Whitespace is purely cosmetic, except for separating identifiers and/or integers.
Strings start with "
or '
(the 'quote character'), {set buffer to empty} then one of:
- the quote character, which ends the string. {The resulting string has content buffer}
, then a character {append a newline to buffer if the character isn
, otherwise append the character to buffer}. This character will not end the string if it is the quote character, and not escape the character after if it's\
.- any other character. {append it to buffer}
Integers start with one of 0123456789
{set buffer to that character} and then any number of:
{add each character tokenized to buffer, the resulting integer has content of the result of calling dart's int.tryParse method with buffer as the only argument, if it returns null it is an invalid integer}.
Identifiers start with one character out of a
, A
, _
{set buffer to that character}, then any number of those characters or any of 0123456789
{add each character tokenized to buffer, the resulting identifier has content buffer}
semicolon, ;
openParen, (
closeParen, )
openSquare, [
closeSquare, ]
openBrace, {
closeBrace, }
comma, ,
period, .
ellipsis, ...
bang, !
plus, +
minus, -
divide, /
multiply, *
remainder, %
equals, ==
notEquals, !=
greater, >
greaterEqual, >=
lessEqual, <=
less, <
andand, &&
oror, ||
bitAnd, &
bitOr, |
bitXor, ^
tilde, ~
leftShift, <<
rightShift, >>
set, =
Imports consist of the IDENTIFIER import
, followed by a STRING {path}, followed by SEMICOLON.
{This runs the file path and adds the resulting variables to the current file scope, as well as path's own file scope if path hasn't been}