\n\n utils_hooks__hooks.fn = momentPrototype;\n utils_hooks__hooks.min = min;\n utils_hooks__hooks.max = max;\n = now;\n utils_hooks__hooks.utc = create_utc__createUTC;\n utils_hooks__hooks.unix = moment__createUnix;\n utils_hooks__hooks.months = lists__listMonths;\n utils_hooks__hooks.isDate = isDate;\n utils_hooks__hooks.locale = locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale;\n utils_hooks__hooks.invalid = valid__createInvalid;\n utils_hooks__hooks.duration = create__createDuration;\n utils_hooks__hooks.isMoment = isMoment;\n utils_hooks__hooks.weekdays = lists__listWeekdays;\n utils_hooks__hooks.parseZone = moment__createInZone;\n utils_hooks__hooks.localeData = locale_locales__getLocale;\n utils_hooks__hooks.isDuration = isDuration;\n utils_hooks__hooks.monthsShort = lists__listMonthsShort;\n utils_hooks__hooks.weekdaysMin = lists__listWeekdaysMin;\n utils_hooks__hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale;\n utils_hooks__hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale;\n utils_hooks__hooks.locales = locale_locales__listLocales;\n utils_hooks__hooks.weekdaysShort = lists__listWeekdaysShort;\n utils_hooks__hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits;\n utils_hooks__hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = duration_humanize__getSetRelativeTimeThreshold;\n utils_hooks__hooks.prototype = momentPrototype;\n\n var _moment = utils_hooks__hooks;\n\n return _moment;\n\n}));\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/moment/moment.js\n ** module id = 3\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","module.exports = function(module) {\r\n\tif(!module.webpackPolyfill) {\r\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\r\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\r\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\r\n\t\tmodule.children = [];\r\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn module;\r\n}\r\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** (webpack)/buildin/module.js\n ** module id = 4\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","var map = {\n\t\"./en-gb\": 6,\n\t\"./en-gb.js\": 6\n};\nfunction webpackContext(req) {\n\treturn __webpack_require__(webpackContextResolve(req));\n};\nfunction webpackContextResolve(req) {\n\treturn map[req] || (function() { throw new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'.\") }());\n};\nwebpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {\n\treturn Object.keys(map);\n};\nwebpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;\nmodule.exports = webpackContext;\ = 5;\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/moment/locale en-gb\n ** module id = 5\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : great britain english (en-gb)\n//! author : Chris Gedrim :\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n\n var en_gb = moment.defineLocale('en-gb', {\n months : 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_'),\n monthsShort : 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),\n weekdays : 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort : 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin : 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat : {\n LT : 'HH:mm',\n LTS : 'HH:mm:ss',\n L : 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL : 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL : 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL : 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'\n },\n calendar : {\n sameDay : '[Today at] LT',\n nextDay : '[Tomorrow at] LT',\n nextWeek : 'dddd [at] LT',\n lastDay : '[Yesterday at] LT',\n lastWeek : '[Last] dddd [at] LT',\n sameElse : 'L'\n },\n relativeTime : {\n future : 'in %s',\n past : '%s ago',\n s : 'a few seconds',\n m : 'a minute',\n mm : '%d minutes',\n h : 'an hour',\n hh : '%d hours',\n d : 'a day',\n dd : '%d days',\n M : 'a month',\n MM : '%d months',\n y : 'a year',\n yy : '%d years'\n },\n ordinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,\n ordinal : function (number) {\n var b = number % 10,\n output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :\n (b === 1) ? 'st' :\n (b === 2) ? 'nd' :\n (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';\n return number + output;\n },\n week : {\n dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n }\n });\n\n return en_gb;\n\n}));\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/moment/locale/en-gb.js\n ** module id = 6\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/*!\n * Timekit JavaScript SDK\n * Version: 1.3.0\n *\n *\n * Copyright 2015 Timekit, Inc.\n * The Timekit JavaScript SDK is freely distributable under the MIT license.\n *\n */\nvar axios = require('axios');\nvar base64 = require('base-64');\nvar humps = require('humps');\n\nfunction Timekit() {\n\n /**\n * Auth variables for login gated API methods\n * @type {String}\n */\n var userEmail;\n var userToken;\n var includes = [];\n var headers = {};\n\n /**\n * Default config\n * @type {Object}\n */\n var config = {\n app: 'demo',\n apiBaseUrl: '',\n apiVersion: 'v2',\n convertResponseToCamelcase: false,\n convertRequestToSnakecase: true\n };\n\n /**\n * Generate base64 string for basic auth purposes\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {String}\n */\n\n var encodeAuthHeader = function(email, token) {\n return base64.encode(email + ':' + token);\n };\n\n /**\n * Build absolute URL for API call\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {String}\n */\n var buildUrl = function(endpoint) {\n return config.apiBaseUrl + config.apiVersion + endpoint;\n };\n\n /**\n * Root Object that holds methods to expose for API consumption\n * @type {Object}\n */\n var TK = {};\n\n\n /**\n * Prepare and make HTTP request to API\n * @type {Object}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.makeRequest = function(args) {\n\n // construct URL with base, version and endpoint\n args.url = buildUrl(args.url);\n\n // add http headers if applicable\n args.headers = args.headers || headers || {};\n args.headers['Timekit-App'] =;\n if (config.inputTimestampFormat) { args.headers['Timekit-InputTimestampFormat'] = config.inputTimestampFormat; }\n if (config.outputTimestampFormat) { args.headers['Timekit-OutputTimestampFormat'] = config.outputTimestampFormat; }\n if (config.timezone) { args.headers['Timekit-Timezone'] = config.timezone; }\n\n // add auth headers if not being overwritten by request/asUser\n if (!args.headers['Authorization'] && userEmail && userToken) {\n args.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encodeAuthHeader(userEmail, userToken);\n }\n\n // reset headers\n if (Object.keys(headers).length > 0) {\n headers = {};\n }\n\n // add dynamic includes if applicable\n if (includes && includes.length > 0) {\n if (args.params === undefined) { args.params = {}; }\n args.params.include = includes.join();\n includes = [];\n }\n\n // decamelize keys in data objects\n if ( && config.convertRequestToSnakecase) { = humps.decamelizeKeys(; }\n\n // register response interceptor for data manipulation\n var interceptor = axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {\n if ( && {\n =;\n if (config.convertResponseToCamelcase) {\n = humps.camelizeKeys(;\n }\n }\n return response;\n }, function (error) {\n return Promise.reject(error);\n });\n\n // execute request!\n var request = axios(args);\n\n // deregister response interceptor\n axios.interceptors.response.eject(interceptor);\n\n return request;\n };\n\n /**\n * Overwrite default config with supplied settings\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Object}\n */\n TK.configure = function(custom) {\n for (var attr in custom) { config[attr] = custom[attr]; }\n return config;\n };\n\n /**\n * Returns the current config\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Object}\n */\n TK.getConfig = function() {\n return config;\n };\n\n /**\n * Set the active user manually (happens automatically on timekit.auth())\n * @type {Function}\n */\n TK.setUser = function(email, apiToken) {\n userEmail = email;\n userToken = apiToken;\n };\n\n /**\n * Set the active user temporarily for the next request (fluent/chainable return)\n * @type {Function}\n */\n TK.asUser = function(email, apiToken) {\n headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encodeAuthHeader(email, apiToken);\n return this;\n };\n\n /**\n * Returns the current active user\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Object}\n */\n TK.getUser = function() {\n return {\n email: userEmail,\n apiToken: userToken\n };\n };\n\n /**\n * Add supplied dynamic includes to the next request (fluent/chainable return)\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Object}\n */\n TK.include = function() {\n includes =;\n return this;\n };\n\n /**\n * Add supplied headers to the next request (fluent/chainable return)\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Object}\n */\n TK.headers = function(data) {\n headers = data;\n return this;\n };\n\n /**\n * Get user's connected accounts\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getAccounts = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/accounts',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Redirect to the Google signup/login page\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {String}\n */\n TK.accountGoogleSignup = function(data, shouldAutoRedirect) {\n\n var url = buildUrl('/accounts/google/signup') + '?Timekit-App=' + + (data && data.callback ? '&callback=' + data.callback : '');\n\n if(shouldAutoRedirect && window) {\n window.location.href = url;\n } else {\n return url;\n }\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get user's Google calendars\n * @type {Function\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getAccountGoogleCalendars = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/accounts/google/calendars',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Initiate an account sync\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.accountSync = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/accounts/sync',\n method: 'get',\n params: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Initiate an account sync where only calendar models are synced\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.accountSyncCalendars = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/accounts/sync/calendars',\n method: 'get',\n params: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Authenticate a user to retrive API token for future calls\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.auth = function(data) {\n\n var r = TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/auth',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n r.then(function(response) {\n TK.setUser(,;\n }).catch(function(){\n TK.setUser('','');\n });\n\n return r;\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get list of apps\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getApps = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/apps',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get settings for a specific app\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getApp = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/apps/' + data.slug,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new Timekit app\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createApp = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/apps',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Update settings for a specific app\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.updateApp = function(data) {\n\n var slug = data.slug;\n delete data.slug;\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/apps/' + slug,\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Delete an app\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.deleteApp = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/apps/' + data.slug,\n method: 'delete'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get users calendars that are present on Timekit (synced from providers)\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getCalendars = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/calendars',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get users calendars that are present on Timekit (synced from providers)\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getCalendar = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/calendars/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new calendar for current user\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createCalendar = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/calendars/',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Delete a calendar\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.deleteCalendar = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/calendars/' +,\n method: 'delete'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get users contacts that are present on Timekit (synced from providers)\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getContacts = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/contacts/',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get all user's events\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getEvents = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/events',\n method: 'get',\n params: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user's event by ID\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getEvent = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/events/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new event\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createEvent = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/events',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Update an existing event\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.updateEvent = function(data) {\n\n var id =;\n delete;\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/events/' + id,\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Delete a user's event by ID\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.deleteEvent = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/events/' +,\n method: 'delete'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user's anonymized availability (other user's on Timekit can be queryied by supplying their email)\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getAvailability = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/events/availability',\n method: 'get',\n params: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Find mutual availability across multiple users/calendars\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.findTime = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/findtime',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Find mutual availability across multiple users/calendars\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.findTimeBulk = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/findtime/bulk',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user's meetings\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getMeetings = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user's specific meeting\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getMeeting = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user's specific meeting\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createMeeting = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user's specific meeting\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.updateMeeting = function(data) {\n\n var id =;\n delete;\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings/' + id,\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Set availability (true/faalse) on a meeting's suggestion\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.setMeetingAvailability = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings/availability',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Book/finalize the meeting, sending out meeting invites to all participants\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.bookMeeting = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings/book',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Invite users/emails to a meeting, sending out invite emails to the supplied addresses\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.inviteToMeeting = function(data) {\n\n var id =;\n delete;\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/meetings/' + id + '/invite',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new user with the given properties\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createUser = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/users',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Fetch current user data from server\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getUserInfo = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/users/me',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Fetch current user data from server\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.updateUser = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/users/me',\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Reset password for a user\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.resetUserPassword = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/users/resetpassword',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a specific users' timezone\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getUserTimezone = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/users/timezone/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user property by key\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getUserProperties = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/properties',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a user property by key\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getUserProperty = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/properties/' + data.key,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Set or update user properties\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.setUserProperties = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/properties',\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get all user auth credentials\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getCredentials = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/credentials',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new pair of auth credentials\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createCredential = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/credentials',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Delete a pair of auth