DevCalc is, essentially, a calculator "for developers" which, in addition to being visually customizable, allowing the creation of custom themes, proposes to provide from basic mathematical calculations to more complex ones, such as Fibonacci Sequence, Trigonometric Functions and operations that involve the use of parentheses, all to provide a better experience for the user who is in constant contact with the world of mathematics.
- Add shortcuts to control the application from the keyboard;
- Switch between application themes, including the custom theme;
- Open options box;
- Handle insertion conflicts;
- Format the current number;
- Decrease / increase font size based on expression length;
- Notify user of invalid expressions;
- Clear expression;
- Delete last character of expression;
- Expand the result;
- Save, when the result is expanded, the expression and the current result, if both are valid, in the application history;
- Activate / deactivate "developer mode", which enables insertion and, posteriorly, calculation of unary operators and math functions; and
- Switch between application number base conversion types.
- Add numbers to expression;
- Restrict, to one, the number of commas that can be added to a number;
- Add operators to expression;
- Execute the sign rule when an operator is added in front of another and replace both with the resulting operator;
- Add unary operators and math functions to the expression;
- Add number base conversion to expression;
- Change the measurement unit to be used as the basis for the result of Trigonometric Functions calculations;
- Calculate and display the result of valid expressions in real time; and
- Establish calculation prioritization hierarchy.
- Allow the user to transition between all modals, through shortcuts, without any conflicts of view;
- Open history modal, which stores past expressions and results grouped by date;
- Open shortcuts modal, which presents the user with all the application's shortcuts;
- Open personalization modal, which allows the user to create, through a descriptive table, a personalized theme;
- Retrieve the application's current colors and display them in the fields of the "Current color" column, present in the customization table;
- Copy, in case of double-clicking on a field in the column "Current color", the value of the current color to the corresponding field in the column "New color";
- Clear new colors, which sets the default value (black) to all fields in the "New Color" column;
- Preview custom theme;
- Save custom theme; and
- Close current modal.
Hey Dev, before starting your tests and / or contributions in the application, you will need to have the wonderful GIT and a good text editor installed.
Well, having everything ready and installed, we can proceed to the step by step of how to run the application.
# First of all, clone this repo using GIT
$ git clone <>
# Access the project folder from the command terminal
$ cd .../devcalc
# Finally, just open the "index.html" file in your browser, or even using Live Server, if you have it.
Hey Dev, did you like the application? Well, if you want, feel free to get in touch with me for here or through the tags below.