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File metadata and controls

742 lines (599 loc) · 19.4 KB
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Admin Client

The admin client hosts all the cluster operations, such as: createTopics, createPartitions, etc.

const kafka = new Kafka(...)
const admin = kafka.admin()

// remember to connect and disconnect when you are done
await admin.connect()
await admin.disconnect()

The option retry can be used to customize the configuration for the admin.

Take a look at Retry for more information.

List topics

listTopics lists the names of all existing topics, and returns an array of strings. The method will throw exceptions in case of errors.

await admin.listTopics()
// [ 'topic-1', 'topic-2', 'topic-3', ... ]

Create topics

createTopics will resolve to true if the topic was created successfully or false if it already exists. The method will throw exceptions in case of errors.

await admin.createTopics({
    validateOnly: <boolean>,
    waitForLeaders: <boolean>
    timeout: <Number>,
    topics: <ITopicConfig[]>,

ITopicConfig structure:

    topic: <String>,
    numPartitions: <Number>,     // default: -1 (uses broker `num.partitions` configuration)
    replicationFactor: <Number>, // default: -1 (uses broker `default.replication.factor` configuration)
    replicaAssignment: <Array>,  // Example: [{ partition: 0, replicas: [0,1,2] }] - default: []
    configEntries: <Array>       // Example: [{ name: 'cleanup.policy', value: 'compact' }] - default: []
property description default
topics Topic definition
validateOnly If this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created. false
timeout The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node 5000
waitForLeaders If this is true it will wait until metadata for the new topics doesn't throw LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE true

Delete topics

await admin.deleteTopics({
    topics: <String[]>,
    timeout: <Number>, // default: 5000

Topic deletion is disabled by default in Apache Kafka versions prior to 1.0.0. To enable it set the server config.


Create partitions

createPartitions will resolve in case of success. The method will throw exceptions in case of errors.

await admin.createPartitions({
    validateOnly: <boolean>,
    timeout: <Number>,
    topicPartitions: <TopicPartition[]>,

TopicPartition structure:

    topic: <String>,
    count: <Number>,     // partition count
    assignments: <Array<Array<Number>>> // Example: [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]
property description default
topicPartitions Topic partition definition
validateOnly If this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created. false
timeout The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node 5000
count New partition count, mandatory
assignments Assigned brokers for each new partition null

Fetch topic metadata

await admin.fetchTopicMetadata({ topics: <Array<String>> })

TopicsMetadata structure:

    topics: <Array<TopicMetadata>>,

TopicMetadata structure:

    name: <String>,
    partitions: <Array<PartitionMetadata>> // default: 1

PartitionMetadata structure:

    partitionErrorCode: <Number>, // default: 0
    partitionId: <Number>,
    leader: <Number>,
    replicas: <Array<Number>>,
    isr: <Array<Number>>,

The admin client will throw an exception if any of the provided topics do not already exist.

If you omit the topics argument the admin client will fetch metadata for all topics:

await admin.fetchTopicMetadata()

Fetch topic offsets

fetchTopicOffsets returns most recent offset for a topic.

await admin.fetchTopicOffsets(topic)
// [
//   { partition: 0, offset: '31004', high: '31004', low: '421' },
//   { partition: 1, offset: '54312', high: '54312', low: '3102' },
//   { partition: 2, offset: '32103', high: '32103', low: '518' },
//   { partition: 3, offset: '28', high: '28', low: '0' },
// ]

Fetch topic offsets by timestamp

Specify a timestamp to get the earliest offset on each partition where the message's timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp.

await admin.fetchTopicOffsetsByTimestamp(topic, timestamp)
// [
//   { partition: 0, offset: '3244' },
//   { partition: 1, offset: '3113' },
// ]

Fetch consumer group offsets

fetchOffsets returns the consumer group offset for a list of topics.

await admin.fetchOffsets({ groupId, topics: ['topic1', 'topic2'] })
// [
//   {
//     topic: 'topic1',
//     partitions: [
//       { partition: 0, offset: '31004' },
//       { partition: 1, offset: '54312' },
//       { partition: 2, offset: '32103' },
//       { partition: 3, offset: '28' },
//     ],
//   },
//   {
//     topic: 'topic2',
//     partitions: [
//       { partition: 0, offset: '1234' },
//       { partition: 1, offset: '4567' },
//     ],
//   },
// ]

Omit topics altogether if you want to get the consumer group offsets for all topics with committed offsets.

