Docker Mumble-Server with letsencrypt and a HTML web client
You need to have a server and a domain linked to it. Docker and Docker-compose needs to be installed, but this can also be handled by the install script. This script is tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
This repository aims to deploy a mumble-server on your machine in a containerized docker image. The certificates for the SSL encryption can either be self-generated (not recommended) or obtained by letsencrypt.
To deploy the mumble-server, just clone the repository and run the install script. A secure admin password will be generated.
sudo ./
You can change the settings in the file .env
, as described here. When done, you can startup the docker-compose file with:
docker-compose up -d
Even on a restart of the host system, the mumble-server will also restart. You can shut down the server again with:
docker-compose down
Included is a HTML web client . To deactivate the access:
sudo ./ -d
Usage: ./ -[p|s|r|n|d]
-p, Install prerequisites (docker, docker-compose)
-s, Setup environment
-r, Disable cronjob to renew certificates
-n, Generate nginx virtual and certificates
-d, Deactivate access to HTML client
-h, Print this help text
If the script will be called without parameters, it will run:
./ -p -s -n