This script is used every day to send a responsive html message from Production/Development Unix Systems.
- Insert a new line to your email using add_info_to_html function.
- Add some small icons (Ok, Error, Warning) to have a visual informations.
- Quickly add an attached files.
- Useful functionalities (Logo, Autozip ..)
How to ?
Simple ...
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Include basic functions non specific to this shell
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
. $LPATH/../lib/
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Program starts here
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
HTML_TITLE="The Title of my email"
MAIL_SUBJECT="First Email Test"
add_info_to_html "1rst Line"
add_info_to_html "Error with image." 1
How to attach a file ?
Before the html_email instruction, add this line:
#add_file_to_mail "/Full Path of my file" "Name of displayed file on the email"
add_file_to_mail "/tmp/example.txt" "example.txt"
How to attach a logo ?
#Use the constant LOGO
Want to validate something ?
# 0 = Error, 1 = Ok, 2 = Warning
add_info_to_html "All good." 0
Easy ....