Include the optional resolveOffsets flag to resolve the offsets without having to start a consumer, useful when fetching directly after calling resetOffsets:

await admin.resetOffsets({ groupId, topic })
await admin.fetchOffsets({ groupId, topics: [topic], resolveOffsets: false })
// [
//   { partition: 0, offset: '-1' },
//   { partition: 1, offset: '-1' },
//   { partition: 2, offset: '-1' },
//   { partition: 3, offset: '-1' },
// ]

await admin.resetOffsets({ groupId, topic })
await admin.fetchOffsets({ groupId, topics: [topic], resolveOffsets: true })
// [
//   { partition: 0, offset: '31004' },
//   { partition: 1, offset: '54312' },
//   { partition: 2, offset: '32103' },
//   { partition: 3, offset: '28' },
// ]

Reset consumer group offsets

resetOffsets resets the consumer group offset to the earliest or latest offset (latest by default). The consumer group must have no running instances when performing the reset. Otherwise, the command will be rejected.

await admin.resetOffsets({ groupId, topic }) // latest by default
// await admin.resetOffsets({ groupId, topic, earliest: true })

Set consumer group offsets

setOffsets allows you to set the consumer group offset to any value.

await admin.setOffsets({
    groupId: <String>,
    topic: <String>,
    partitions: <SeekEntry[]>,

SeekEntry structure:

    partition: <Number>,
    offset: <String>,


await admin.setOffsets({
    groupId: 'my-consumer-group',
    topic: 'custom-topic',
    partitions: [
        { partition: 0, offset: '35' },
        { partition: 3, offset: '19' },

Reset consumer group offsets by timestamp

Combining fetchTopicOffsetsByTimestamp and setOffsets can reset a consumer group's offsets on each partition to the earliest offset whose timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp. The consumer group must have no running instances when performing the reset. Otherwise, the command will be rejected.

await admin.setOffsets({ groupId, topic, partitions: await admin.fetchTopicOffsetsByTimestamp(topic, timestamp) })

Describe cluster

Allows you to get information about the broker cluster. This is mostly useful for monitoring or operations, and is usually not relevant for typical event processing.

await admin.describeCluster()
// {
//   brokers: [
//     { nodeId: 0, host: 'localhost', port: 9092 }
//   ],
//   controller: 0,
//   clusterId: 'f8QmWTB8SQSLE6C99G4qzA'
// }

Describe configs

Get the configuration for the specified resources.

await admin.describeConfigs({
  includeSynonyms: <boolean>,
  resources: <ResourceConfigQuery[]>

ResourceConfigQuery structure:

    type: <ConfigResourceType>,
    name: <String>,
    configNames: <String[]>

Returning all configs for a given resource:

const { ConfigResourceTypes } = require('kafkajs')

await admin.describeConfigs({
  includeSynonyms: false,
  resources: [
      type: ConfigResourceTypes.TOPIC,
      name: 'topic-name'

Returning specific configs for a given resource:

const { ConfigResourceTypes } = require('kafkajs')

await admin.describeConfigs({
  includeSynonyms: false,
  resources: [
      type: ConfigResourceTypes.TOPIC,
      name: 'topic-name',
      configNames: ['cleanup.policy']

Take a look at configResourceTypes for a complete list of resources.

