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File metadata and controls

211 lines (181 loc) · 11.6 KB

1. Install Google’s LangDetect using PIP and the instructions here

Run Command: pip install langdetect

2. Install RTG (Reader Translator Generator) using the instructions here The result will be a REST service running on port 6000

MTData A tool to download machine translation datasets

  • pip install mtdata


  • pip install nlcodec


  • pip install rtg

3. Download and install Tika Python using PIP and the instructions at

  • With the RTG running, running tika’s translate module will automatically work fine (since it will pick up the RTG server)
  • The Tika language module (it’s language detector) should also work fine

Run Command: pip install tika

  • To check what tika is installed, run command: pip show tika

4. Install GeoTopicParser using the instructions here

Installing the Lucene Gazetteer

First you will need to download the Lucene Geo Gazetteer project and to install it. You can do so by:

  • $ cd $HOME/src - change directory to the Repo directory
  • $ git clone
  • $ cd lucene-geo-gazetteer
  • $ mvn install assembly:assembly
    • refer to "How to Install Apache Maven MVN"
  • Change directory to /src/main/bin/ inside of dir lucene-geo-gazetteer.
  • $ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

How to Install Apache Maven MVN

  • Install Maven: brew install maven

How to Use Lucene GeoGazetter

Note: Run these commands inside the lucene-geo-gazetteer directory

  1. curl -O
  2. unzip
  3. java -cp target/lucene-geo-gazetteer-0.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -i geoIndex -b allCountries.txt
  4. java -cp target/lucene-geo-gazetteer-0.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -i geoIndex -s Pasadena Texas (testing with e.g. Pasedena, Texas)
  5. Test with: lucene-geo-gazetteer -s Pasadena Texas -json | python -mjson.tool
  6. Test Service Mode (with e.g. Pasedena, Texas) in base terminal:
    • Launch Server: $ lucene-geo-gazetteer -server
    • Query: $ curl "localhost:8765/api/search?s=Pasadena&s=Texas&c=2"
      • curl "http://localhost:8765/api/search?s=Pasadena&s=Texas" | python -mjson.tool

How to Connect to Lucene GeoGazetter in Python

Once Lucene GeoGazetter Server is Installed and Working, Now download and set up the NER model, and then link it to Tika [SKIP_IF_location-ner-model_dir_CREATED]

  1. Create new directory in repo: mkdir location-ner-model
  2. cd location-ner-model
  3. Run curl command inside location-ner-model directory: curl -O
  4. mkdir -p org/apache/tika/parser/geo/
  5. mv en-ner-location.bin org/apache/tika/parser/geo/
  6. ls org
  7. pwd
  8. ls -alR
    • Should see something like this:
total 0
drwxr-xr-x@  3 toddgavin  staff   96 Mar 26 19:06 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 19 toddgavin  staff  608 Mar 26 19:04 ..
drwxr-xr-x@  3 toddgavin  staff   96 Mar 26 19:06 or

Now we have to create the new application/geotopic MIME type, and map it to Tika. [SKIP_IF_geotopic-mime_dir_CREATED]

  1. mkdir geotopic-mime
  2. cd geotopic-mime
  3. mkdir -p org/apache/tika/mime
  4. curl -O
  5. mv custom-mimetypes.xml org/apache/tika/mime
  6. ls org/apache/tika/mime/

Now you need to grab an example of a file that you want to run the GeoTopicParser on... [SKIP_IF_polar.geot_CREATED]

  1. curl -LO
  2. cat polar.geot

Final step is that you need a copy of Tika App, Tika Server, and also the Tika NLP-ML module (which has the GeoTopicParser in it). You can build all of these by building Tika, but there's an easier way. Just grab the JAR files. [SKIP_IF_tika-build_dir_CREATED]

  1. mkdir tika-build
  2. cd tika-build
  3. Tika Parser NLP Package: curl -LO
  4. Tika App: curl -LO
  5. Tika Server: curl -LO

> Now, we can run the command to test out the GeoTopicParser, first from the TikaApp / Command line interface (CLI). Then we'll run a Tika REST server, and try it there too.

