This repository is the dataset for the paper "CNN-Based Crosswalk Pedestrian Situation Recognition System Using Mask-R-CNN and CDA".
The crosswalk pedestrians situation recognition datasets contain 510 images for original, 510 images for processed and 800 for box.
└── Data
└── Experiment I
│ ├── Original
│ │ ├── Test
│ │ │ ├── Danger(Outside)
│ │ │ └── Safety(Inside)
│ ├── Training
│ │ │ ├── Danger(Outside)
│ │ │ └── Safety(Inside)
│ └── Processed
│ ├── Test
│ │ ├── Danger(Outside)
│ │ └── Safety(Inside)
│ └── Training
│ ├── Danger(Outside)
│ └── Safety(Inside)
└── Experiment II
├── Test
│ ├── Danger(Outside)
│ └── Safety(Inside)
└── Training
├── Danger(Outside)
└── Safety(Inside)