Example response:

    resources: [
            configEntries: [{
                configName: 'cleanup.policy',
                configValue: 'delete',
                isDefault: true,
                configSource: 5,
                isSensitive: false,
                readOnly: false
            errorCode: 0,
            errorMessage: null,
            resourceName: 'topic-name',
            resourceType: 2
    throttleTime: 0

Alter configs

Update the configuration for the specified resources.

await admin.alterConfigs({
    validateOnly: false,
    resources: <ResourceConfig[]>

ResourceConfig structure:

    type: <ConfigResourceType>,
    name: <String>,
    configEntries: <ResourceConfigEntry[]>

ResourceConfigEntry structure:

    name: <String>,
    value: <String>


const { ConfigResourceTypes } = require('kafkajs')

await admin.alterConfigs({
    resources: [{
        type: ConfigResourceTypes.TOPIC,
        name: 'topic-name',
        configEntries: [{ name: 'cleanup.policy', value: 'compact' }]

Take a look at configResourceTypes for a complete list of resources.

Example response:

    resources: [{
        errorCode: 0,
        errorMessage: null,
        resourceName: 'topic-name',
        resourceType: 2,
    throttleTime: 0,

List groups

List groups available on the broker.

await admin.listGroups()

Example response:

    groups: [
        {groupId: 'testgroup', protocolType: 'consumer'}

Describe groups

Describe consumer groups by groupIds. This is similar to consumer.describeGroup(), except it allows you to describe multiple groups and does not require you to have a consumer be part of any of those groups.

await admin.describeGroups([ 'testgroup' ])
// {
//   groups: [{
//     errorCode: 0,
//     groupId: 'testgroup',
//     members: [
//       {
//         clientHost: '/',
//         clientId: 'test-3e93246fe1f4efa7380a',
//         memberAssignment: Buffer,
//         memberId: 'test-3e93246fe1f4efa7380a-ff87d06d-5c87-49b8-a1f1-c4f8e3ffe7eb',
//         memberMetadata: Buffer,
//       },
//     ],
//     protocol: 'RoundRobinAssigner',
//     protocolType: 'consumer',
//     state: 'Stable',
//   }]
// }

Helper function to decode memeberMetadata and memberAssignment is available in AssignerProtocol


const memberMetadata = AssignerProtocol.MemberMetadata.decode(memberMetadata)

const memberAssignment = AssignerProtocol.MemberAssignment.decode(memberAssignment)

Delete groups

Delete groups by groupId.

Note that you can only delete groups with no connected consumers.

await admin.deleteGroups([groupId])


await admin.deleteGroups(['group-test'])

Example response:

    {groupId: 'testgroup', errorCode: 'consumer'}

Because this method accepts multiple groupIds, it can fail to delete one or more of the provided groups. In case of failure, it will throw an error containing the failed groups:

try {
    await admin.deleteGroups(['a', 'b', 'c'])
} catch (error) {
  // 'KafkaJSDeleteGroupsError'
  // error.groups = [{
  //   groupId: a
  //   error: KafkaJSProtocolError
  // }]

Delete Topic Records

Delete records for a selected topic. This will delete all records from the earliest offset up to - but not including - the provided target offset for the given partition(s). To delete all records in a partition, use a target offset of -1.

Note that you cannot delete records in an arbitrary range (it will always be from the earliest available offset)

await admin.deleteTopicRecords({
    topic: <String>,
    partitions: <SeekEntry[]>,


await admin.deleteTopicRecords({
    topic: 'custom-topic',
    partitions: [
        { partition: 0, offset: '30' }, // delete up to and including offset 29
        { partition: 3, offset: '-1' }, // delete all available records on this partition

Create ACL

const {
} = require('kafkajs')

const acl = [
    resourceType: AclResourceTypes.TOPIC,
    resourceName: 'topic-name',
    resourcePatternType: ResourcePatternTypes.LITERAL,
    principal: 'User:bob',
    host: '*',
    operation: AclOperationTypes.ALL,
    permissionType: AclPermissionTypes.DENY,
    resourceType: AclResourceTypes.TOPIC,
    resourceName: 'topic-name',
    resourcePatternType: ResourcePatternTypes.LITERAL,
    principal: 'User:alice',
    host: '*',
    operation: AclOperationTypes.ALL,
    permissionType: AclPermissionTypes.ALLOW,

await admin.createAcls({ acl })

