From 49ee34889c4d6440770221360a19b81242b79e1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steven Marks <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 10:48:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] :memo: v1.6.1 Update docs

 docs/options/ |  6 +++---
 docs/options/         | 27 +++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/options/ b/docs/options/
index 9722e0ed..7fd8fd12 100644
--- a/docs/options/
+++ b/docs/options/
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ nav_order: 4
 | firstDayOfWeek         | integer | v0.7.0 | `1` First day of week, default 1 for Monday                                                           |
 | calEventHolidayColor   | string  | v0.7.0 | `red` Color of day for `type: holiday` calendar                                                       |
 | calEventIcon1          | string  | v0.7.0 | `mdi:gift` Icon for `type: icon1` calendar                                                            |
-| calEventIcon1Color     | string  | v0.7.0 | `default` Color of icon for `type: icon1` calendar                                                    |
+| calEventIcon1Color     | string  | v0.7.0 | `primary color` Color of icon for `type: icon1` calendar                                              |
 | calEventIcon1Filter    | string  | v0.7.0 | `null` List of comma separated keywords                                                               |
 | calEventIcon2          | string  | v0.7.0 | `mdi:home` Icon for `type: icon2` calendar                                                            |
-| calEventIcon2Color     | string  | v0.7.0 | `default` Color of icon for `type: icon2` calendar                                                    |
+| calEventIcon2Color     | string  | v0.7.0 | `primary color` Color of icon for `type: icon2` calendar                                              |
 | calEventIcon2Filter    | string  | v0.7.0 | `null` List of comma separated keywords                                                               |
 | calEventIcon3          | string  | v0.7.0 | `mdi:star` Icon for `type: icon3` calendar                                                            |
-| calEventIcon3Color     | string  | v0.7.0 | `default` Color of icon for `type: icon3` calendar                                                    |
+| calEventIcon3Color     | string  | v0.7.0 | `primary color` Color of icon for `type: icon3` calendar                                              |
 | calEventIcon3Filter    | string  | v0.7.0 | `null` List of comma separated keywords                                                               |
 | showLastCalendarWeek   | boolean | v0.7.5 | `false` If true it will always show 6 lines. If false, the 6th line won't be displayed if not needed. |
 | calEventTime           |  bool   | v1.5.0 | `false` If true the time will be shown on the event summary for the selected day                      |
diff --git a/docs/options/ b/docs/options/
index 7a5df8bb..55bb4b54 100644
--- a/docs/options/
+++ b/docs/options/
@@ -9,35 +9,34 @@ If you don't set colors, default theme colors will be used. If you use automatic
 | Name                          |  Type   | Since  | Description                                                                         |
 | ----------------------------- | :-----: | :----: | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| dateColor                     | string  | v0.3.0 | `default text color` Color of date (left side)                                      |
+| dateColor                     | string  | v0.3.0 | `primary text color` Color of date (left side)                                      |
 | dateSize                      | integer | v0.3.0 | `90` Date text size (percent of default font)                                       |
-| timeColor                     | string  | v0.3.0 | `default color` Color of time (under the event title)                               |
+| timeColor                     | string  | v0.3.0 | `primary color` Color of time (under the event title)                               |
 | timeSize                      | integer | v0.3.0 | `90` Time text size (percent of default font)                                       |
-| eventTitleColor               | string  | v0.3.0 | `default text color` Color of event title                                           |
+| eventTitleColor               | string  | v0.3.0 | `primary text color` Color of event title                                           |
 | eventTitleSize                | integer | v0.3.0 | `100` Event title text size (percent of default font)                               |
-| locationLinkColor             | string  | v0.3.0 | `default text color` Color of location link (right side)                            |
+| locationLinkColor             | string  | v0.3.0 | `primary text color` Color of location link (right side)                            |
 | locationTextSize              | integer | v0.3.0 | `90` Location text size (percent of default font)                                   |
-| locationIconColor             | string  | v0.3.0 | `rgb(230, 124, 115)` Color of location icon                                         |
+| locationIconColor             | string  | v0.3.0 | `primary text color` Color of location icon                                         |
 | hideFinishedEvents            | boolean | v0.9.0 | `false` Don't display finished events                                               |
 | dimFinishedEvents             | boolean | v0.3.0 | `true` Apply filters to finished events (configured below)                          |
 | finishedEventOpacity          |  float  | v0.3.0 | `0.6` Opacity level of finished events                                              |
 | finishedEventOpacity          | string  | v0.3.0 | `grayscale(100%)` additional css filter to of finished events (default - greyscale) |
-| dayWrapperLineColor           | string  | v0.3.0 | `default text color` Color of line - days separate                                  |
-| descColor                     | string  | v0.8.4 | `default text color` Description of date (left side)                                |
+| dayWrapperLineColor           | string  | v0.3.0 | `primary text color` Color of line - days separate                                  |
+| descColor                     | string  | v0.8.4 | `primary text color` Description of date (left side)                                |
 | descSize                      | integer | v0.8.4 | `80` Description text size (percent of default font)                                |
-| eventCalNameColor             | string  | v1.2.0 | `default text color` color of `eventCalName` if set                                 |
+| eventCalNameColor             | string  | v1.2.0 | `primary text color` color of `eventCalName` if set                                 |
 | eventCalNameSize              | integer | v1.2.0 | `90` text size of `eventCalName` if set (percent of default font)                   |
 | calGridColor                  | string  | v1.3.0 | `rgba(86, 86, 86, .35)` color of calendar grid border                               |
 | calEventBackgroundColor       | string  | v1.3.0 | `rgba(86, 100, 86, .35)` background color of todays calendar date                   |
-| calEventBulletColor           | string  | v1.3.0 | `#cc5500` Sets bullet color for events on calendar day                              |
 | calEventSatColor              | string  | v1.3.0 | `rgba(86, 86, 86, .05)` Sets Saturday to a different color                          |
 | calEventSunColor              | string  | v1.3.0 | `rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)` Sets Sunday to a different color                         |
 | calActiveEventBackgroundColor | string  | v1.4.0 | `rgba(86, 128, 86, .35)` Sets selected day to different color                       |
-| defaultCalColor               | string  | v1.5.0 | `#cc5500` Sets the default calendar color if not set under the entity               |
-| calDayColor                   | string  | v1.6.0 | `default text color` Sets the calendar day number color                             |
-| nameColor                     | string  | v1.6.0 | `default text color` Sets the card name color                                       |
-| calWeekDayColor               | string  | v1.6.0 | `default text color` Sets the weekday title color in calendar mode                  |
-| calDateColor                  | string  | v1.6.0 | `default text color` Sets the date selector color in calendar mode                  |
+| defaultCalColor               | string  | v1.5.0 | `primary text color` Sets the default calendar color if not set under the entity    |
+| calDayColor                   | string  | v1.6.0 | `primary text color` Sets the calendar day number color                             |
+| nameColor                     | string  | v1.6.0 | `primary text color` Sets the card name color                                       |
+| calWeekDayColor               | string  | v1.6.0 | `primary text color` Sets the weekday title color in calendar mode                  |
+| calDateColor                  | string  | v1.6.0 | `primary text color` Sets the date selector color in calendar mode                  |
 ## Entity Specific