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nickoe edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 6 revisions

The LiteX Build Environment provides a bootstrap script to download and set up the environment automatically.

Set the platform you are building for, which boards are supported can be found at

export PLATFORM=opsis

Then run the bootstrap script to download an environment required for building the firmware:

curl -fsS | bash

If you are not building from timvideos or the master branch set GITHUB_USER and GIT_BRANCH before running a bootstrap command like below;

export GIT_BRANCH=my-cool-branch
export GITHUB_USER=mithro
curl -fsS$GITHUB_USER/litex-buildenv/$GIT_BRANCH/scripts/ | bash

Check that the final line of output is:

Bootstrap: Set up complete, you're good to go!

The bootstrap script;

  • clones the litex-buildenv repository,
  • creates a self contained Python environment,
  • installs packages required, then
  • downloads litex and its dependencies.

Depending on your connection speed this could take a while to download.

This script will object if you already have cloned the litex-buildenv repo into the same directory before, remove or rename the existing repo if you want to run the script again.

NOTE: This script requires sudo access (and will ask for your sudo password) to install required software and dependencies. See scripts/ to see what is installed.

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