credentials\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.deleteCredential = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/credentials/' +,\n method: 'delete'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get all bookings\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getBookings = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/bookings',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get specific booking\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getBooking = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/bookings/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new booking\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createBooking = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/bookings',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Update an existing booking\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.updateBooking = function(data) {\n\n var id =;\n delete;\n\n var action = data.action;\n delete data.action;\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/bookings/' + id + '/' + action,\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get widgets\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getWidgets = function() {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets',\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get a specific widget\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getWidget = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get public widget by slug\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getHostedWidget = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets/hosted/' + data.slug,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Get public widget by slug\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.getEmbedWidget = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets/embed/' +,\n method: 'get'\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Create a new widget\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.createWidget = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets',\n method: 'post',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Update an existing widget\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.updateWidget = function(data) {\n\n var id =;\n delete;\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets/' + id,\n method: 'put',\n data: data\n });\n\n };\n\n /**\n * Delete a widget\n * @type {Function}\n * @return {Promise}\n */\n TK.deleteWidget = function(data) {\n\n return TK.makeRequest({\n url: '/widgets/' +,\n method: 'delete'\n });\n\n };\n\n return TK;\n\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Timekit();\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/timekit-sdk/src/timekit.js\n ** module id = 7\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","module.exports = require('./lib/axios');\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/index.js\n ** module id = 8\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar defaults = require('./defaults');\nvar utils = require('./utils');\nvar deprecatedMethod = require('./helpers/deprecatedMethod');\nvar dispatchRequest = require('./core/dispatchRequest');\nvar InterceptorManager = require('./core/InterceptorManager');\n\n// Polyfill ES6 Promise if needed\n(function () {\n // webpack is being used to set es6-promise to the native Promise\n // for the standalone build. It's necessary to make sure polyfill exists.\n var P = require('es6-promise');\n if (P && typeof P.polyfill === 'function') {\n P.polyfill();\n }\n})();\n\nvar axios = module.exports = function axios(config) {\n config = utils.merge({\n method: 'get',\n headers: {},\n transformRequest: defaults.transformRequest,\n transformResponse: defaults.transformResponse\n }, config);\n\n // Don't allow overriding defaults.withCredentials\n config.withCredentials = config.withCredentials || defaults.withCredentials;\n\n // Hook up interceptors middleware\n var chain = [dispatchRequest, undefined];\n var promise = Promise.resolve(config);\n\n axios.interceptors.request.forEach(function (interceptor) {\n chain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n axios.interceptors.response.forEach(function (interceptor) {\n chain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n while (chain.length) {\n promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift());\n }\n\n // Provide alias for success\n promise.success = function success(fn) {\n deprecatedMethod('success', 'then', '');\n\n promise.then(function(response) {\n fn(, response.status, response.headers, response.config);\n });\n return promise;\n };\n\n // Provide alias for error\n promise.error = function error(fn) {\n deprecatedMethod('error', 'catch', '');\n\n promise.then(null, function(response) {\n fn(, response.status, response.headers, response.config);\n });\n return promise;\n };\n\n return promise;\n};\n\n// Expose defaults\naxios.defaults = defaults;\n\n// Expose all/spread\naxios.all = function (promises) {\n return Promise.all(promises);\n};\naxios.spread = require('./helpers/spread');\n\n// Expose interceptors\naxios.interceptors = {\n request: new InterceptorManager(),\n response: new InterceptorManager()\n};\n\n// Provide aliases for supported request methods\n(function () {\n function createShortMethods() {\n utils.forEach(arguments, function (method) {\n axios[method] = function (url, config) {\n return axios(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url\n }));\n };\n });\n }\n\n function createShortMethodsWithData() {\n utils.forEach(arguments, function (method) {\n axios[method] = function (url, data, config) {\n return axios(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url,\n data: data\n }));\n };\n });\n }\n\n createShortMethods('delete', 'get', 'head');\n createShortMethodsWithData('post', 'put', 'patch');\n})();\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/axios.js\n ** module id = 9\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./utils');\n\nvar PROTECTION_PREFIX = /^\\)\\]\\}',?\\n/;\nvar DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n transformRequest: [function (data, headers) {\n if(utils.isFormData(data)) {\n return data;\n }\n if (utils.isArrayBuffer(data)) {\n return data;\n }\n if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) {\n return data.buffer;\n }\n if (utils.isObject(data) && !utils.isFile(data) && !utils.isBlob(data)) {\n // Set application/json if no Content-Type has been specified\n if (!utils.isUndefined(headers) && utils.isUndefined(headers['Content-Type'])) {\n headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json;charset=utf-8';\n }\n return JSON.stringify(data);\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n transformResponse: [function (data) {\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n data = data.replace(PROTECTION_PREFIX, '');\n try {\n data = JSON.parse(data);\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n headers: {\n common: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\n },\n patch: utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE),\n post: utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE),\n put: utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)\n },\n\n xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',\n xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN'\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/defaults.js\n ** module id = 10\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/*global toString:true*/\n\n// utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Array\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArray(val) {\n return === '[object Array]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBuffer(val) {\n return === '[object ArrayBuffer]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a FormData\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an FormData, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFormData(val) {\n return === '[object FormData]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a view on an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a view on an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBufferView(val) {\n if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') && (ArrayBuffer.isView)) {\n return ArrayBuffer.isView(val);\n } else {\n return (val) && (val.buffer) && (val.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a String\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isString(val) {\n return typeof val === 'string';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Number\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isNumber(val) {\n return typeof val === 'number';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is undefined\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the value is undefined, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isUndefined(val) {\n return typeof val === 'undefined';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isObject(val) {\n return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Date\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isDate(val) {\n return === '[object Date]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a File\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFile(val) {\n return === '[object File]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Blob\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Blob, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isBlob(val) {\n return === '[object Blob]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Trim excess whitespace off the beginning and end of a string\n *\n * @param {String} str The String to trim\n * @returns {String} The String freed of excess whitespace\n */\nfunction trim(str) {\n return str.replace(/^\\s*/, '').replace(/\\s*$/, '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterate over an Array or an Object invoking a function for each item.\n *\n * If `obj` is an Array or arguments callback will be called passing\n * the value, index, and complete array for each item.\n *\n * If 'obj' is an Object callback will be called passing\n * the value, key, and complete object for each property.\n *\n * @param {Object|Array} obj The object to iterate\n * @param {Function} fn The callback to invoke for each item\n */\nfunction forEach(obj, fn) {\n // Don't bother if no value provided\n if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n // Check if obj is array-like\n var isArrayLike = isArray(obj) || (typeof obj === 'object' && !isNaN(obj.length));\n\n // Force an array if not already something iterable\n if (typeof obj !== 'object' && !isArrayLike) {\n obj = [obj];\n }\n\n // Iterate over array values\n if (isArrayLike) {\n for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {\n, obj[i], i, obj);\n }\n }\n // Iterate over object keys\n else {\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n, obj[key], key, obj);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accepts varargs expecting each argument to be an object, then\n * immutably merges the properties of each object and returns result.\n *\n * When multiple objects contain the same key the later object in\n * the arguments list will take precedence.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```js\n * var result = merge({foo: 123}, {foo: 456});\n * console.log(; // outputs 456\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Object} obj1 Object to merge\n * @returns {Object} Result of all merge properties\n */\nfunction merge(/*obj1, obj2, obj3, ...*/) {\n var result = {};\n forEach(arguments, function (obj) {\n forEach(obj, function (val, key) {\n result[key] = val;\n });\n });\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n isArray: isArray,\n isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer,\n isFormData: isFormData,\n isArrayBufferView: isArrayBufferView,\n isString: isString,\n isNumber: isNumber,\n isObject: isObject,\n isUndefined: isUndefined,\n isDate: isDate,\n isFile: isFile,\n isBlob: isBlob,\n forEach: forEach,\n merge: merge,\n trim: trim\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/utils.js\n ** module id = 11\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Supply a warning to the developer that a method they are using\n * has been deprecated.\n *\n * @param {string} method The name of the deprecated method\n * @param {string} [instead] The alternate method to use if applicable\n * @param {string} [docs] The documentation URL to get further details\n */\nmodule.exports = function deprecatedMethod(method, instead, docs) {\n try {\n console.warn(\n 'DEPRECATED method `' + method + '`.' +\n (instead ? ' Use `' + instead + '` instead.' : '') +\n ' This method will be removed in a future release.');\n\n if (docs) {\n console.warn('For more information about usage see ' + docs);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/deprecatedMethod.js\n ** module id = 12\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Dispatch a request to the server using whichever adapter\n * is supported by the current environment.\n *\n * @param {object} config The config that is to be used for the request\n * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled\n */\nmodule.exports = function dispatchRequest(config) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n try {\n // For browsers use XHR adapter\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n require('../adapters/xhr')(resolve, reject, config);\n }\n // For node use HTTP adapter\n else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n require('../adapters/http')(resolve, reject, config);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n });\n};\n\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js\n ** module id = 13\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","// shim for using process in browser\n\nvar process = module.exports = {};\nvar queue = [];\nvar draining = false;\nvar currentQueue;\nvar queueIndex = -1;\n\nfunction cleanUpNextTick() {\n draining = false;\n if (currentQueue.length) {\n queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);\n } else {\n queueIndex = -1;\n }\n if (queue.length) {\n drainQueue();\n }\n}\n\nfunction drainQueue() {\n if (draining) {\n return;\n }\n var timeout = setTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);\n draining = true;\n\n var len = queue.length;\n while(len) {\n currentQueue = queue;\n queue = [];\n while (++queueIndex < len) {\n if (currentQueue) {\n currentQueue[queueIndex].run();\n }\n }\n queueIndex = -1;\n len = queue.length;\n }\n currentQueue = null;\n draining = false;\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n}\n\nprocess.nextTick = function (fun) {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n args[i - 1] = arguments[i];\n }\n }\n queue.push(new Item(fun, args));\n if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {\n setTimeout(drainQueue, 0);\n }\n};\n\n// v8 likes predictible objects\nfunction Item(fun, array) {\n = fun;\n this.array = array;\n}\ = function () {\n, this.array);\n};\nprocess.title = 'browser';\nprocess.browser = true;\nprocess.env = {};\nprocess.argv = [];\nprocess.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues\nprocess.versions = {};\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\nprocess.on = noop;\nprocess.addListener = noop;\nprocess.once = noop;\ = noop;\nprocess.removeListener = noop;\nprocess.removeAllListeners = noop;\nprocess.emit = noop;\n\nprocess.binding = function (name) {\n throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');\n};\n\nprocess.cwd = function () { return '/' };\nprocess.chdir = function (dir) {\n throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');\n};\nprocess.umask = function() { return 0; };\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/process/browser.js\n ** module id = 14\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/*global ActiveXObject:true*/\n\nvar defaults = require('./../defaults');\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar buildUrl = require('./../helpers/buildUrl');\nvar cookies = require('./../helpers/cookies');\nvar parseHeaders = require('./../helpers/parseHeaders');\nvar transformData = require('./../helpers/transformData');\nvar urlIsSameOrigin = require('./../helpers/urlIsSameOrigin');\n\nmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(resolve, reject, config) {\n // Transform request data\n var data = transformData(\n,\n config.headers,\n config.transformRequest\n );\n\n // Merge headers\n var requestHeaders = utils.merge(\n defaults.headers.common,\n defaults.headers[config.method] || {},\n config.headers || {}\n );\n\n if (utils.isFormData(data)) {\n delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n }\n\n // Create the request\n var request = new (XMLHttpRequest || ActiveXObject)('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n, buildUrl(config.url, config.params), true);\n\n // Listen for ready state\n request.onreadystatechange = function () {\n if (request && request.readyState === 4) {\n // Prepare the response\n var responseHeaders = parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders());\n var responseData = ['text', ''].indexOf(config.responseType || '') !== -1 ? request.responseText : request.response;\n var response = {\n data: transformData(\n responseData,\n responseHeaders,\n config.transformResponse\n ),\n status: request.status,\n statusText: request.statusText,\n headers: responseHeaders,\n config: config\n };\n\n // Resolve or reject the Promise based on the status\n (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300 ?\n resolve :\n reject)(response);\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n }\n };\n\n // Add xsrf header\n var xsrfValue = urlIsSameOrigin(config.url) ?\n || defaults.xsrfCookieName) :\n undefined;\n if (xsrfValue) {\n requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName || defaults.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue;\n }\n\n // Add headers to the request\n utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function (val, key) {\n // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined\n if (!data && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {\n delete requestHeaders[key];\n }\n // Otherwise add header to the request\n else {\n request.setRequestHeader(key, val);\n }\n });\n\n // Add withCredentials to request if needed\n if (config.withCredentials) {\n request.withCredentials = true;\n }\n\n // Add responseType to request if needed\n if (config.responseType) {\n try {\n request.responseType = config.responseType;\n } catch (e) {\n if (request.responseType !== 'json') {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (utils.isArrayBuffer(data)) {\n data = new DataView(data);\n }\n\n // Send the request\n request.send(data);\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js\n ** module id = 15\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nfunction encode(val) {\n return encodeURIComponent(val).