All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- added php 8 to the composer requirements
- added the installer plugins to the list of allowed composer plugins
v1.1.11 - 28.07.2022
- dependencies
v1.1.10 - 10.03.2022
- dependencies
- php-unit xml-file
- ip address logs from the constent-log
- updated packages and dependencies
- build files for the newest plugin version
- Potential Dataleak prevented
- Plugin load when DOM is ready
- Fixed typos in multiple files
- Removed unnecessary file Docblocks
- Added contributors
1.1.4 - 31.03.2020
- composer dependencies
- npm dependencies
1.1.3 - 23.03.2020
- Fixed updating/deleting transients
1.1.2 - 11.03.2020
- Changed folder permissons
- Fixed an exception which occurred when global error variable was not defined
1.1.1 - 10.03.2020
- Polyfill custom events for in check trafic type
- Directory creation recursively if neccessary
1.1.0 - 04.03.2020
- Consentlogging
- IP Range ignore in analytics
- Settings saved to database
- Uninstall / install hooks
- Safeguards
- Optional Accordion functionality
- IOS fix height/scrolling issue
1.0.12 - 20.02.2020
- IOS fix lower scrolling issue
1.0.11 - 20.02.2020
- IOS button styling bug
1.0.10 - 17.02.2020
- acf_format_values_function ignored for no cookie pages
1.0.9 - 14.02.2020
- Typehinting issue acf_format_values_function
1.0.8 - 10.02.2020
- Issue with acf_format_values_function
1.0.7 - 06.02.2020
- Issue with save function
1.0.6 - 05.02.2020
- No Cookie Site Settings bug fixed
1.0.5 - 04.02.2020
- No Cookie Site Settings
1.0.4 - 21.01.2020
- Cookie expire set to expire on set date
1.0.3 - 21.01.2020
- Hard Coded String removed
1.0.2 - 14.01.2020
- ACF issues with Fields not showing up solved
- phpcs adapted to PSR12 ruleset
- Added cookie consent hashing functionality
1.0.1 - 03.12.2019
- Fixed multiline issue with custom javascript code
1.0.0 - 26.11.2019
- Added Tagmanager functionality
- Added color setting via css variables
- Added essential cookies
- Added Frontend for Cookies
- Added cusotom build process with laravel mix
- Added Backend Options for Cookies
- Setup Automatic deployment on development branch
- Setup Composer