placeholder like spigot for pocketmine-mp version
Nov 12, 2024 - PHP
PocketMine-MP is a Minecraft: Bedrock Edition server software written in PHP, originally created by Shoghi Cervantes Pueyo, which can be enhanced and customised via plugins. Since the development on the main repository has stopped, the repository was forked and is currently maintained by members of pmmp.
placeholder like spigot for pocketmine-mp version
scoreboard for pocektmine mp
Crates with entitys plugin
Now you can clean chunks, If there is no player in the chunk, this can reduce server lag
A 6x6 crafting table plugin with customable recipe.
DiscordBot, A Discord core API for pocketmine-mp.
A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows server administrators to issue warnings to players and keep track of their warning history.
ClickGuard is a PocketMine-MP plugin designed to detect and handle players using cheats such as Kill Aura or Auto Clicker. It monitors player interactions and kicks or bans players who exceed a specified click rate, ensuring fair gameplay on your Minecraft: Bedrock Edition server.
DeprecatedChecker is a PocketMine-MP plugin designed to detect and log deprecated warnings from other plugins. This tool is essential for developers to ensure they are not using outdated functions or methods, which can lead to compatibility issues in the future.
This is a PocketMine plugin that simulates a trampoline effect using slime blocks. When a player steps on a slime block, they will be propelled upwards with a configurable power. Additionally, a particle effect will be displayed at the player's position when they bounce on the trampoline.
FlySpeed is a plugin for PocketMine-MP 5.0.0+ that allows you to change the flight speed, similar to the feature found in Java Edition. Using the /flyspeed command, you can set the flying speed according to your wishes.
A PocketMine-MP plugin as an much better alternative to MSpawns.
This is a versatile plugin designed to display various player statistics and information on the scoreboard or HUD. It supports multiple economy systems and provides customizable tags for displaying player balances, online players, ping status, and more.
ultimate plugin for server administrators and staff members.
📦 A plugin manager for PocketMine-MP downloads plugin from PocketMine-MP official plugin repository
Plugin for PocketMine-MP (5) for switching inventories when changing gamemodes
Harvesting crops while preserving their roots with right-click
Created by Shoghi Cervantes Pueyo, pmmp
Released 2012