\n replace(/%40/gi, '@').\n replace(/%3A/gi, ':').\n replace(/%24/g, '$').\n replace(/%2C/gi, ',').\n replace(/%20/g, '+');\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a URL by appending params to the end\n *\n * @param {string} url The base of the url (e.g.,\n * @param {object} [params] The params to be appended\n * @returns {string} The formatted url\n */\nmodule.exports = function buildUrl(url, params) {\n if (!params) {\n return url;\n }\n\n var parts = [];\n\n utils.forEach(params, function (val, key) {\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n if (!utils.isArray(val)) {\n val = [val];\n }\n\n utils.forEach(val, function (v) {\n if (utils.isDate(v)) {\n v = v.toISOString();\n }\n else if (utils.isObject(v)) {\n v = JSON.stringify(v);\n }\n parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v));\n });\n });\n\n if (parts.length > 0) {\n url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + parts.join('&');\n }\n\n return url;\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/buildUrl.js\n ** module id = 16\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n write: function write(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {\n var cookie = [];\n cookie.push(name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));\n\n if (utils.isNumber(expires)) {\n cookie.push('expires=' + new Date(expires).toGMTString());\n }\n\n if (utils.isString(path)) {\n cookie.push('path=' + path);\n }\n\n if (utils.isString(domain)) {\n cookie.push('domain=' + domain);\n }\n\n if (secure === true) {\n cookie.push('secure');\n }\n\n document.cookie = cookie.join('; ');\n },\n\n read: function read(name) {\n var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^|;\\\\s*)(' + name + ')=([^;]*)'));\n return (match ? decodeURIComponent(match[3]) : null);\n },\n\n remove: function remove(name) {\n this.write(name, '', - 86400000);\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/cookies.js\n ** module id = 17\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\n/**\n * Parse headers into an object\n *\n * ```\n * Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:58:49 GMT\n * Content-Type: application/json\n * Connection: keep-alive\n * Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n * ```\n *\n * @param {String} headers Headers needing to be parsed\n * @returns {Object} Headers parsed into an object\n */\nmodule.exports = function parseHeaders(headers) {\n var parsed = {}, key, val, i;\n\n if (!headers) { return parsed; }\n\n utils.forEach(headers.split('\\n'), function(line) {\n i = line.indexOf(':');\n key = utils.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase();\n val = utils.trim(line.substr(i + 1));\n\n if (key) {\n parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val;\n }\n });\n\n return parsed;\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js\n ** module id = 18\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\n/**\n * Transform the data for a request or a response\n *\n * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed\n * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response\n * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions\n * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data\n */\nmodule.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) {\n utils.forEach(fns, function (fn) {\n data = fn(data, headers);\n });\n\n return data;\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/transformData.js\n ** module id = 19\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\nvar urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');\nvar originUrl;\n\n/**\n * Parse a URL to discover it's components\n *\n * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed\n * @returns {Object}\n */\nfunction urlResolve(url) {\n var href = url;\n\n if (msie) {\n // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n href = urlParsingNode.href;\n }\n\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n\n // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface -\n return {\n href: urlParsingNode.href,\n protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',\n host:,\n search: ?^\\?/, '') : '',\n hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',\n hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname,\n port: urlParsingNode.port,\n pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ?\n urlParsingNode.pathname :\n '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname\n };\n}\n\noriginUrl = urlResolve(window.location.href);\n\n/**\n * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location\n *\n * @param {String} requestUrl The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false\n */\nmodule.exports = function urlIsSameOrigin(requestUrl) {\n var parsed = (utils.isString(requestUrl)) ? urlResolve(requestUrl) : requestUrl;\n return (parsed.protocol === originUrl.protocol &&\n ===;\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/urlIsSameOrigin.js\n ** module id = 20\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nfunction InterceptorManager() {\n this.handlers = [];\n}\n\n/**\n * Add a new interceptor to the stack\n *\n * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise`\n * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise`\n *\n * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.use = function (fulfilled, rejected) {\n this.handlers.push({\n fulfilled: fulfilled,\n rejected: rejected\n });\n return this.handlers.length - 1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove an interceptor from the stack\n *\n * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use`\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.eject = function (id) {\n if (this.handlers[id]) {\n this.handlers[id] = null;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Iterate over all the registered interceptors\n *\n * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any\n * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `remove`.\n *\n * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.forEach = function (fn) {\n utils.forEach(this.handlers, function (h) {\n if (h !== null) {\n fn(h);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = InterceptorManager;\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js\n ** module id = 21\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","/*!\n * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)\n * @license Licensed under MIT license\n * See\n * @version 2.3.0\n */\n\n(function() {\n \"use strict\";\n function lib$es6$promise$utils$$objectOrFunction(x) {\n return typeof x === 'function' || (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null);\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(x) {\n return typeof x === 'function';\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$utils$$isMaybeThenable(x) {\n return typeof x === 'object' && x !== null;\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray;\n if (!Array.isArray) {\n lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray = function (x) {\n return === '[object Array]';\n };\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray = Array.isArray;\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray = lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray;\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$len = 0;\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$toString = {}.toString;\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext;\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn;\n\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap = function asap(callback, arg) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[lib$es6$promise$asap$$len] = callback;\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[lib$es6$promise$asap$$len + 1] = arg;\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$len += 2;\n if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$len === 2) {\n // If len is 2, that means that we need to schedule an async flush.\n // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they\n // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling.\n if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush);\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush();\n }\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$setScheduler(scheduleFn) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn = scheduleFn;\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$setAsap(asapFn) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap = asapFn;\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : undefined;\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal = lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow || {};\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver = lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal.MutationObserver || lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]';\n\n // test for web worker but not in IE10\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined';\n\n // node\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useNextTick() {\n var nextTick = process.nextTick;\n // node version 0.10.x displays a deprecation warning when nextTick is used recursively\n // setImmediate should be used instead instead\n var version = process.versions.node.match(/^(?:(\\d+)\\.)?(?:(\\d+)\\.)?(\\*|\\d+)$/);\n if (Array.isArray(version) && version[1] === '0' && version[2] === '10') {\n nextTick = setImmediate;\n }\n return function() {\n nextTick(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush);\n };\n }\n\n // vertx\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useVertxTimer() {\n return function() {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush);\n };\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMutationObserver() {\n var iterations = 0;\n var observer = new lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush);\n var node = document.createTextNode('');\n observer.observe(node, { characterData: true });\n\n return function() {\n = (iterations = ++iterations % 2);\n };\n }\n\n // web worker\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMessageChannel() {\n var channel = new MessageChannel();\n channel.port1.onmessage = lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush;\n return function () {\n channel.port2.postMessage(0);\n };\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout() {\n return function() {\n setTimeout(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush, 1);\n };\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue = new Array(1000);\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush() {\n for (var i = 0; i < lib$es6$promise$asap$$len; i+=2) {\n var callback = lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i];\n var arg = lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i+1];\n\n callback(arg);\n\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i] = undefined;\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i+1] = undefined;\n }\n\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$len = 0;\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$asap$$attemptVertex() {\n try {\n var r = require;\n var vertx = r('vertx');\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext;\n return lib$es6$promise$asap$$useVertxTimer();\n } catch(e) {\n return lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout();\n }\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush;\n // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks:\n if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$isNode) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useNextTick();\n } else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMutationObserver();\n } else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$isWorker) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMessageChannel();\n } else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow === undefined && typeof require === 'function') {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$attemptVertex();\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout();\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop() {}\n\n var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING = void 0;\n var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED = 1;\n var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED = 2;\n\n var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR = new lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject();\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$selfFullfillment() {\n return new TypeError(\"You cannot resolve a promise with itself\");\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$cannotReturnOwn() {\n return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.');\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(promise) {\n try {\n return promise.then;\n } catch(error) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error;\n return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR;\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryThen(then, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {\n try {\n, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);\n } catch(e) {\n return e;\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(function(promise) {\n var sealed = false;\n var error = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryThen(then, thenable, function(value) {\n if (sealed) { return; }\n sealed = true;\n if (thenable !== value) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value);\n }\n }, function(reason) {\n if (sealed) { return; }\n sealed = true;\n\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);\n }, 'Settle: ' + (promise._label || ' unknown promise'));\n\n if (!sealed && error) {\n sealed = true;\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, error);\n }\n }, promise);\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) {\n if (thenable._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, thenable._result);\n } else if (thenable._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, thenable._result);\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(thenable, undefined, function(value) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);\n }, function(reason) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);\n });\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable) {\n if (maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable);\n } else {\n var then = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(maybeThenable);\n\n if (then === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR.error);\n } else if (then === undefined) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);\n } else if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(then)) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then);\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);\n }\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) {\n if (promise === value) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$selfFullfillment());\n } else if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$objectOrFunction(value)) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, value);\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value);\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publishRejection(promise) {\n if (promise._onerror) {\n promise._onerror(promise._result);\n }\n\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish(promise);\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value) {\n if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { return; }\n\n promise._result = value;\n promise._state = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED;\n\n if (promise._subscribers.length !== 0) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish, promise);\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) {\n if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { return; }\n promise._state = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED;\n promise._result = reason;\n\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publishRejection, promise);\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {\n var subscribers = parent._subscribers;\n var length = subscribers.length;\n\n parent._onerror = null;\n\n subscribers[length] = child;\n subscribers[length + lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;\n subscribers[length + lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED] = onRejection;\n\n if (length === 0 && parent._state) {\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish, parent);\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish(promise) {\n var subscribers = promise._subscribers;\n var settled = promise._state;\n\n if (subscribers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n var child, callback, detail = promise._result;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {\n child = subscribers[i];\n callback = subscribers[i + settled];\n\n if (child) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);\n } else {\n callback(detail);\n }\n }\n\n promise._subscribers.length = 0;\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject() {\n this.error = null;\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject();\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch(callback, detail) {\n try {\n return callback(detail);\n } catch(e) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e;\n return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR;\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {\n var hasCallback = lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(callback),\n value, error, succeeded, failed;\n\n if (hasCallback) {\n value = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch(callback, detail);\n\n if (value === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR) {\n failed = true;\n error = value.error;\n value = null;\n } else {\n succeeded = true;\n }\n\n if (promise === value) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$cannotReturnOwn());\n return;\n }\n\n } else {\n value = detail;\n succeeded = true;\n }\n\n if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) {\n // noop\n } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);\n } else if (failed) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, error);\n } else if (settled === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value);\n } else if (settled === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, value);\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$initializePromise(promise, resolver) {\n try {\n resolver(function resolvePromise(value){\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);\n }, function rejectPromise(reason) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);\n });\n } catch(e) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, e);\n }\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator(Constructor, input) {\n var enumerator = this;\n\n enumerator._instanceConstructor = Constructor;\n enumerator.promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);\n\n if (enumerator._validateInput(input)) {\n enumerator._input = input;\n enumerator.length = input.length;\n enumerator._remaining = input.length;\n\n enumerator._init();\n\n if (enumerator.length === 0) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(enumerator.promise, enumerator._result);\n } else {\n enumerator.length = enumerator.length || 0;\n enumerator._enumerate();\n if (enumerator._remaining === 0) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(enumerator.promise, enumerator._result);\n }\n }\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(enumerator.promise, enumerator._validationError());\n }\n }\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._validateInput = function(input) {\n return lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray(input);\n };\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._validationError = function() {\n return new Error('Array Methods must be provided an Array');\n };\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._init = function() {\n this._result = new Array(this.length);\n };\n\n var lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$default = lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator;\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._enumerate = function() {\n var enumerator = this;\n\n var length = enumerator.length;\n var promise = enumerator.promise;\n var input = enumerator._input;\n\n for (var i = 0; promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING && i < length; i++) {\n enumerator._eachEntry(input[i], i);\n }\n };\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._eachEntry = function(entry, i) {\n var enumerator = this;\n var c = enumerator._instanceConstructor;\n\n if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$isMaybeThenable(entry)) {\n if (entry.constructor === c && entry._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) {\n entry._onerror = null;\n enumerator._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result);\n } else {\n enumerator._willSettleAt(c.resolve(entry), i);\n }\n } else {\n enumerator._remaining--;\n enumerator._result[i] = entry;\n }\n };\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._settledAt = function(state, i, value) {\n var enumerator = this;\n var promise = enumerator.promise;\n\n if (promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) {\n enumerator._remaining--;\n\n if (state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, value);\n } else {\n enumerator._result[i] = value;\n }\n }\n\n if (enumerator._remaining === 0) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, enumerator._result);\n }\n };\n\n lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._willSettleAt = function(promise, i) {\n var enumerator = this;\n\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(promise, undefined, function(value) {\n enumerator._settledAt(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED, i, value);\n }, function(reason) {\n enumerator._settledAt(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED, i, reason);\n });\n };\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$all(entries) {\n return new lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$default(this, entries).promise;\n }\n var lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$all;\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$race(entries) {\n /*jshint validthis:true */\n var Constructor = this;\n\n var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);\n\n if (!lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray(entries)) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'));\n return promise;\n }\n\n var length = entries.length;\n\n function onFulfillment(value) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);\n }\n\n function onRejection(reason) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING && i < length; i++) {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(Constructor.resolve(entries[i]), undefined, onFulfillment, onRejection);\n }\n\n return promise;\n }\n var lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$race;\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$resolve(object) {\n /*jshint validthis:true */\n var Constructor = this;\n\n if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Constructor) {\n return object;\n }\n\n var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, object);\n return promise;\n }\n var lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$resolve;\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$reject(reason) {\n /*jshint validthis:true */\n var Constructor = this;\n var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);\n return promise;\n }\n var lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$reject;\n\n var lib$es6$promise$promise$$counter = 0;\n\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsResolver() {\n throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor');\n }\n\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsNew() {\n throw new TypeError(\"Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.\");\n }\n\n var lib$es6$promise$promise$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise;\n /**\n Promise objects represent the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The\n primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which\n registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason\n why the promise cannot be fulfilled.\n\n Terminology\n -----------\n\n - `promise` is an object or function with a `then` method whose behavior conforms to this specification.\n - `thenable` is an object or function that defines a `then` method.\n - `value` is any legal JavaScript value (including undefined, a thenable, or a promise).\n - `exception` is a value that is thrown using the throw statement.\n - `reason` is a value that indicates why a promise was rejected.\n - `settled` the final resting state of a promise, fulfilled or rejected.\n\n A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.\n\n Promises that are fulfilled have a fulfillment value and are in the fulfilled\n state. Promises that are rejected have a rejection reason and are in the\n rejected state. A fulfillment value is never a thenable.\n\n Promises can also be said to *resolve* a value. If this value is also a\n promise, then the original promise's settled state will match the value's\n settled state. So a promise that *resolves* a promise that rejects will\n itself reject, and a promise that *resolves* a promise that fulfills will\n itself fulfill.\n\n\n Basic Usage:\n ------------\n\n ```js\n var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n // on success\n resolve(value);\n\n // on failure\n reject(reason);\n });\n\n promise.then(function(value) {\n // on fulfillment\n }, function(reason) {\n // on rejection\n });\n ```\n\n Advanced Usage:\n ---------------\n\n Promises shine when abstracting away asynchronous interactions such as\n `XMLHttpRequest`s.\n\n ```js\n function getJSON(url) {\n return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){\n var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\n'GET', url);\n xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;\n xhr.responseType = 'json';\n xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');\n xhr.send();\n\n function handler() {\n if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {\n if (this.status === 200) {\n resolve(this.response);\n } else {\n reject(new Error('getJSON: `' + url + '` failed with status: [' + this.status + ']'));\n }\n }\n };\n });\n }\n\n getJSON('/posts.json').then(function(json) {\n // on fulfillment\n }, function(reason) {\n // on rejection\n });\n ```\n\n Unlike callbacks, promises are great composable primitives.\n\n ```js\n Promise.all([\n getJSON('/posts'),\n getJSON('/comments')\n ]).then(function(values){\n values[0] // => postsJSON\n values[1] // => commentsJSON\n\n return values;\n });\n ```\n\n @class Promise\n @param {function} resolver\n Useful for tooling.\n @constructor\n */\n function lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise(resolver) {\n this._id = lib$es6$promise$promise$$counter++;\n this._state = undefined;\n this._result = undefined;\n this._subscribers = [];\n\n if (lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop !== resolver) {\n if (!lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(resolver)) {\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsResolver();\n }\n\n if (!(this instanceof lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise)) {\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsNew();\n }\n\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$initializePromise(this, resolver);\n }\n }\n\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.all = lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$default;\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.race = lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$default;\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.resolve = lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default;\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.reject = lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$default;\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._setScheduler = lib$es6$promise$asap$$setScheduler;\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._setAsap = lib$es6$promise$asap$$setAsap;\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._asap = lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap;\n\n lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.prototype = {\n constructor: lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise,\n\n /**\n The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method,\n which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the\n reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.\n\n ```js\n findUser().then(function(user){\n // user is available\n }, function(reason){\n // user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why\n });\n ```\n\n Chaining\n --------\n\n The return value of `then` is itself a promise. This second, 'downstream'\n promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment\n or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception.\n\n ```js\n findUser().then(function (user) {\n return;\n }, function (reason) {\n return 'default name';\n }).then(function (userName) {\n // If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it\n // will be `'default name'`\n });\n\n findUser().then(function (user) {\n throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy');\n }, function (reason) {\n throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy');\n }).then(function (value) {\n // never reached\n }, function (reason) {\n // if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'.\n // If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy'.\n });\n ```\n If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream.\n\n ```js\n findUser().then(function (user) {\n throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error');\n }).then(function (value) {\n // never reached\n }).then(function (value) {\n // never reached\n }, function (reason) {\n // The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here\n });\n ```\n\n Assimilation\n ------------\n\n Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be\n retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the\n fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending\n until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*.\n\n ```js\n findUser().then(function (user) {\n return findCommentsByAuthor(user);\n }).then(function (comments) {\n // The user's comments are now available\n });\n ```\n\n If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject.\n\n ```js\n findUser().then(function (user) {\n return findCommentsByAuthor(user);\n }).then(function (comments) {\n // If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here\n }, function (reason) {\n // If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here\n });\n ```\n\n Simple Example\n --------------\n\n Synchronous Example\n\n ```javascript\n var result;\n\n try {\n result = findResult();\n // success\n } catch(reason) {\n // failure\n }\n ```\n\n Errback Example\n\n ```js\n findResult(function(result, err){\n if (err) {\n // failure\n } else {\n // success\n }\n });\n ```\n\n Promise Example;\n\n ```javascript\n findResult().then(function(result){\n // success\n }, function(reason){\n // failure\n });\n ```\n\n Advanced Example\n --------------\n\n Synchronous Example\n\n ```javascript\n var author, books;\n\n try {\n author = findAuthor();\n books = findBooksByAuthor(author);\n // success\n } catch(reason) {\n // failure\n }\n ```\n\n Errback Example\n\n ```js\n\n function foundBooks(books) {\n\n }\n\n function failure(reason) {\n\n }\n\n findAuthor(function(author, err){\n if (err) {\n failure(err);\n // failure\n } else {\n try {\n findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) {\n if (err) {\n failure(err);\n } else {\n try {\n foundBooks(books);\n } catch(reason) {\n failure(reason);\n }\n }\n });\n } catch(error) {\n failure(err);\n }\n // success\n }\n });\n ```\n\n Promise Example;\n\n ```javascript\n findAuthor().\n then(findBooksByAuthor).\n then(function(books){\n // found books\n }).catch(function(reason){\n // something went wrong\n });\n ```\n\n @method then\n @param {Function} onFulfilled\n @param {Function} onRejected\n Useful for tooling.\n @return {Promise}\n */\n then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection) {\n var parent = this;\n var state = parent._state;\n\n if (state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED && !onFulfillment || state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED && !onRejection) {\n return this;\n }\n\n var child = new this.constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);\n var result = parent._result;\n\n if (state) {\n var callback = arguments[state - 1];\n lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(function(){\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(state, child, callback, result);\n });\n } else {\n lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection);\n }\n\n return child;\n },\n\n /**\n `catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same\n as the catch block of a try/catch statement.\n\n ```js\n function findAuthor(){\n throw new Error('couldn't find that author');\n }\n\n // synchronous\n try {\n findAuthor();\n } catch(reason) {\n // something went wrong\n }\n\n // async with promises\n findAuthor().catch(function(reason){\n // something went wrong\n });\n ```\n\n @method catch\n @param {Function} onRejection\n Useful for tooling.\n @return {Promise}\n */\n 'catch': function(onRejection) {\n return this.then(null, onRejection);\n }\n };\n function lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$polyfill() {\n var local;\n\n if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {\n local = global;\n } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {\n local = self;\n } else {\n try {\n local = Function('return this')();\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment');\n }\n }\n\n var P = local.Promise;\n\n if (P && === '[object Promise]' && !P.cast) {\n return;\n }\n\n local.Promise = lib$es6$promise$promise$$default;\n }\n var lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default = lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$polyfill;\n\n var lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise = {\n 'Promise': lib$es6$promise$promise$$default,\n 'polyfill': lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default\n };\n\n /* global define:true module:true window: true */\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) {\n define(function() { return lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise; });\n } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module['exports']) {\n module['exports'] = lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise;\n } else if (typeof this !== 'undefined') {\n this['ES6Promise'] = lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise;\n }\n\n lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default();\n}).call(this);\n\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.js\n ** module id = 22\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","var nextTick = require('process/browser.js').nextTick;\nvar apply = Function.prototype.apply;\nvar slice = Array.prototype.slice;\nvar immediateIds = {};\nvar nextImmediateId = 0;\n\n// DOM APIs, for completeness\n\nexports.setTimeout = function() {\n return new Timeout(, window, arguments), clearTimeout);\n};\nexports.setInterval = function() {\n return new Timeout(, window, arguments), clearInterval);\n};\nexports.clearTimeout =\nexports.clearInterval = function(timeout) { timeout.close(); };\n\nfunction Timeout(id, clearFn) {\n this._id = id;\n this._clearFn = clearFn;\n}\nTimeout.prototype.unref = Timeout.prototype.ref = function() {};\nTimeout.prototype.close = function() {\n, this._id);\n};\n\n// Does not start the time, just sets up the members needed.\nexports.enroll = function(item, msecs) {\n clearTimeout(item._idleTimeoutId);\n item._idleTimeout = msecs;\n};\n\nexports.unenroll = function(item) {\n clearTimeout(item._idleTimeoutId);\n item._idleTimeout = -1;\n};\n\nexports._unrefActive = = function(item) {\n clearTimeout(item._idleTimeoutId);\n\n var msecs = item._idleTimeout;\n if (msecs >= 0) {\n item._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function onTimeout() {\n if (item._onTimeout)\n item._onTimeout();\n }, msecs);\n }\n};\n\n// That's not how node.js implements it but the exposed api is the same.\nexports.setImmediate = typeof setImmediate === \"function\" ? setImmediate : function(fn) {\n var id = nextImmediateId++;\n var args = arguments.length < 2 ? false :, 1);\n\n immediateIds[id] = true;\n\n nextTick(function onNextTick() {\n if (immediateIds[id]) {\n // is faster so we optimize for the common use-case\n // @see\n if (args) {\n fn.apply(null, args);\n } else {\n;\n }\n // Prevent ids from leaking\n exports.clearImmediate(id);\n }\n });\n\n return id;\n};\n\nexports.clearImmediate = typeof clearImmediate === \"function\" ? clearImmediate : function(id) {\n delete immediateIds[id];\n};\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/timers-browserify/main.js\n ** module id = 23\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","/* (ignored) */\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** vertx (ignored)\n ** module id = 24\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","module.exports = function() { throw new Error(\"define cannot be used indirect\"); };\r\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** (webpack)/buildin/amd-define.js\n ** module id = 25\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Syntactic sugar for invoking a function and expanding an array for arguments.