WIIMS 2019 gathers various DARPA performers (and their potential collaborators) who have interests in insect-inspired modeling of social behavior. The meeting will focus on sharing progress and potential ideas for future work in this area. The meeting will be hosted at Arizona State University within the facilities of the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative. Attendance to the meeting is free.
You may download the workshop program or view details about the event below.
- Discuss research progress in the current SBIR projects, with the goal of information sharing and productive feedback
- Discuss potential future directions for insect-inspired research, including the role that social insect research may play in potential DARPA initiatives
- Identify potential synergies in our current and future research programs
The 1.5-day event takes place over January 14–15, 2019. Although no meals are provided, bagels and coffee will be provided at certain times on both days.
08:00 |
Bagels and coffee will be available for the morning session |
Introduction and Welcome |
09:00–09:15 |
Jennifer Fewell, ASU |
SBIR Project: ASC-SIM |
09:15–09:30 |
Ted Pavlic, ASU |
09:30–09:40 |
Guo Xiaohui, ASU |
09:40–09:50 |
Kaitlin Baudier, ASU |
09:50–10:00 |
Bradley West, Boston Fusion |
10:00–10:30 |
Coffee will be provided |
SBIR Project: BISECT |
10:30–10:45 |
Stephen Pratt, ASU |
10:45–11:00 |
Dan Charbonneau, ASU |
NASA STTR Projects at ASU |
11:05--11:20 |
Dhruv Bhate, ASU |
11:20--11:35 |
Clint Pennick, ASU |
LUNCH (not provided) |
11:35–13:00 |
Walk to Engrained in the ASU Memorial Union |
UA–Novateur |
13:00–13:15 |
Anna Dornhaus, U. of Arizona |
13:15–13:30 |
Kenny Chapin, U. of Arizona |
Autonomous Collective Systems Laboratory |
14:35–14:50 |
Spring Berman, ASU |
14:50–15:00 |
Ruben Gameros, ASU |
15:00–15:10 |
Zahi Kakish, ASU |
15:10–15:20 |
Hamed Farivarnejad, ASU |
Smith Lab, ASU |
15:15–15:30 |
Meghan Bennett, ASU |
15:30–15:45 |
Coffee will be provided |
15:45–17:45 |
Strategic Round-Table Discussion |
What value have SBIR projects brought so far? |
Where can we go from here? (identify challenge problems) |
18:00 |
OPTIONAL DINNER (not provided) |
At a local restaurant (TBD) |
09:00 |
Bagels and coffee will be available |
10:00–12:30 |
Breakout Discussions |
Brainstorming potential future directions for social-insect-inspired research with DARPA |
OPTIONAL LUNCH (not provided) |
12:30 |
Meeting concludes after lunch |
Meetings on both days will all take place within the Global Bio-Social Complexity Initiative facilities in room ECA A101. Breakfast and coffee breaks will be provided on-site. Restaurants for lunch on the 15th and dinner on the 14th will be within walking distance most likely, but exact venues are TBD.
Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative
Engineering Center A (ECA), Room A101
1031 S. Palm Walk
Tempe, AZ 85281
There are several hotels near the ASU Tempe campus. Two that are particularly close to the meeting location are:
This workshop can take place due to support in some form from: