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🔌 Brix API Module

This module provides a ridiculously easy GraphQL server environment that works out of the box. It's designed to plug directly into the Brix environment (using plugins and model/database adapters), or work completely stand alone. As per Brix's philosophy, the choice is yours.

Under the hood, @brix/api uses these brilliant technologies:


yarn add @brix/api


Once your project is setup, simply run brix or brix start to start your server.

$ brix
info: ✅ Database connected
info: 🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:4000/graphql

Manually (without the @brix/cli)

import API from '@brix/api';

(async () => {
  const { server, db } = await API.server();

This will spin up an API instance, automatically pulling in configuration from a brix.yaml / brix.json file. You can also pass in options directly into the API.server() method to override anything loaded from config files or environment variables


The core idea behind Brix is to manage as few things as possible. We achieve this with a single configuration file that allows you to control everything your environment does.

Example brix.yaml

  - name: store-sequelize # Use Sequelize to manage data
  - name: entity-user # Enable users
  - name: auth-jwt # Use JWT strategy for authentication
  - name: templates # Serve template files (.pug, .hbs, etc) from a directory
  - name: admin # Admin portal for managing Brix
  dialect: postgres # Brix is database agnostic
  port: 5432
  username: root
accessTokenSecret: secretStuff

Configuration can be overridden by passing a BrixConfig object to the API.server() and additionally through .env files or environment variables.

Loading Resolvers & Middleware

Option 1: Directory structure

Brix API automagically loads in resolvers and entities for you into GQL. You can also change these settings in the brix.yaml file using resolverDir or middlewareDir. By default, Brix looks for:

  • Resolvers: ./gql/resolvers/ or ./dist/gql/resolvers
  • Middleware: ./middleware/ or ./dist/middleware


|- brix.yml
|- gql/
  |- entities/
    |- Post.entity.js
    |- User.entity.js
  |- resolvers/
    |- Post.resolver.js
    |- User.resolver.js
|- middleware/
  |- logSomething.js

These files would expose an ObjectType() from type-graphql:

export class User {
  id: string;

  firstName: string;

  lastName: string;

  email: string;

  password: string;

Option 2: Manually pass in resolvers/middleware

You're also able to pass in resolvers or Express/Connect middleware functions when you generate the server as well.

await API.server({
  resolvers: [UserResolver, PostResolver],
  middleware: [logSomething, (req, res, next) => {
    // Do something...


You can very easily setup authentication by adding a plugin like @brix/plugin-auth-jwt to your brix.yaml

  - name: store-sequelize # Use Sequelize to manage data
  - name: entity-user # Enable users
  - name: auth-jwt # <--- Use JWT strategy for authentication
  dialect: sqlite
  storage: ./test.db

Under the hood, @brix/api uses authChecker middlewares passed into type-graphql. You can read more about it here.

If you want to extend or provide your own authentication, you can easily do this with registering a plugin:

// your-plugin.ts
export default () => {
    name: 'My Auth',
    description: 'Custom authentication for your server',
    // Register a new context middleware which stores the `clientToken` on the context
    contextMiddlewares: [(req, context) => {
      context.clientToken = getClientToken(req);
      return context;
    // Register a new authChecker middleware which checks the token on `@Authorization()`
    authCheckers: [(context, roles) => {
      return validateToken(context.clientToken)

For a complete example, check out the @brix/plugin-auth-jwt plugin

Using Authentication for your Resolvers

Brix uses the @Authorization() decorator from type-graphql to authorize queries and mutations.

import { Arg, Mutation, Query, Resolver, Authorized } from 'type-graphql';

export class UserResolver {
  model = Store.model<User>('User');

  @Query(() => [User])
  @Authorized() // This triggers the authorization middleware
  async users() {
    return this.model.findAll();

  @Mutation(() => User)
  async signup(
    @Arg('user', () => UserInput) user: UserInput
  ) {
    user.password = await hashPassword(user.password);
    return this.model.create(user);