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124 lines (120 loc) · 4.38 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (120 loc) · 4.38 KB


  1. show index.html
  2. show main.ts
  3. show app.module.ts
  4. show app.component [ts file, html file, css]

basic data binding

  1. show changing the app title
  2. create artist input (no special angular stuff)
  3. add two way binding to artist:
  • in ts file add artist variable
  • [(ngModel)]="artist"
  • add <p>{{artist}}</p>
  1. create an array of artists
    • add in the ts file artist: string[]=[];
  2. create a function to add it to artists
  addArtists(toadd:string) {
  1. in the html, add <button>Add</button> show that it's not wired up. Add a click event (click)="addArtists(artist)"
  2. introduce pipes and the json pipe. insert <p>{{artists | json}}</p>

structural directives: ngFor

  1. show
    • {{artists[0]}}
    • {{artists[1]}}
  2. do an ngfor
  <li *ngFor="let a of artists">{{a}}</li>

common cli assets: add bootstrap

  1. npm install bootstrap --save
  2. go to .angular-cli.json
  3. add to the assets array "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"
  4. IMPORTANT restart ng serve. takes a few seconds.
  5. add some simple bootstrap styling
  • add class="form-group" to the div
  • add class="form-control" to the input
  • add 'class="btn" to the button
  1. add a button for favorites (not wired up).
  • go to the
  • element. add a button with a star glyph <button class="btn btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden="true"></span></button>

creating our first component

OK, so it's getting complicated. we are going to need to make artist into a real class, it's going to need a name and a flag for whether it's a favorite. Also it looks awkward as bullets, it would be better in a nice table. let's create an artist list component. 20. Create an artistlist component

  • stop ng serve
  • show dry run ng g component artistList --dry-run ng g component artistList
  1. reference components
  • show changed files, esp. the module file
  • insert <app-artist-list></app-artist-list> in app.component.html
  1. write component
  • now go to app.component.html and cut the
    • paste into artistList
    • add artistlist property to artistList.ts
    • change ngFor to artistlist
    • run and show it doesn't have data...need to pass to component
    1. @input property
    • so need to add an input
    • add @input() tag. import {Input} to artist-list.component.ts
    • add [artistlist]="artists" to app.component.html

    creating an artist class and wiring up favorites

    • create a class with ng g class Artist
    • create the basic class
      export class Artist {
        public favorite = false;
        constructor(public name: string) { }

    complete refactor

    explain that typescript has more java style classes. Using constructor, public properties as parameters for declaration. export so other htings can import

    • put in the artist class in the components via import
    • change input type
    • change addArtist to do a new Artist(toadd)
    • save a reload to show it still works

    add favorite setting

    • add method toggleFavorite
        toggleFavorite(favartist: Artist) {
        favartist.favorite = !favartist.favorite;
    • change button in this way:
        <button (click)="toggleFavorite(a)" class="btn btn-xs">
            <span *ngIf="a.favorite" class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden="true"></span>
            <span *ngIf="!a.favorite" class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty" aria-hidden="true"></span>

    style list

    ok. so how do we get rid of these bullets? lets add some boostrap goodness emmet for table: div>table.table-striped.table-bordered>(tr>th{Fav}+th{Artist})+(tr>td+td{{{}}}) or full artist-list.component.html:

    div class="container">
      <table class="table-striped table-bordered artist-fav">
          <th class="col-md-1 col-sm-1">Fav</th>
          <th class="col-md-6 col-sm-4" >Artist</th>
        <tr *ngFor="let a of artistlist; let i=index">
            <button (click)="toggleFavorite(a)" class="btn btn-xs artist-fav">
              <span *ngIf="a.favorite" class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden="true"></span>
              <span *ngIf="!a.favorite" class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <td >{{}}</td>

    csss for artist fav:

    .artist-fav {
        background-color: #4E2A84;
        color: #d8d6d6;