#The Gazette Notice - Provenance#
The provenance of a notice can be retrieved using following URIs, content will be for a particular notice (notice-id). The user can optionally be registered for this endpoint, being authenticated will allow users to retrieve their unpublished notices. register and sign-in.
Other related endpoints which give further information about the notice:
Representation URI | Method | Response type |
/notice/{notice-id}/provenance | GET | HTML |
/notice/{notice-id}/provenance/data.rdf | RDF | |
/notice/{notice-id}/provenance/data.ttl | TTL | |
/notice/{notice-id}/provenance/data.jsonld | JSON-LD | |
/notice/{notice-id}/provenance/data.xml | XML |
Generic Document URI | Method | Accept header | Response type |
/notice/{notice-id}/provenance | GET | application/ld+json | JSON-LD |
application/rdf+xml | RDF | ||
application/xml | XML | ||
text/ttl | TTL |