The achievements plugin displays several highlights about what you achieved on GitHub.
Achievements are mostly related to features offered by GitHub, so by unlocking achivements ranks you'll be mastering GitHub in no time!
A few achievements contains actual real ranking (based on GitHub search results)!
About achievements ranks
Moving forward between ranks is voluntarily difficult, making it almost impossible to reach the latest rank except by hard work.
With this design, when a user reach upper ranks you can be sure that they really deserve it! It also lets you quickly see at a glance what this user primarly use GitHub for, just look for crimson and gold badges!
➡️ Available options for this plugin
- uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
# ... other options
plugin_achievements: yes
plugin_achievements_threshold: B # Display achievements with rank B or higher
plugin_achievements_secrets: yes # Display unlocked secrets achievements
plugin_achievements_ignored: octonaut # Hide octonaut achievement
plugin_achievements_limit: 0 # Display all unlocked achievement matching threshold and secrets params
plugin_achievements_display: compact # Use compact display