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Pipehat is a Ruby gem for reading and writing HL7 v.2.x messages.

This library is experimental - the API is incomplete and may change, and it does not support a lot of segment and data types yet.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pipehat'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pipehat


Pipehat is aware of the type of each HL7v2 field. This allows each field, component and sub-component to be accessed by name.

Parsing HL7

Suppose the following simple example of an (incomplete) admission message and a PID message with 2 patient IDs (showing a repeating field and subcomponents).

# Parse a message from a string
hl7 = "MSH|^~\&|||||20200927212805+0930||ADT^A01^ADT_A01|1234567890|D|2.5\r" \
msg =


Messages are essentially an array of segments. Individual segments can be accessed via an Enumerator returned from #each. The optional parameter will filter by segment type.

# Example, pick the first PID segment
pid = msg.each(:PID).first

Any standard methods from Enumerable can be applied to this. For example, to select the first PRD segment which has a provider role of RT could be done like this (note this would work for PRD segment where provider_role contained additional components, such as RT|Referred To).

ref_to_prd = msg.each(:PRD).detect { |prd| prd.provider_role.to_s == "RT" }

Fields, Repeats, Components and Subcomponents

Once a segment is accessed, fields, repeats, components and sub-components can be accessed by name. Note that these methods return a subclass of Pipehat::Node, which is an index into the segment. To retreive the string value at (or under) that position, call to_s on the node.

# Access the value of PID-2 (deprecated patient ID)
pid.patient_id.to_s #=> "XXX"

# Access the first repeat in PID-3 (patient ID list)
pid.patient_identifier_list.first.to_s #=> "1234"

# Which is equivalent to accessing the first component of the field, which 
# can also be accessed by name as it is known to be a CX type:
pid.patient_identifier_list.first.id_number.to_s #=> "1234"

# The 4th component of PID-3 is a composite type (HD), so its parts can
# also be accessed individually:
pid.patient_identifier_list.first.assigning_authority.namespace_id.to_s #=> "System1"
pid.patient_identifier_list.first.assigning_authority.universal_id_type.to_s #=> "L"

# Field repetitions can be ignored - in this case, Pipehat will assume you
# are referring to the first repeat.
pid.patient_identifier_list.assigning_authority.namespace_id.to_s #=> "System1"

# Access the second repeat in PID-3.  Indexes into repeats are 1-based, for
# consistency with other HL7 positional indexing.
pid.patient_identifier_list[2].to_s #=> "ABC"
pid.patient_identifier_list[2].id_number.to_s #=> "ABC"
pid.patient_identifier_list[2].assigning_authority.namespace_id.to_s #=> "System2"

Numeric Indexes

Values can also be accessed positionally by index instead of name. This could be useful to access values:

  • from a segment type this library doesn't understand
  • that have additional components in newer versions of HL7 which this library doesn't understand
  • that are invalid (eg, extra components or subcomponents)
# Equivalent to the last example in the previous section
pid.field(3).repeat(2).component(1).subcomponent(1) #=> "System2"

# Again, repetitions can be ignored if you just want to read from the first
pid.field(3).component(1).subcomponent(1) #=> "System1"

The method names way of accessing segments can be more verbose but is also more readable and self-documenting.

Generating HL7

The main way to build up a HL7 message is to use the methods on Message:

  • append(type) adds a segment of the given type at the of the message
  • insert(index, type) insert a segment of the given type at the specified position where type is a symbol for the segment such as :PID or :MSH.

Both of these methods will yield the new segment to a block if provided, and also return the segment.

Unlike other HL7 indexing, the index param to insert is treated like a ruby array (ie, insert at 0 to insert before all other seconds).

The following example generates a message similar to the "Parsing" example above. Note that the field separator and encoding characters do not have to be provided, they are initialized automatically.

msg =
msg.append(:MSH) do |msh|
  msh.date_time_of_message ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z")
  msh.message_type.message_code = "ADT"
  msh.message_type.trigger_event = "A01"
  msh.message_type.message_structure = "ADT_A01"
  msh.message_control_id = "1234567890"
  msh.processing_id = "D"
  msh.version_id = "2.5"
msg.append(:PID) do |pid|
  pid.patient_id = "XXX"
  pid.patient_name.family_name = "Family"
  pid.patient_name.given_name = "Given"

  # PID-3 first repeat (since no repeat is mentioned)
  pid.patient_identifier_list.id_number = "1234"
  pid.patient_identifier_list.assigning_authority.namespace_id = "System1"
  pid.patient_identifier_list.assigning_authority.universal_id_type = "L"
  # PID-3 second repeat
  pid.patient_identifier_list[2].id_number = "ABC"
  pid.patient_identifier_list[2].assigning_authority.namespace_id = "System2"
  pid.patient_identifier_list[2].assigning_authority.universal_id_type = "L"
msg.to_hl7 #=> "MSH|^~\\&|||||20200927212805+0930||ADT^A01^ADT_A01|1234567890|D|2.5\r..."

Numeric Indexes

The indexed based access looks slightly different due to ruby syntax; the set method must be called on the node object. set can be called at any level from field to subcomponent and it will replace all current values.

pid =
# is equivalent to:
# pid.patient_identifier_list[2].assigning_authority = "System2"
# pid.patient_identifier_list[2].assigning_authority.universal_id_type = "L"

pid.to_hl7 #=> "PID|||~^^^System2&&L"

Assigning an array of components

You can assign an array to a field, repeat or component (but not a subcomponent). This allows a more concise but less expressive means of assignment. The following 2 examples are equivalent:

pid =
pid.patient_name[1] = ["Family", "Given", "", "", "Mx"]
pid.to_hl7 #=> "PID|||||Family^Given^^^Mx"

pid =
pid.patient_name.family_name = "Family"
pid.patient_name.given_name = "Given"
pid.patient_name.prefix = "Mx"
pid.to_hl7 #=> "PID|||||Family^Given^^^Mx"

Note that the index [1] is required in the first example because otherwise it is assumed you're trying to set 2 repeats which is not what you want:

pid =
pid.patient_name = ["Family", "Given"]
pid.to_hl7 #=> "PID|||||Family~Given"

Subcomponents can also be assigned this way:

pid =
pid.patient_identifier_list.id_number = "ID1"
pid.patient_identifier_list.assigning_authority = ["AA", "", "L"]
pid.to_hl7 #=> "PID|||ID1^^^AA&&L"

Arrays assigned this way must contain strings only.

HL7 Escaping

Values returned by the to_s methods have HL7 escape codes automatically unescaped. Assigning a value will automatically be escaped. The unescaped version can be read with unescaped.

pid ="PID||123\\R\\456")
pid.patient_id.to_s #=> "123~456"
pid.patient_id.unescaped #=> "123\\R\\456"
pid.patient_identifier_list = "A & B"
pid.to_hl7 #=> "PID||123\\R\\456|A \\T\\ B"

Note there is currently no way to set a string without the escaping (this will be needed when writing, for example, HL7 Formatted Text).


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Pipehat project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.