\n *\n * Common use case would be to use `Function.prototype.apply`.\n *\n * ```js\n * function f(x, y, z) {}\n * var args = [1, 2, 3];\n * f.apply(null, args);\n * ```\n *\n * With `spread` this example can be re-written.\n *\n * ```js\n * spread(function(x, y, z) {})([1, 2, 3]);\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Function} callback\n * @returns {Function}\n */\nmodule.exports = function spread(callback) {\n return function (arr) {\n callback.apply(null, arr);\n };\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/axios/lib/helpers/spread.js\n ** module id = 26\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","/*! v0.1.0 by @mathias | MIT license */\n;(function(root) {\n\n\t// Detect free variables `exports`.\n\tvar freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports;\n\n\t// Detect free variable `module`.\n\tvar freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module &&\n\t\tmodule.exports == freeExports && module;\n\n\t// Detect free variable `global`, from Node.js or Browserified code, and use\n\t// it as `root`.\n\tvar freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global;\n\tif ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal) {\n\t\troot = freeGlobal;\n\t}\n\n\t/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\tvar InvalidCharacterError = function(message) {\n\t\tthis.message = message;\n\t};\n\tInvalidCharacterError.prototype = new Error;\n\ = 'InvalidCharacterError';\n\n\tvar error = function(message) {\n\t\t// Note: the error messages used throughout this file match those used by\n\t\t// the native `atob`/`btoa` implementation in Chromium.\n\t\tthrow new InvalidCharacterError(message);\n\t};\n\n\tvar TABLE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';\n\t//\n\tvar REGEX_SPACE_CHARACTERS = /[\\t\\n\\f\\r ]/g;\n\n\t// `decode` is designed to be fully compatible with `atob` as described in the\n\t// HTML Standard.\n\t// The optimized base64-decoding algorithm used is based on @atk’s excellent\n\t// implementation.\n\tvar decode = function(input) {\n\t\tinput = String(input)\n\t\t\t.replace(REGEX_SPACE_CHARACTERS, '');\n\t\tvar length = input.length;\n\t\tif (length % 4 == 0) {\n\t\t\tinput = input.replace(/==?$/, '');\n\t\t\tlength = input.length;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\tlength % 4 == 1 ||\n\t\t\t//\n\t\t\t/[^+a-zA-Z0-9/]/.test(input)\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\terror(\n\t\t\t\t'Invalid character: the string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.'\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar bitCounter = 0;\n\t\tvar bitStorage;\n\t\tvar buffer;\n\t\tvar output = '';\n\t\tvar position = -1;\n\t\twhile (++position < length) {\n\t\t\tbuffer = TABLE.indexOf(input.charAt(position));\n\t\t\tbitStorage = bitCounter % 4 ? bitStorage * 64 + buffer : buffer;\n\t\t\t// Unless this is the first of a group of 4 characters…\n\t\t\tif (bitCounter++ % 4) {\n\t\t\t\t// …convert the first 8 bits to a single ASCII character.\n\t\t\t\toutput += String.fromCharCode(\n\t\t\t\t\t0xFF & bitStorage >> (-2 * bitCounter & 6)\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn output;\n\t};\n\n\t// `encode` is designed to be fully compatible with `btoa` as described in the\n\t// HTML Standard:\n\tvar encode = function(input) {\n\t\tinput = String(input);\n\t\tif (/[^\\0-\\xFF]/.test(input)) {\n\t\t\t// Note: no need to special-case astral symbols here, as surrogates are\n\t\t\t// matched, and the input is supposed to only contain ASCII anyway.\n\t\t\terror(\n\t\t\t\t'The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the ' +\n\t\t\t\t'Latin1 range.'\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar padding = input.length % 3;\n\t\tvar output = '';\n\t\tvar position = -1;\n\t\tvar a;\n\t\tvar b;\n\t\tvar c;\n\t\tvar d;\n\t\tvar buffer;\n\t\t// Make sure any padding is handled outside of the loop.\n\t\tvar length = input.length - padding;\n\n\t\twhile (++position < length) {\n\t\t\t// Read three bytes, i.e. 24 bits.\n\t\t\ta = input.charCodeAt(position) << 16;\n\t\t\tb = input.charCodeAt(++position) << 8;\n\t\t\tc = input.charCodeAt(++position);\n\t\t\tbuffer = a + b + c;\n\t\t\t// Turn the 24 bits into four chunks of 6 bits each, and append the\n\t\t\t// matching character for each of them to the output.\n\t\t\toutput += (\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt(buffer >> 18 & 0x3F) +\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt(buffer >> 12 & 0x3F) +\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt(buffer >> 6 & 0x3F) +\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt(buffer & 0x3F)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (padding == 2) {\n\t\t\ta = input.charCodeAt(position) << 8;\n\t\t\tb = input.charCodeAt(++position);\n\t\t\tbuffer = a + b;\n\t\t\toutput += (\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt(buffer >> 10) +\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt((buffer >> 4) & 0x3F) +\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt((buffer << 2) & 0x3F) +\n\t\t\t\t'='\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t} else if (padding == 1) {\n\t\t\tbuffer = input.charCodeAt(position);\n\t\t\toutput += (\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt(buffer >> 2) +\n\t\t\t\tTABLE.charAt((buffer << 4) & 0x3F) +\n\t\t\t\t'=='\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn output;\n\t};\n\n\tvar base64 = {\n\t\t'encode': encode,\n\t\t'decode': decode,\n\t\t'version': '0.1.0'\n\t};\n\n\t// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns\n\t// like the following:\n\tif (\n\t\ttypeof define == 'function' &&\n\t\ttypeof define.amd == 'object' &&\n\t\tdefine.amd\n\t) {\n\t\tdefine(function() {\n\t\t\treturn base64;\n\t\t});\n\t}\telse if (freeExports && !freeExports.nodeType) {\n\t\tif (freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+\n\t\t\tfreeModule.exports = base64;\n\t\t} else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-\n\t\t\tfor (var key in base64) {\n\t\t\t\tbase64.hasOwnProperty(key) && (freeExports[key] = base64[key]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else { // in Rhino or a web browser\n\t\troot.base64 = base64;\n\t}\n\n}(this));\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/base-64/base64.js\n ** module id = 27\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","// =========\n// = humps =\n// =========\n// version 0.7.0\n// Underscore-to-camelCase converter (and vice versa)\n// for strings and object keys\n\n// humps is copyright © 2012+ Dom Christie\n// Released under the MIT license.\n\n\n;(function(global) {\n\n var _processKeys = function(convert, obj, separator, ignoreNumbers) {\n if(!_isObject(obj) || _isDate(obj) || _isRegExp(obj) || _isBoolean(obj)) {\n return obj;\n }\n\n var output,\n i = 0,\n l = 0;\n\n if(_isArray(obj)) {\n output = [];\n for(l=obj.length; i= 2.6.0. You are using Moment.js ' + moment.version + '. See');\n\t}\n\n\t/************************************\n\t\tUnpacking\n\t************************************/\n\n\tfunction charCodeToInt(charCode) {\n\t\tif (charCode > 96) {\n\t\t\treturn charCode - 87;\n\t\t} else if (charCode > 64) {\n\t\t\treturn charCode - 29;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn charCode - 48;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction unpackBase60(string) {\n\t\tvar i = 0,\n\t\t\tparts = string.split('.'),\n\t\t\twhole = parts[0],\n\t\t\tfractional = parts[1] || '',\n\t\t\tmultiplier = 1,\n\t\t\tnum,\n\t\t\tout = 0,\n\t\t\tsign = 1;\n\n\t\t// handle negative numbers\n\t\tif (string.charCodeAt(0) === 45) {\n\t\t\ti = 1;\n\t\t\tsign = -1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// handle digits before the decimal\n\t\tfor (i; i < whole.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tnum = charCodeToInt(whole.charCodeAt(i));\n\t\t\tout = 60 * out + num;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// handle digits after the decimal\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < fractional.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tmultiplier = multiplier / 60;\n\t\t\tnum = charCodeToInt(fractional.charCodeAt(i));\n\t\t\tout += num * multiplier;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn out * sign;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction arrayToInt (array) {\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tarray[i] = unpackBase60(array[i]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction intToUntil (array, length) {\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n\t\t\tarray[i] = Math.round((array[i - 1] || 0) + (array[i] * 60000)); // minutes to milliseconds\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tarray[length - 1] = Infinity;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction mapIndices (source, indices) {\n\t\tvar out = [], i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tout[i] = source[indices[i]];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn out;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction unpack (string) {\n\t\tvar data = string.split('|'),\n\t\t\toffsets = data[2].split(' '),\n\t\t\tindices = data[3].split(''),\n\t\t\tuntils = data[4].split(' ');\n\n\t\tarrayToInt(offsets);\n\t\tarrayToInt(indices);\n\t\tarrayToInt(untils);\n\n\t\tintToUntil(untils, indices.length);\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tname : data[0],\n\t\t\tabbrs : mapIndices(data[1].split(' '), indices),\n\t\t\toffsets : mapIndices(offsets, indices),\n\t\t\tuntils : untils,\n\t\t\tpopulation : data[5] | 0\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/************************************\n\t\tZone object\n\t************************************/\n\n\tfunction Zone (packedString) {\n\t\tif (packedString) {\n\t\t\tthis._set(unpack(packedString));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tZone.prototype = {\n\t\t_set : function (unpacked) {\n\t\t\ =;\n\t\t\tthis.abbrs = unpacked.abbrs;\n\t\t\tthis.untils = unpacked.untils;\n\t\t\tthis.offsets = unpacked.offsets;\n\t\t\tthis.population = unpacked.population;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t_index : function (timestamp) {\n\t\t\tvar target = +timestamp,\n\t\t\t\tuntils = this.untils,\n\t\t\t\ti;\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < untils.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (target < untils[i]) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tparse : function (timestamp) {\n\t\t\tvar target = +timestamp,\n\t\t\t\toffsets = this.offsets,\n\t\t\t\tuntils = this.untils,\n\t\t\t\tmax = untils.length - 1,\n\t\t\t\toffset, offsetNext, offsetPrev, i;\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n\t\t\t\toffset = offsets[i];\n\t\t\t\toffsetNext = offsets[i + 1];\n\t\t\t\toffsetPrev = offsets[i ? i - 1 : i];\n\n\t\t\t\tif (offset < offsetNext && tz.moveAmbiguousForward) {\n\t\t\t\t\toffset = offsetNext;\n\t\t\t\t} else if (offset > offsetPrev && tz.moveInvalidForward) {\n\t\t\t\t\toffset = offsetPrev;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (target < untils[i] - (offset * 60000)) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn offsets[i];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn offsets[max];\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tabbr : function (mom) {\n\t\t\treturn this.abbrs[this._index(mom)];\n\t\t},\n\n\t\toffset : function (mom) {\n\t\t\treturn this.offsets[this._index(mom)];\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/************************************\n\t\tCurrent Timezone\n\t************************************/\n\n\tfunction OffsetAt(at) {\n\t\tvar timeString = at.toTimeString();\n\t\tvar abbr = timeString.match(/\\([a-z ]+\\)/i);\n\t\tif (abbr && abbr[0]) {\n\t\t\t// 17:56:31 GMT-0600 (CST)\n\t\t\t// 17:56:31 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)\n\t\t\tabbr = abbr[0].match(/[A-Z]/g);\n\t\t\tabbr = abbr ? abbr.join('') : undefined;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// 17:56:31 CST\n\t\t\t// 17:56:31 GMT+0800 (台北標準時間)\n\t\t\tabbr = timeString.match(/[A-Z]{3,5}/g);\n\t\t\tabbr = abbr ? abbr[0] : undefined;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (abbr === 'GMT') {\n\t\t\tabbr = undefined;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\ = +at;\n\t\tthis.abbr = abbr;\n\t\tthis.offset = at.getTimezoneOffset();\n\t}\n\n\tfunction ZoneScore(zone) {\n\t\ = zone;\n\t\tthis.offsetScore = 0;\n\t\tthis.abbrScore = 0;\n\t}\n\n\tZoneScore.prototype.scoreOffsetAt = function (offsetAt) {\n\t\tthis.offsetScore += Math.abs( - offsetAt.offset);\n\t\tif ([^A-Z]/g, '') !== offsetAt.abbr) {\n\t\t\tthis.abbrScore++;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tfunction findChange(low, high) {\n\t\tvar mid, diff;\n\n\t\twhile ((diff = (( - / 12e4 | 0) * 6e4)) {\n\t\t\tmid = new OffsetAt(new Date( + diff));\n\t\t\tif (mid.offset === low.offset) {\n\t\t\t\tlow = mid;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\thigh = mid;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn low;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction userOffsets() {\n\t\tvar startYear = new Date().getFullYear() - 2,\n\t\t\tlast = new OffsetAt(new Date(startYear, 0, 1)),\n\t\t\toffsets = [last],\n\t\t\tchange, next, i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 1; i < 48; i++) {\n\t\t\tnext = new OffsetAt(new Date(startYear, i, 1));\n\t\t\tif (next.offset !== last.offset) {\n\t\t\t\tchange = findChange(last, next);\n\t\t\t\toffsets.push(change);\n\t\t\t\toffsets.push(new OffsetAt(new Date( + 6e4)));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlast = next;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n\t\t\toffsets.push(new OffsetAt(new Date(startYear + i, 0, 1)));\n\t\t\toffsets.push(new OffsetAt(new Date(startYear + i, 6, 1)));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn offsets;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction sortZoneScores (a, b) {\n\t\tif (a.offsetScore !== b.offsetScore) {\n\t\t\treturn a.offsetScore - b.offsetScore;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (a.abbrScore !== b.abbrScore) {\n\t\t\treturn a.abbrScore - b.abbrScore;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn -;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction addToGuesses (name, offsets) {\n\t\tvar i, offset;\n\t\tarrayToInt(offsets);\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {\n\t\t\toffset = offsets[i];\n\t\t\tguesses[offset] = guesses[offset] || {};\n\t\t\tguesses[offset][name] = true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction guessesForUserOffsets (offsets) {\n\t\tvar offsetsLength = offsets.length,\n\t\t\tfilteredGuesses = {},\n\t\t\tout = [],\n\t\t\ti, j, guessesOffset;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < offsetsLength; i++) {\n\t\t\tguessesOffset = guesses[offsets[i].offset] || {};\n\t\t\tfor (j in guessesOffset) {\n\t\t\t\tif (guessesOffset.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tfilteredGuesses[j] = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i in filteredGuesses) {\n\t\t\tif (filteredGuesses.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n\t\t\t\tout.push(names[i]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn out;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction rebuildGuess () {\n\n\t\t// use Intl API when available and returning valid time zone\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tvar intlName = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;\n\t\t\tif (intlName){\n\t\t\t\tvar name = names[normalizeName(intlName)];\n\t\t\t\tif (name) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn name;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tlogError(\"Moment Timezone found \" + intlName + \" from the Intl api, but did not have that data loaded.\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} catch (e) {\n\t\t\t// Intl unavailable, fall back to manual guessing.\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar offsets = userOffsets(),\n\t\t\toffsetsLength = offsets.length,\n\t\t\tguesses = guessesForUserOffsets(offsets),\n\t\t\tzoneScores = [],\n\t\t\tzoneScore, i, j;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < guesses.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tzoneScore = new ZoneScore(getZone(guesses[i]), offsetsLength);\n\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < offsetsLength; j++) {\n\t\t\t\tzoneScore.scoreOffsetAt(offsets[j]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tzoneScores.push(zoneScore);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tzoneScores.sort(sortZoneScores);\n\n\t\treturn zoneScores.length > 0 ? zoneScores[0] : undefined;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction guess (ignoreCache) {\n\t\tif (!cachedGuess || ignoreCache) {\n\t\t\tcachedGuess = rebuildGuess();\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn cachedGuess;\n\t}\n\n\t/************************************\n\t\tGlobal Methods\n\t************************************/\n\n\tfunction normalizeName (name) {\n\t\treturn (name || '').toLowerCase().replace(/\\//g, '_');\n\t}\n\n\tfunction addZone (packed) {\n\t\tvar i, name, split, normalized;\n\n\t\tif (typeof packed === \"string\") {\n\t\t\tpacked = [packed];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < packed.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tsplit = packed[i].split('|');\n\t\t\tname = split[0];\n\t\t\tnormalized = normalizeName(name);\n\t\t\tzones[normalized] = packed[i];\n\t\t\tnames[normalized] = name;\n\t\t\tif (split[5]) {\n\t\t\t\taddToGuesses(normalized, split[2].split(' '));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction getZone (name, caller) {\n\t\tname = normalizeName(name);\n\n\t\tvar zone = zones[name];\n\t\tvar link;\n\n\t\tif (zone instanceof Zone) {\n\t\t\treturn zone;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (typeof zone === 'string') {\n\t\t\tzone = new Zone(zone);\n\t\t\tzones[name] = zone;\n\t\t\treturn zone;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Pass getZone to prevent recursion more than 1 level deep\n\t\tif (links[name] && caller !