Created a simple script, which I will paste below called geotopic-parser that wraps the Java command and classpaths and allows you to run it on a single file. [SKIP_IF_geotopic-parser_CREATED]

  1. Create file geotopic-parser file:
export f=$1

java -classpath tika-build/tika-app-${TIKA_VERSION}.jar:tika-build/tika-parser-nlp-package-${TIKA_VERSION}.jar:${PWD}/location-ner-model:${PWD}/geotopic-mime \
		org.apache.tika.cli.TikaCLI -m $f
  1. Give executable permission to the file geotopic-parser by running command: chmod +x geotopic-parser
  2. Now, I will run it on the polar.geot file: ./geotopic-parser polar.geot

Start up the geotopic-REST server [SKIP_IF_geotopic-server_CREATED]

  • And then similarly create a simple script to do that too, called geotopic-server which I will paste below (don't forget to chmod +x geotopic-server before running it.)
  • Note once you run it, it will take control of the terminal unless you put it in the background, so you'll need a new terminal to test it out.
  1. Create file geotopic-server file:
export TIKA_VERSION=2.7.0

java -classpath ${PWD}/location-ner-model:${PWD}/geotopic-mime:tika-build/tika-server-standard-${TIKA_VERSION}.jar:tika-build/tika-parser-nlp-package-${TIKA_VERSION}.jar \
  1. Give executable permission to the file geotopic-server by running command: chmod +x geotopic-server
  2. Run command: ./geotopic-server
  3. If its working, test out the GeoTopic REST server by opening new base terminal and running: curl -T polar.geot -H "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=polar.geot" http://localhost:9998/rmeta | python -mjson.tool
    • curl -T polar.geot -H "Content-Type: application/geotopic; filename=polar.geot" http://localhost:9998/rmeta | python -mjson.tool OUTPUT:
        "Geographic_LONGITUDE": "105.0",
        "Geographic_NAME": "People\u2019s Republic of China",
        "X-TIKA:Parsed-By-Full-Set": [
        "resourceName": "polar.geot",
        "Optional_NAME1": "United States",
        "Optional_LATITUDE1": "39.76",
        "Optional_LONGITUDE1": "-98.5",
        "X-TIKA:Parsed-By": [
        "X-TIKA:parse_time_millis": "1300",
        "X-TIKA:embedded_depth": "0",
        "Geographic_LATITUDE": "35.0",
        "Content-Length": "881",
        "Content-Type": "application/geotopic"

Run GeoTopic Parser End-to-End

  1. Kill all java processes and kill tika server is already running (refer to Errors section fo ReadMe)
    • killall java
    • List current processes: jps
      • Kill all tika processes with: kill <process number>
  2. Navigate to directory /3_Tika_GeoTopic_Parser and run command to start lucene server: lucene-geo-gazetteer -server
    • Should see this if working: INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8765"]
    • If its not working, re-run command to set up path inside of /lucene-geo-gazetteer/src/main/bin: export PATH=$PWD:$PATH
  3. In new terminal window, navigate to directory /3_Tika_GeoTopic_Parser and run command to start geotopic server: ./geotopic-server
    • Should see this if working: INFO [main] 16:25:04,222 org.apache.tika.server.core.TikaServerProcess Started Apache Tika server ff835cb6-9aa1-4817-ba8d-d035eb174c87 at http://localhost:9998/
  4. In new terminal window again, navigate to directory /3_Tika_GeoTopic_Parser and run command to test servers: curl -T polar.geot -H "Content-Type: application/geotopic; filename=polar.geot" http://localhost:9998/rmeta | python -mjson.tool
    • Should Get if running correctly: United States, 39.76, -98.5

Running GeoTopic Server from Python

If you want to call your new GeoTopic server from Python, using Tika-Python it's simple! You just drop into Python, and run Tika on a *.geot file.

from tika import parser
parsed = parser.from_file('polar.geot', headers={ 'Content-Type' : 'application/geotopic'})


{'metadata': {'Geographic_LONGITUDE': '-98.5', 'Geographic_NAME': 'United States', 'X-TIKA:Parsed-By-Full-Set': ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.geo.GeoParser'], 'resourceName': "b'polar.geot'", 'Optional_NAME1': 'People's Republic of China', 'Optional_LATITUDE1': '35.0', 'Optional_LONGITUDE1': '105.0', 'X-TIKA:Parsed-By': ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.geo.GeoParser'], 'X-TIKA:parse_time_millis': '61', 'X-TIKA:embedded_depth': '0', 'Geographic_LATITUDE': '39.76', 'Content-Length': '881', 'Content-Type-Override': 'application/geotopic', 'Content-Type': 'application/geotopic'}, 'content': None, 'status': 200}

5. Install Detoxify using PIP and the instructions here:

Run Command: pip install detoxify

  • Note that if you are using Mac and Python, using pyenv, and you run into issues installing Detoxify and torch with PIP, see this for an easy workaround pytorch/pytorch#53601 (comment)

6. Install Tika Image Dockers and generate captions for your Pixstory images posts

  1. Download all 95k images associated with the posts
    • Write a simple python script to do this
  2. Install Tika Dockers package for Image Captioning and Object Recognition
  3. Iterate through all the Pixstory posts and add the generated image caption and the detect object(s) column to your dataset


  1. Kill all java processes: killall java
  2. Kill tika server:
    1. To view running processes: jps
    2. They type the process number: kill <process>