1.0.9 (2018-05-22)
- android: fix lower versions compatibility, duplicated icon and splashscreen (ecc0f0b)
- functions: fix wrong checking on onPaydayChange function (64b0311)
- ios: fix no permissions error on ios (70efe92)
1.0.8 (2018-05-21)
1.0.7 (2018-05-20)
- android: support for sdk version 27 (d2c9950)
- android: support for sdk version 27 (69ef5aa)
- app: update displayname to !PayIt (a2abcd8)
- app: update displayname to !PayIt (5cc979f)
- ios: update pods (71f37b7)
- ios: update pods (a649aa1)
- package: update native-base to version 2.4.5 (bb70a00)
- package: update native-base to version 2.4.5 (8bcfe8d)
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.2.0 (14309b2), closes #130
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.2.0 (5591eee), closes #130
- signIn: change .env lib to fix ios issue (d15ad5e)
- signIn: change .env lib to fix ios issue (f296016)
1.0.6 (2018-05-18)
- android: Fix android target (7e50c1e)
1.0.5 (2018-05-18)
- sentry: remove missing test log (11780be)
1.0.4 (2018-05-18)
- settings: add ellipsis to fields (871d4d5), closes #121
- signIn: fix env var in ios by downgrade react-native-config (a756956)
1.0.3 (2018-05-18)
- money: show full value instead of strip insignificant zeros (e5ee2b8)
- release: fix release commit files (1d4d46c)
- signIn: remove sentry logs (380c2af)
- signIn: report user steps to sentry (d0231b1)
1.0.2 (2018-05-17)
- release: fix release commit files (356784a)
1.0.1 (2018-05-17)
- signIn: report user steps to sentry (3ba03b6)
- activityIndicator: remove unused import (cd2213f)
- android: fix duplicated pickerviewpackage (09039e0)
- app: fix codeclimate issues (16d07d5)
- app: fix lint warnings (f3c557a)
- app: fix release build for ios and android (c5678ac)
- app: fix ts errors (5a56f4d)
- app: fix ts errors (20525ae)
- app: fix ts errors (146949c)
- app: fix ts errors (985ca67)
- app: fixes due to new typescript version (4a2d58f)
- app: minor fixes and build (0756fdf)
- app: remove logs (c921de5)
- auth: catching ios GoogleSigningErrors (9bbe578)
- build: fix build details (055e268)
- build: fix build problems (06f5dfd)
- build: fix gradle functions (25ee0c3)
- build: fix package.json dir (4b4ff49)
- codeclimate: fix codeclimate issues (e9bb5e8)
- codeclimate: fix codeclimate.yml (0f28c4b)
- codeclimate: fix i18n path on ignore (df6328e)
- colors: set unique primary color (30d564f)
- coverage: fix reporter path (45d1375)
- deploy: fix semantic-release release message (b661c6d)
- deploy: use bash when calling setVersion script (698be5e)
- e2e: fix ios e2e settings (4f3fc2b)
- e2e: general fixes in e2e tests (aa82405)
- firebase: fix firebase settings and mocking it on tests (f8f759b)
- functions: fix cloud functions errors (7bb2b22)
- header: force white color on title (6a8ba62)
- icons: Adjust icons and some layout improvements (18bb8a3)
- inputs: fix production bug on inputs (efc01c4)
- inputs: fix workaround types (1b91f2a)
- ios: fix ios build for sentry (b8ae7fa)
- ios: fix pods post hook (19c381a)
- package: fix sentry version (d643f0b)
- package: fix yarn.lock and remove e2e stuff from package.json (97756e3)
- package: update firebase-functions to version 1.0.2 (2c605ed)
- package: update native-base to version 2.3.10 (c37dae5)
- package: update native-base to version 2.4.1 (a9d6eef), closes #35
- package: update native-base to version 2.4.2 (4225705)
- package: update native-base to version 2.4.3 (96cd9ed)
- package: update native-base to version 2.4.4 (6d5680e)
- package: update react to version 16.3.1 (9bbe16d), closes #43
- package: update react to version 16.3.2 (9849ebe)
- package: update react-native to version 0.54.0 (02ffe79)
- package: update react-native to version 0.54.3 (2b55848)
- package: update react-native to version 0.55.0 (fa50cae)
- package: update react-native to version 0.55.3 (8f90c59), closes #56
- package: update react-native to version 0.55.4 (055a214)
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.0.0 (52c9317), closes #32
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.0.1 (1b1c55a)
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.0.5 (c14b77e)
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.0.7 (740b223)
- package: update react-native-firebase to version 4.1.0 (de66ce0)
- package: update react-native-picker to version 4.3.6 (5a1ab9f)
- package: update react-native-router-flux to version 4.0.0-beta.31 (6f626a9)
- package: update react-native-sentry to version 0.37.0 (af7c904)
- package: update react-native-vector-icons to version 4.6.0 (8f72643)
- package: update react-native-wheel-picker-android to version 1.1.2 (55e54ca)
- package: update redux-act to version 1.7.4 (2a1354f)
- package: update utility-types to version 2.0.0 (cec1dda)
- pendencies: fix cross platform style compatibility (9723ee0)
- tests: fix broken tests (26b1a30)
- tests: fix broken tests (124a152)
- tests: fix lint warning (7a27446)
- tests: fix tests dir name (615fcd1)
- ts-jest: fix workaround by reinstalling node_modules and yarn.lock (69dd5a0)
- ts-jest: workaround to fix error when getting coverage from models files (449d4bc)
- tsc: remove unused imports (eb28f87)
- tslint: fix missing trailing comma (028eb0f)
- tslint: fix tslint warnings (0ab2557)
- types: add types to layout components (2497694)
- UX: Using words instead of icons in action buttons (0fb01f7)
- wheelpicker: fix ts errors (bf7cab8)
- activityIndicator: add component and redux logics (0a3c105)
- app: add router and split modules (4aceb50)
- auth: add google/firebase authentication (916bf68)
- auth: add redux setup and simple auth (7e0fcde)
- auth: ask user about payday (57d9aa2)
- auth: logout button and logics (b28df69)
- auth: store and retrieve user's session (cd4f1a9)
- bills: create bills form (fc22fae)
- bills: create realtime list in bills page (82e690e)
- bills: remove bills logics (1ad000a)
- firebase: add react-native-firebase setup (e31220a)
- functions: share types with application (dbd7544)
- home: create home page (7c1ebc7)
- i18n: setup i18n and apply on existing views (d9133bd)
- i18n: store user's device i18n (1d67842)
- i18n: use user's i18n on push notification (88833d0)
- loadScreen: create load screen and fix ios icon (251df86)
- pages: create loading and empty content (ec28779)
- pendencies: add notifications logics (9677107)
- pendencies: add push notifications on ios (0a5f42e)
- pendencies: create cloud function that updates pendencies in firebase (6da4c11)
- pendencies: finish cloud functions (944e2c2)
- pendencies: modal listing pendencies by category (e327af4)
- pendencies: set pendency as paid (4ad4ac0)
- pushNotification: set android default push icon (493b11a)
- settings: edit user settings (3e35753)
- settings: show user settings (84b678e)
- settings: trigger pendencies update when user changes payday (9687227)
- tabBar: show active route in TabBar (49ec702)
- template: add nativebase and template (6666ed4)
- theme: primary color by platform (119e9f3)