This project builds a RVSS standard OGN Receiver image for a Raspberry Pi. The image extends Sébastien Chaumontet's contribution to the OGN project with custom content and behaviour.
Receivers running the RVSS standard OGN Receiver image:
- can be administered remotely (optional) by ssh via provided you have a shell account on that server.
- keep OGN logs on the SD card in 1.5 GB of reserved space.
- optionally send the OGN logs to for safekeeping and central access.
These receiver names are recognized. Fixed ports are used for autossh.
- CPL3 6000
- FALLFLD 6020
- Fallfld3 6040
- GlebeON 6060
- PerthON 6080
- TglwoodON 6100
- WinghamON 6120
4 GB SD card, minimum. Additional space will be ignored.
- Download zip file from
- Unzip
- Burn img to your SD card.
- Update OGN-receiver.conf. You can overwrite with one of these templates for convenience.
OGN-receiver.conf.CPL3 OGN-receiver.conf.GlebeON OGN-receiver.conf.WinghamON
The template files are in the same directory as OGN-receiver.conf.
OGN-receiver.conf must have wifiName, wifiPassword and piUserPassword defined.
If you want ssh access from, define EnableCoreOGNTeamRemoteAdmin="true".
If you want logs to be copied to, define sendLogs="true".
There is 1.5 GB of space for OGN log files. ATM, this is unmanaged; it could theoretically fill to capacity. If you are concerned about approaching the limit, login to your receiver and delete some files from /data/ogn/log/
OGN log file names are constructed from the name of your receiver and the UTC time at the start of logging.
If your receiver is at a remote location, you can access it if
- you defined EnableCoreOGNTeamRemoteAdmin="true"
- you have a shell account on
- Login to
- ssh pi@localhost -p PORT
- provide the password you specified for piUserPassword in OGN-receiver.conf.
You should know the port of your receiver.
The receiver is set to use the Montreal timezone.
The receiver will reboot at 5am daily. This will cause a new OGN log to be started. The reboot may resolve a remote connection issue.
If you want to install software for the Pi Witty hat,
- pi@ogn-receiver:~ $ overlayctl disable
- pi@ogn-receiver:~ $ sudo reboot
- login again
- pi@ogn-receiver:~ $ cd ~
- pi@ogn-receiver:~ $ ./installWittyPi4
Remember to enable overlayctl once your software is setup.