Did you just run a clustering algorithm on some single-cell RNAseq or spatial transcriptomic data (e.g. Slide-seq)? Are you trying to interrogate the cluster assignments and interpret them in light of known marker genes? Try the interactive visualization code in this repo!
Highlight each cluster across different 2D representations of the data:
Annotate clusters by intersecting the expression of a gene with the cluster labels:
- Select a gene of interest (either select from a dropdown menu or type in a gene name);
- Pay special attention to the bar plot on the very right -- it shows the enrichment of the cluster labels in the beads expressing the gene of interest making it easy to find the biological identity of a cluster;
- Toggle between binary expression and color proportional to gene counts (gene count per bead info available by hovering the mouse tooltip);
- Customizable lower bound on expression via a slider.
Select an area on one plot and watch it condition the rest of the plots on the selection:
Select points on one plot and see where they fall on the other plot:
Remark: The interactive visualizations in this repo utilize Altair and ipywidgets and are broadly applicable to any high dimensional dataset where one wishes to examine cluster labels in a two dimensional representation and overlay the label information with the value of (informative) features.
Coming soon! Turn the notebook into an interactive dashboard with Voilà.
There are two options:
- Locally
Note: This requires standard scientific Python 3 environment. A simple way of getting that is installing Anaconda.
Run the following commands in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/tudaga/interactive_gene_plots
cd interactive_gene_plots
jupyter notebook interactive_plots_scRNAseq_Slideseq.ipynb
- Remotely via Google Colab
Don't want to install anything, download the data or clone the repo? No problem! Click on .
The notebook interactive_plots_scRNAseq_Slideseq.ipynb goes over a Slide-seq cerebellum example. The content is:
- Run a standard scanpy clustering pipeline.
- Explore the clustering outcome with standard non-interactive plots.
- Explore it with interactive plots! :)
You can download more Slide-seq datasets here.