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by Tim Menzies
OCaml is a strictly evaluated functional language with some imperative features. F# is also heavily influenced by OCaml.
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1
else n * factorial (n-1)
Pure function language. Functions define a relationship between input types and output types.
A strongly typed language (at compile time, you know if a variable is a string, number, whatever) and supported type inferencing (so you can check if you are doing dumb things like adding a number to a string).
When you are in the top level loop, OCaml will print the inferred type after you enter an expression.
# let inc x = x + 1 ;;
val inc : int -> int = <fun> # the type signature is inferred
# let a = 99 ;;
val a : int = 99 # the type signature is inferred
For a source file you can use “ocamlc -i /path/to/file.ml” command to print all names and type signatures.
$ cat sigtest.ml
let inc x = x + 1
let add x y = x + y
let a = 1
$ ocamlc -i ./sigtest.ml
val inc : int -> int
val add : int -> int -> int
val a : int
OCaml is a wonderful language. Instead of using manually written type annotations, it infers types of expressions using Hindley-Milner algorithm. It makes type annotations unnecessary in most cases, but can be a major source of confusion for beginners. That said, not too popular:
OCaml, like many functional lanugages, supports recursive type definitions. Question: is the following a type system or a grammar or both?
type paragraph =
Normal of par_text
| Pre of string * string option
| Heading of int * par_text
| Quote of paragraph list
| Ulist of paragraph list * paragraph list list
| Olist of paragraph list * paragraph list list
and par_text = text list
and text =
Text of string
| Emph of string
| Bold of string
| Struck of par_text
| Code of string
| Link of href
| Anchor of string
| Image of img_ref
and href = { href_target : string; href_desc : string; }
and img_ref = { img_src : string; img_alt : string; }
The Ulist and Olist constructors take the first item followed by a (possible empty) list of items, to prevent empty lists --- this way, there's at least one element.
So eigenclass.org uses the above to define a cool generator for HTML pages using a set of short-cuts:
- any character can be escaped with ,
- emphasis is done with __ (less prone to accidental use than _) and bold text with *,
- typographical abuses like bold emphasized text are not allowed,
- headers are done with !level1 header, !!level2 header, etc.,
- the # character is thus free and can be used for numbered lists, replacing 1.,
- pre-formatted code is done with
It is possible to extend the markup with custom processors, using {{extension-name blocks; for instance, raw HTML is inserted with
<b> whatever </b>
(before you try to inject arbitrary HTML in the comments: this extension is only enabled in the main text).
The above grammar is the core of a parser that generates HTML. And, interestingly, in this ultra-high level language, this parse runs very very fast.
runtimes memory
----------------------------- -------------
discount C ~4500 0.016s 0.063s 2.8MB
Bluecloth Ruby 1100 0.130s 2.16s 30s 31MB
markdown Perl 1400 0.068s 0.66s segfault segfault
python-markdown Python 1900 0.090s 0.35s 2.06s 23MB
Pandoc Haskell 900 + 450 0.068s 0.55s 2.7s 25MB
Simple_markup OCaml 313 + 55 0.012s 0.043s 3.5MB
So, in the 21st century, you can have you cake and eat it too:
- High-level descriptions.
- Tiny code.
- Fast runtimes.
Excellent example of how pure theory improves implementations.