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🛠 🔐💥 KeyNuker Installation

Requirements overview

  • Apache OpenWhisk — these docs assume you are using OpenWhisk on hosted Bluemix

  • CouchDB REST API compatible database — these docs assume you are using Cloudant on hosted Bluemix

  • An AWS account in the organization you want to monitor, with permissions to create IAM users

  • Github account and access token

  • Go 1.8 and Python 2.x installed locally

Signup for Bluemix free tier

  1. Signup for the IBM Bluemix cloud — the free tier is good enough to get things running.

  2. Download and install the OpenWhisk CLI

It’s also possible to get this running locally using the Open Source version of OpenWhisk, but there aren’t instructions for that yet.

IAM Setup

There are two ways to setup IAM Access to enable KeyNuker to pull in the latest AWS Access Keys from the AWS account(s) you want to protect:

  1. Direct: Setup an IAM User on the AWS target account, assign permissions, generate an Access Key and bake into KeyNuker parameters

  2. AssumeRole: This requires two separate AWS accounts. KeyNuker will have a user in the "initiating" AWS account, and each account you want to monitor will need to have a special role to allow that separate account to access it.

Direct: Create AWS user with minimal IAM permissions

In the AWS web admin UI, create a new IAM user called KeyNuker with only Programmatic access and assign that user the following policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1499788629000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
the most up-to-date version of this policy is in docs/keynuker-iam-user-policy.yml

Then under Security credentials, click the Create access key button to create a new AWS Access Key and Secret, which you should use to set the environment variable KEYNUKER_TARGET_AWS_ACCOUNTS as described below

Or to do the same steps via the CLI:

$ cd /path/to/keynuker
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name KeyNukerIAMAccess --template-body file://docs/cloudformation/keynuker-iam-user-policy.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name KeyNukerIAMAccess --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`AwsAccessKey`].OutputValue' --output text
$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name KeyNukerIAMAccess --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`AwsSecretAccessKey`].OutputValue' --output text

AssumeRole: Add a role/policy with cross-account STS AssumeRole ability

Generate a github access token

Login to github and go to generate an access token. The only permission needed is the read:org (Read org and team membership) permission. You should be logged in as a user that is a member of the Github organization(s) that you want to monitor user activity for.

You should set this in an environment variable called KEYNUKER_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN

Decide which github orgs you want to monitor, and set the KEYNUKER_GITHUB_ORGS environment variable accordingly. If you want to monitor non-public users on those orgs (highly recommended), your KEYNUKER_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN will need to be owned by a user that is a member of those github orgs.

Create a CouchDB compatible database


In the bluemix web console:

  • Create a new Cloudant service

  • Create a db named keynuker. Set the KEYNUKER_DB_NAME environment variable to keynuker

  • Click the API button to get the API URL, and set the host part of the url to KEYNUKER_DB_HOST. This should not include the leading http or https.

  • Click the database name to go to the dashboard for that database

  • Go to the Permissions section and Generate API key

  • Save the Key to the KEYNUKER_DB_KEY environment variable, and the Password to the KEYNUKER_DB_SECRET_KEY environment variable

Alternatively, you should be able to use your own self-hosted Apache CouchDB or Couchbase Sync Gateway (which has a REST API that is mostly compatible with Apache CouchDB)

Environment variables

This is the full list of environment variables you should have set from the above steps. These will be used by the commands in this document, such as

Table 1. Environment variables
Variable Example Description



The keynuker org (multi-tenancy). Set this to "default" unless you are trying to juggle multiple environments.



DB access key



DB secret access key


DB hostname



DB name


'[{"AwsAccessKeyId": "", "AwsSecretAccessKey": ""}]' or '[{"TargetAwsAccountId": "01234", "TargetRoleName": "KeynukerAccess", "AssumeRoleExternalId": "yourexternalid"}]'

AWS Access Key ID and secret of AWS account(s) being monitored, only needs limited IAM permissions


'{"AwsAccessKeyId": "", "AwsSecretAccessKey": ""}'

This is specifically needed when using STS AssumeRole for Cross Account access, otherwise set it to a blank string. AWS Access Key ID and secret of AWS account(s) created in the Add a role/policy with cross-account STS AssumeRole ability instructions under "Initiating AWS Account"



Github access token which has the :org read permission


'["acme", "acme-labs"]'

The list of github orgs you would like to monitor. The quoting is important: outer quotes as single quotes, inner quotes as double quotes


'["defunkt", "torvalds"]'

The list of individual github user logins you would like to monitor, which is appended to the users found from the KEYNUKER_GITHUB_ORGS lookup (if any). The quoting is important: outer quotes as single quotes, inner quotes as double quotes


Only needed for Github Enterprise users. Set this to point to your custom Github URL. Defaults to "", which will connect to



The Mailgun API key for notifications. At the moment, mailgun is the only option for outgoing mail. Please open an issue if you need a different option. You can find the mailer (Mailgun) API keys in the Maigun Web Admin For MAILERAPIKEY use the value in Active API Key and for MAILERPUBLICAPIKEY use Email Validation Key



The Mailgun public api key.


The Mailgun domain.


The FROM address for email notifications about nuked keys


The email address of the Sys. Admin to CC on all email notifications about nuked keys. If the "leaker" cannot be idenitifed via the github commit, this will be the only recipient of notifications.



Whether to build for use with re-usable DockerSkeleton docker image, or to build a custom docker image per-action, which requires more environment variables to be set (search for "docker" in Defaults to true.

Install KeyNuker to OpenWhisk

Get the code

$ go get -u -v -t


The script will do the following things:

  1. Build Go binaries from source

  2. Package binaries into files that are used by the executing docker container (search for --docker for details)

  3. Create (or recreate) all of the OpenWhish actions, triggers, and rules

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ python --bluemix

Congrats! KeyNuker is now installed. You can do a quick verification by running wsk action list, which should return a list of actions:

$ bx wsk action list
/yourusername_dev/github-user-events-scanner-nuker                     private sequence
/yourusername_dev/fetch-aws-keys-write-doc                             private sequence
etc ...

To further verify your setup, continue on to Verifying your installation