Releases: toastkidjp/Yobidashi_kt
Releases · toastkidjp/Yobidashi_kt
Small changes.
- #412 Add new search category.
- #412 Add search query extraction.
- #580 Modify cursor color.
- #511 Enable to set text handle color.
- #511 Enable to set cursor color for Q and over.
- #289 Modify item padding.
- #289 Modify subheader's padding.
- #289 Use secondary color.
- #412 Modify search-site domain.
- #511 Reduce heavy initializing.
Bug fix
- #412 Suppress accessing API when cannot use network.
Small changes.
Small changes.
- #496 Add previous and next music button.
- #496 Avoid crash for incorrect index.
- #496 Enable to skip to next or previous.
- #580 Set selected color with primary color.
- #620 Set selected color with primary color.
- #523 Set selected color with primary color.
- #853 Set selected color for RadioButton and Checkbox.
- #523 Add inversion target.
Small changes.
- #580 Add unregister receiver.
- #580 Use InitialTaskPreparation.
- #958 Implement display_effect module.
- #958 Add module setting.
- #958 Add dependencies.
- #958 Add setting value.
- #958 Enable to switch flag.
- #958 Add state.
- #958 Add screen effect.
- #958 Set initial state.
- #511 Add color copying menu into editor settings.
- #511 Use correct label.
- #853 Modify enter animation.
- #853 Add reset fab position function.
- #853 Add menu of resetting fab position.
- #580 Modify search action icon.
Bug fix
Small changes.
- #523 Update swipe-refresh behavior.
- #523 Add hosts.
- #580 Enable set search result.
- #580 Modify app-bar.
- #853 Add animation.
- #523 Add inversion targets.
- #727 Update licenses page.
- #853 Add animation for bookmark and view-history.
- #580 Modify hint.
- #580 Add start margin.
- #580 Use onPrimary color.
- #580 Modify search result font size.
Bug fix
Small changes.
- #523 Enable to swtich new-tab's color with dark-mode flag.
- #152 Add item vertical padding.
- #152 Add animateItemPlacement().
- #523 Enable to increase swipe-refresh' progress.
- #523 Enable to handle upper swiping for cancel.
- #289 Modify end margin.
- #853 Add margin for Snackbar's action button.
- #818 Enable minify.
- #853 Enable minify.
- #523 Add bookmark and view-history button to web-tab's header.
- #412 Add new search category.
- #853 Modify tab switching animation.
- #523 Add class for dark-css injection.
Bug fix
- #523 Suppress heavy updating screenshot for active content.
- #523 Suppress heavy calling finished callback for active content.
- #289 Fix editor color setting item's tap area.
- #523 Enable to use script for some site.
- #412 Fix inserting option menu.
- #152 Fix inserting option menu.
- #580 Fix inserting option menu.
Small changes.
- #523 Upgrade target SDK to 33.
- #523 Modify DarkModeApplier for target SDK 33.
- #523 Implement CSS darkening.
- #523 Use CSS darkening.
- #523 Specify theme for AlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed.
- #523 Modify compat darkening css.
- #523 Enable to force dark for floating preview.
- #523 Specify mixed content mode with MIXED_CONTENT_COMPATIBIL□c
- #853 Modify PDF viewer's background color.
- #523 Always show dark mode setting.
- #853 Add confirmation for file not found.
- #289 Return new record's ID.
- #289 Use returned ID.
- #523 Enable to open current floating preview's page as new tab.
Bug fix
Small changes.
- #506 Reset offset when image swiped at preview.
- #853 Upgrade Compose to 1.2.1.
- #853 Upgrade Kotlin to 1.7.10 for using Compose 1.2.1.
- #523 Modify alpha of Swipe-refresh's indicator.
- #152 Enable to share bookmark.
- #152 Add share title.
- #523 Enable add offset for swiping.
- #523 Modify long-tap dialog's title.
- #853 Move app-bar's swipe action to main app-bar.
- #523 Modify title's weight.
Bug fix
Small changes.
- #523 Modify long-tap dialog's font size.
- #523 Remove unnecessary parentheses from function call.
- #152 Add animateItemPlacement.
- #580 Add animateItemPlacement.
- #412 Add animateItemPlacement.
- #620 Add animateItemPlacement.
- #620 Add animateItemPlacement.
- #412 Add animateItemPlacement.
- #523 Improve FAB behavior.
Bug fix
Upgrade swipe refreshing.
- #936 Add mono icon.
- #936 Add mono icon specification.
- #936 Upgrade build tool to 33, but target to 32 (for dark ren□c
- #936 Add permission for using notification.
- #936 Add permission for using notification.
- #936 Add permission request.
- #936 Add permission request.
- #936 Upgrade Webkit to 1.5.0-rc01.
- #936 Add calling setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed.
- #523 Add block target host.
- #506 Enable to modify contrast ratio.
- #506 Enable to modify alpha ratio.
- #506 Modify switch height narrower.
- #523 Add exceptional site.
- #853 Modify app-bar's height for displaying shadow.
- #496 Modify content alignment.
- #853 Enable to dismiss snackbar with horizontal swipe.
- #853 Enable to show offset.
- #523 Hide indicator when it's offset is not enough.