Punto de partida construido con pugjs, que brinda facilidades para desarrollar un tema para Blogger.
Apr 24, 2023 - Pug
Pug, formerly known as Jade, is a high-performance templating engine influenced by Haml for Node.js and browsers, with a clean, whitespace-sensitive syntax for writing HTML.
Punto de partida construido con pugjs, que brinda facilidades para desarrollar un tema para Blogger.
🐶 Compile Jade and Pug from Ruby.
DocKip is a document management system for managing and sharing documents: Staging => http://dockip-staging.herokuapp.com. Production =>
BotBlock - The List of Discord Bot Lists and Services
Add supporting of pugjs with react
plugin that transforms pug Vue component templates into HTML
Landing Page For Computers Repair Services Website
A powerful boilerplate to work with Gulp 3.9 with SASS, PUG and ES6+ with reusable & async tasks.
Boost your productivity and manage your time by using the Pomodoro thecnique.
Angular syntax highlighting for Pug templates
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webpack loader that transforms pug Vue component templates to plain HTML
🔥 Vue.js URL Shortener
Static WebSite Generator for GitHub Page