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Gipetto edited this page Nov 21, 2011 · 13 revisions

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Troubleshooting/Common Issues

OpenVBX Troubleshooting / Common Issues page

Repository Layout

OpenVBX development follows the Git Flow method.

The branches are set up with specific purposes in mind:

  • master: The master branch will always mirror the latest tagged release. Master will always have production ready code.
  • develop: Develop is stable code that contains features and/or bug fixes that have not yet been approved for production. Any feature development is merged in to develop for testing and approval before being tagged. You can safely assume that barring anything unexpected happening that the develop branch has good bleeding edge code that won't break your install. Back up your database, though, 'cause it just might run an upgrade routine.
  • feature/feature-name: Occasionally a feature branch will show up in GitHub. We use feature branches to do new feature development. Once the feature branches are tested and approved they are merged back in to the develop branch for final testing and the feature branches are then deleted.

Past Events


  • Plugins Main Index page jumps to a separate page for every OpenVBX plugin. Exchange notes with other users and developers.

Other pages of interest

  • How To Do things with OpenVBX Miscellaneous HowTo tips, may link to other pages.
  • Micro-blog Information about a Twitter-like micro-blog dedicated to users and developers of OpenVBX and related plugins.
  • Links to all pages in this wiki.
  • Developers are encouraged to create their own pages to profile their work. If you are hosting OpenVBX or providing other related services, it can't hurt to create a page for yourself or your business here. It might be a good idea if we create a "Resources" page that links to programmers and value-add vendors who provide installation and development services for OpenVBX. This could become a "go to" place for end-users to find resources.
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