this is the old v0.1 of recordara - after "MECHANIZM" & "Calendario" are ready it will be replaced in the master branch
WebSDR Automatic Recorder
main workflow
- load up priyom calendar
- spawn a grabber process per each broadcasast
- grabber flushes out 2 files, one with squelch on
- recordara calculates probable EOF, trims the file, encodes, writes a spectrogram & hands it off to S3
code quality: working PoC
/usr/bin/nodejs /opt/recordara/grab.js 19252 /opt/recordara/output/2017-07-21/11-00-E07_19252kHz_USB 960000 0.15 3.7
(freq, path prefix, max. length in ms and bandpass filter low/high)