By utilizing test mode, a device A running morseR24 can be used as an auxiliary radio from a secondary device B running different code. Here's how you might do that, assuming B is another Arduino:
To avoid confusion, we will write pins as A_D6 or B_D6, etc.
- Connect any output pin (say B_D6) of B to pin A_D6 on A (code key switch)
- Connect any output pin (say B_D2) of B to A_RST on A
On B:
- Assert B_D2 HIGH_initially
- Assert B_D6 LOW initially (this will put A in test mode upon reset)
- Reset A by asserting B_D2 LOW for 10ms
- Assert B_D6 HIGH ("release" code key on A)
- Send data to A using B_D6, which is wired to the code key pin on A