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Command Line Reference

The TopoJSON 2.0 API Reference has moved. This page describes the TopoJSON 1.x API.

In this document, “TopoJSON” refers to the serialization format, whereas topojson refers to the command-line application you can install via NPM. topojson is a reference implementation for converting data to the TopoJSON format, but not the only implementation; for example, see Sean Gillies’


topojson [options] -- [file …]

Input files can be one or more of:

  • .json GeoJSON or TopoJSON
  • .shp ESRI shapefile
  • .csv comma-separated values (CSV)
  • .tsv tab-separated values (TSV)


  • -o, --out output TopoJSON file name
  • -q, --quantization, --no-quantization maximum number of differentiable points along either dimension
  • -s, --simplify precision threshold for Visvalingam simplification
  • --simplify-proportion proportion of points to retain for Visvalingam simplification
  • --cartesian assume Cartesian input coordinates
  • --spherical assume spherical input coordinates
  • --no-force-clockwise do not force clockwise exterior rings and counterclockwise interior rings
  • --no-stitch-poles do not splice antimeridian cuts for polygons that encompass a pole
  • --filter preserve null or empty features (e.g., zero-area polygons)
  • --bbox include bbox property in generated topology
  • --id-property name of feature property to promote to geometry id
  • -p, --properties feature properties to preserve; no name preserves all properties
  • -e, --external-properties CSV or TSV file to join properties (by id) to output features
  • --shapefile-encoding character encoding for reading shapefile properties
  • --ignore-shapefile-properties skip reading shapefile properties (.dbf) for faster performance
  • -x, --longitude name of the longitude property for CSV or TSV geometry input
  • -y, --latitude name of the latitude property for CSV or TSV geometry input
  • --projection project spherical input geometry using a D3 geographic projection
  • --width scale and translate to fit a viewport of the specified width
  • --height scale and translate to fit a viewport of the specified height
  • --margin pixels of margin to reserve when scaling to fit a viewport

Input and Output

  • -o, --out output TopoJSON file name

The simplest usage of topojson is:

topojson -o output.json input.json

This converts the GeoJSON file, input.json, to a TopoJSON file, output.json. Equivalently, you can output to stdout and then redirect it to a file:

topojson input.json > output.json

You can specify ESRI shapefiles as input:

topojson -o output.json input.shp

You can even specify CSV or TSV files as input, where each row defines the properties "longitude" and "latitude", representing a point:

topojson -o output.json input.csv

Use -- to separate the input files from the output files and options, for clarity and safety. If you list multiple input files, they will be combined into a single output TopoJSON file:

topojson -o foobar.json -- foo.json bar.json

The generated output TopoJSON file, here foobar.json, contains a topology as described in the specification. The topology contains a map of named objects; the names of the objects are inferred from the file name, minus any enclosing directories and file extensions. (Be careful not to pass multiple input files with the same name in different directories!) The above foobar.json looks something like this:

  "type": "Topology",
  "transform": …,
  "objects": {
    "foo": …,

Thus, is the converted contents of the input foo.json file, and is the converted contents of the input bar.json file. If you want to assign explicit names to the objects in the generated topology, rather than using the file name, you can prefix the input file with name=. For example, the following command will use the name “states” for us-states.json and “counties” for us-counties.json:

topojson -o us.json -- states=us-states.json counties=us-counties.json

All objects in a generated topology share the same set of arcs, even if they come from different input files!

