AngularCollection is a collection module for AngularJS.
angular-collection is a bower component you should be able to install it by running:
bower install angular-collection
or if you already have a bower based project you can add angular-collection to your dependency list in bower.json
"dependencies": {
"angular-collection": "0.x.x"
add(obj, options)
addAll(array, options)
get(obj | id)
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngCollection']);
app.factory("TodoCollection", function($collection){
var TodoCollection = $collection;
return TodoCollection;
var todos = TodoCollection.getInstance();
property will be generated and attached to each new record.
todos.add({ title: "todo1" });
todos.add({ title: "todo2" });
todos.add({ title: "todo0" }, {index: 0});
Get a record from the collection, specified by an id or by passing in a record.
var todo = todos.get(10);
If a record is already in the collection, its attributes will be merged.
todos.update({ id: 1, title: 'todos3' });
todos.remove({ id: 1, title: 'todos3' });;
Sort the collection by title descending each time you call add()
var todos = $collection.getInstance({comparator: "-title"});
todos.add({ title: "todo1" }); // performs sort
todos.add({ title: "todo2" }); // performs sort
Sorts the collection by title descending but only when sort() is called
var todos = $collection.getInstance();
todos.add({ title: "todo1" });
todos.add({ title: "todo2" });
todos.sort('-title'); // performs sort
You can pass a single parameter to getInstance
to specify additional options.
var todos = TodoCollection.getInstance(options);
Currently the only options available are idAttribute
and comparator
var todos = TodoCollection.getInstance({idAttribute: 'id', comparator: '-created_at'});
The MIT License