🧑🏻🚀 Flight computer for model rockets
The firmware is written with ESP-IDF development framework and ran on an ESP-32 microcontroller.
External sensors are connected to collect telemetry data:
- BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor (9-dof)
- BMP388 Precision Barometric Pressure and Altimeter
Telemetry data is serialized into a binary wire format using protocol buffers.
Ground control software can log telemetry data broadcasted wirelessly by the flight controller.
On-board software can use the telemetry data stream as process variables in a PID control system.
A companion visualizer application allows real-time visualization of the model rocket body.
Telemetry data is streamed over USB and processed as updates to a 3D graphical scene.
The visualizer uses raylib for rendering and protobuf-c for packet deserialization.