Supported Input Formats

topojson supports GeoJSON, ESRI Shapefiles (via a JavaScript shapefile parser), CSV, TSV and TopoJSON as input. The type of input is inferred from the input file extensions:

  • .json GeoJSON or TopoJSON
  • .shp ESRI shapefile
  • .csv comma-separated values (CSV)
  • .tsv tab-separated values (TSV)

If your input geometry is not in one of these common formats, use ogr2ogr to convert it first. See the Let’s Make a Map tutorial for tips on installing ogr2ogr and GDAL. ogr2ogr has many other useful features not supported by topojson, including clipping, filtering and reprojection. For example, to reproject a shapefiles to the World Geodetic System, EPSG:4326:

ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' -t_srs EPSG:4326 input-fixed.shp input.shp
topojson -o output.json -- input-fixed.shp

CSV or TSV Points

  • -x, --longitude name of the longitude property for CSV or TSV geometry input
  • -y, --latitude name of the latitude property for CSV or TSV geometry input

For CSV or TSV geometry input, each row represents a point feature. The names of the longitude and latitude properties can be configured using the -x and -y (or equivalently --longitude and --latitude) options, respectively. Any remaining properties can be used as output properties via the -p argument, as described below.


  • -q, --quantization, --no-quantization maximum number of differentiable points along either dimension

Unlike GeoJSON, ESRI shapefiles, and other popular formats, TopoJSON uses quantized (fixed-point) coordinates by default, rather than floating-point coordinates. This means that you need to tell topojson how much precision to retain in the input geometry. The more precision you retain, the more accurate the encoded geometry, and the larger the file size. (See Josh Livni’s post for an example of error due to over-quantization.)

To disable quantization, specify --no-quantization. This will result in significantly larger files, and may also produce messier topologies due to inaccuracies in non-topological inputs.

If you are generating a small static map in the browser, the default quantization factor of 10,000 (-q 1e4) is probably sufficient. This means that there are a maximum of ten thousand differentiable values along each dimension. If you are generating a large high-resolution map, or if you want to allow the user to zoom in and see greater detail, you should increase the quantization factor by at least one or two orders of magnitude: -q 1e5 or -q 1e6.

When you run topojson on the command line, it will output the quantization precision in meters along x and y. For example:

quantization: 400m (0.00360°) 188m (0.00169°)

The precision is the interval between quantized fixed-point output coordinates. Above, 0.00360° (12.96) corresponds to 400 meters, assuming a spherical Earth of radius 6,371 kilometers. If you expect to display this map at a resolution higher than 400 meters per pixel, then you should increase the quantization accordingly!

Quantization causes coincident points. You may want to increase the quantization factor to produce a cleaner topology, as overly-quantized inputs may result in excessive arc intersection due to these coincident points. Coincident points along an arc will be removed, and thus the output geometry may have fewer coordinates than the input geometry. In the extreme case, such as highly-quantized small islands, the geometry objects can collapse down to a single point; see the --filter argument below to control whether these degenerate features are included in the output.


  • -s, --simplify precision threshold for Visvalingam simplification
  • --simplify-proportion proportion of points to retain for Visvalingam simplification

Geometry simplification is different from quantization, but is another method of reducing the complexity of the geometry and the output file size substantially. See my tutorial on Visvalingam simplification for an explanation of the algorithm and a demonstration.

Simplification is controlled using either the -s (--simplify) argument, which specifies an area threshold. The area is measured in steradians for spherical coordinates, or local square units when used with --cartesian. You can instead use the --simplify-proportion argument to specify the fraction of coordinates (roughly corresponding to output file size) to retain. Use the latter if it is convenient, but specifying an explicit area threshold using -s may be safer assuming you know the output resolution of the map you are going to display. The -s threshold should be less than the per-pixel area of your map to avoid visual artifacts. Note that in the case of projections that are not equal-area, artifacts caused by over-simplification will be significantly more visible in areas of larger scale, such as near the poles when using the Mercator projection. When in doubt, try it and see!

When using Cartesian coordinates, the meaning of the simplification threshold changes to be in projected coordinates. In conjunction with the --width and --height arguments (described below), you can specify a simplification threshold in pixels, which is convenient!

Simplification preserves topology; rather than running on each geometry object independently, only the topology’s arcs are simplified. Thus, shared borders remain shared after simplification. Note that because topology is inferred from coincident points after quantization, the behavior of simplification is dependent on the quantization factor (-q) as described above. If simplification behaves unexpectedly, try increasing quantization precision by a factor of ten (e.g., -q 1e5).


