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A cross-platform tool to monitor and remediate unhealthy Docker containers

Written in Rust and designed to be OS agnostic, flexible, and performant in large environments via concurrency and multi-threading

The docker-autoheal binary may be executed in a native OS or from a Docker container

How to Use

You must first apply HEALTHCHECK to your docker images

Environment Variables

Variable Default Description
AUTOHEAL_CONNECTION_TYPE local This determines how docker-autoheal connects to Docker (One of: local, socket, http, ssl
AUTOHEAL_STOP_TIMEOUT 10 Docker waits n seconds for a container to stop before killing it during restarts (override via label; see below)
AUTOHEAL_INTERVAL 5 Check container health every n seconds
AUTOHEAL_START_DELAY 0 Wait n seconds before first health check
AUTOHEAL_POST_ACTION The absolute path of an executable to be run after restart attempts; container name, id and stop-timeout are passed as arguments in that order
AUTOHEAL_MONITOR_ALL FALSE Set to TRUE to simply monitor all containers on the host or leave as FALSE and control via autoheal.monitor.enable
AUTOHEAL_LOG_ALL FALSE Allow (TRUE/FALSE) logging (and webhook/apprise if set) for containers with autostart.restart.enable=FALSE
AUTOHEAL_LOG_PERSIST FALSE Allow (TRUE/FALSE) external persistent logging and reporting of historical data
AUTOHEAL_TCP_HOST localhost Address of Docker host
AUTOHEAL_TCP_PORT 2375 (ssl: 2376) Port on which to connect to the Docker host
AUTOHEAL_TCP_TIMEOUT 10 Time in n seconds before failing connection attempt
AUTOHEAL_PEM_PATH /opt/docker-autoheal/tls Absolute path to requisite ssl certificate files (key.pem, cert.pem, ca.pem) when AUTOHEAL_CONNECTION_TYPE=ssl
AUTOHEAL_APPRISE_URL URL to post messages to the apprise following actions on unhealthy container
AUTOHEAL_WEBHOOK_KEY KEY to post messages to the webhook following actions on unhealthy container
AUTOHEAL_WEBHOOK_URL URL to post messages to the webhook following actions on unhealthy container

Optional Container Labels

Label Default Description
autoheal.stop.timeout Per container override (in seconds) of AUTOHEAL_STOP_TIMEOUT during restart (e.g. Some container routinely takes longer to cleanly exit)
autoheal.monitor.enable FALSE Per container override (true/false) to control if should be monitored (e.g. If you have a large number of containers that you wish to monitor and restart, apply this label as FALSE to the few that you do not wish to monitor and set AUTOHEAL_MONITOR_ALL to TRUE)
autoheal.restart.enable TRUE Per container override (true/false) to control if should restart on unhealthy (e.g. If you have a large number of containers that you wish to monitor and restart, apply this label as FALSE to the few that you do not wish to restart and set AUTOHEAL_MONITOR_ALL to TRUE)

Binary Options

Used when executed in native OS (NOTE: The environment variables are also accepted)

    -a, --apprise-url <APPRISE_URL>
                        The apprise url
    -c, --connection-type <CONNECTION_TYPE>
                        One of local, socket, http, or ssl
    -d, --start-delay <START_DELAY>
                        Time in seconds to wait for first check
    -h, --help          Print help
    -i, --interval <INTERVAL>
                        Time in seconds to check health
    -j, --webhook-key <WEBHOOK_KEY>
                        The webhook json key string
    -k, --key-path <KEY_PATH>
                        The absolute path to requisite ssl PEM files
    -l, --log-all       Enable logging of unhealthy containers where restart
                        is disabled (WARNING, this could be chatty)
    -m, --monitor-all   Enable monitoring off all containers that have a
    -n, --tcp-host <TCP_HOST>
                        The hostname or IP address of the Docker host (when -c
                        http or ssl)
    -p, --tcp-port <TCP_PORT>
                        The tcp port number of the Docker host (when -c http
                        or ssl)
    -s, --stop-timeout <STOP_TIMEOUT>
                        Time in seconds to wait for action to complete
    -t, --tcp-timeout <TCP_TIMEOUT>
                        Time in seconds to wait for connection to complete
    -w, --webhook-url <WEBHOOK_URL>
                        The webhook url
    -L, --log-persist Enable external persistent logging and reporting of historical
    -P, --post-action <SCRIPT_PATH>
                        The absolute path to a script that should be executed
                        after container restart
    -V, --version       Print version information


