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Tim Raaymakers edited this page Sep 1, 2024 · 11 revisions

This is a guide for HLL server owners looking to start using Barricade to protect their servers.

Barricade is a service provided free of charge. You do not have to acquire your own hardware, nor do you have to have any knowledge in IT to get going.


  • A Discord server with Manage Server permissions
  • One or more running HLL servers that you own
  • Either of the following;

1. Enrolling as server owner

Before being able to work with Barricade, you will first need to be approved. If you already have a Server Owner role over on the HLL Hosting Discord you can skip this step.

  1. Join the HLL Hosting & Divisions Bunker Discord
  2. Go to the #hosting-area-access channel and follow the instructions there
  3. Wait until you are given the Server Owner role

2. Adding Barricade to your Discord server

Now that Barricade recognizes you as a Server Owner, you are in theory ready to start submitting reports. However, let's also make sure you are receiving reports and can efficiently deal with them.

  1. Invite the Barricade bot to your own Discord server
  2. Use the /config reports-channel command to specify what channel to receive reports in.


Please make sure that this channel is private and can only be seen by your admins.

  1. Use the /config admin-role command to specify which role users must have to be able to (un)ban players.

3. Connecting to your game servers

While technically optional, Barricade assumes you link your community up with either Community RCON or Battlemetrics so that it can conveniently help you manage your bans. You only need one of them, not both.

3a. Integrating with Community RCON


You need to have Community RCON set up and have an account with Staff permissions (a.k.a. being able to manage users). Community RCON supports Barricade integration as of v10.0.0.

  1. Go to your Community RCON's /admin page
  2. Click on the Add button next to Django API Keys
  3. Copy the value in the Api Key field
  4. Optionally add a note, then press SAVE
  5. In Discord, run the /config integrations command
  6. Click on the Add integration... button and select Community RCON
  7. Next to API URL, fill in the link to your API, which is likely of format http://<address>:<port>/api or https://<domain>.<com>/api but should always end with /api
  8. Next to API Key, fill in the key from step 3 that you copied
  9. Submit the form

3b. Integrating with Battlemetrics


You need to have an active Battlemetrics RCON, RCON+, or Enterprise subscription in order to use this integration. You need permissions to manage bans and ban lists.

  1. Go to the Battlemetrics Developers page
  2. Click on the New Token button next to Personal Access Tokens
  3. Select all Ban Lists and Bans permissions
  4. Click on the Create Token button at the bottom
  5. Copy your newly generated token
  6. In Discord, run the /config integrations command
  7. Click on the Add integration... button and select Battlemetrics
  8. Next to API Key, fill in the key from step 5 that you copied
  9. Go to and select your organization
  10. Next to Organization URL, copy and paste your browser's URL
  11. Submit the form

You are now fully set up! Also see the Guides page for more information on how to use Barricade.

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