  • --cartesian assume Cartesian coordinates
  • --spherical assume spherical coordinates
  • --no-force-clockwise do not force clockwise exterior rings and counterclockwise interior rings
  • --no-stitch-poles do not splice antimeridian cuts for polygons that encompass a pole
  • --filter preserve null or empty features (e.g., zero-area polygons)
  • --projection project spherical input geometry using a D3 geographic projection
  • --width scale and translate to fit a viewport of the specified width
  • --height scale and translate to fit a viewport of the specified height
  • --margin pixels of margin to reserve when scaling to fit a viewport
  • --bbox include bbox property in generated topology

Input files must be topologically-consistent, in order to generate valid topological output. This means that for a shared arc between two features, the coordinates of the arc must be in exactly the same position and in the same order (or the reversed order). Spurious intermediate coordinates, or non-aligned coordinates, can prevent topojson from detecting shared arcs and producing detached geometry objects.

Some input formats do not require a winding order for polygons; TopoJSON, in contrast, uses the right hand rule. Thus, by default, topojson forces all polygons to be clockwise. Without this step, small input polygons with opposite winding order would cover more than one hemisphere. See Jason Davies’ clipping demonstration for an example of such large polygons. If you wish to retain these polygons of unusual size, use the --no-force-clockwise argument to disable this behavior.

By default, topojson assumes spherical coordinates if all input coordinates are within the range [±180°, ±90°]. If any coordinate is outside this range, topojson instead assumes Cartesian coordinates. You can make this behavior explicit by specifying either the --spherical or --cartesian option. When using spherical coordinates, simplification is performed using spherical triangle area (per L’Huiler’s theorem); in Cartesian coordinates, planar triangle area is used instead. It is an error to use --spherical if any coordinates are outside the range [±180°, ±90°]. Also note that using --cartesian implicitly changes the meaning of the --simplify argument to take square units rather than steradians.

When using spherical coordinates, topojson will remove extraneous antimeridian cuts for polygons that encompass a pole, such as Antarctica. Use the --no-stitch-poles argument to disable this behavior (or use Cartesian coordinates).

Normally topojson does not include null and empty objects in the output topology. These can arise either because they were present in the input, or as a result of quantization or simplification. Use the --filter=none argument to retain empty and null features. (Null geometry objects in TopoJSON have an undefined type, as described in the specification.) Use --filter=small if you want small rings that are attached to other rings to be removed; the default filter behavior, --filter=small-detached, only removes small rings that are not attached to other polygons, such as islands.

To include a bbox property in the generated topology that represents the bounding box of all contained features, use the --bbox argument. The bounding box array follows the same format as GeoJSON: [x0, y0, x1, y1].

You can use --projection to convert spherical input geometry to Cartesian coordinates via a D3 geographic projection. For example, --projection 'd3.geo.albersUsa()' will project geometry using a composite Albers equal-area conic projection suitable for the contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii.

When using Cartesian coordinates, use the --width and --height arguments to scale and translate the geometry to fit a viewport of the specified size. If --width is specified but not --height, or if --height is specified but not --width, the geometry is scaled to fit just the width or the height, respectively. An additional --margin argument can be used to reserve some pixels of padding from the edge of the viewport. See the projected TopoJSON example.


  • -p, --properties feature properties to preserve; no name preserves all properties
  • --shapefile-encoding character encoding for reading shapefile properties
  • --ignore-shapefile-properties skip reading shapefile properties (.dbf) for faster performance

By default, topojson removes all properties. Use the -p (--properties) argument to retain some or all properties.

If you only want to retain some properties, pass an input property name to the -p argument. For example, -p foo will retain the property "foo". You can specify multiple properties to retain either by using multiple -p arguments, as in -p foo -p bar, or by using a comma to separate the property names, as in -p foo,bar.

