Examples Example 1: Building a maven project with notifications import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.model.Tool import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.logging.LogLevel import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.logging.Logger import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.* Map config = [ (SCM): [ (SCM_URL): 'git@git.yourcompany.tld:group/project.git' ], (TOOLS): [ [ (TOOL_NAME): 'apache-maven3', (TOOL_TYPE): Tool.MAVEN ], [ (TOOL_NAME): 'jdk8', (TOOL_TYPE): Tool.JDK ] ], (MAVEN): [ (MAVEN_GOALS): [ "clean", "install" ] ], (LOGLEVEL): LogLevel.INFO ] // surround by try and catch try { // initialize the logger Logger.init(steps, config) node() { // setup the tools setupTools(config) // to the checkout checkoutScm(config) // execute maven execMaven(config) } currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" } catch (Exception ex) { currentBuild.result = "FAILED" throw ex } finally { notifyMail(config) }