This is a Mandarin language ASR system trained on 1505 hours Chinese Mandarin corpus released by DataTang (aidatatang_1505zh). The language model was trained from a large number of colloquial texts.
The aidatatang_1505zh corpus can be free download from here.
Install Kaldi, refer to the steps here.
Download and untar DataTang TDNN Chain Model.
Move the untarred directory to kaldi/egs.
Go to kaldi/egs/aidatatang_asr, create symlinks to /steps/ and /utils/ like this:
ln -s ../wsj/s5/steps/ steps ln -s ../wsj/s5/utils/ utils
Download the aidatatang_1505zh or set your own corpus to WAVpath.
Run the model like this:
./ WAVpath
Check the recognition results like this:
vi exp/chain/tdnn_1a_sp/decode_offline_test_*/rec_*.txt
There are samples of the recognition results:
T0055G0036S0005 来 一部 好看 的 电影 T0055G0036S0006 我要 拍摄 二维码 啊 T0055G0036S0007 播放 原来 你 什么 都 不 想要 T0055G0036S0008 一月 十一日 上午 十八点 提醒 我 T0055G0036S0009 你 不是 要 给 我 讲个 笑话 吗 T0055G0036S0010 家 里面 有 一个 小白兔