Bird Banding Data Validator
birdproofr is a package of R tools for bird banding data validation under a set of rules written by Heidi Ware Carlisle, Intermountain Bird Observatory. The validator can be ran as a Shiny app for convenience, which includes utilities for viewing and downloading flagged data. Individual attributes can also be validated through function calls from the R console - please see IBO ruleset. The current birdproofr build has been updated for Fall 2018 banding. Support for a hummingbird ruleset is planned.
Installing birdproofr requires a working installation of R (>= 3.5.0), which can be accessed through the command line or RStudio. To install from the console, ensure the devtools package is present and loaded:
Additionally, birdproofr depends on shiny and dplyr. If these packages are not yet present on the machine, install them first.
The birdproofr functions are now ready for use. For example, run the Shiny app:
Please see the birdproofr manual for more information.
- Fix Age 1/how aged combinations
- Add status 000
- Clean data prior to loading, ignore whitespace
- Add shiny theme
- Fix band code and band size rules
- Convert 2017 Java build to R
- Launch R package on GitHub
- Launch live app on sigmaxbar site
Contact Thea Sukianto (freelance developer).