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LHCI-Fargate v1.70

lhci-cli v0.14.0

Deployment of Lighthouse CI through AWS-CDK onto AWS Fargate.

Table of Contents


  1. Configure cdk.json with your Route 53 forward zone and desired CNAME record name
  2. npm i
  3. npm run build
  4. cdk deploy
  5. lhci wizard will yield something similar to:

troy:/mnt/c/coderepo/lhci-fargate$ lhci wizard

? Which wizard do you want to run? new-project

? What is the URL of your LHCI server?

? What would you like to name the project? lhci-fargate

? Where is the project's code hosted?

? What branch is considered the repo's trunk or main branch? main

  1. Modify your lighthouserc.js file accordingly:
module.exports = {
    ci: {
    collect: {
        url: "",
        maxAutodiscoverUrls: 3,
        numberOfRuns: 2,
        settings: {
            chromeFlags: "--no-sandbox",
            onlyCategories: ["performance", "best-practices", "accessibility", "seo"],
            skipAudits: ['uses-http2', 'uses-long-cache-ttl', 'link-text']
            // hostname: ""
    // assert: {
    //     assertions: {
    //       'categories:performance': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 0.9, aggregationMethod: 'median-run' },
    //       ],
    //       'categories:accessibility': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 1, aggregationMethod: 'pessimistic' },
    //       ],
    //       'categories:best-practices': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 1, aggregationMethod: 'pessimistic' },
    //       ],
    //       'categories:seo': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 1, aggregationMethod: 'pessimistic' },
    //       ],
    //     },
    //   },
    upload: {
        target: 'lhci',
        serverBaseUrl: '',
        ignoreDuplicateBuildFailure: true,
        allowOverwriteOfLatestBranchBuild: true
  1. Replace the buildToken value provided by lhci-wizard in the lighthouserc.js file with the token value as seen above (shown under upload)

  2. Browse to the LHCI server (for example, , click the left navigational\drop down pane (looking for the value set previously and click the gear in the upper-hand left corner)

  3. Add in the adminToken to the field in the settings for the LH project

  4. Run lhci autorun to run the lh-cli with the settings defined in the .lighthouserc.js file

    PS C:\coderepo\lhci-fargate> lhci autorun
    ✅  .lighthouseci/ directory writable
    ✅  Configuration file found
    ✅  Chrome installation found
    ⚠️   GitHub token not set
    ✅  Ancestor hash determinable
    ✅  LHCI server reachable
    ✅  LHCI server API-compatible
    ✅  LHCI server token valid
    ✅  LHCI server can accept a build for this commit hash
    Healthcheck passed!
    Running Lighthouse 2 time(s) on
    Run #1...done.
    Run #2...done.
    Done running Lighthouse!
    Saving CI project lhci-fargate (780548b4-d479-4403-9500-e57f87b64d8d)
    Saving CI build (9e77cb40-546e-4c64-b7b1-0ad538255d9b)
    Saved LHR to (2d027171-faf1-40af-bbdb-a4cc8a04a4d5)
    Saved LHR to (eef82c8e-cf94-4b3d-a76e-b4e7044e2096)
    Done saving build results to Lighthouse CI
    View build diff at
    No GitHub token set, skipping GitHub status check.
    Done running autorun.
  5. Observe the results on the lhci server. Browse to:


Diagram (example)


Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template