- Contains an implementation based on Center Loss and based on the repo https://github.com/KaiyangZhou/pytorch-center-loss
- center loss was chosen because of relative simplicity of implementation over triplet losses etc
- augmentation was done by random brightness, contrast,saturation, and minor hue jitter, further some random rotation, random up and downscales, as well as random horizontal flips
- a custom sampler was made to deal with the class imbalance problem
weights must be in a folder called trained_models ( will be saved during training) you'll need to point to a particular epoch
- python test_on_two_images.py image1.png image2.png
data must be in a folder called lfw
- python vgg19.py --dataset lfw --gpu 0
Some things to try
- The current scheme has a cross entropy loss which pushes apart different identities, and a center loss that compresses clusters. LFW is too small a dataset, with a 0.8 train split we end up with ~4500 classes, and around ~10 k images, not a good ratio at all. Maybe try a simple modification to triplets, where class centers are pulled apart and not class elements