== getZone && (link = getZone(links[name], getZone))) {\n\t\t\tzone = zones[name] = new Zone();\n\t\t\tzone._set(link);\n\t\t\ = names[name];\n\t\t\treturn zone;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction getNames () {\n\t\tvar i, out = [];\n\n\t\tfor (i in names) {\n\t\t\tif (names.hasOwnProperty(i) && (zones[i] || zones[links[i]]) && names[i]) {\n\t\t\t\tout.push(names[i]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn out.sort();\n\t}\n\n\tfunction addLink (aliases) {\n\t\tvar i, alias, normal0, normal1;\n\n\t\tif (typeof aliases === \"string\") {\n\t\t\taliases = [aliases];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {\n\t\t\talias = aliases[i].split('|');\n\n\t\t\tnormal0 = normalizeName(alias[0]);\n\t\t\tnormal1 = normalizeName(alias[1]);\n\n\t\t\tlinks[normal0] = normal1;\n\t\t\tnames[normal0] = alias[0];\n\n\t\t\tlinks[normal1] = normal0;\n\t\t\tnames[normal1] = alias[1];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction loadData (data) {\n\t\taddZone(data.zones);\n\t\taddLink(data.links);\n\t\ttz.dataVersion = data.version;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction zoneExists (name) {\n\t\tif (!zoneExists.didShowError) {\n\t\t\tzoneExists.didShowError = true;\n\t\t\t\tlogError(\"'\" + name + \"') has been deprecated in favor of !'\" + name + \"')\");\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn !!getZone(name);\n\t}\n\n\tfunction needsOffset (m) {\n\t\treturn !!(m._a && (m._tzm === undefined));\n\t}\n\n\tfunction logError (message) {\n\t\tif (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error === 'function') {\n\t\t\tconsole.error(message);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/************************************\n\t\ namespace\n\t************************************/\n\n\tfunction tz (input) {\n\t\tvar args =, 0, -1),\n\t\t\tname = arguments[arguments.length - 1],\n\t\t\tzone = getZone(name),\n\t\t\tout = moment.utc.apply(null, args);\n\n\t\tif (zone && !moment.isMoment(input) && needsOffset(out)) {\n\t\t\tout.add(zone.parse(out), 'minutes');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\;\n\n\t\treturn out;\n\t}\n\n\ttz.version = VERSION;\n\ttz.dataVersion = '';\n\ttz._zones = zones;\n\ttz._links = links;\n\ttz._names = names;\n\ttz.add = addZone;\n\ = addLink;\n\ttz.load = loadData;\n\ = getZone;\n\ttz.zoneExists = zoneExists; // deprecated in 0.1.0\n\ttz.guess = guess;\n\ttz.names = getNames;\n\ttz.Zone = Zone;\n\ttz.unpack = unpack;\n\ttz.unpackBase60 = unpackBase60;\n\ttz.needsOffset = needsOffset;\n\ttz.moveInvalidForward = true;\n\ttz.moveAmbiguousForward = false;\n\n\t/************************************\n\t\tInterface with Moment.js\n\t************************************/\n\n\tvar fn = moment.fn;\n\n\ = tz;\n\n\tmoment.defaultZone = null;\n\n\tmoment.updateOffset = function (mom, keepTime) {\n\t\tvar zone = moment.defaultZone,\n\t\t\toffset;\n\n\t\tif (mom._z === undefined) {\n\t\t\tif (zone && needsOffset(mom) && !mom._isUTC) {\n\t\t\t\tmom._d = moment.utc(mom._a)._d;\n\t\t\t\tmom.utc().add(zone.parse(mom), 'minutes');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tmom._z = zone;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (mom._z) {\n\t\t\toffset = mom._z.offset(mom);\n\t\t\tif (Math.abs(offset) < 16) {\n\t\t\t\toffset = offset / 60;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (mom.utcOffset !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\tmom.utcOffset(-offset, keepTime);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\, keepTime);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\ = function (name) {\n\t\tif (name) {\n\t\t\tthis._z = getZone(name);\n\t\t\tif (this._z) {\n\t\t\t\tmoment.updateOffset(this);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tlogError(\"Moment Timezone has no data for \" + name + \". See\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn this;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this._z) { return; }\n\t};\n\n\tfunction abbrWrap (old) {\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tif (this._z) { return this._z.abbr(this); }\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\tfunction resetZoneWrap (old) {\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tthis._z = null;\n\t\t\treturn old.apply(this, arguments);\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\tfn.zoneName = abbrWrap(fn.zoneName);\n\tfn.zoneAbbr = abbrWrap(fn.zoneAbbr);\n\tfn.utc = resetZoneWrap(fn.utc);\n\n\ = function(name) {\n\t\tif (major < 2 || (major === 2 && minor < 9)) {\n\t\t\tlogError('Moment Timezone setDefault() requires Moment.js >= 2.9.0. You are using Moment.js ' + moment.version + '.');\n\t\t}\n\t\tmoment.defaultZone = name ? getZone(name) : null;\n\t\treturn moment;\n\t};\n\n\t// Cloning a moment should include the _z property.\n\tvar momentProperties = moment.momentProperties;\n\tif ( === '[object Array]') {\n\t\t// moment 2.8.1+\n\t\tmomentProperties.push('_z');\n\t\tmomentProperties.push('_a');\n\t} else if (momentProperties) {\n\t\t// moment 2.7.0\n\t\tmomentProperties._z = null;\n\t}\n\n\tloadData({\n\t\t\"version\": \"2016d\",\n\t\t\"zones\": [\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|GMT|0|0||48e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|EAT|-30|0||51e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Algiers|CET|-10|0||26e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|WAT|-10|0||17e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|CAT|-20|0||26e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Cairo|EET EEST|-20 -30|010101010|1Cby0 Fb0 c10 8n0 8Nd0 gL0 e10 mn0|15e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Casablanca|WET WEST|0 -10|01010101010101010101010101010101010101010|1Cco0 Db0 1zd0 Lz0 1Nf0 wM0 co0 go0 1o00 s00 dA0 vc0 11A0 A00 e00 y00 11A0 uM0 e00 Dc0 11A0 s00 e00 IM0 WM0 mo0 gM0 LA0 WM0 jA0 e00 Rc0 11A0 e00 e00 U00 11A0 8o0 e00 11A0|32e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|CET CEST|-10 -20|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|11e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Johannesburg|SAST|-20|0||84e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Tripoli|EET CET CEST|-20 -10 -20|0120|1IlA0 TA0 1o00|11e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Windhoek|WAST WAT|-20 -10|01010101010101010101010|1C1c0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0|32e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Adak|HST HDT|a0 90|01010101010101010101010|1BR00 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|326\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Anchorage|AKST AKDT|90 80|01010101010101010101010|1BQX0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|30e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Santo_Domingo|AST|40|0||29e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Araguaina|BRT BRST|30 20|010|1IdD0 Lz0|14e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|ART|30|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Asuncion|PYST PYT|30 40|01010101010101010101010|1C430 1a10 1fz0 1a10 1fz0 1cN0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 19X0 1fB0 19X0 1fB0 19X0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0|28e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Panama|EST|50|0||15e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Bahia|BRT BRST|30 20|010|1FJf0 Rb0|27e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Bahia_Banderas|MST CDT CST|70 50 60|01212121212121212121212|1C1l0 1nW0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0|84e3\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Fortaleza|BRT|30|0||34e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Managua|CST|60|0||22e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Manaus|AMT|40|0||19e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Bogota|COT|50|0||90e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Denver|MST MDT|70 60|01010101010101010101010|1BQV0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|26e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Campo_Grande|AMST AMT|30 40|01010101010101010101010|1BIr0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 Rb0 1zd0 Lz0 1C10 Lz0 1C10 On0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 On0 1C10 Lz0 1C10 Lz0 1C10|77e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Cancun|CST CDT EST|60 50 50|010101010102|1C1k0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 Dd0|63e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Caracas|VET VET|4u 40|01|1QMT0|29e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Cayenne|GFT|30|0||58e3\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|CST CDT|60 50|01010101010101010101010|1BQU0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|92e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chihuahua|MST MDT|70 60|01010101010101010101010|1C1l0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0|81e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Phoenix|MST|70|0||42e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Los_Angeles|PST PDT|80 70|01010101010101010101010|1BQW0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|15e6\",\n\t\t\t\"America/New_York|EST EDT|50 40|01010101010101010101010|1BQT0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|21e6\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Rio_Branco|AMT ACT|40 50|01|1KLE0|31e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Fort_Nelson|PST PDT MST|80 70 70|010101010102|1BQW0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0|39e2\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Halifax|AST ADT|40 30|01010101010101010101010|1BQS0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|39e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Godthab|WGT WGST|30 20|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|17e3\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Goose_Bay|AST ADT|40 30|01010101010101010101010|1BQQ1 1zb0 Op0 1zcX Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|76e2\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Grand_Turk|EST EDT AST|50 40 40|0101010101012|1BQT0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|37e2\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Guayaquil|ECT|50|0||27e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Guyana|GYT|40|0||80e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Havana|CST CDT|50 40|01010101010101010101010|1BQR0 1wo0 U00 1zc0 U00 1qM0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Rc0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0|21e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/La_Paz|BOT|40|0||19e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Lima|PET|50|0||11e6\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Mexico_City|CST CDT|60 50|01010101010101010101010|1C1k0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 14p0 1lb0|20e6\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Metlakatla|PST AKST AKDT|80 90 80|012121212121|1PAa0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|14e2\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Miquelon|PMST PMDT|30 20|01010101010101010101010|1BQR0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|61e2\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Montevideo|UYST UYT|20 30|010101010101|1BQQ0 1ld0 14n0 1ld0 14n0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0|17e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Noronha|FNT|20|0||30e2\",\n\t\t\t\"America/North_Dakota/Beulah|MST MDT CST CDT|70 60 60 50|01232323232323232323232|1BQV0 1zb0 Oo0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Paramaribo|SRT|30|0||24e4\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Port-au-Prince|EST EDT|50 40|010101010|1GI70 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|23e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Santiago|CLST CLT|30 40|010101010101010101010|1C1f0 1fB0 1nX0 G10 1EL0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1wn0 Rd0 46n0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0|62e5\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Sao_Paulo|BRST BRT|20 30|01010101010101010101010|1BIq0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 Rb0 1zd0 Lz0 1C10 Lz0 1C10 On0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 On0 1C10 Lz0 1C10 Lz0 1C10|20e6\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Scoresbysund|EGT EGST|10 0|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|452\",\n\t\t\t\"America/St_Johns|NST NDT|3u 2u|01010101010101010101010|1BQPv 1zb0 Op0 1zcX Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0 Op0 1zb0|11e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Casey|CAST AWST|-b0 -80|0101|1BN30 40P0 KL0|10\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Davis|DAVT DAVT|-50 -70|0101|1BPw0 3Wn0 KN0|70\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/DumontDUrville|DDUT|-a0|0||80\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Macquarie|AEDT MIST|-b0 -b0|01|1C140|1\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Mawson|MAWT|-50|0||60\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Auckland|NZDT NZST|-d0 -c0|01010101010101010101010|1C120 1a00 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1cM0 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1cM0 1fA0 1a00 1fA0 1a00|14e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Rothera|ROTT|30|0||130\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Syowa|SYOT|-30|0||20\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Troll|UTC CEST|0 -20|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|40\",\n\t\t\t\"Antarctica/Vostok|VOST|-60|0||25\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baghdad|AST|-30|0||66e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Almaty|+06|-60|0||15e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Amman|EET EEST|-20 -30|010101010101010101010|1BVy0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 4bX0 Dd0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0|25e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Anadyr|ANAT ANAST ANAT|-c0 -c0 -b0|0120|1BWe0 1qN0 WM0|13e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Aqtobe|+05|-50|0||27e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Ashgabat|TMT|-50|0||41e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baku|AZT AZST|-40 -50|0101010101010|1BWo0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|27e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Bangkok|ICT|-70|0||15e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Barnaul|+06 +07|-60 -70|010101|1BWk0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3rd0\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Beirut|EET EEST|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1BWm0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0|22e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Bishkek|KGT|-60|0||87e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Brunei|BNT|-80|0||42e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kolkata|IST|-5u|0||15e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Chita|YAKT YAKST YAKT IRKT|-90 -a0 -a0 -80|010230|1BWh0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3re0|33e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Choibalsan|CHOT CHOST|-80 -90|0101010101010|1O8G0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1fx0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0|38e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|CST|-80|0||23e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Dhaka|BDT|-60|0||16e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Damascus|EET EEST|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1C0m0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0|26e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Dili|TLT|-90|0||19e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Dubai|GST|-40|0||39e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Dushanbe|TJT|-50|0||76e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Gaza|EET EEST|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1BVW1 SKX 1xd1 MKX 1AN0 1a00 1fA0 1cL0 1cN0 1nX0 1210 1nz0 1220 1ny0 1220 1qm0 1220 1ny0 1220 1ny0 1220 1ny0|18e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Hebron|EET EEST|-20 -30|0101010101010101010101010|1BVy0 Tb0 1xd1 MKX bB0 cn0 1cN0 1a00 1fA0 1cL0 1cN0 1nX0 1210 1nz0 1220 1ny0 1220 1qm0 1220 1ny0 1220 1ny0 1220 1ny0|25e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Hong_Kong|HKT|-80|0||73e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Hovd|HOVT HOVST|-70 -80|0101010101010|1O8H0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1fx0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0|81e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Irkutsk|IRKT IRKST IRKT|-80 -90 -90|01020|1BWi0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|60e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Istanbul|EET EEST|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 Xc0 1qo0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 1200 1nA0 11A0 1tA0 U00 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|13e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Jakarta|WIB|-70|0||31e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Jayapura|WIT|-90|0||26e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Jerusalem|IST IDT|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1BVA0 17X0 1kp0 1dz0 1c10 1aL0 1eN0 1oL0 10N0 1oL0 10N0 1oL0 10N0 1rz0 W10 1rz0 W10 1rz0 10N0 1oL0 10N0 1oL0|81e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kabul|AFT|-4u|0||46e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kamchatka|PETT PETST PETT|-c0 -c0 -b0|0120|1BWe0 1qN0 WM0|18e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Karachi|PKT|-50|0||24e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Urumqi|XJT|-60|0||32e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kathmandu|NPT|-5J|0||12e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Khandyga|VLAT VLAST VLAT YAKT YAKT|-a0 -b0 -b0 -a0 -90|010234|1BWg0 1qM0 WM0 17V0 7zD0|66e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Krasnoyarsk|KRAT KRAST KRAT|-70 -80 -80|01020|1BWj0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|10e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kuala_Lumpur|MYT|-80|0||71e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Magadan|MAGT MAGST MAGT MAGT|-b0 -c0 -c0 -a0|010230|1BWf0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3Cq0|95e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Makassar|WITA|-80|0||15e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Manila|PHT|-80|0||24e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|EET EEST|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|35e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Novokuznetsk|KRAT NOVST NOVT NOVT|-70 -70 -60 -70|01230|1BWj0 1qN0 WM0 8Hz0|55e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Novosibirsk|NOVT NOVST NOVT|-60 -70 -70|01020|1BWk0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|15e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Omsk|OMST