If you want to retain all properties, pass the -p argument as the last option on the command line, with no value. Alternately use -- to terminate command line flags. Ie: topojson -o output.json -p -- input.json.

The -p argument also allows you to rename properties, should you wish to convert an awkward input property name to a more usable output property name. Use the form -p target=source to rename an input property named "source" to the output property named "target". Renaming properties also works with multiple properties. For example, to downcase the property names "FOO" and "BAR", use -p foo=FOO,bar=BAR.

If the properties referenced by -p are null or undefined, they are omitted from the output geometry object. If the output geometry object has no defined properties (that is, all properties are null or undefined), the geometry object will not have a properties object. Be careful dereferencing properties from geometry objects in the client, as dereferencing a property will throw an error if the geometry object has no properties object!

You can use -p to map multiple input properties to the same output property name. For example, if you want the output property "name" to be defined from either the input property "STATE" or "COUNTY", use -p name=STATE,name=COUNTY. However, if an input feature has both properties ("STATE" and "COUNTY") defined, the value of the last one ("COUNTY") wins.

The -p argument can coerce input property values to numbers, if desired. Prepend a + in front of the input property name to coerce its value to a number:

topojson -o output.json -p +iso_n3 -- input.shp

(Note: it is not currently possible to preserve properties whose name contains a comma, leading plus or equals sign.)

When using shapefiles as input, the default encoding is ISO 8859-1 for legacy reasons. You can change the encoding to the more expressive UTF-8 encoding by saying --shapefile-encoding utf8.

When reading an input shapefile from a file, TopoJSON attempts to load a matching .dbf file with the same filename prefix to obtain shapefile properties. If the .dbf file does not exist, an error will be thrown. To prevent the file from being loaded, use --ignore-shapefile-properties. This also improves performance if the properties are not needed.


  • --id-property name of feature property to promote to geometry id

By default, topojson retains the id attribute of input features. If you wish to promote a property to the feature ID as part of the conversion to TopoJSON, use the --id-property argument. For example, to promote the "iso_3166_2" property to the ID:

topojson -o output.json --id-property iso_3166_2 -- input.shp

The --id-property argument can also be used to coerce input property values to numeric IDs, if desired. Prepend a + in front of the input property name to coerce its value to a number:

topojson -o output.json --id-property +iso_n3 -- input.shp

If the properties referenced by --id-property are null or undefined, they are omitted from the output geometry object. Thus, the generated objects may not have a defined ID if the input features did not have a property with the specified name.

The --id-property argument can take multiple input property names to compute the ID. For example, if you want the ID be defined from either the input property "STATE" or "COUNTY", use --id-property STATE,COUNTY. If an input feature has both properties ("STATE" and "COUNTY") defined, the value of the first one ("STATE") wins. Note that this behavior is different from the -p option.

(Note: it is not currently possible to generate an ID from properties whose name contains a comma, leading plus or equals sign.)

External Properties

  • -e, --external-properties CSV or TSV file to join properties (by id) to output features

For convenience, you can specify a CSV or TSV file to topojson that specifies additional properties that you want to bind to output geometry objects. For example, say you had a TSV file like this:

FIPS	rate
1001	.097
1003	.091
1005	.134
1007	.121
1009	.099
1011	.164
1013	.167
1015	.108
1017	.186
1019	.118
1021	.099

Using -e, you can map these to a numeric output property named "unemployment":

topojson \
  -o output.json \
  -e unemployment.tsv \
  --id-property=+FIPS \
  -p unemployment=+rate \
  -- input.shp

Here, the input property "FIPS" is coerced to a number and used as the feature identifier; likewise, the column named "FIPS" is used as the identifier in the CSV file. (If your CSV file uses a different column name for the feature identifier, you can specify multiple id properties, such as --id-property=+FIPS,+id.) Then, the output property "unemployment" is generated from the external data file, unemployment.tsv, which defines the input property "rate". This property is also coerced to a number, which is necessary because CSV and TSV files are untyped.