- Update the dependencies
- Fix all ESLint auto-fix problems
- Replace JSCS with ESLint and Prettier
- Use @tomodwyer versions of Nodetunes and Nicercast
- Added support for node 4.0.0
- Re-added warning for ALAC device usage
- Fixed bug where devices would be reported multiple times
- Added support for node 0.12.x
- Added support for grouped and paired devices
- Update to nicercast 0.0.8
- Updated to nodetunes 0.1.2
- Added warning when attempting to connect with iTunes/AirFoil (no more static)
- Changed device naming scheme to show device name first
- Fixed issue #21
- Updated to nicercast 0.0.7
- Added ip address to diagnostics output
- Updated to nodetunes 0.1.1
- Updated to nodetunes 0.1.0
- Added
and--timeout n
- Updated to nodetunes 0.0.19 (removed dependency for ursa)
- Updated to nodetunes 0.0.17, locked dependency versions
- Fixes issue where unknown request method crashes session (see issue #34)
- Updated to nodetunes 0.0.17
- Added metadata support for client name in radio stream (e.g. Stephen's iPad)
- Updated to sonos 0.6.1, nodetunes 0.0.16
- Reverted to nodetunes v0.0.11 (issues with refactor)
- Updated nicercast v0.0.5
- Upped to nodetunes v0.0.12 (attempts to solve issue #2)
- Updated diagnostics output to include topology information
- Added Sonos Controller metadata support (see stephen/airsonos#12)
- Added network diagnostics output (
airsonos --diagnostics
- Ignore Sonos Sub device when scanning network (see issue #7, thanks @sascha!)
- Changed AirPlay display name to reflect Sonos Zone name (see issue #5)
- Upped to NodeTunes version 0.0.10
- Fixed issue where Sonos Bridge shows up as a playable device (see bencevans/node-sonos#29)
- Upped to NodeTunes version 0.0.9 (solves issue #1)
- Added support for global installation
- Fixed EADDRINUSE re-connection bug
- Changed to nodetunes version 0.0.7 callback pattern