OMSST OMST|-60 -70 -70|01020|1BWk0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|12e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Pyongyang|KST KST|-90 -8u|01|1P4D0|29e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Rangoon|MMT|-6u|0||48e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Sakhalin|SAKT SAKST SAKT|-a0 -b0 -b0|010202|1BWg0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3rd0|58e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tashkent|UZT|-50|0||23e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Seoul|KST|-90|0||23e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Singapore|SGT|-80|0||56e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Srednekolymsk|MAGT MAGST MAGT SRET|-b0 -c0 -c0 -b0|01023|1BWf0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|35e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tbilisi|GET|-40|0||11e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tehran|IRST IRDT|-3u -4u|01010101010101010101010|1BTUu 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0|14e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Thimphu|BTT|-60|0||79e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tokyo|JST|-90|0||38e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tomsk|+06 +07|-60 -70|010101|1BWk0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3Qp0|10e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Ulaanbaatar|ULAT ULAST|-80 -90|0101010101010|1O8G0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1fx0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0|12e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Ust-Nera|MAGT MAGST MAGT VLAT VLAT|-b0 -c0 -c0 -b0 -a0|010234|1BWf0 1qM0 WM0 17V0 7zD0|65e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Vladivostok|VLAT VLAST VLAT|-a0 -b0 -b0|01020|1BWg0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|60e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Yakutsk|YAKT YAKST YAKT|-90 -a0 -a0|01020|1BWh0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|28e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Yekaterinburg|YEKT YEKST YEKT|-50 -60 -60|01020|1BWl0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|14e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Yerevan|AMT AMST|-40 -50|01010|1BWm0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0|13e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Atlantic/Azores|AZOT AZOST|10 0|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|25e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|WET WEST|0 -10|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|27e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Atlantic/Cape_Verde|CVT|10|0||50e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Atlantic/South_Georgia|GST|20|0||30\",\n\t\t\t\"Atlantic/Stanley|FKST FKT|30 40|010|1C6R0 U10|21e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|AEDT AEST|-b0 -a0|01010101010101010101010|1C140 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0|40e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Adelaide|ACDT ACST|-au -9u|01010101010101010101010|1C14u 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0|11e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Brisbane|AEST|-a0|0||20e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Darwin|ACST|-9u|0||12e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Eucla|ACWST|-8J|0||368\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Lord_Howe|LHDT LHST|-b0 -au|01010101010101010101010|1C130 1cMu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1fAu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1fAu 1cLu 1cMu 1cLu 1cMu|347\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Perth|AWST|-80|0||18e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Easter|EASST EAST|50 60|010101010101010101010|1C1f0 1fB0 1nX0 G10 1EL0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1wn0 Rd0 46n0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0|30e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Dublin|GMT IST|0 -10|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|12e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+1|GMT+1|10|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+10|GMT+10|a0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+11|GMT+11|b0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+12|GMT+12|c0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+2|GMT+2|20|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+3|GMT+3|30|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+4|GMT+4|40|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+5|GMT+5|50|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+6|GMT+6|60|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+7|GMT+7|70|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+8|GMT+8|80|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT+9|GMT+9|90|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-1|GMT-1|-10|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-10|GMT-10|-a0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-11|GMT-11|-b0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-12|GMT-12|-c0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-13|GMT-13|-d0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-14|GMT-14|-e0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-2|GMT-2|-20|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-3|GMT-3|-30|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-4|GMT-4|-40|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-5|GMT-5|-50|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-6|GMT-6|-60|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-7|GMT-7|-70|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-8|GMT-8|-80|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/GMT-9|GMT-9|-90|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UCT|UCT|0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UTC|UTC|0|0|\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Astrakhan|+03 +04|-30 -40|010101|1BWn0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3rd0\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|GMT BST|0 -10|01010101010101010101010|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|10e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Chisinau|EET EEST|-20 -30|01010101010101010101010|1BWo0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|67e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Kaliningrad|EET EEST FET|-20 -30 -30|01020|1BWo0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|44e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Kirov|+03 +04|-30 -40|01010|1BWn0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|48e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Minsk|EET EEST FET MSK|-20 -30 -30 -30|01023|1BWo0 1qM0 WM0 8Hy0|19e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Moscow|MSK MSD MSK|-30 -40 -40|01020|1BWn0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|16e6\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Samara|SAMT SAMST SAMT|-40 -40 -30|0120|1BWm0 1qN0 WM0|12e5\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Simferopol|EET EEST MSK MSK|-20 -30 -40 -30|01010101023|1BWp0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11z0 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1a00|37e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Bougainville|PGT BST|-a0 -b0|01|1NwE0|18e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Chuuk|CHUT|-a0|0||49e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Efate|VUT|-b0|0||66e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Enderbury|PHOT|-d0|0||1\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Fakaofo|TKT TKT|b0 -d0|01|1Gfn0|483\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Fiji|FJST FJT|-d0 -c0|01010101010101010101010|1BWe0 1o00 Rc0 1wo0 Ao0 1Nc0 Ao0 1Q00 xz0 1SN0 uM0 1SM0 uM0 1VA0 s00 1VA0 uM0 1SM0 uM0 1SM0 uM0 1SM0|88e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Funafuti|TVT|-c0|0||45e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Galapagos|GALT|60|0||25e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Gambier|GAMT|90|0||125\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Guadalcanal|SBT|-b0|0||11e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Guam|ChST|-a0|0||17e4\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Kiritimati|LINT|-e0|0||51e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Kosrae|KOST|-b0|0||66e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Marquesas|MART|9u|0||86e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Pago_Pago|SST|b0|0||37e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Nauru|NRT|-c0|0||10e3\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Niue|NUT|b0|0||12e2\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Norfolk|NFT NFT|-bu 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[\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Accra\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Bamako\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Banjul\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Bissau\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Conakry\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Dakar\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Freetown\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Lome\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Monrovia\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Nouakchott\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Ouagadougou\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Sao_Tome\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Timbuktu\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|America/Danmarkshavn\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Atlantic/Reykjavik\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Atlantic/St_Helena\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Etc/GMT\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Etc/GMT+0\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Etc/GMT-0\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Etc/GMT0\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Etc/Greenwich\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|GMT\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|GMT+0\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|GMT-0\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|GMT0\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Greenwich\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Abidjan|Iceland\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Algiers|Africa/Tunis\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Cairo|Egypt\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Casablanca|Africa/El_Aaiun\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Johannesburg|Africa/Maseru\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Johannesburg|Africa/Mbabane\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Addis_Ababa\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Asmara\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Asmera\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Dar_es_Salaam\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Djibouti\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Juba\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Kampala\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Mogadishu\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Nairobi\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Indian/Antananarivo\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Indian/Comoro\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Khartoum|Indian/Mayotte\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Bangui\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Brazzaville\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Douala\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Kinshasa\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Libreville\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Luanda\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Malabo\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Ndjamena\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Niamey\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Lagos|Africa/Porto-Novo\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Blantyre\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Bujumbura\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Gaborone\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Harare\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Kigali\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Lubumbashi\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Maputo|Africa/Lusaka\",\n\t\t\t\"Africa/Tripoli|Libya\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Adak|America/Atka\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Adak|US/Aleutian\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Anchorage|America/Juneau\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Anchorage|America/Nome\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Anchorage|America/Sitka\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Anchorage|America/Yakutat\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Anchorage|US/Alaska\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Catamarca\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Cordoba\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Jujuy\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/La_Rioja\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Mendoza\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Salta\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/San_Juan\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/San_Luis\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Tucuman\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Ushuaia\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Buenos_Aires\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Catamarca\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Cordoba\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Jujuy\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Mendoza\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Rosario\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Campo_Grande|America/Cuiaba\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Indiana/Knox\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Indiana/Tell_City\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Knox_IN\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Matamoros\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Menominee\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/North_Dakota/Center\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/North_Dakota/New_Salem\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Rainy_River\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Rankin_Inlet\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Resolute\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|America/Winnipeg\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|CST6CDT\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|Canada/Central\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|US/Central\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chicago|US/Indiana-Starke\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chihuahua|America/Mazatlan\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Chihuahua|Mexico/BajaSur\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Denver|America/Boise\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Denver|America/Cambridge_Bay\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Denver|Ame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rica/Santo_Domingo|America/St_Vincent\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Santo_Domingo|America/Tortola\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Santo_Domingo|America/Virgin\",\n\t\t\t\"America/Sao_Paulo|Brazil/East\",\n\t\t\t\"America/St_Johns|Canada/Newfoundland\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Almaty|Asia/Qyzylorda\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Aqtobe|Asia/Aqtau\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Aqtobe|Asia/Oral\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Ashgabat|Asia/Ashkhabad\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baghdad|Asia/Aden\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baghdad|Asia/Bahrain\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baghdad|Asia/Kuwait\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baghdad|Asia/Qatar\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Baghdad|Asia/Riyadh\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Bangkok|Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Bangkok|Asia/Phnom_Penh\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Bangkok|Asia/Saigon\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Bangkok|Asia/Vientiane\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Dhaka|Asia/Dacca\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Dubai|Asia/Muscat\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Hong_Kong|Hongkong\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Jakarta|Asia/Pontianak\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Jerusalem|Asia/Tel_Aviv\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Jerusalem|Israel\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kathmandu|Asia/Katmandu\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kolkata|Asia/Calcutta\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kolkata|Asia/Colombo\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Kuala_Lumpur|Asia/Kuching\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Makassar|Asia/Ujung_Pandang\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Seoul|ROK\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Chongqing\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Chungking\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Harbin\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Macao\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Macau\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Taipei\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|PRC\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Shanghai|ROC\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Singapore|Singapore\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tashkent|Asia/Samarkand\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tehran|Iran\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Thimphu|Asia/Thimbu\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Tokyo|Japan\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Ulaanbaatar|Asia/Ulan_Bator\",\n\t\t\t\"Asia/Urumqi|Asia/Kashgar\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Adelaide|Australia/Broken_Hill\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Adelaide|Australia/South\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Adelaide|Australia/Yancowinna\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Brisbane|Australia/Lindeman\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Brisbane|Australia/Queensland\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Darwin|Australia/North\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Lord_Howe|Australia/LHI\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Perth|Australia/West\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/ACT\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/Canberra\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/Currie\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/Hobart\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/Melbourne\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/NSW\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/Tasmania\",\n\t\t\t\"Australia/Sydney|Australia/Victoria\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UCT|UCT\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UTC|Etc/Universal\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UTC|Etc/Zulu\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UTC|UTC\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UTC|Universal\",\n\t\t\t\"Etc/UTC|Zulu\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Astrakhan|Europe/Ulyanovsk\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Asia/Nicosia\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|EET\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Bucharest\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Helsinki\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Kiev\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Mariehamn\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Nicosia\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Riga\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Sofia\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Tallinn\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Uzhgorod\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Vilnius\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Athens|Europe/Zaporozhye\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Chisinau|Europe/Tiraspol\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Dublin|Eire\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Istanbul|Asia/Istanbul\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Istanbul|Turkey\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|Atlantic/Canary\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|Atlantic/Faeroe\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|Atlantic/Faroe\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|Atlantic/Madeira\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|Portugal\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Lisbon|WET\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|Europe/Belfast\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|Europe/Guernsey\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|Europe/Isle_of_Man\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|Europe/Jersey\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|GB\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/London|GB-Eire\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Moscow|Europe/Volgograd\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Moscow|W-SU\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Africa/Ceuta\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Arctic/Longyearbyen\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Atlantic/Jan_Mayen\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|CET\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Amsterdam\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Andorra\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Belgrade\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Berlin\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Bratislava\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Brussels\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Budapest\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Busingen\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Copenhagen\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Gibraltar\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Ljubljana\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Luxembourg\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Madrid\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Malta\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Monaco\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Oslo\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Podgorica\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Prague\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Rome\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/San_Marino\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Sarajevo\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Skopje\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Stockholm\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Tirane\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Vaduz\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Vatican\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Vienna\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Warsaw\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Zagreb\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Europe/Zurich\",\n\t\t\t\"Europe/Paris|Poland\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Auckland|Antarctica/McMurdo\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Auckland|Antarctica/South_Pole\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Auckland|NZ\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Chatham|NZ-CHAT\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Chuuk|Pacific/Truk\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Chuuk|Pacific/Yap\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Easter|Chile/EasterIsland\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Guam|Pacific/Saipan\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Honolulu|HST\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Honolulu|Pacific/Johnston\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Honolulu|US/Hawaii\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Majuro|Kwajalein\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Majuro|Pacific/Kwajalein\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Pago_Pago|Pacific/Midway\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Pago_Pago|Pacific/Samoa\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Pago_Pago|US/Samoa\",\n\t\t\t\"Pacific/Pohnpei|Pacific/Ponape\"\n\t\t]\n\t});\n\n\n\treturn moment;\n}));\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020.js\n ** module id = 29\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","(function(window) {\n var re = {\n not_string: /[^s]/,\n number: /[diefg]/,\n json: /[j]/,\n not_json: /[^j]/,\n text: /^[^\\x25]+/,\n modulo: /^\\x25{2}/,\n placeholder: /^\\x25(?:([1-9]\\d*)\\$|\\(([^\\)]+)\\))?(\\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\\d+)?(?:\\.(\\d+))?([b-gijosuxX])/,\n key: /^([a-z_][a-z_\\d]*)/i,\n key_access: /^\\.([a-z_][a-z_\\d]*)/i,\n index_access: /^\\[(\\d+)\\]/,\n sign: /^[\\+\\-]/\n }\n\n function sprintf() {\n var key = arguments[0], cache = sprintf.cache\n if (!(cache[key] && cache.hasOwnProperty(key))) {\n cache[key] = sprintf.parse(key)\n }\n return, cache[key], arguments)\n }\n\n sprintf.format = function(parse_tree, argv) {\n var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = \"\", arg, output = [], i, k, match, pad, pad_character, pad_length, is_positive = true, sign = \"\"\n for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) {\n node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i])\n if (node_type === \"string\") {\n output[output.length] = parse_tree[i]\n }\n else if (node_type === \"array\") {\n match = parse_tree[i] // convenience purposes only\n if (match[2]) { // keyword argument\n arg = argv[cursor]\n for (k = 0; k < match[2].length; k++) {\n if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])) {\n throw new Error(sprintf(\"[sprintf] property '%s' does not exist\", match[2][k]))\n }\n arg = arg[match[2][k]]\n }\n }\n else if (match[1]) { // positional argument (explicit)\n arg = argv[match[1]]\n }\n else { // positional argument (implicit)\n arg = argv[cursor++]\n }\n\n if (get_type(arg) == \"function\") {\n arg = arg()\n }\n\n if (re.not_string.test(match[8]) && re.not_json.test(match[8]) && (get_type(arg) != \"number\" && isNaN(arg))) {\n throw new TypeError(sprintf(\"[sprintf] expecting number but found %s\", get_type(arg)))\n }\n\n if (re.number.test(match[8])) {\n is_positive = arg >= 0\n }\n\n switch (match[8]) {\n case \"b\":\n arg = arg.toString(2)\n break\n case \"c\":\n arg = String.fromCharCode(arg)\n break\n case \"d\":\n case \"i\":\n arg = parseInt(arg, 10)\n break\n case \"j\":\n arg = JSON.stringify(arg, null, match[6] ? parseInt(match[6]) : 0)\n break\n case \"e\":\n arg = match[7] ? arg.toExponential(match[7]) : arg.toExponential()\n break\n case \"f\":\n arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg)\n break\n case \"g\":\n arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toPrecision(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg)\n break\n case \"o\":\n arg = arg.toString(8)\n break\n case \"s\":\n arg = ((arg = String(arg)) && match[7] ? arg.substring(0, match[7]) : arg)\n break\n case \"u\":\n arg = arg >>> 0\n break\n case \"x\":\n arg = arg.toString(16)\n break\n case \"X\":\n arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase()\n break\n }\n if (re.json.test(match[8])) {\n output[output.length] = arg\n }\n else {\n if (re.number.test(match[8]) && (!is_positive || match[3])) {\n sign = is_positive ? \"+\" : \"-\"\n arg = arg.toString().replace(re.sign, \"\")\n }\n else {\n sign = \"\"\n }\n pad_character = match[4] ? match[4] === \"0\" ? \"0\" : match[4].charAt(1) : \" \"\n pad_length = match[6] - (sign + arg).length\n pad = match[6] ? (pad_length > 0 ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : \"\") : \"\"\n output[output.length] = match[5] ? sign + arg + pad : (pad_character === \"0\" ? sign + pad + arg : pad + sign + arg)\n }\n }\n }\n return output.join(\"\")\n }\n\n sprintf.cache = {}\n\n sprintf.parse = function(fmt) {\n var _fmt = fmt, match = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0\n while (_fmt) {\n if ((match = re.text.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {\n parse_tree[parse_tree.length] = match[0]\n }\n else if ((match = re.modulo.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {\n parse_tree[parse_tree.length] = \"%\"\n }\n else if ((match = re.placeholder.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {\n if (match[2]) {\n arg_names |= 1\n var field_list = [], replacement_field = match[2], field_match = []\n if ((field_match = re.key.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {\n field_list[field_list.length] = field_match[1]\n while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== \"\") {\n if ((field_match = re.key_access.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {\n field_list[field_list.length] = field_match[1]\n }\n else if ((field_match = re.index_access.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {\n field_list[field_list.length] = field_match[1]\n }\n else {\n throw new SyntaxError(\"[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key\")\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n throw new SyntaxError(\"[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key\")\n }\n match[2] = field_list\n }\n else {\n arg_names |= 2\n }\n if (arg_names === 3) {\n throw new Error(\"[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported\")\n }\n parse_tree[parse_tree.length] = match\n }\n else {\n throw new SyntaxError(\"[sprintf] unexpected placeholder\")\n }\n _fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length)\n }\n return parse_tree\n }\n\n var vsprintf = function(fmt, argv, _argv) {\n _argv = (argv || []).slice(0)\n _argv.splice(0, 0, fmt)\n return sprintf.apply(null, _argv)\n }\n\n /**\n * helpers\n */\n function get_type(variable) {\n return, -1).toLowerCase()\n }\n\n function str_repeat(input, multiplier) {\n return Array(multiplier + 1).join(input)\n }\n\n /**\n * export to either browser or node.js\n */\n if (typeof exports !== \"undefined\") {\n exports.sprintf = sprintf\n exports.vsprintf = vsprintf\n }\n else {\n window.sprintf = sprintf\n window.vsprintf = vsprintf\n\n if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\n define(function() {\n return {\n sprintf: sprintf,\n vsprintf: vsprintf\n }\n })\n }\n }\n})(typeof window === \"undefined\" ? this : window);\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/sprintf-js/src/sprintf.js\n ** module id = 30\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\nrequire('console-polyfill');\n\n/*\n * Utily functions\n */\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n isFunction: function(object) {\n return !!(object && object.constructor && && object.apply);\n },\n\n doCallback: function(hook, config, arg, deprecated) {\n if(this.isFunction(config.callbacks[hook])) {\n config.callbacks[hook](arg);\n if (deprecated) { this.logDeprecated(hook + ' callback has been replaced, please see docs'); }\n }\n },\n\n logError: function(message) {\n console.error('TimekitBooking Error: ' + message);\n },\n\n logDeprecated: function(message) {\n console.warn('TimekitBooking Deprecated: ' + message);\n }\n\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./src/utils.js\n ** module id = 31\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","// Console-polyfill. MIT license.\n//\n// Make it safe to do console.log() always.\n(function(global) {\n 'use strict';\n global.console = global.console || {};\n var con = global.console;\n var prop, method;\n var empty = {};\n var dummy = function() {};\n var properties = 'memory'.split(',');\n var methods = ('assert,clear,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,' +\n 'groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,markTimeline,profile,profiles,profileEnd,' +\n 'show,table,time,timeEnd,timeline,timelineEnd,timeStamp,trace,warn').split(',');\n while (prop = properties.pop()) if (!con[prop]) con[prop] = empty;\n while (method = methods.pop()) if (!con[method]) con[method] = dummy;\n})(typeof window === 'undefined' ? this : window);\n// Using `this` for web workers while maintaining compatibility with browser\n// targeted script loaders such as Browserify or Webpack where the only way to\n// get to the global object is via `window`.\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./~/console-polyfill/index.js\n ** module id = 32\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","'use strict';\n\n/*\n * Default configuration\n */\n\nvar primary = {\n\n targetEl: '#bookingjs',\n name: '',\n avatar: '',\n autoload: true,\n includeStyles: true,\n showCredits: true,\n goToFirstEvent: true,\n bookingGraph: 'instant',\n bookingFields: {\n name: {\n placeholder: 'Full name',\n prefilled: false,\n locked: false\n },\n email: {\n placeholder: 'E-mail',\n prefilled: false,\n locked: false\n },\n comment: {\n enabled: true,\n placeholder: 'Comment',\n prefilled: false,\n required: false,\n locked: false\n },\n phone: {\n enabled: false,\n placeholder: 'Phone number',\n prefilled: false,\n required: false,\n locked: false\n },\n voip: {\n enabled: false,\n placeholder: 'Skype username',\n prefilled: false,\n required: false,\n locked: false\n },\n location: {\n enabled: false,\n placeholder: 'Location',\n prefilled: false,\n required: false,\n locked: false\n }\n },\n timekitConfig: {\n app: 'bookingjs'\n },\n timekitFindTime: {\n future: '4 weeks',\n length: '1 hour'\n },\n timekitCreateBooking: { },\n timekitUpdateBooking: { },\n fullCalendar: {\n header: {\n left: '',\n center: '',\n right: 'today, prev, next'\n },\n views: {\n agenda: {\n displayEventEnd: false\n }\n },\n allDaySlot: false,\n scrollTime: '08:00:00',\n timezone: 'local',\n nowIndicator: true\n },\n localization: {\n showTimezoneHelper: true,\n timeDateFormat: '12h-mdy-sun',\n strings: {\n submitText: 'Book it',\n successMessageTitle: 'Thanks!',\n timezoneHelperLoading: 'Loading..',\n timezoneHelperDifferent: 'Your timezone is %s hours %s of %s (calendar shown in your local time)',\n timezoneHelperSame: 'You are in the same timezone as %s'\n }\n },\n callbacks: {}\n\n};\n\n// Preset: bookingGraph = 'instant'\nvar bookingInstant = {\n\n timekitCreateBooking: {\n graph: 'instant',\n action: 'confirm',\n event: {\n invite: true,\n my_rsvp: 'accepted',\n sync_provider: true\n }\n },\n localization: {\n strings: {\n successMessageBody: 'An invitation has been sent to:

Please accept the invitation to confirm the booking.'\n }\n }\n\n};\n\n// Preset: bookingGraph = 'confirm_decline'\nvar bookingConfirmDecline = {\n\n timekitCreateBooking: {\n graph: 'confirm_decline',\n action: 'create',\n event: {\n invite: true,\n my_rsvp: 'accepted',\n sync_provider: true\n }\n },\n localization: {\n strings: {\n successMessageBody: \"We have received your request and we'll be in touch when we have reviewed it.

Have a great day!\"\n }\n }\n\n};\n\n// Preset: timeDateFormat = '24h-dmy-mon'\nvar timeDateFormat24hdmymon = {\n\n fullCalendar: {\n timeFormat: 'HH:mm',\n firstDay: 1,\n views: {\n basic: {\n columnFormat: 'dddd D/M'\n },\n agenda: {\n columnFormat: 'ddd\\n D/M',\n slotLabelFormat: 'HH:mm'\n }\n }\n },\n localization: {\n bookingDateFormat: 'D. MMMM YYYY',\n bookingTimeFormat: 'HH:mm',\n emailTimeFormat: 'H:i'\n }\n\n};\n\n// Preset: timeDateFormat = '12h-mdy-sun'\nvar timeDateFormat12hmdysun = {\n\n fullCalendar: {\n timeFormat: 'h:mma',\n firstDay: 0,\n views: {\n basic: {\n columnFormat: 'dddd M/D',\n },\n agenda: {\n columnFormat: 'ddd\\n M/D',\n slotLabelFormat: 'ha'\n }\n },\n },\n localization: {\n bookingDateFormat: 'MMMM D, YYYY',\n bookingTimeFormat: 'h:mma',\n emailTimeFormat: 'h:ia'\n }\n\n};\n\n// Export objects\nmodule.exports = {\n primary: primary,\n presets: {\n timeDateFormat24hdmymon: timeDateFormat24hdmymon,\n timeDateFormat12hmdysun: timeDateFormat12hmdysun,\n bookingInstant: bookingInstant,\n bookingConfirmDecline: bookingConfirmDecline\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/*****************\n ** WEBPACK FOOTER\n ** ./src/defaults.js\n ** module id = 33\n ** module chunks = 0\n **/","// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a