/usr/local/bin/docker-autoheal --monitor-all --log_persist > /var/log/docker-autoheal.log &

Will connect to the local Docker host, monitor all containers, and generate a persistent log at /opt/docker-autoheal/log.json


docker run -d --read-only \
    --name docker-autoheal \
    --network=none \
    --restart=always \
    --env="AUTOHEAL_CONNECTION_TYPE=socket" \
    --env="AUTOHEAL_MONITOR_ALL=true" \
    --env="AUTOHEAL_LOG_PERSIST=true" \
    --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
    --volume=/opt/docker-autoheal/log.json:/opt/docker-autoheal/log.json:rw \

Will connect to the Docker host via unix socket location /var/run/docker.sock or Windows named pipe location //./pipe/docker_engine, monitor all containers, and write persistent log data to /opt/docker-autoheal/log.json as the user with the specified uid:gid


docker run -d --read-only \
    --name docker-autoheal \
    --restart=always \
    --env="AUTOHEAL_TCP_PORT=2375" \
    --env="AUTOHEAL_LOG_PERSIST=true" \
    --volume=/opt/docker-autoheal/log.json:/opt/docker-autoheal/log.json:rw \

Will connect to the Docker host via hostname or IP and the specified port, monitor only containers with a label autoheal.monitor.enable=true, and write persistent log data to /opt/docker-autoheal/log.json as the user with the specified uid:gid


2024-01-23 03:03:23-0500 [WARNING] [nordvpn] Container (886d37fd9f5c) is unhealthy with 3 failures
2024-01-23 03:03:23-0500 [WARNING] [nordvpn] Container (886d37fd9f5c) last output: [4] Status: Unstable
2024-01-23 03:03:23-0500 [WARNING] [nordvpn] Restarting container (886d37fd9f5c) with 10s timeout
2024-01-23 03:03:34-0500 [   INFO] [nordvpn] Restart of container (886d37fd9f5c) was successful
2024-01-23 03:03:34-0500 [   INFO] [nordvpn] Container (886d37fd9f5c) has been unhealthy 1 time
2024-01-23 03:04:48-0500 [WARNING] [privoxy] Container (74f74eb7b2d0) is unhealthy with 3 failures
2024-01-23 03:04:48-0500 [WARNING] [privoxy] Container (74f74eb7b2d0) last output: [-1] Health check exceeded timeout (3s)
2024-01-23 03:04:48-0500 [WARNING] [privoxy] Restarting container (74f74eb7b2d0) with 10s timeout
2024-01-23 03:04:59-0500 [   INFO] [privoxy] Restart of container (74f74eb7b2d0) was successful
2024-01-23 03:04:59-0500 [   INFO] [privoxy] Container (74f74eb7b2d0) has been unhealthy 1 time

Example output when docker-autoheal is in action

Persistent Logging

Examples of working with log.json:

jq -s 'group_by(.name) | map({name: .[0].name, data: (group_by(.id) | map({id: .[0].id, data: .}))})' /opt/docker-autoheal/log.json

Group all entries by name and then group by container id

jq -s 'map(select(.name=="privoxy"))' /opt/docker-autoheal/log.json

Find all occurrences of 'privoxy'

jq -s 'map(select(.name=="privoxy")) | group_by(.name) | map({name: .[0].name, data: (group_by(.id) | map({id: .[0].id, data: .}))})' /opt/docker-autoheal/log.json

Find all occurrences of 'privoxy' and group by container id

Other Info

Docker Labels

a) Apply the label autoheal.monitor.enable=true to your container to have it watched


b) Set ENV AUTOHEAL_MONITOR_ALL=true (or apply --monitor-all to the binary) to watch all running containers

SSL Connection Type

See for how to configure TCP with mTLS

The certificates and keys need these names:

  • ca.pem
  • cert.pem
  • key.pem

Docker Security

Additional security can be obtained by:

  • Use a unique user for monitoring and remediating
    • Create a new user
    • Add that user to the docker group
    • Execute the binary or docker container with that uid:gid
  • Run docker in rootless mode

Docker Timezone

If you need the docker-autoheal container timezone to match the local machine, you can map /etc/localtime

docker run ... -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro


  • The payload includes the following separated by |: Docker system hostname, the last health output, and the result of restart action

A Word of Caution about Excluding from Restart and Logging of those Exclusions

  • Excluding a container from restarts and enabling logging for excluded containers will generate numerous log messages whenever that container becomes unhealthy
  • Additionally, if a webhook or apprise is also configured, they will be executed at each monitoring interval for those containers
