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RCLL Simulation Cluster


This repository contains all configuration files and scripts (aside the actual containers, they are maintained in docker-robotics) required to run the RCLL simulation on a Kubernetes cluster.

The current setup has been used and tested on Fedora 27 with Kubernetes 1.10.1 and Ceph Kraken.

This file describes the setup hosted at the Knowledge-Based Systems Group used for the Planning and Execution Competitions for Logistics Robots in Simulation held at ICAPS 2017 and 2018.

Cluster Setup


In the following, you need to setup the following:

  • Kubernetes on Hosts
  • Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm
  • Basic services in the cluster
  • Ceph Storage cluster
  • MongoDB replicated database

0. Run kbsg-ansible kubernetes playbook to assert pre-requisites

cd kbsg-ansible
ansible-playbook -i kbsg.inv kubernetes.yaml

At this time, this is a private ansible playbook which simply installs the relevant Kubernetes packages on a Fedora base system. In principal, you can use any Kubernetes cluster.

1. Create kube-master (on enterprise)

kubeadm init --ignore-preflight-errors "SystemVerification,Swap" --config=kubeadm-master.conf
cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
# note join command in /etc/kubernetes/join.txt, add --ignore-preflight-errors "SystemVerification,Swap"
# to command line (we use btrfs and have swap since we run the cluster on our regular desktops)
kubectl apply -f

2. Join nodes

On each node in the cluster (all nodes in robolab but enterprise): execute the join command noted earlier

3. Add the required addons and services

4. Bring up Ceph cluster

Ceph is used for distributed storage to pool resources of all machines and make them fail-safe. Note that we are using an older version of Ceph since we ran into trouble with newer versions (cf. Ceph Issue 21142, might have been resolved since our initial testing in Ceph PR 22704](ceph/ceph#22704)).

Fresh Setup

If there is no Ceph cluster or you want to wipe the existing one, use the following procedure.

Note, that the cluster depends on deploying a valid client key. For now, we pass a valid one on request from which to deploy the cluster. In kubernetes/ceph:

  • run create_ceph_cluster

  • kubectl label node cluster-services=true

  • Create labels on nodes which run osds (actual storage nodes). Create one by one and let ceph-osd pods come up before labeling the next node.

    for n in voyager defiant pegasus agamemnon orinoco stargazer; do \
      kubectl label node $ node-type=storage; \
      sleep 60; \
  • in rbd-provisioner:

    for f in *.yaml; do
      kubectl apply -f $f;

    The RBD provisioner is used to fulfill RBD volume requests.

  • On an initial setup, you need to make some changes directly on the running ceph-mon instance. Find the instance with kubectl -n ceph get pods | grep ceph-mon. Then exec into the pod using kubectl exec -ti ceph-mon-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx bash and do:

    ceph osd pool application enable kube rbd
    ceph mgr module enable dashboard
    ceph mgr module enable prometheus
    ceph auth get-or-create client.kube mon 'allow r' osd \
      'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=kube' \
      > ceph.client.kube.keyring

    Then create the necessary secret:

    kubectl --namespace=ceph create secret generic ceph-rbd-kube \
      --from-literal="key=$(grep key ceph.client.kube.keyring  | awk '{ print $3 }')" \

    With kubectl proxy enabled you can access the dashboard at: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/ceph/services/http:ceph-mgr-dashboard:/proxy/

To recover an existing setup

This works on machines where you originally created the keys or can restore them from a backup. In that case, edit and comment the line starting with ./ This prevents creating new credentials. Then follow the same instructions as above.

5. Bring up logging system

Centralized logs which can be searched can be very useful for troubleshooting. However, these come at a cost. Therefore, we recommend enabling the logging system only if enough resources can be spared (elasticsearch easily consumes several GB of RAM and several cores) or to debug a problem.

We use logging based on fluentd, writing to elasticsearch and to local files. We use a custom fluentd configmap that disables pushing anything in the logs from before fluentd was run (setting read_from_head to false). We disable logging docker (and thus container) output to journald by removing the flag "--log-driver=journald" from OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/docker (taken care of by kbsg-ansible).

Currently broken for kubelet < 1.10.3: kubernetes/kubernetes#62462

In kubernetes/fluentd-elasticsearch:

kubectl create -f es-service.yaml -f es-statefulset.yaml
kubectl create -f kibana-service.yaml -f kibana-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f fluentd-es-configmap.yaml -f fluentd-es-ds.yaml

Then label the nodes:

for n in voyager defiant pegasus agamemnon orinoco enterprise stargazer; do
  kubectl label node $
  sleep 30

After running kubectl proxy, you can access kibana at: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kibana-logging

6. Setup private registry credentials

We use a private internal registry for some images, e.g., competition entries. If you do not use one, you can skip this step. Otherwise make sure that you add read-only credentials for all images deployed from the private registry. For our nginx-auth container this is the "nodes" user. For the externally available registry it is cluster. In the following, replace "PASS" by the actual password.

kubectl --namespace=kube-system create secret docker-registry defiantregsecret \ \
  --docker-username=nodes --docker-password=PASS \

for namespace in kube-system default ceph; do
  kubectl --namespace=$namespace create secret docker-registry regsecret \ \
    --docker-username=cluster --docker-password=PASS \; \

7. Deploy nginx-ingress

The ingress controller is used to provide external access to the nginx registry auth pod as well as the simulation visualization.

In our current setup, this has to be a specific machine.

kubectl label node ingress-controller=nginx
kubectl create \
  -f namespace.yaml -f rbac.yaml -f configmap.yaml \
  -f default-backend.yaml -f with-rbac.yaml -f service-nodeport.yaml \
  -f udp-services-configmap.yaml -f tcp-services-configmap.yaml

8. Deploy nginx-registry-auth

The nginx-registry-auth pod provides our authorization policy enforced by the nginx reverse proxy (which resides outside the cluster).

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/registry/nginx-auth/nginx-registry-auth-dp.yaml

9. Enable cluster monitoring via Prometheus

Cluster monitoring is useful to estimate the required resources for simulation and analyze problems and bottlenecks. We use a standard prometheus/grafana stack for this.

  • in prometheus:
kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
kubectl create -f prometheus-claim.yaml -f grafana-claim.yaml
kubectl create -f manifest-all.yaml -f ingress.yaml
kubectl create -f grafana-import-job.yaml

Once the job pod completes, the job may be removed again.

WARNING: the default password must be changed immediately, it is admin/admin, change to something sane and create a user.

You can login to grafana at or via kubectl proxy at: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/monitoring/services/http:grafana:/proxy/login

10. Create MongoDB ReplicaSet

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb/mongodb-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb/rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb/mongodb-statefulset.yaml

Using the cluster

Create a devpod for easy access to the database:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/rcll-sim/devpod.yaml

The exec into the devpod and use the cluster tools (see sim-ctrl directory).

Cluster Teardown

To teardown the cluster issue the following commands (assumes a working PSSH setup):

pssh -h .ssh/pssh-kube-nodes kubeadm reset
ssh root@enterprise kubeadm reset
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab systemctl stop kubelet
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab systemctl stop docker
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab rm -rf /var/lib/cni/*
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab rm -rf /var/lib/kubelet/*
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab ifconfig cni0 down
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab ifconfig flannel.1 down
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab ifconfig docker0 down
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab brctl delbr docker0
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab ip link delete cni0
pssh -h .ssh/pssh-robolab ip link delete flannel.1