Be aware that the security features might be disabled in your cluster. In that case, the operation will throw an error:

KafkaJSProtocolError: Security features are disabled

Delete ACL

const {
} = require('kafkajs')

const acl = {
  resourceName: 'topic-name,
  resourceType: AclResourceTypes.TOPIC,
  host: '*',
  permissionType: AclPermissionTypes.ALLOW,
  operation: AclOperationTypes.ANY,
  resourcePatternType: ResourcePatternTypes.LITERAL,

await admin.deleteAcls({ filters: [acl] })
// {
//   filterResponses: [
//     {
//     errorCode: 0,
//     errorMessage: null,
//     matchingAcls: [
//         {
//         errorCode: 0,
//         errorMessage: null,
//         resourceType: AclResourceTypes.TOPIC,
//         resourceName: 'topic-name',
//         resourcePatternType: ResourcePatternTypes.LITERAL,
//         principal: 'User:alice',
//         host: '*',
//         operation: AclOperationTypes.ALL,
//         permissionType: AclPermissionTypes.ALLOW,
//         },
//     ],
//     },
//   ],
// }

Be aware that the security features might be disabled in your cluster. In that case, the operation will throw an error:

KafkaJSProtocolError: Security features are disabled

Describe ACL

const {
} = require('kafkajs')

await admin.describeAcls({
  resourceName: 'topic-name,
  resourceType: AclResourceTypes.TOPIC,
  host: '*',
  permissionType: AclPermissionTypes.ALLOW,
  operation: AclOperationTypes.ANY,
  resourcePatternTypeFilter: ResourcePatternTypes.LITERAL,
// {
//   resources: [
//     {
//       resourceType: AclResourceTypes.TOPIC,
//       resourceName: 'topic-name,
//       resourcePatternType: ResourcePatternTypes.LITERAL,
//       acls: [
//         {
//           principal: 'User:alice',
//           host: '*',
//           operation: AclOperationTypes.ALL,
//           permissionType: AclPermissionTypes.ALLOW,
//         },
//       ],
//     },
//   ],
// }

Be aware that the security features might be disabled in your cluster. In that case, the operation will throw an error:

KafkaJSProtocolError: Security features are disabled

Alter Partition Reassignments

This is used to reassign the replicas that partitions are on. This method will throw exceptions in the case of errors.

await admin.alterPartitionReassignments({
  topics: <PartitionReassignment[]>,
  timeout: <Number> // optional - 5000 default

PartitionReassignment Structure:

  topic: <String>,
  partitionAssignment: <Number[]> // Example: [{ partition: 0, replicas: [0,1,2] }]

List Partition Reassignments

This is used to list current partition reassignments in progress. This method will throw exceptions in the case of errors and resolve to ListPartitionReassignmentsResponse on success. If a requested partition does not exist it will not be included in the response.

await admin.listPartitionReassignments({
  topics: <TopicPartitions[]>, // optional, if null then all topics will be returned.
  timeout: <Number> // optional - 5000 default

TopicPartitions Structure:

  topic: <String>,
  partitions: <Array>

Resulting ListPartitionReassignmentsResponse Structure:

  topics: <OngoingTopicReassignment[]>

OngoingTopicReassignment Structure:

  topic: <String>,
  partitions: <OngoingPartitionReassignment[]>

OngoingPartitionReassignment Structure:

  partitionIndex: <Number>,
  replicas: <Number[]>, // The current replica set
  addingReplicas: <Number[]> // The set of replicas being added
  removingReplicas: <Number[]> // The set of replicas being removed

Note: If a partition is not going through a reassignment, its AddingReplicas and RemovingReplicas fields will simply be empty.